Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Washington Weekly 10/3/98 Carl Limbacker "."Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!"..Former Clinton girlfriend Sally Perdue says a Clinton operative threatened to break her legs if she didn't lay low during Clinton's first bid for the presidency. "Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!" ..."
NewsMax.Com 10/12/98 Carl Limbacher ".Sally Perdue alleged only a brief affair with Clinton in 1983 but ran into similar trouble when Clinton embarked on his quest for national office nine years later. She told the London Telegraph in 1994 that a Democratic operative had approached her, offered a bribe, and told Perdue that he "couldn't guarantee the safety of her pretty little legs" if she didn't cooperate. His name, according to Perdue, was Ron Tucker. Afterwards, Perdue's car window was mysteriously broken. A spent shotgun shell was found on the car seat.."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...A former Miss Arkansas, she testified to a state grand jury in 1983 that she had seen Clinton use cocaine. This information culled from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard coverage in the London Telegraph: During the 1992 campaign, she was pressured to keep silent about her affair with Clinton. Ron Tucker, said to be a Democratic Party official in Missouri, told her people in high places were anxious about her and that if she kept her mouth shut, she could have a $60,000 or so federal job. She said he told her that "if I didn't take the offer, then they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs." She didn't take the offer. Afterwards, she lost her admissions office job at Lindenwood College in Missouri. She got threatening letters and calls. One letter said, Marilyn Monroe got snuffed. She found a shotgun cartridge on the driver's seat of her Jeep and later the back window was shattered. She had a taped appearance on the Sally Jesse Raphael show, but it never aired. She now lives in Beijing. VULNERABILITY: She said she began the affair because she "was going through a second divorce. I was vulnerable."..." 6/11/99 Carl from Oyster Bay "...The internet's Capitol Hill Blue reports this week that Sally Perdue, the onetime Arkansas beauty queen who told journalists that she slept with Bill Clinton and watched him use cocaine "like a real pro", no longer lives in the country. Her testimony, had it been available several months ago during Clinton's impeachment, might have had a real impact. She told reporters years ago that she was threatened with physical violence in the presence of witnesses by a Democrat operative who she has publicly identified. Perdue, according to Capitol Hill Blue, now resides in Beijing...." 6/12/99 Carl from Oyster Bay "...How big is the Asian connection behind the Clinton witness tampering operation? Big enough to shield Charlie Trie, Pauline Kanchanalak and dozens more with damaging infomation who fled across the Pacific when House and Senate committees began looking into illegal payments to the 1996 Clinton campaign. Big enough to button up key Whitewater witness Webster Hubbell with a six figure payment that got him to "roll over one more time." And evidently, China's role in protecting Bill Clinton from damaging testimony extends even to witnesses in the Paula Jones case, revealing the tip of what could be an astounding Sexgate-Chinagate link. Inside Cover can now confirm that onetime beauty queen Sally Perdue had been relocated to Beijing at the time she was being sought by Paula Jones investigators Rick and Beverly Lambert...." 6/12/99 Carl from Oyster Bay "...On Friday Inside Cover checked with world renowned private investigator Rick Lambert, who, along with his wife Beverly, was responsible for unearthing Jane Does such as Juanita Broaddrick. In late 1997, just after hearings into the Clinton campaign's China connection began in Washington, the Lamberts were hired as the lead investigators for Paula Jones. "I can confirm that when we were looking for Sally Perdue, she was in China, to the best of my knowledge," Lambert told Inside Cover. The investigator wouldn't divulge his sources, but did reveal that he had reason to believe Perdue had gone from a teaching position in the U.S. to a "well paying" job in Beijing. Perdue lost her job as a college librarian just after she went public about her Clinton affair in 1992. Lambert described his astonishment at the news of Perdue's change of address. "This was around the same time that the Chinagate scandal was breaking in D.C. and after I got the information on where Sally was, I remember saying to Beverly, 'Well what a coincidence.' " Another source who spoke only on condition of anonymity told Inside Cover that Perdue was hired by CocaCola, the international soft drink mega-corp, and then sent to Beijing. Perdue is known to have relatives in the Atlanta area where Coke is headquartered. Coke has traditionally supported the Democratic Party over the years...." 6/12/99 Carl from Oyster Bay "... Perdue went public with her claim of a 1983 Clinton affair during the 1992 Democratic convention. She quickly became the target of the Clinton campaign's "bimbo eruptions" swat team, which spread stories that she was unstable to the American press. But in 1994 Perdue gave the British press new details, which included a vivid description of her former lover using cocaine "like a real pro" and frolicking in Perdue's negligee while serenading her with his sax. Sometime after the Arkansas governor announced his bid for the White House, Perdue says a Democrat operative offered her bribes and threatened to break her legs if she didn't stay silent. She identified the operative, who set up a meeting with her at a Missouri restaurant, as Ron Tucker. Perdue was wary of meeting with Tucker, so she posted a witness within earshot. Because of that witnesss, Perdue would be able to substantiate the threat, which would lend credibility to some of the gamier details in the rest of her account. Obviously, Perdue would have been one of the most explosive witnesses at a prospective Paula Jones trial. Or, even worse from the White House's standpoint, at the House impeachment hearings...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs would also like to question Ms. Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas, about her claim that a known Democratic Party operative tried to hush her up during the 1992 campaign about an alleged affair with Clinton. She says that the man stated to her that "they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs." On information and belief, Ms. Perdue has left the United States because of such threats and is presently in China. Plaintiffs seek leave to depose her as soon as she is located or otherwise becomes available. ..."

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