Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal One More Shoe To Drop Any candid investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton would reveal that Hillary extends the Clinton Traditions of lying by choice or at least cheating the truth concerning her government email on her private servers. People have already decided that we don't want or need another Muslim Brotherhood nut job in the White House. The Ultra Progressive Radical Hillary Rodham Clinton has no place in government, too dumb to use email, always deceptive, always hiding the truth in the shadows of gray. Again, the Clinton's have disgraced their public office so Hillary joins her impeached husband Bill Clinton in the history books.

Any candid investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton would reveal that Hillary extends the Clinton Traditions of lying by choice or at least cheating the truth concerning her government email on her private servers.  People have already decided that we don't want or need another Muslim Brotherhood nut job in the White House. The Ultra Progressive Radical Hillary Rodham Clinton has no place in government, too dumb to use email, always deceptive, always hiding the truth in the shadows of gray. Again, the Clinton's have disgraced their public office so Hillary joins her impeached husband Bill Clinton in the history books.

Astoundingly Hillary Clinton can look straight at the American people and once again cheat them of the truth.  Clinton is famous for lying, all the way back to Watergate when she was fired for lying, cheating and stealing the truth away.  

Typically, Hillary Rodham Clinton screwed up her mock press conference, controlled at the U.N. as to assure only a few authorized people could attend.  Another sham, another Clinton as millions of dollars pour into the so-called Clinton foundation, surely a criminal enterprise.

As foreign governments fill her bank accounts, most likely backdoor money from Iran, Hillary Clinton lectures the Congress about the letter to Iran.  The Clinton's sold technology to the Chinese Communist Menace and now their pushing for a Nuclear Iran and cash does all the talking. 

The FBI should open an investigation of the foreign money being received, discover the amounts, uncover the money trails and jail the Clinton's if they broke the law.


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