Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hillary Clinton and Moveon.Org supported the Boko Haram Islamic Terrorist Organization. The Unbelievable Hillary Rodham Clinton's Support for Slave Traders Revealed by Government Records; Hillary Rodham Clinton, the retired Secretary of State for the United States of America fully supported the U.S. protecting the terror group that kidnapped 300 young girls to be sold into sex slavery. This Islamic Muslim Terrorists, supported by Clinton, Barack Obama and others.. Just two hours after WND reported still had an active petition calling on the U.S. government not to designate the jihadist group Boko Haram a terrorist organization, the leftist website suddenly removed the petition.

Hillary Clinton and Moveon.Org supported the Boko Haram Islamic Terrorist Organization. The Unbelievable Hillary Rodham Clinton's Support for Slave Traders Revealed by Government Records; Hillary Rodham Clinton, the retired Secretary of State for the United States of America fully supported the U.S. protecting the terror group that kidnapped 300 young girls to be sold into sex slavery.  This Islamic Muslim Terrorists, supported by Clinton, Barack Obama and others.. Just two hours after WND reported still had an active petition calling on the U.S. government not to designate the jihadist group Boko Haram a terrorist organization, the leftist website suddenly removed the petition.
Boko Haram is the very same group that has enraged the world by kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria and threatening to sell them into slavery.
The petition – which received its first signature on June 20, 2012, and continued to be signed at the time of this report – was uncovered by Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, who asked to apologize for hosting an online petition opposing a terrorist designation for Boko Haram.
The page where the petition had been for two years now says “Petition Not Available. The content of this petition is under review.”
Before it was yanked, the petition had well more than 100 signatures, with more than a dozen people signing it just on Friday.

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