Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden Jeb Bush Marco Rubio VALUE THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT, - Not the people.

We know that America is the true home of freedom around the world.  We also know that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and many others could care less about America and the only care about world-wide personal power.  The Obama administration is really the cash for clunkers program gone wild.  Destroy Wealth, Re-Distribute Wealth and then lie about the results.   Wal-Mart is even putting fake "Made in America" logos on their web site to fool you.  You're in a world of trouble.  This is not a movie. 

Once upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis Socialist Bastard Adolf Hitler, and there has been many others like Communists Socialists Marxists Mao, Putin, Stalin, but now we have become just like them so don't be afraid to learn the truth.  

American is on the very edge of a total collapse that has been brought about by the election of progressive socialists like Barack Obama and his followers.  You are allowing the total destruction of the United States and your Constitutional rights, you.  The more free stuff you take the bigger the tab and you can't pay it.  America is running on credit cards, offered up by the Federal Reserve, creating fake money to pay real bills as the takeover continues.  There is a revolution at hand.  Look at the Scandals listed and the list grows daily.  

The only reason America has not failed today is that the Socialist Progressives, like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and others allow the government to create wealth and then re-distribute wealth for political power.  

You have a couple of dollars in your pocket that are now worth about $0.36 cents or so. Your wealth has been diluted and your liberty has been taken away and all the while you smile and play with your Chinese I-phone.

In fact, I would venture to say that the Nazification of the United States is pretty much complete.  Can you define Nazification?  Can you define Obamaification?  They are really the same things.  Give people a lot of free services and make them mind you.  

As you will see below, we have a heavily socialized economy where tax rates are out of control and lots of freebies are given out just like the Nazis did.  Most of your tax dollars go to the free stuff that is destroying America, around the world.  We give a lot of free stuff to foreign countries and they in turn secretly give it back to people like Hillary Clinton in the form of donations to the Clinton Foundation.  It's the same way Planned Parenthood is allowed to kill off millions of unborn Negroes.  A corrupt progressive socialist Congress gives Planned Parenthood cash and then they make donations to the people that give them $500 million dollars a year.  It's Obamaification.  It's Corruption.  

You can suppose that every minority carrying a protest sign doesn't work but they eat every day.  You can also assume that welfare supports terrorists, bank robbers and minority drug dealers in your neighborhood.  The typical politician is afraid of the absolute truth so they never use it.  Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio support open borders, illegal aliens and sanctuary cities.  They just don't say it.  They don't speak the truth.

And just like the Nazis, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton assured our society has become highly militarized and our government has become increasingly obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and controlling the general population.  You have an FBI FILE today so don't think you don't.  Buy an airline ticket to Pakistan and discover your file.  Try to fly to Syria through Turkey and the computer screens light up at the FBI, CIA, DOD, DIA and other agencies, your name is now underlined.  

George Bush, in his attempt to protect you, sold you to the government.  You're really just a number.  You have been color coded, blue for Democrat or red for Republican but there is little difference now.  

But more than anything else, all of the pageantry and beauty in our society masks an evil which has grown to a level that is almost unspeakable.  You waste your day and night now watching internet t.v., playing games as your children increasing use drugs, have sex, create out of wedlock babies but you really don't care, it's the new American Obamaification way of life.  Give little, ask for a lot, demand equality while you sit on your couch and eat free government food.  

Watching some footage of the beautiful parades and celebrations that were held in Germany before World War II, and they certainly were very impressive.  But under the surface, a great evil was growing.  Obama is the great evil.  Socialism is the great evil. 

Progressives believe in government power, not people power. Just because something happens behind closed doors does not make it okay, and just like the Nazis, our society is about to learn an exceedingly painful lesson in that regard.  Paul Ryan is o.k. with being speaker of the House of Representatives if you agree to his terms.  You see, it's not about your power, its about his power over you.  Nothing about America just Paul Ryan and his list of must haves to be your Speaker.  What a joke. 

Let’s start out by talking about the economy.  Almost 50 million Americans live under the poverty line and about 50 million people eat government food.  Yes, America is in a depression but government funds are hiding the pain under the surface.  Remove welfare and watch America explode in violence.  Over 97 million people are out of the workforce but you don't see any wide spread riots?  They all eat, watch big screen t.v.'s and enjoy their internet phones and youtube videos.  

Most people tend to regard the Nazis as “far right," but the truth is that they were socialists. Hillary Clinton is a socialist, a progressive socialist, a liberal socialist a Democratic Socialist. 

By heavily taxing and spending, the Nazis were able to temporarily restore economic prosperity after the great economic crisis that occurred under the Weimar Republic, and this helped fuel their wild popularity.  The Obama Administrative Socialist State has faked the national numbers forever, lied to everybody and now 97 million people are out of the workforce but unemployment is very low, according to his numbers.   He keeps spending borrowed money to support the failed economy to keep you calm and keep you fooled. 

In the midst of the (1929) Great Depression, the Nazis restored economic stability and ended mass unemployment using heavy military spending and a mixed economy.  Hitler created government jobs.  Free enterprise was dead in Germany and almost dead in America today.  You have no intentions of starting a small business because the government will take all the profits through taxes.  Your employer won't hire you past 29 hours a week thus creating millions of low paying part-time jobs with full health care benefits provided through ObamaCare.  

If you work at McDonalds, Wal-Mart etc you're going to be on food stamps, enjoy section eight housing, free health care provided by taxpayers cash through ObamaCare but you're still considered employed.  Everything is just great as long as you keep your mouth shut. You get all the free stuff, a poverty ridden life and the elite politicians get wealth beyond your dreams.  They fly around the world and you flip burgers.  They eat steak and you eat leftover cheeseburgers at McDonalds.  As millions, now tens of millions of illegal aliens reside inside America you don't have a chance.  Your wages are going down, you life-style is crippled and the borders are still open.  Why so much labor and too few jobs.  Did the jobs go to China?  Who said, buy Chinese junk?  Was it Wal-Mart?  Was it You?  What's this TPP Trans-Pacific Trade deal all about?  Will it increase American jobs?

Extensive public works were undertaken in Germany under Hitler including the construction of Autobahns (high speed highways). The return to economic stability boosted the regime’s popularity just like Obama today.  Unemployment is down so you're happy because your ignorant of the facts.  They have taken your children's future.

Just like the Democrats of today, most people don’t consider the Nazis to have been socialists, but that is precisely what they were.  

“Nazi is described as a right wing organization, Yet their were Socialists.

“National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Nazi Party. Hitler. Need I go on?”

“Maybe better. Democrats don’t value the country. They value the power of Government. There is a difference ya know.”

I knew there was a reason why I always liked that guy.
Just like Barack Obama and the Democrats, the Nazis loved to give out free stuff.  Kitty Werthmann was a child in Austria at the time the Nazis

took over, and her description of the freebies the Nazis were handing out sounds very much like what the Democrats want to do today…
Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
I like free stuff too, but in the end someone always has to pay for all of that free stuff.  According to Kitty Werthmann, “our tax rates went up to 80% of our income," and in America we are moving in the same direction.
In the United States today, when you add up all federal taxes, all state taxes, all local taxes, all property taxes and all sales taxes, there are some Americans that actually pay more than 50 percent of their incomes in taxes
Somehow we still have the audacity to claim that we are not socialists even though that is exactly what we have become.
And the Germans had their own version of Obamacare too.  The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann…
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
There is no way that you can get around it.  The Nazis were never on “the far right."  The were always leftists, and they always hated capitalsim.  National Socialist theologian Gregor Strasser once made the following statement…
We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak … and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system.
Not even Barack Obama or Bernie Sanders would make such an extreme statement today.
And like the Nazis, our society has become highly militarized.
Just prior to World War II, the Germans probably had the most powerful military on the entire planet, and they loved to use that military to push other countries around.  They stunned the entire world when they swept through Poland, and the lightning speed with which they defeated France changed the way war is waged forever.
But just like the leftists in our own nation, the Nazis definitely did not want the general population to be armed.  Kitty Werthmann remembers very well what happened in Austria under the Nazis…
Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
And just like the leftists of today, the Germans were extremely suspicious of individual liberty and freedom.  The secret police were everywhere, and anyone that was even suspected of anti-government activity was monitored very closely.
Sadly, we are becoming just like the Nazis in this regard, only now we have the technological capability to take things so much farther.  Government control freaks are systematically watching us, tracking us, recording our phone calls and monitoring our emails.  It has gotten so bad that even 64 percent of all reporters believe that the government is spying on them.  We spy on our enemies, we spy on our friends (just ask the French and the Germans about this) and we even spy on the little old lady down the street.
We have been sold the lie that we have to give up our privacy and our liberty in exchange for security.
It is the same lie that the Nazis told.
But perhaps our greatest similarity to the Nazi regime of the 1930s is our lust for blood.
What the Nazis did behind closed doors was so horrific that it is hard to even speak about it.  Once the Holocaust was revealed, the world should have never allowed crimes against humanity like that to ever happen again.
But they are happening.
They are happening behind closed doors in America today, and most Americans are perfectly okay with this.
In this country, millions of babies are being systematically murdered and their organs are being harvested.  Those organs are then sold off to the highest bidder and they are ultimately used in extremely bizarre scientific experiments.
In recent months, these crimes have been put on display for all the world to see, and yet the American people have not responded with outrage.  In fact, only 29 percent of Americans even want to cut off the hundreds of millions of dollars that Planned Parenthood is getting from the federal government every year.
Do you know what that 29 percent figure tells me?
It tells me that America is done.
America is finished.
And it turns out that Hitler was actually a huge fan of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.  As I have written about previously, it was Sanger that once said the following…
“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Hitler echoed this sentiment when he penned the following in Mein Kampf…
“The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind.”
Of course those on the left are going to get very upset by all of this, and I am sure that some of them will leave some very nasty comments following this article.
But the truth is the truth.
And it isn’t just Democrats – most Republicans in Congress are in the exact same boat too.
If we don’t want to be like the Nazis, we should stop acting like them, and that includes not pushing Christianity out of every area of public life.  The following information was uncovered by author Bruce Walker, the author of “The Swastika Against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity“…
The Nazi tract Gott und Volk was distributed in 1941, and it describes the life cycle of German youth in the future, who would:  “With parties and gifts the youth will be led painlessly from one faith to the other and will grow up without ever having heard of the Sermon on the Mount or the Golden Rule, to say nothing of the Ten Commandments… The education of the youth is to be confined primarily by the teacher, the officer, and the leaders of the party.  The priests will die out.  They have estranged the youth from the Volk.  Into their places will step the leaders.  Not deputies of God.  But anyway the best Germans.  And how shall we train our children?  Thus, as though they had never heard of Christianity!”
Our nation is falling apart because we have rejected the values and the principles that were handed down to us by our forefathers.
We have embraced the same lies that the Nazis embraced, and if we don’t turn around we will experience a similar fate.
I think that the following excerpt from a recent RT editorial sums things up pretty well…
The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.
Not all explosives are the same. We all know you have to be careful with dynamite. Best to handle it gently and not smoke while you’re around it.
Semtex is different. You can drop it. You can throw it. You can put it in the fire. Nothing will happen. Nothing until you put the right detonator in it, that is.
To me, the US – and most of the supposedly free West – increasingly looks like a truck being systematically filled with Semtex.
But it’s easy to counter cries of alarm with the fact that the truck is stable – because it’s true: you can hurl more boxes into the back without any real danger. Absent the right detonator, it is no more dangerous than a truckload of mayonnaise.
But add the right detonator and you’re just one click away from complete devastation.
Absent a major crisis, the United States may be able to keep going down this same road for a few years more.
But I wouldn’t count on it.
We have willingly chosen to tear down and destroy everything that our forefathers built, and we were convinced that we had a better way.
Now decades of incredibly foolish decisions are starting to catch up with us, and yet we still persist in our stubbornness.
So where do we go from here?

What will the fate of America be?

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