Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Slavocracy Army of Barack Obama moves Armed Troops to Syria under secret arrangements, without the consent of Congress of the American citizen

The Slavocracy.  The economic and cultural slaves of Barack Obama forced to serve within the U.S. Military due to progressive socialist economic conditions have been forced to move into Syria ready for ground combat.  Barack Obama, the President of the United States, his Secretary of State John Kerry in agreement with Hillary Rodham Clinton has agreed to move dozens of combat slaves from the Slavocracy combat regiments to Syria to face off with Communist Vladimir Putin and Assad.

The Slavocracy of Barack Obama allowed the Iranians to expand rapidly through direct violence against their own citizens in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other Islamic Radical strongholds around the globe.  The Slaveocracy of Barack Obama plans to insert slave soldiers to fight against Assad and Vladimire Putin forces of the Soviet Russian Empire to save himself from continued disgrace.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, unwilling to maintain their Constitutional pledge to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution wavers little when it comes time to deploy the Slavocracy Army of the United States.  The U.S. Slavocracy Military is under-equipped and under-funded and cannot be fully supported by air or naval forces of the U.S. Slavocracy due to progressive socialist welfare funding forced upon the American citizens. 

The Slavocracy Army plans to blockade a major part of Syria and allow the Soviet Russian Empire to occupy the rest of the Syrian nation allowing Iran total dominance of the middle east region.  At this time, The Slavocracy Army of Barack Obama will face off with Iranian forces, Cuban forces, Soviet Russian forces and the armed forces of Syrian Dictator Assad with aggressive measures.

Judge Fiction

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