Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Kathleen Willey - Nathan Landow flew her to his estate, conversation and Michael Viner
In a video taped deposition for Judicial Watch, James Carville admitted that on the day before Kathleen Willey's appearance on 60 Minutes, that he consulted with Clinton about their damage control plan and what they could release on Willey.
3/18/98 The Washington Times ".President Clinton has taken charge of the aggressive White House campaign to attack accuser Kathleen E. Willey's credibility and cast doubt on her charges that he sexually assaulted her. The Washington Times has learned. A day before she aired her accusations Sunday on the CBS News show "60 Minutes,) Mr. Clinton had aides collect fawning letters from Mrs. Willey to him and then asked his advisers if they thought releasing the notes would offset her jolting testimony, according to administration officials. That day, for example, he telephoned longtime adviser James Carville to ask him if releasing the letters - some signed "Fondly, Kathleen" - was wise. During a five-minute phone call from Camp David, Mr. Clinton "said there were some letters that she had written and [White House lawyers] were considering making them public and what did I think about it," Mr. Carville said."
AP 3/22/98 ".Meanwhile, book publisher Mike Viner said on CNN's "Late Edition" that he thought Mrs. Willey "shaded" her version of events as she tried to win a contract for a book on her experiences. Viner said he began talking with Mrs. Willey's lawyer in early January, and at that time she was "very much pro-Clinton." But this later "changed a great deal to the sort of Anita Hill-want-to-be that I saw on '60 Minutes."' end of article An "Anita Hill want-to-be"..... "
1/29/99 ABC News Jackie Judd Chris Vlasto ".ABCNEWS has learned that a private investigator has become a key witness in the investigation of whether someone tried to scare Kathleen Willey into remaining silent about allegations President Clinton made an unwanted sexual advance.. Sources now say Starr's investigation is focused on Jarrett Stern, a private investigator with ties to prominent Democratic fund-raiser Nathan Landow. Asked whether he has been working on a project related to Willey, Stern said, "It is true. The specifics of it, I don't want to get into." ..Sources familiar with Stern's work say he was hired by Saul Schwartzbach, a lawyer for Landow...Sources say Stern was asked to pull Willey's phone records, to find out what medications Willey might be taking and to conduct a "noisy" investigation aimed at making sure Willey knew she was being watched. Stern's lawyer, Edward Bouquet, said the private investigator began to feel uneasy with the Willey project. "I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasn't comfortable with," Bouquet said. Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable that he called Willey and left a message - using an alias - warning her that someone wanted to do her harm..."
Stern Interview reported by Freeper truthkeeper 2/2/99 ".Hired by Landow's personal attorney to investigate Willey...believes Willey, feels sorry for her...regrets his involvement in this...he has become Starr's key witness re the intimidation...has testified twice before Starr's grand jury...initially hired by Prudential Associates' Bob Miller (now deceased, how convenient)...Miller was hired by Landow's personal attorney...refused to answer whether he was operating under a grant of immunity by Starr...refused to answer whether a search warrant had been issued for documents...refused to answer when his involvement initially began....Stern says initial contact began in an underground parking garage at night, no notes were taken, and he was told he was being hired by the WH.."
Washington Weekly 10/3/98 Carl Limbacker ".There were a handful of reports about the threat against Willey, but the press decided it wasn't worth raising a fuss over. "Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!" Dolly Kyle Browning. says word was sent via her brother from Clinton consigliere Bruce Lindsey, who warned that the White House would "destroy" her if she didn't keep quiet. "Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!" .. Broaddrick hastily issued an affidavit recanting her allegation. But questions remain as to why she changed her story.."
Washington Post 1/31/99 Susan Schmidt ".Democratic fund-raiser Nathan Landow said yesterday that his longtime personal lawyer hired a private investigator to obtain former White House volunteer Kathleen E. Willey's telephone records, but the lawyer did so without authorization. Landow confirmed that investigator Jared Stern was hired by attorney Saul Schwartzbach to obtain the phone records. Landow insisted that he had "no knowledge" that Schwartzbach was hiring Stern. Two sources close to Landow said Schwartzbach used the phone records to prepare a chronology of Willey's activities that was shown to Landow. Stern said yesterday that independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's office has twice summoned him before an Alexandria grand jury investigating whether there were efforts to intimidate Willey or chill her testimony in Paula Jones's sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. ."
ABCNEWS 1/29/99 Jackie Judd/Chris Vlasto Freeper Chanel ".Sources say Stern was asked to pull Willeys phone records, to find out what medications Willey might be taking and to conduct a "noisy" investigation aimed at making sure Willey knew she was being watched. Sterns lawyer, Edward Bouquet, said the private investigator began to feel uneasy with the Willey project. "I think he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasnt comfortable with," Bouquet said. Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable that he called Willey and left a message - using an alias - warning her that someone wanted to do her harm. What investigators want to know is whether Stern has knowledge of "the jogger", a man Willey claims tried to scare her. Willey says that 2 days before her deposition in the Jones case, a jogger - a stranger - approached her, asked about her children, and said "Don't you get the message?" Stern insists he is not the jogger but also says he believes wholeheartedly" that Willey is telling the truth about the incident.."
Associated Press 5/4/99 Pete Yost "...Kathleen Willey testified in court Tuesday that she confided to her friend, Julie Hiatt Steele, about President Clinton's ``very forceful'' sexual advance in the White House. But in a new disclosure, Mrs. Willey said she was so upset by the events of that day in 1993, the same day her husband committed suicide, that Ms. Steele had to remind her later of their conversation on the alleged sexual advance by the president. It's a crucial point in the obstruction trial of Ms. Steele, who is charged with lying to Kenneth Starr's investigators when she denied that Mrs. Willey had told her about the incident hours after it allegedly happened. Ms. Steele says Mrs. Willey first told her about the experience with Clinton in 1997, asking her to lie about it to a Newsweek reporter. Earlier Tuesday, a friend who worked with her in the White House social office testified that Mrs. Willey confided Clinton's alleged sexual advance to her shortly after it happened. In a barely audible voice, Ruthie Eisen said that, according to Mrs. Willey's account, the president ``kissed her and hugged her'' and ``touched her chest.'' ``She said that the president had gotten aroused and said he had wanted to do that for a long time or wanted to do that since he saw her,'' Ms. Eisen said. Ms. Eisen said Mrs. Willey told her she was ``caught offguard'' by the president's advance. Ms. Eisen said she assumed Mrs. Willey revealed the incident in confidence. Ms. Eisen said she didn't tell anyone about it until she was questioned by Starr's investigators. Asked if Mrs. Willey ever asked her to lie or fabricate anything, Ms. Eisen replied, ``absolutely not.'' Linda Tripp is the only other White House staffer to have said that Mrs. Willey confided the alleged incident...."
AP 5/5/99 "...Kathleen Willey testified Wednesday she felt threatened when one of President Clinton's lawyers suggested she assert her Fifth Amendment rights rather than answer questions about an alleged sexual advance by the president. ``I felt like that was a threat coming from the president,'' she said.... Trying to explain her memory lapses, Mrs. Willey said the Fifth Amendment reference - which she took as a warning she was at risk of incriminating herself - and other ``badgering'' by Clinton lawyer Robert Bennett affected her state of mind during the deposition...... Mrs. Willey also testified that she had been frightened by a threatening encounter, two days before the deposition, with a stranger who mentioned her missing cat and slashed car tires. In testimony crucial to the prosecutors' case against Ms. Steele, Mrs. Willey described Clinton grabbing and kissing her on Nov. 29, 1993, during a meeting in the White House, and she said that she had talked with her former friend about it that day and ``many, many times'' since. She said Ms. Steele ``wanted to be very much into this story'' and ``wanted to make money off of it,'' even suggesting they sell Mrs. Willey's story to a tabloid newspaper...." 5/5/99 Carl Limbacher "...Juanita Broaddrick has offered her support to Kathleen Willey and says she would make a personal appearance at the Virginia trial of Willey's accuser if asked to do so. "I emailed Kathleen," Broaddrick told's Carl Limbacher late Wednesday. "And I told her that if she needed me there I'd be there." .... "He was very forceful," Willey testifed at Steele's trial Tuesday. "His hands were all over me." Broaddrick's support, especially if Willey asks her to attend the trial, could add a dramatic twist to the only Sexgate prosecution to emerge from Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's year-long Monica Lewinsky probe. Any association between the Broaddrick and Willey charges could rapidly re-focus the Steele trial on questions of whether Mr. Clinton is guilty of a pattern of criminal sexual assault....."
Fox Newswire/AP 5/6/99 Pete Yost "...With Ms. Steele's defense about to begin and with so many witnesses saying they were told about a Clinton-Willey encounter, Ms. Steele's lawyers face the task of convincing the jury that Mrs. Willey never took her onetime close friend, Ms. Steele, into her confidence..... Besides Mrs. Horan, two other witnesses - long-time friend Mary Highsmith and Richmond, Va., TV producer William Poveromo - said Ms. Steele informed them of the alleged incident. Poveromo said Ms. Steele said she'd been told of it soon after it happened in 1993. There is testimony at the trial that Mrs. Willey told at least five other people besides Ms. Steele: Ruthie Eisen, Linda Tripp, Marlene MacDonald, Betsy Pond, all of whom are former White House staffers; and a Virginia woman, Diane Martin. At the end of her testimony Wednesday, Mrs. Willey testified she felt threatened when Clinton lawyers Robert Bennett suggested she assert her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination rather than answer questions about an alleged sexual advance by the president. "I felt like that was a threat coming from the president,'' she said...."
AP 4/7/99 Peter Yost DSH "...Jurors in the Julie Hiatt Steele trial said they were "hopelessly deadlocked'' today on all four charges of making false statements and obstructing Kenneth Starr's investigation of President Clinton. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton ordered the jurors to "make one more attempt'' to reach a verdict after the foreman told him they were deadlocked on all counts. Jurors had been deliberating for 7 1/2 hours over two days in the trial of Ms. Steele, who is charged with making false statements that undercut Kathleen Willey's allegation of an unwanted sexual advance by Clinton...."
Freeper paul in cape reports 5/11/99 on Kathleen Willey on Hardball with Chris Matthews "...Opening statement - she expects to be verbally attacked starting after tonight's show ..." Truthkeeper adds "...She says Mickey Kantor is the one who applied pressure to Julie Hiatt Steele re: the flaky adoption of her kid...."
Drudge report expands 5/11/99 "...Earlier this year, ABC NEWS hotshot reporter Jackie Judd showed presidential accuser Kathleen Willey a picture of a man. Judd was developing a story about an incident she was first to reveal about the morning Willey was spooked by a stranger -- a stranger that knew too many details about her private life. A stranger that approached her just two days before she was to tell a grand jury about what Bill Clinton did to her in the White House. "Is this the man who approached you that morning?" Judd asked Willey. The DRUDGE REPORT can now reveal that Willey was shown a picture of Cody Shearer -- the brother-in-law of Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and long-time friend of President Bill Clinton! Judd has not yet filed a report on what Willey told her that day, but Willey did open up to CNBC's Chris Matthews in an interview on Tuesday night. Willey unloaded details of her run-in with a man: "I was walking with my three dogs, and I saw this man coming toward me... He called me by name, 'Kathleen, did you ever find your cat?' he asked. 'No, I have not, and we really miss him,' I told him. 'Did you ever get those tires fixed on your car?' he asked. The hair on my neck started to stand on end... He asked me about my children by name. Willey told Matthews that she can ID the man as being one of the president's associates. The twin brother of Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott's wife, Brooke Shearer, has been at the center of controversy since Bill Clinton has been president -- but he has remained mostly out of the headlines. Freelance journalist Cody Shearer is alleged to have had cozy relations with Investigative Group International, using their office databases and hob-nobbing with operatives, according to reports in VANITY FAIR and the NEW YORK POST last summer....."
CNBC News Transcripts 5/11/99 Hardball with Chris Matthews "... MATTHEWS: Do you wish you had a dress like Monica had to be blunt about it? Ms. WILLEY: Yes. Yes. Yes, I do. MATTHEWS: Explain. Ms. WILLEY: Well, where would she be without that dress? That--where--where would--they would have just trashed her. MATTHEWS: They were? Ms. WILLEY: They were going to until they got the results back on that dress....."
Associated Press 5/12/99 Pete Yost "...After her initial lie detector test was inconclusive, a second FBI test found Kathleen Willey was truthful when she alleged that President Clinton made a sexual advance, according to newly released documents. A federal judge unsealed the 1998 lie detector results this week after news organizations, including The Associated Press, went to court to challenge the secrecy surrounding them. ....In the FBI report released by U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton, a third set of polygraph questions is blacked out because of an "ongoing investigation'' by Starr's office, the judge states in a court order. In that third series of questions, Mrs. Willey was also found to be "truthful,'' the FBI report states. ...." 5/12/99 "...Breaking a 14 month media silence about the events surrounding her sexual assault by President Clinton, on Tuesday Kathleen Willey linked two friends of the president to separate episodes of witness intimidation. Appearing on CNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, Willey alleged that former Commerce Secretary and longtime Clinton operative Mickey Kantor had threatened her friend Julie Hiatt Steele to get her to change her story. Willey said that she was persuaded to go public with her own account in March 1998 only when producers for CBS's "60 Minutes" unearthed Kantor's involvement and shared the information with her: "They told me that my friend Julie Steele had been approached by a very high ranking member of the Clinton administration questioning her about the conditions of the adoption of her child.....I decided that no woman, no person, no mother should be threatened with her child. And that was the reason I did "60 Minutes". Willey said that "60 Minutes" producers specifically identified the administration official to her as Kantor. She told Matthews that "60 Minutes" had promised to expose the cover-up as part of the same episode where she described her assault by Clinton but instead CBS decided to withold the Kantor bombshell...." 5/12/99 "...For the last year Steele has publicly claimed that it was the Office of Independent Counsel that had investigated her son's adoption to pressure her to lie. But in sworn testimony during the April trial of Susan McDougal on contempt and obstruction charges, Steele admitted that the OIC had done no such thing. ..." 5/12/99 "...In another shocking exchange, Ms. Willey established a separate White House link to the encounter she had with a jogger who threatened her two days before her January 1998 deposition in the Paula Jones case. Willey told CNBC's Matthews that she was approached at dawn as she walked through her Virginia neighborhood by a total stranger who seemed to know a lot about her personal life: "He asked me, 'Did you ever find your cat?' And I said, 'No, I haven't and we really miss him.' Then he said, 'Did you ever get those tires fixed on your car?' And I said 'No' and that's when the hair started standing up on the back of my neck." Willey said the stranger identified her pet by name, saying, "That cat, he was a nice cat. Bullseye was his name, wasn't it?" Willey added, "He asked me about my children by name. He said, 'How are your children, Shannon and Patrick?' It was a very insidious thing and it was meant to scare me." The former White House volunteer said she was able to identify the stranger as someone "associated with" President Clinton after being shown photos by investigators. She would not publicly reveal her tormentor's name but Matthews' questions narrowed the field down to three people:... MATTHEWS: Is it someone in the President's family of friends? Is it somebody related to Strobe Talbott? Is it a Shearer? WILLEY: I can't say. I've been asked not to by the Office of Independent Counsel because they are investigating this. Derek, Cody and Brooke Shearer are longtime friends of the Clintons who have been linked in published reports to IGI, the White House's regular private detective agency run by Terry Lenzner. Brooke Shearer is married to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott...."
The Hotline/Hardball 5/18/99 Chris Matthews "....Today Mr. Shearer's attorney sent me a further letter stating that Mr. Shearer had nothing whatever to do with the events described by Ms. Willey. He wrote, and I'm quoting here, 'During the entire period that Ms. Willey identified, including the date on which she was accosted, Mr. Shearer was in California.' He says he has documentary proof of that including restaurant, ATM and other travel receipts. Well after my Philadelphia encounter with Mr. Shearer, which I did find credible, I now regret having ... not spoken beforehand with him before I mentioned his name on the air. I should have never have brought his name up until we had vetted it" ("Hardball," CNBC, 5/17)...." 5/19/99 "...Just a week after Kathleen Willey went public with new details about a stranger who tracked her down and warned against testifying in the Paula Jones case, Inside Cover has learned that Juanita Broaddrick says she was also followed just days before her interview with House impeachment investigators. And, in yet another mysterious twist mirroring Willey's allegations, Broaddrick reveals that her house pets were set loose and that her phone was tampered with shortly after her first contacts with the press in early 1998. Though second hand accounts of unwanted sexual encounters with President Clinton now number over a dozen, Broaddrick and Willey are the only women who have personally described overpowering physical assaults on the record...."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...For all of the confusion surrounding her charge that she was groped in the Oval Office on Nov. 29, 1993, one thing seems clear: She was the victim of some kind of intimidation and vilification effort. (1) Jared Stern, a private eye for Prudential Associates, said in interviews that his late boss, Bob Miller, told him the White House had asked them to provide a chronology on Willey... (2) Willey said she found masses of nails in three of her car tires about two months before her Jan. 11, 1997 deposition in the Jones case. The tire repair shop concurred to the Associated Press that it did not look like an accident. Shortly afterwards her cat disappeared. And on Jan. 9, said Willey, a mysterious jogger appeared in the predawn hours and asked about her cat, her tires and her children by name. "Don't you get the message?" he allegedly told her. The man she fingered has an alibi, leaving this mystery unsolved. (3) Clinton himself undercut Willey by releasing personal letters from her and by speaking to the grand jury about her reputation in her hometown of Richmond, Va. Journalist Christopher Hitchens has stated that he learned from White House aide Sidney Blumenthal of a planned campaign to destroy Willey's credibility. VULNERABILITY: Her husband had just told her not only that they were broke, but he had essentially embezzled some clients' money. On the day of her Oval Office meeting, her husband killed himself...."
Associated Press 7/13/99 Dominic Perella "…Kathleen Willey, who accused President Clinton of fondling her in the White House, says she's engaged and trying to move on with her life - but she still stays in touch with another Clinton accuser….In an interview with Richmond magazine Style Weekly, Ms. Willey said she and Juanita Broaddrick call and e-mail each other at least once a month…. "We've had some real heartfelt talks," Ms. Willey said in the story published Tuesday….."
The Washinton TIMES 7/21/99 George Archibald "...Bruce E. Lindsey, President Clinton's chief advisor, prepared to discredit Kathleen E. Willey a year before the former White House employee publicly accused the president of sexually groping her in the Oval Office. First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was also involved in Mr. Lindsey's planned use of 15 friendly letters from Mrs. Willey to Mr. Clinton to counteract her expected claims about Mr. Clinton's sexual advances, Justice Department lawyers stated in a civil lawsuit over Privacy Act violations. The disclosures came last week in lawsuit filings by Judicial Watch for former White House employees who accused the administration of misusing their FBI files in the so-called Filegate case. U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered White House officials to answer Judicial Watch's questions about release of Mrs. Willey's letters in March 1998, saying "misuse" of materials from her White House file "could prove to be circumstantial evidence of file misuse aimed at the [Filegate] plaintiffs." ...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs seek to question Ms. Willey about threatening incidents she said occurred before her deposition in the Jones case. The incidents -- nails in her car tires, the disappearance of the family cat, and an unknown (at the time) jogger who questioned her about the prior two incidents, asking "Don't you get the message?" - were apparently an effort to intimidate her from giving truthful testimony in the Jones case. Plaintiffs also want to question her about her statements that Clinton lawyer, Robert Bennett, threatened her suggesting she should plead the Fifth Amendment and hire a criminal defense lawyer before her Jones deposition. Plaintiffs also want to inquire about private investigator Jared Stern who, at the behest of Martin Landow, Democratic Party contributor, was hired to conduct a "noisy" investigation of her during the Jones case and Independent Counsel investigation. Ms. Willey worked in the White House as a volunteer in 1993. In early 1998, she claimed that she had been sexually groped by Clinton on November 23, 1993, in the same Oval Office room where he later had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. In an interview with 60 Minutes' Ed Bradley, she stated that Clinton embraced her, kissed her, touched her breast, and placed her hand on his genitals. Willey also told ABC News that two weeks before her January 11, 1997 deposition in the Jones case, she found masses of nails in three of her car tires. Shortly thereafter, her cat, which she had had for many years, disappeared. Then, just before she testified in the Jones case, a jogger stopped her and asked her about her tires, her cat, and her children -- by name. "Don't you get the message?" he asked, and then jogged off. The jogger was recently identified as Cody Shearer, the brother-in-law of Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and long-time friend of Clinton. Willey confirmed and elaborated upon her account of this incident in a recent interview on Hardball with Chris Matthews. She described in more detail her encounter with the mysterious jogger in her Virginia neighborhood on January 8, 1998, just days before her deposition in the Jones case: WILLEY: . . . I went out for a walk. I had my three dogs with me, and I saw a man coming towards me. And I at first thought that he was a neighbor. . . . And he was coming towards me, and he called my - out my name, and he said, 'Kathleen.' And I stopped and I said, 'Yes?' And he said, 'Did you ever find your cat?' And I said, 'No.' . . . I'd asked a couple of neighbors to keep an eye out for this family pet, a 13-year-old cat. I'd never told anybody his name. I just described him to these neighbors, and I thought that maybe word had gotten around in the neighborhood . . And so he asked me, 'Did you ever find your cat?' And I said 'No, I didn't.' And I said . . . 'Not - no, I haven't, and we - we really miss him.' And then he said, 'Did you ever get those tires fixed on your car?' And I said 'No.' And that's when the hairs started standing up on the back of my neck. And he said . . . 'That - that cat of yours, he was a nice cat.' And he said . . . 'Bullseye was his name, wasn't it?' 'He was a really nice cat.' And I said 'How do you know my cat's name? I mean, what - how do you know anything about this?' And then I said, 'And how do you know about my car and how do you know about the tires?' And he said, 'Well, did you ever get them fixed?' And I said 'yes, I did.' . . . It was - it was a very insidious thing, and it was meant to scare me.. . .MATTHEWS: And it did, to some extent. You testified a couple of days later in a kind of hesitant manner. WILLEY: He asked me about my children by name. 'How are your children? How are Shannon and Patrick?' . . .WILLEY: He asked how they were and, at the - at this point, I started asking him who he was and what he wanted. MATTHEWS: Right. WILLEY: And he just looked me right in the eye and he said, 'You're just not getting the message, are you?' And I turned around and - and ran. I had no business running, and probably ran about 100 yards, I was so frightened, and I turned around and he was gone. Willey later stated to Matthews that she recognized the man from pictures shown to her by ABC News reporter Jackie Judd. When asked by Matthews if it was Cody Shearer, Willey said that she couldn't say, citing the Independent Counsel's investigation. Id. reports that Willey later told Matthews off camera that the stranger was in fact Clinton operative Cody Shearer. Willey also told 60 Minutes that she felt pressured by Clinton's lawyer Bob Bennett. She said that Bennett suggested she plead the Fifth Amendment and hire a criminal lawyer. According to Willey, "the insinuation to me was that Mr. Bennett was implying that I was going to face some kind of a criminal charge for perjury or - or something else, and that I would need an inside the loop - an inside Washington criminal lawyer, and . . . I didn't and I don't." Willey also stated that Nathan Landow tried to pressure her to keep her story secret. ABC News reported that Landow poured over $247,000 and raised over $600,000 for Clinton's presidential campaigns. He reportedly pressured Willey in the weeks before and after her Jones deposition to deny her accusation that Clinton groped her, and to state that nothing had in fact happened. ABC News also reported that a private investigator, Jared Stern, was hired by Landow's lawyer "to pull Willey's phone records, to find out what medications Willey might be taking and to conduct a 'noisy' investigation aimed at making sure Willey knew she was being watched." Stern's lawyer stated that Stern "perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasn't comfortable with." As a result, Stern called Willey and left a message - using an alias - warning her that someone wanted to do her harm...."
Judicial Watch 6/12/00 "….Judicial Watch announced today that Clinton aide Bruce Lindsey admitted in sworn interrogatory responses that he and other Clinton White House lawyers released documents concerning Kathleen Willey from her government files because her allegations of sexual misconduct against Bill Clinton might influence -- and even expand -- criminal investigations into Mr. Clinton's activities. Lindsey couldn't remember "details" of his conversations, but testified that Bill Clinton "concurred" in the recommendation that the Willey documents be released and that the release be timed until after Ms. Willey's famous interview on 60 Minutes………..A federal court judge, The Honorable Royce Lamberth, has already ruled that Bill Clinton and his aides engaged in a criminal violation of the Privacy Act when they released the Willey documents to the press - a ruling upheld on appeal. The ruling came in the context in the ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of those Republicans and others whose FBI files were illegally obtained and misused by the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton, a defendant in this lawsuit, also participated in the Willey document release. The court has ruled that, in the context of the Filegate lawsuit, the misuse of Ms. Willey's government files is circumstantial evidence that the FBI files at issue were misused. In his sworn interrogatory responses, Lindsey admits that: ......... Mr. Lindsey, Mr. (Charles) Ruff, and Ms. (Cheryl) Mills considered the impact that Ms. Willey's allegations might have on the on-going Lewinsky investigation, the potential for impeachment hearings, and general public confidence in the President's credibility...[they] concluded that Ms. Willey's allegations, without any context, might bias the public and Congress and thereby increase the potential for the expansion of the Independent Counsel's jurisdiction and the likelihood of impeachment proceedings against the President...Once these three individuals concluded, that on balance, the letters should probably be release, they discussed the timing of the release. They decided to wait until after viewing Ms. Willey's appearance to make a final decision regarding the release of the letters and the timing of the release. ......... "The release of Ms. Willey's documents was not only a criminal violation of the Privacy Act but, as Lindsey's admissions confirm, was also part of an effort to obstruct justice and intimidate a witness in a criminal probe concerning Bill Clinton. Criminal prosecutions are warranted," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. ……"
UPI 6/12/00 Randall Mikkelsen "……President Clinton's lawyers released friendly letters from Kathleen Willey to prevent allegations he groped the former White House volunteer from fueling a broader impeachment inquiry, a legal filing released on Monday said……… The document was filed on behalf of deputy White House counsel Bruce Lindsey in response to a lawsuit by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, which released it………. In the filing the White House said Lindsey and other White House lawyers considered releasing the letters after they learned Willey would detail her allegations on the CBS television program ``60 Minutes.''………. The filing said Lindsey and other White House lawyers ''concluded that Ms. Willey's allegations, without any context, might bias the public and Congress and thereby increase the potential for the expansion of the independent counsel's jurisdiction and the likelihood of impeachment proceedings against the president.'……..' It said the lawyers concluded releasing the letters would not violate a self-imposed pledge not to personally attack any of the president's accusers. ``Because these letters were Ms. Willey's own words, the use of them would not be inconsistent with that commitment,'' it said………"
New York Daily News 8/15/00 Timothy Burger "…..Disgusted by back-to-back Clinton convention speeches last night, Kathleen Willey broke a long silence to say she's willing to help Rep. Rick Lazio's Senate campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton. Willey hammered the First Lady as a mastermind of White House efforts to discredit Willey after Willey alleged that President Clinton groped her in the Oval Office. "I've had about a bellyful of these people," Willey said last night as she and her new husband, Bill Schwicker, sat in their home near Richmond, Va………. "
YAHOO News/REUTERS 9/21/00 James Vicini "……Kathleen Willey Schwicker, a former White House volunteer who accused President Clinton (news - web sites) of fondling her in 1993, said Thursday she has sued Clinton, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites), and various White House aides claiming they violated her privacy and civil rights…….. Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group that has brought a number of lawsuits against the Clinton White House, filed the latest case in federal court in Washington, D.C., mainly over the White House's release of letters she had written to Clinton. …….. ``I will not sit by while those in power come down like a ton of bricks on one woman fighting alone. I will go to court to seek redress,'' Schwicker said at a news conference outside the courthouse. ``My children have been threatened, my government files have been released and my life's innermost secrets have been dragged through the press. I am only one private citizen and he is the president, but that is why we have courts -- to protect people like me from abuses from people like him,'' she said. …….. The lawsuit accused the White House of intentionally releasing the letters and other confidential information about her, and that she has suffered ``substantial damages, including but not limited to loss of reputation and emotional distress.'' The suit also accused the defendants of engaging in a scheme to violate the privacy law, ``destroying her good name, credibility and reputation.'' ……..Among those named in the lawsuit were the president and first lady, current White House aides Sidney Blumenthal and Bruce Lindsey, former aides Charles Ruff and Cheryl Mills, the president's lawyer, David Kendall, and ``the executive office of the president.'' ……"
Judicial Watch 9/21/00 "......Kathleen Willey Schwicker, the woman who was assaulted by President Bill Clinton in the Oval Office pantry, and who was and remains a material witness in the on-going Lewinsky grand jury proceeding of the Office of Independent Counsel, has filed a complaint for violation of privacy and civil rights, as well as other claims. The lawsuit, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, comes on the heels of a finding by the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth in companion litigation over another Clinton-Gore Administration scandal, Filegate, that the President, with the aid of others in The White House, had committed a criminal violation of the Privacy Act in releasing documents from Kathleen Willey Schwicker's government files to smear and harm her reputation and credibility........ The complaint, which was filed by the public interest law firm Judicial Watch on Kathleen Willey Schwicker's behalf, speaks for itself, and can be found on Judicial Watch's Internet site at It details her long ordeal to simply testify truthfully in the on-going Lewinsky and other Clinton-Gore Administration scandals, free from threats, intimidation and coercion, and personal injury........"

1/29/99 ABC News Jackie Judd Chris Vlasto ".ABCNEWS has learned that a private investigator has become a key witness in the investigation of whether someone tried to scare Kathleen Willey into remaining silent about allegations President Clinton made an unwanted sexual advance.. Sources now say Starr's investigation is focused on Jarrett Stern, a private investigator with ties to prominent Democratic fund-raiser Nathan Landow. Asked whether he has been working on a project related to Willey, Stern said, "It is true. The specifics of it, I don't want to get into." ..Sources familiar with Stern's work say he was hired by Saul Schwartzbach, a lawyer for Landow...Sources say Stern was asked to pull Willey's phone records, to find out what medications Willey might be taking and to conduct a "noisy" investigation aimed at making sure Willey knew she was being watched. Stern's lawyer, Edward Bouquet, said the private investigator began to feel uneasy with the Willey project. "I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasn't comfortable with," Bouquet said. Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable that he called Willey and left a message - using an alias - warning her that someone wanted to do her harm..." Susan Schmidt 1/30/99 ".....Stern's lawyer, Edouard Bouquet of Bethesda, told the network his client felt uneasy about what he was asked to do and called Willey, using an alias, to warn her someone was out to do her harm.
"I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasn't comfortable with," Bouquet said of Stern. ......" Pierre Thomas/CNN 2/19/99 "..... CNN has learned part of Stern's investigation involved reviewing Willey's telephone records. "There was some indication from his employer that this had 'come from the White House,' but my client has no independent knowledge of that," Bouquet said. ..... Stern's employer has since died. ..... Stern is now cooperating with Starr. He has been granted immunity and made two grand jury appearances last year. Stern also talked with the independent counsel's investigators within the last month. "I think that he (Starr) believes that my client was involved in some attempt to obstruct justice in the Kathleen Willey investigation," Bouquet said. ....."
David Schippers new book "Sellout" 9/21/00"….. Chapter 7 - Contemptible Behavior ……. But bad things happened after Willey was subpoeaned to give a deposition in the Paula Jones case. This story was even more shocking than the President's alleged assault on a married woman. …….. On July 31, 1997, Gecker received, without warning, a fax from the office of the President's attorney. Both Willey and her attorney, who was present during our interview, confirmed to us that it was a document entitled "Statement of Kathleen Willey" and that it came with the instruction that she was to read it as a public statement. It said: "The President of the United States never sexually harassed me in any way, and I have always considered myself to be on excellent terms with him." She ignored the request. …….. In August 1997 the groping incident was reported in the Drudge Report and Newsweek. Around this time she received a phone call from an acquaintance who was a major financial donor to President Clinton. He told her to avoid giving a deposition if she was subpoenaed in the Jones case and to deny that anything had ever happened because only two people knew and "all you have to do is deny it, too." …….. Willey was subpoenaed in the fall of 1997 but wasn't actually called to testify until January 10, 1998. Shortly after she received the subpoena, Gecker was visited by one of the President's lawyers. Gecker told Kathleen the gist of the meeting: Clinton's lawyer was suggesting she avoid testifying by taking he Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination …….. A short time after that initial meeting, Gecker told us, he received an unsolicited package from the President's lawyers. It contained a form affidavit, a form motion to quash the deposition subpoena, and a memorandum of law in support of the motion to quash. ………… A short while before Willey was scheduled to testify, Gecker received another visit from the same lawyer. ….. Gecker added that even if she wanted such a lawyer, Willey was broke and could not afford the fees charged by top Washington criminal lawyers. The President's attorney offered that she wouldn't need to worry about fees because "we will take care of that." …….. After that conversation, Gecker reported, he received a call from one of the best criminal lawyers in Washington about representing Kathleen Willey. When Gecker again mentioned that she had no money, the lawyer replied that there would be no fees to pay. ………."
David Schippers new book "Sellout" 9/21/00"…..She was frightened and convinced that if she testified she would be indicted by Janet Reno's Justice Department. ……. Shortly before her January 10 deposition, Willey came out of her Virginia home to find all of her tires flat. Her mechanic asked, "Who the hell did you tick off? Your tires were flattened with a nail gun." ………. In another incident, a man called -- supposedly from the local electric company -- saying her electricity would be turned off that evening so they could run some tests. Later that afternoon, she called the electric company to find out how long the tests would last. She was told there was no plan to interrupt service and no record of anyone calling her. ……… As the deposition got closer, the intimidation increased. One day her cat, Bullseye, disappeared. On January 8, two days before she was to testify, Willey was walking her dogs in a secluded area early in the morning. A man in a jogging suit approached her.
JOGGER: Good morning, did you ever find your cat?
WILLEY: No, we haven't found her yet.
JOGGER: That's too bad. Bullseye was his name, wasn't it? [This shocks Willey, because she has not revealed the cat's name to anyone.]
JOGGER: Did you ever get those tires fixed?
WILLEY: They're fine [Kathleen starts to edge away and look around for help.]
JOGGER: So,---and---[Willey's children's first names]? [Kathleen walks faster toward her house.]
JOGGER: And our attorney, Dan, is he okay?
WILLEY: He's fine
JOGGER: I hope you're getting the message.
Willey was terrified. She turned and ran. The jogger called after her, "You're just not getting the message, are you?" ……… As a result of that meeting, Kathleen feared that she, her children, and her lawyer were at risk of physical harm. She told Gecker about the jogger but didn't mention the not-too-veiled threat against Gecker himself. As she put it, "He was my only hope--I didn't want to lose him." Willey confessed that even during the deposition she was contemplating whether to lie or to tell the truth and possibly suffer terrible consequences. ......"
David Schippers new book "Sellout" 9/21/00"….. Gecker saw that Willey was nervous. When the Jones attorneys asked about the incident in the Oval Office, she looked terrified. Gecker asked for a short recess to consult with his client. He took Kathleen aside and told her they were about to go into the heart of the subject. "Kathleen, there is no turning back, what are you going to do." "I'm going to tell the truth, the whole truth," she answered, with tears in her eyes. She went back and answered every question put to her. The next morning, Willey stepped outside to pick up the newspaper. There on the porch, within a few feet of the front door, the skull of a small animal lay facing her. I asked Willey if she would be willing to testify. As she looked at Gecker, I could see real fear in her eyes. He said it was up to her. …….."
YAHOO News/REUTERS 9/21/00 James Vicini "…..Kathleen Willey Schwicker, a former White House volunteer who accused President Clinton (news - web sites) of fondling her in 1993, said Thursday she has sued Clinton, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites), and various White House aides claiming they violated her privacy and civil rights. Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group that has brought a number of lawsuits against the Clinton White House, filed the latest case in federal court in Washington, D.C., mainly over the White House's release of letters she had written to Clinton. ……. The White House released her letters, which were friendly in tone, the day after the interview in an effort to undermine her credibility. The allegations arose during the Monica Lewinsky (news - web sites) sex-and-perjury investigation that led to Clinton's impeachment and acquittal. ``I will not sit by while those in power come down like a ton of bricks on one woman fighting alone. I will go to court to seek redress,'' Schwicker said at a news conference outside the courthouse. ``My children have been threatened, my government files have been released and my life's innermost secrets have been dragged through the press. I am only one private citizen and he is the president, but that is why we have courts -- to protect people like me from abuses from people like him,'' she said. …….. The lawsuit accused the White House of intentionally releasing the letters and other confidential information about her, and that she has suffered ``substantial damages, including but not limited to loss of reputation and emotional distress.'' ……." 10/16/00 Carl Limbacher "…… Sexgate accuser Kathleen Willey says that Senate candidate Hillary Clinton privately believes President Clinton sexually assaulted her and other women who have made similar allegations and has offered to come to New York to confront the first lady on the issue. "When I hear these stories about what happened to other women, I know they're telling the truth," Willey told WABC talk radio host Mike Gallagher on Saturday. "Hillary knows in her heart that we're all telling the truth. And we're getting in her way by telling the truth." ……. "I think she knows that we're telling the truth," Willey reiterated to Gallagher. "I think in her heart of hearts that she believes us. She just doesn't know how to deal with it." …….. In what could be an ominous development for the first lady's New York senate campaign, Willey says she's willing to confront Hillary in her own backyard by coming to the state and telling her story to voters. ….." 10/16/00 Carl Limbacher "…… Sexgate accuser Kathleen Willey says that Senate candidate Hillary Clinton privately believes President Clinton sexually assaulted her and other women who have made similar allegations and has offered to come to New York to confront the first lady on the issue. ….. "When I hear these stories about what happened to other women, I know they're telling the truth," Willey told WABC talk radio host Mike Gallagher on Saturday. "Hillary knows in her heart that we're all telling the truth. And we're getting in her way by telling the truth." …….."I think she knows that we're telling the truth," Willey reiterated to Gallagher. "I think in her heart of hearts that she believes us. She just doesn't know how to deal with it." In what could be an ominous development for the first lady's New York senate campaign, Willey says she's willing to confront Hillary in her own backyard by coming to the state and telling her story to voters. "If there's anybody in New York who wants me to talk to them or their groups or people that are interested in the election, I'd be glad to sit down and talk to people and tell them what this woman and her husband did to me," the Clinton accuser promised. "They smeared my late husband's name. They have threatened me. The have let me know that if I spoke up there would be hell to pay," Willey told Gallagher. ….."

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