Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Clinton Email Scandal, gets bigger. Hillary Rodham Clinton had to destroy her personal and State Department emails as the dates prove the movement of Bill Clinton and plane loads of high school teenage girls. Hillary Clinton

The Clinton Email Scandal, gets bigger.  Hillary Rodham Clinton had to destroy her personal and State Department emails as the dates prove the movement of Bill Clinton and plane loads of high school teenage girls.  Hillary Clinton had dozens of emails and remember Bill Clinton, the Clinton that was impeached by the people of the United States has 21 private cell phone numbers so he could keep in touch with the billionaire pimps, girls and foreign cash.  One thing for sure, we know the Clinton's are liars and they love power, influence and mountains of cash. 

White House was leaking unfriendly stories to the press about the Clintons and “it’s not only me who thinks this, Bill Clinton thinks this as well. He has said, according to my sources, that the White House is leaking to their friendly — their friends in the mainstream media stories about the Clintons, not only about Hillary, but about him and about what she did while she was in the State Department. And it’s my understanding that — and this is from sources within the White House, that the Clintons know that Hillary is under not one, but six different investigations prompted by the White House.”
He added that State Department sources are “saying that they’re taking tons of documents. They see them being wheeled through the corridors from Clinton’s old offices, and they’re going through these looking for problems on her expense account, on her dealings with foreign leaders. All of this, I’m told, is prompted by Valerie Jarrett, and the president who do not want to see Hillary Clinton President of the United States…they feel the Clintons are very centrist as far as the Democratic Party is concerned, that if Hillary becomes president, she won’t carry out the legacy of Barack Obama, which is much further to the left than the Clintons, that she’ll cooperate with the Republicans the way Bill Clinton did when he was in office, and dilute whatever Obama was able to accomplish.”

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