Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape 12/22/98 Christopher Ruddy ".A civil war is brewing in the news room of ABC's World News Tonight over allegations that in 1979 Bill Clinton may have raped Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas woman, when he served as the state's Attorney General. has obtained an internal ABC News memo that was emailed to the top news producers earlier today about the controversy. Chris Isham, a top ABC News producer, distributed the memo which lays out out the scintillating facts surrounding the alleged incident, and the interest sparked in the subject by Republican Congressmen who last week were permitted to review the Starr documentation of the case...The memo states that Arizona Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth told ABC News -- off-the-record -- that the material makes Clinton out to be "a sexual predator." The Broaddrick incident may be cited in a Senate trial of the President, Isham suggests. has learned that Isham's memo comes as a result of a feud between World News Tonight Executive Producer Paul Freidman and network anchor Peter Jennings. Jennings -- reputed to have a eye for the ladies much like the President's -- has vehemently objected to ABC news reporting on the subject. The memo, in an apparent shot at Jennings, states, "...the potential that a rape charge could be leveled at the President makes the story one that can't be totally ignored." ..ABC News memo follows: From: Isham, Chris Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 12:45 PM To: Friedman, Paul E.; Dunlavey, Dennis; Murphy, Bob Subject: Broaddrick Forwarding a memo by Josh Fine which is a good summary of the Juanita Broddrick (Jane Doe #5.) Her case MAY have tipped some moderate Republicans to vote yes on impeachment and MAY be introduced in the Senate proceedings. Juanita Broaddrick was subpoenaed in the Paula Jones case. She filed an affidavit that said "These allegations (that Clinton had made unwelcome advances towards her) are untrue.". It is unclear if he raped or assaulted her but that is the allegation made by Phillip Yoakum. Yoakum is a Fayetteville man who says Broaddrick told him in 1992 that she was raped by Clinton in the late 70's. I interviewed Yoakum in March and found him entirely uncredible. He had facts wrong, was a total Clinton-hater, and his claims to being friends with Broaddrick are untrue. The other person who supposedly knows about what took place is Norma Rogers-Kelsay, a friend of Broaddrick's who went to the convention with her in Little Rock and drove back with her to Van Buren where they live). Tamara Lipper spoke with Rogers on the phone in March. Rogers said that Yoakum was telling the truth. She was with Broaddrick before and after the incident and said that she was in "quite bad shape after." In 1991 Broaddrick was at a nursing home convention in Little Rock and a man pulled her out of a meeting (this is all according to Rogers-Kelsay). The man took her to Bill Clinton and he apologized for hurting her and asked if there was anything he could do. She didn't understand at the time why he had taken that step but soon realized the real reason after he announced his candidacy for President a few months later. In the 1992 campaign these rumors began to circulate and Sheffield Nelson, a longtime Arkansas Clinton-hater, tried to get her to come forward. She did not. Yoakum evidently was at a meeting with Rogers and Broaddrick where they discussed the incident and whether or not Broaddrick should talk publicly about it. Evidently Broaddrick was worried no one would believe her (similar to what happened with Gennifer Flowers)..Late last week Republicans began to stream over to the Ford building to look at the materials. According to a source of mine there were about two dozen members who went to look at the material on Thursday and Friday. Many Republicans were talking up the new material as evidence that could come up at trial because it would show a pattern and practice of behavior (paying off or influencing women to keep quiet). According to Rep. Inglis under federal rule of evidence 441(B) something showing a pattern or practice can be admissible in a trial...Still, the potential that a rape charge could be leveled at the President makes the story one that can't be totally ignored.."
Drudge via e-mail 1/28/99 Freeper Senator Pardek ".Juanita Broaddrick has now told associates that she feels "betrayed" by NBC NEWS, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. One week ago, Broaddrick sat for an exclusive in-depth interview with NBC NEWS reporter Lisa Myers -- an interview that she was told would immediately air on NBC's DATELINE! Broaddrick doesn't hold Lisa Myers responsible for the building media nightmare, according to a source. Talk in the cafeteria at NBC'S New York headquarters on Wednesday had NBC NEWS anchorman Tom Brokaw threatening to resign if Andy "America's News Leader" Lack goes with the completed Lisa Myers package, one NBC producer, who asked not to be identified, said late Wednesday. Broaddrick is now being described as "emotionally drained" after the session with Myers. And since giving the interview, Broaddrick has confessed to a friend: "I'm so afraid over what is going to happen now."..Pro-Myers associates inside of the network question why the original Myers piece on Broaddrick aired, and now the actual interview with "Jane Doe #5" has hit a broadcast wall. "It was clear sailing, but now that Lisa has put the house up with the nails there is resistance by executives," said one pro-Myers source. And while no final decision on airing the interview has been made, the Myers situation has caused confusion throughout the ranks at NBC... 10/26/98 Carl Limbacher ". Perhaps what Juanita Broaddrick says happened to her some 20 years ago..That friend, Phillip Yoakum, reminded Broaddrick of her nightmare in a letter he wrote hoping to convince her to go public in 1992: "I was particularly distraught when you told me of your brutal rape by Bill Clinton ... [how] he started trying to kiss you and ran his hands all over your body until he ripped your clothes off, and how he bit your lip until you gave into his forcing sex upon you." (, March 28, 1998) Yoakum's version of Broaddrick's story is corroborated by a nurse who treated her after the assault. Norma Rogers told NBC News last March that Juanita Broaddrick was "distraught, her lips were swollen at least double in size. ... ."
National Review/The Goldberg File 1/5/99 Jonah Goldberg "..Now, I've learned that there seems to be additional evidence out there (not in the Ford building and not in OIC's office) corroborating the allegations that Jane Doe #5 was assaulted by Bill Clinton and then intimidated into covering it up. I suspect you'll be reading about it soon. Let's assume that story is true, or assume it isn't, it doesn't really matter. But again, would anybody be surprised? Would any opinions change? What is it about this man that his actual allies think he is capable of despicable things and they just don't care?." 2/4/99 Carl Limbacher ".In an exclusive interview late last week, onetime Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sheffield Nelson told that for years he's known of a woman who alleged that then-Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Nelson refused to identify the victim but did emphasize that the woman, a friend of his wife's, was not Juanita Broaddrick. Reached at his Little Rock home on Thursday, Nelson revealed that he had met with Broaddrick and her friend, Phillip Yoakum, at her office in October 1992. Both Yoakum and Nelson were trying to convince Broaddrick to go public with her devastating account of a bruising sexual assault by Clinton 14 years earlier. Two years before that meeting, Nelson had failed to unseat Clinton in an election that earned the future president his fifth term as governor. Nelson informed Broaddrick that her unwanted encounter with Clinton was not unique. Still, Nelson told, the other victim "will never come forward." One source familiar with the meeting revealed that one of the reasons the woman was reluctant to go public about her attack is because she had been drinking heavily when it occurred.."
Drudge 2/18/99 ".Completely frustrated that NBC NEWS has refused to air her interview, Juanita Broaddrick, aka Jane Doe #5, opens herself up to Friday's WALL STREET JOURNAL! .In a Little Rock hotel room, Bill Clinton forced Broaddrick onto a bed where he "held her down forcibly and bit her lips," says the report. "The sexual entry itself was not without some pain, she recalls, because of her stiffness and resistance..I felt paralyzed and was starting to cry.' As he got to the door, she remembers, he turned. 'This is the part that always stays in my mind -- the way he put on his sunglasses. Then he looked at me and said, 'You better put some ice on that.' And then he left.'"."
Wall Street Journal 2/19/99 Dorothy Rabinowitz ".They had not been there more than five minutes, Mrs. Broaddrick says, when he moved close as they stood looking out at the Arkansas River. He pointed out an old jailhouse and told her that when he became governor, he was going to renovate that place.. But the conversation did not linger long on the candidate's plans for social reform. For, Mrs. Broaddrick relates, he then put his arms around her, startling her.. The argument failed to persuade Mr. Clinton, who, she says, got her onto the bed, held her down forcibly and bit her lips. The sexual entry itself was not without some pain, she recalls, because of her stiffness and resistance. When it was over, she says, he looked down at her and said not to worry, he was sterile--he had had mumps when he was a child. "As though that was the thing on my mind--I wasn't thinking about pregnancy, or about anything," she says. "I felt paralyzed and was starting to cry." As he got to the door, she remembers, he turned. "This is the part that always stays in my mind--the way he put on his sunglasses. Then he looked at me and said, 'You better put some ice on that.' And then he left." Her friend Norma Rogers, a nurse who had accompanied her on the trip, found her on the bed. She was, Ms. Rogers related in an interview, in a state of shock--lips swollen to double their size, mouth discolored from the biting, her pantyhose torn in the crotch. "She just stayed on the bed and kept repeating, 'I can't believe what happened.' " Ms. Rogers applied ice to Juanita's mouth, and they drove back home, stopping along the way for more ice.."
Washington Post Page 1 Louis Romano Peter Baker ".Hers has been a story hidden in plain sight since last March, referred to in vague terms in Jones's court filings and Starr's impeachment report yet never explicitly a part of the now-concluded congressional debate over whether Clinton should be removed from office for trying to cover up his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky. Few in official Washington who have been privy to the Broaddrick story have been entirely sure what to make of it.. With no witnesses, Broaddrick's story is difficult to verify. But her account is corroborated to an extent by one person who has said they talked about it contemporaneously. Norma Rogers, an employee and friend who traveled with her to the conference, told The Post in separate interviews that she returned to the hotel room that day to find Broaddrick badly shaken and her lip swollen. They quickly packed and left, stopping to get ice for Broaddrick's lip on the way back to Van Buren, both later said. Rogers, who has since moved to a suburb of Tulsa, Okla., had not talked with Broaddrick for several years until the episode was resurrected in the Jones lawsuit. Before the two got back in touch, Rogers told The Post last spring: "It's true unless she has been lying to me for 20 years and I don't think she did. We were close enough at the time that if something else had happened I believe she would have told me.". Broaddrick said Clinton called her at the nursing home several times afterward but she would never take the call. The next time she recalled seeing him was in 1991, when she said she was summoned out of another nursing home meeting in Little Rock to meet with him. "It was unreal. . . . He kept trying to hold my hand," she said. "I can still remember his words. He said, 'Can you ever forgive me? I'm not the same man I used to be.' . . . I told him, 'You just go to hell.' And I walked away. I was shaking." ..Looking back, Broaddrick said yesterday that she does not believe she made a mistake by keeping quiet in 1978 but wishes she had come forward in 1992. "I feel that had I come out in '92, that it may have made a difference," she said. "I regret that." .."
3/23/98 Newsweek Evan Thomas, Martha Brant and Pat Wingert. "...It was late on the afternoon of Wednesday, Jan. 14, and Monica Lewinsky seemed to be more desperate than ever to reach her friend Linda Tripp. At loose ends before she began her new job in New York, Lewinsky was calling Tripp repeatedly from pay phones, for fear of being overheard--or wiretapped. Pulled out of a meeting at the Pentagon, Tripp finally got Lewinsky's call. According to a source familiar with Tripp's account, Tripp believed that Lewinsky had been crying. Lewinsky told Tripp that she had some "new ideas" about how Linda could testify in the Paula Jones case..."
Freeper Hillary's Lovely Legs reports on MSNBC's Equal Time 2/21/99 ".[Susan Estrich] . said that what Clinton did to Juanita in 1978 would not have been considered rape. Her reasoning was that ' things were different back then", what Clinton had with Juanita was sex, not rape. Her giggles after her comments were enough to make me puke. I would like to thank NOW for making this all possible.."
Freeper steves44 reports on FoxNews 2/24/99 re Juanita Broaddrick "…Just heard on Hanity&Colmes, from… Alan Colmes said "if this is true, he (Clinton) must go." With my own ears I heard it. Anyone else hear it?…"
Freeper Burr5 reports 2/24/99 re Juanita Broaddrick "…Wrong. Former New York State Lt. Gov. Betsey McCoy (sp?) Ross, one of Clinton's Blindest, most partisan defenders just said SHE BELIEVES JUANITA!!!! SHE ALSO SAYS OTHERS WILL GET ON BOARD!…"
Freeper debo21 reports 2/24/99 re Juanita Broaddrick "…On the other hand, switched to McLaughlin after the interview was over, on MSNBC, & saw a REMARKABLY STUPID young woman named Karen Foerstel suggest that this would have no impact on Clinton's enormous popularity, because, she said mechanically, the American people knew this about Clinton already and yet we really like this guy. Wrong on BOTH dimensions, of course--we weren't allowed to know about Juanita's rape, although THE NATIONAL PRESS HAS HAD THE STORY SINCE 1992, AS THE NEW YORK TIMES ITSELF CONFIRMED IN A STORY TODAY!!!!!! And, moreover, polls show we DON'T like this guy--we just have been convinced that his job performance is terrific…."
Freeper Yaya123 on Hockenberry "…Lisa Myers was on first. She retold the story. The other guests, Alter, Laura Ingraham, Barbara Olsen, Stuart Taylor, and James Warren. Olsen clearly shaken. Ingraham drove home the point, 'a rapist is in the White House'. Alter said she was credible, Warren agreed. Taylor said this would have been a story no matter who was president. With Carter, it wouldn't have been believed, but with Clinton, it is believeable. Hockenberry said no demo guests would come on tonight, clearly they were waiting to see how it unfolded. When Warren blamed this story coming out on the internet, Hockenberry corrected him & said it came out because of the impeachment and because it is believeable. Hockenberry took calls for the last half of the show, and said every call but one was against the president. Every call from a woman indicted the president, supported Juanita saying her actions over the years fit the profile of a raped woman…."
Washington Times 2/25/99 Joyce Howard Price "...Feminist lawyer Gloria Allred says she believes the public "has a right to know if there is a rapist in the White House as president,"just as it should know if a murderer is president.... Susan Bianchi-Sands,president of the National council of Womens Organizations,called Mrs.Broaddrick's accusation against Mr.Clinton"serious,since it sounds like a charge of assualt." "And as egregious as his behavior was"with Monica Lewinsky,"that involved consensual sex,and assault is certainly more serious,"Ms.Bianchi-Sands said yesterday. ...But Ms.Allred-who filed the first complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee about sexual misconduct by former Sen.Robert Packwood,Oregon Republican-said she knows firsthand that women raped by high-profile assailants don't always reprot the assaults... Denise Snyder,executive director of the D.C.Rape Crisis Center,said she's concerned that some people are raising questions about Mrs.Broaddrick's credibility,because of her "delay in coming forward" with the charges against Mr.Clinton. In fact,such delays are "quite normative when the assailant has a lot of power and a high public profile," "Society often assumes a sexual assault survivor is lying,"and a victim may fear she'll be blamed or suffer retaliation if she brings charges,Ms.Snyder said. If this occurs in the Broaddrick case,she said,"It will be fodder for the cannon aimed at sexual assault survivors"and could prompt other women to keep such incidents secret...."
Freeper Lex on MSNBC 2/25/99 "...Keith [Waters] was on MSNBC and yes, I heard him call Juanita a slut too. I believe there was a panel of 3 or 4 talking heads ( Bob Dornan was there). Keith was spinning so fast, I thought he was going to explode. Someone else on the panel heard him use the word "slut" too, and asked Keith "did you call Juanita a slut? As usual, the talking heads were all talking at once, so Keith's comment went unchallenged. ..."
Freeper TheHunter 2/25/99 "...Yes, Keith Waters called Mrs. B a slut. It was on MSNBC's Newchat or Internight program. Mr. Waters was experiencing a case of high blood pressure while defending his Idol, Bill Clinton. He was involved in an interchange with Bob Dornan. When it was Mr. Waters turn to respond he stated his comeback by saying, "she's a slut". It appeared by the look on his face that he realized what he said and quickly started to say whatever it was that he wanted to say. Mr. Dornan caught it and asked something to the effect "what did you say?" Mr. Waters ignored the question and finished ramming his point through. After that point, Mr. Waters continued to hypocritically chastise Mr. Dornan for calling Clinton a rapist. No one on the program, including the hostess, called Mr. Waters to task for his mean-spirited, out-of-line name calling. In other words, he called her a slut and got away with it...."
Equal Time with Oliver North and Cynthia Alksne 25 Feb 99 MSNBC's Equal Time Freeper Evocatus reports "…Cynthia Alksne (for the lefties) and Bay Buchanan (for the righties and subbing for Oliver North) are substantially agreeing on the credibility of and power in Juanita Broaddrick's story…." Freeper PubsRus adds "…Cynthia stated she draws the line on rape and that she believes Juanita Broaddrick. She was adamant tonight about believing this story. She did not defend the IMPOTUS.."
2/25/99 Freeper Burr5 reports on Golden Show "...Juanita's SON, David (?) Hickey says he has heard that the RAPE victim of [Clinton] from his college days at Oxford may tell her story to the US press very soon. I heard him say it on the James... Golden show this afternoon...."
2/25/99 The Associated Press/KTVU/Fox 2 San Francisco A Whitewater Researcher "...EXCERTS: "Fliers calling President Clinton a "sexual predator" dotted a tony San Francisco neighborhood Thursday where he was scheduled to attend a fund-raising dinner....The bright yellow fliers with a large black excla mation point down the middle followed a Dateline NBC report Wednesday night in which an Arkansas woman described an alleged sexual assault by Bill Clinton 21 years ago...."NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT!" the fliers scream. "SEXUAL PREDATOR headed our way...."METHOD OF OPERATION..."Exposing himself..."Groping vulnerable females..."-- AND MOST ALARMING --"SUSPECT IS ACCUSED RAPIST"...The fliers tell viewers to refer to articles in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post before continuing:..."Predator will be g uest of honor at $25,000 per person fundraiser at the Gordon and Ann Getty residence...."ESTIMATED ARRIVAL..."FEBRUARY 25 OR 26..."SUSPECT NAME..."WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON..."AKA 'SLICK WILLIE'...At the bottom of the flier, in very small type, are the wo rds: "But he's so GOOD on women's issues..."
Rasmussen Research 2/26/99 Freeper A Whitewater Researcher "...EXCERPTS: "By a two-to-one margin (57%-25%), those who saw Juanita Broaddrick being interviewed say that they believe her. Just over 20% of American adults say that they have seen at least part of the interview....Broaddrick is the woman formerly known as Jane Doe #5 who says Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in 1978....The numbers may be affected by the fact that people with a lower opinion of the President were more likely to have seen the interview....Among those who saw the interview, 42% have a favorable impression of Broaddrick, while 26% have an unfavorable opinion. Still, 30% of those with an unfavorable opinion say that they believe her story....Nationally, including those who did not see the interview, 16% say they have a favorable opinion of Broaddrick and 16% have an unfavorable view. 68% did not know who she was or did not have an opinion....The survey was conducted by Rasmussen Research...."
Freeper mojo OIC Supplemental Materials (10/2/98) pg 2700 "…MS. TRIPP: This one-this one's huge. It'll leak. It'll be denials, we-we assume. Correct? MS. LEWINSKY: Well, from that other sheet of everything he said, there was-those are definitely denials. MS. TRIPP: Yeah. MS. LEWINSKY: I wonder how he'll explain that 128-minute call to Juanita. MS. TRIPP: 158. MS. LEWINSKY: 158 to Juanita. MS. TRIPP: Say it wasn't him, I guess. MS. LEWINSKY: Or, well, I mean the truth is, is it could have been-"I really don't remember." MS. TRIPP: (Laughter) …" per FoxNews 3/4/99 This is a different Juanita.
New York Post 2/20/99 Brian Blomquist Freeper ProTruth ".The 56-year-old nursing-home owner claims Clinton bit her lips, forced her to have sex with him, then told her not to worry because he was "sterile" due to a child-hood bout with the mumps.. She alleges that after Clinton painfully forced her into sex, he put on his sunglasses and told her as he was leaving, "You'd better put some ice on your face."."
New York Post 2/20/99 Steve Dunleavy ".JUANITA BROADDRICK said yesterday "Bill Clinton is a cold bastard who might have been killed if he had not been governor of Arkansas." Broaddrick claims Clinton sexually assaulted her in a Little Rock hotel room in April 1978. "If my husband had his way at the time he would have killed him," she told me from her home in Van Buren, Ark. "If as governor of Arkansas he had not been so well-protected, I shudder to think what my husband would have done or what would have happened.".. The NBC interview never appeared and to this day remains a journalistic mystery. "A week after I did the interview with NBC I was still pretty shaken up about the whole thing. I called and asked them what was happening," she said. "I was told that I was very credible and they were still researching the story." What NBC does with their exclusive interviews is entirely their business. But journalists still have giant question marks on their face as to why it has not yet appeared. "I honestly don't know why, but one has to wonder," Broaddrick said. "Considering that I gave the interview at the time of the impeachment hearings, I don't know. "Anyway, I've said what I've said and I think that no one would doubt my credibility. "As for Clinton himself, it's quite obvious what I think about him." If the allegations by Monica Lewinsky are true, if the allegations by Paula Jones are true, if the allegations by Kathleen Willey are true, and if the allegations by Broaddrick are true, then there is a particularly important resident of Pennsylvania Avenue who needs a lot of professional help.."
Laissez Faire City Times 2/22/99 Rex Rogers "."Juanita Broaddrick's, yet to break, 'very credible' interview with NBC, and her subsequent actions in 'going on the record' with the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the Associated Press has broken the dam wide-open! "The Whitehouse is in panic. New attack victims are coming out of the woodwork like rats fleeing a sinking ship," Washington insiders are saying. Fear of reprisal is waning. From England, Canada and even Yale University, alleged victims, belatedly enraged, seem to be getting braver and more are going on the record with official allegations.."Bill Clinton may even resign over this, if it gets much worse," a scandal hardened reporter exclaims, "There is a breaking point. Even in the establishment press. To people outside the beltway, it's beginning to look like the US president is a serial sex offender. This is truly unbelievable", he says. "'Cold Bastard Bill'," [quoting Broaddrick], "just chews 'em up, and spits 'em out like chicken wings!".Sources say the 'War Room' was vacant Saturday afternoon, and rumors spreading on the internet hint that major team players are considering resignation themselves. Could this be the beginning of the end? ."
Sunday Telegraph (Australia) 2/21/99 Ian Cobain "...THE scandal which has secretly terrified Bill Clinton for years burst into the open yesterday when claims that he raped a woman appeared in America's most respected newspaper. He was said to be "utterly dumbfounded" that the Wall Street Journal had published the allegations. ...What occurred that night in Room 824 has been the subject of at least three secret inquiries: by investigators working for Paula Jones' lawyers, by the FBI, and by a woman police sergeant on attachment to the House of Representatives judiciary committee. At least one investigation team concluded that the President was guilty of rape. The allegation is that Mr Clinton tried to persuade Mrs Broaddrick to sleep with him. When that failed, he is said to have ripped her clothes, and bit her lip hard until she succumbed...."
Washington Times 2/22/99 John McCaslin "..."All trained criminal investigators who have interviewed Mrs. Broaddrick, including House Judiciary Committee law enforcement officers detailed to that committee, have found her ... very credible," Mr. Aldrich tells this column.... "
Electronic Telegraph 2-22-99 Hugh Davies "...Mrs Broaddrick, 56, said: "Bill Clinton is a cold bastard who might have been killed if he had not been governor of Arkansas." She said she feared that her husband might take revenge against Mr Clinton for what she claimed was a "horrible" attack on her in a Little Rock hotel bedroom. "If, as governor of Arkansas, he had not been so well protected, I shudder to think what my husband would have done or what would have happened," she said. Mrs Broaddrick said that Mr Clinton had long been "covering his tracks" about the incident. ..." 2/23/99 Inside Cover "...Broaddrick's nurse-friend Norma Rogers told Paula Jones investigators Rick and Beverly Lambert, who were recently interviewed for an upcoming report, that the wounds were so bad that one lip was nearly torn in two. What accounts for such rabid brutality? According to a former rape investigator with the New Orleans Police Department, who contacted confidentially, lip biting is a common M.O. for rapists. She told Inside Cover: "The reason rapists bite is because, even with the full weight of her attacker on top of her, the woman is often able to resist the parting of her legs by locking her ankles. The rapist's arms are busy keeping her pinned down. The only weapon the rapist has left is his teeth, which he uses to bite while demanding she open her legs. The lips are very sensitive. Biting them is so painful it distracts the victim, allowing a rapist to overcome her resistance. The victim can only hold out for so long as the blood flows into her mouth. Some women are stronger than others and I've seen their lips half-torn from their faces before they give up."..."
AP 2/24/99 "…At times tearful, Juanita Broaddrick appeared on national television Wednesday describing an alleged sexual assault by Bill Clinton 21 years ago. ``I was a little bit uneasy, but I felt a real friendship toward this man and I really didn't feel any danger'' in letting him come up to her Little Rock, Ark., hotel room during a nursing administrators' conference in 1978, she told NBC's ``Dateline.'' In the interview, taped Jan. 20 but held by the network until Wednesday night, Mrs. Broaddrick cried briefly as she detailed the alleged assault and she said of Clinton, ``my hatred for him is overwhelming.'' She said he forced himself on her when she ``pushed him away and told him `no.''' …"
2/25/99 Michael Kelly Page A23 "...So now Bill Clinton has been accused, publicly, and it appears with some real credibility, of rape.... The 55-year-old Broaddrick is, as the Journal's Rabinowitz writes, "a woman of accomplishment, prosperous, successful in her field, serious; a woman seeking no profit, no book, no lawsuit." She is no one James Carville can casually smear as trailer trash, but a nurse who built up a company of five nursing homes in Arkansas. Moreover, Broaddrick was a reluctant witness, keeping her story secret for two decades.... And Broaddrick's account is highly specific, filled with small, precise points of recollection that do not seem the sort of details someone would make up...Moreover, Broaddrick's account is supported by the account of a friend and fellow nurse, Norma Rogers, who told the Journal that she found Broaddrick in her hotel room shortly after the alleged assault "in a state of shock -- lips swollen to double their size, mouth discolored from the biting, her pantyhose torn in the crotch." It is also supported by her then-boyfriend (now-husband), David Broaddrick, who says his wife reluctantly told him of the assault soon afterward. But above all, Broaddrick's story is believable because of its wretched familiarity...."
Mark Steyn National Post 2/25/99 "...He raped her. That's what she told Lisa Myers of NBC News back in January, just as the impeachment trial was getting underway. But the network got cold feet -- unlike the president, who always keeps his socks on. "The good news is you're credible," Miss Myers informed her interviewee. "The bad news is you're very credible" -- a problem peculiar to American journalism. Last night, with Mr. Clinton acquitted and Senator-elect Rodham cruising to victory in the New York primary, NBC decided it was finally safe to air Miss Myers' report on Dateline. So what will happen now? Nothing. He raped her. Old news. Get over it. Move on. The country's reached "closure." ..."
NewsMax.Com 2/25/99 Lucianne Goldberg AKA Trixie "... In an interview with Canada's National Post, Goldberg hinted that not all allegations of forcible sexual assault by Bill Clinton are 20 years old. Here's how the National Post covered Goldberg's revelation on Tuesday: Lucianne explains, for instance, that she is unsurprised by the failure of the latest "cold bastard" allegations of "rape" against Mr. Clinton involving Jane Doe 5. So far, this charge has failed to get much beyond the Drudge Report, the tabloid New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. That is why she is now promising yet another tale, a Jane Doe 6. "It's assault, not rape because there was no sexual entry," she says. "It occurred since he became president, and comes from someone who cannot be faulted." 2/23/99 Inside Cover Report "...One of the more shocking aspects of Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegation against President Clinton is the way she says he forced her to submit. After pushing her down on a hotel room bed, Broaddrick says Clinton bit her lips until they bled. Broaddrick's nurse-friend Norma Rogers told Paula Jones investigators Rick and Beverly Lambert, who were recently interviewed for an upcoming report, that the wounds were so bad that one lip was nearly torn in two...."
Freeper report 2/2/8/99Allan J. Favish "...Lisa Myers said on Meet the Press this morning that the reason Starr's investigators deemed their April 1998 interview with Broaddrick to be "inconclusive" is because Braoddrick broke down during the interview after telling them that something happened, but did not tell them that she was assaulted and raped and the investigators did not press her for details...."
Freeper report 2/28/99 4Liberty "... "Meet the Press" had a roundtable discussion with Howie Kurtz, Gene Lyons, Tim Russert, Lisa Meyers. They all looked completely dazed and sickened by the Broaddrick story - even Gene Lyons, a long-time Clinton-enabler. Lyons continued his small, defensive noises about Clinton, but he couldn't even look at the camera. Lisa Meyers was DEFENDING Ken Starr at length. She carefully and accurately responded to a question from Time Russert regarding the matter of why this horrid rape accusation was not formally introduced during the Impeachment hearings, by Ken Starr's Office. Lisa carefully explained that Starr's IC mandate was to investigate Obstruction of Justice activities by Clinton, only - including possible obstructions in the Paula Jones Trial. Meyers observed that Ken Starr's people interviewed Juanita, and Mrs. Broaddrick stated to them that she was not threatened or tampered with by Bill or the WH, with regard to her participation in the PJ trial -- so, Mr. Starr had to drop it, by Law. And he did. LISA MEYERS OF NBC WAS DEFENDING STARR -- AND WAS QUITE SYMPATHETIC TO STARR'S - REASONABLE - APPROACH TO JUANITA IN LIGHT OF THE REALITY OF HIS OFFICE'S LIMITED MANDATE, AND INSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS. She in essence concluded that Judge Starr was acting carefully, judiciously, and in accordance with the Law. - that Starr was not "out of control," "partisan," or "out to get" Clinton...."
Freeper report 2/28/99 snoopyone "...There was a roundtable discussion on MTP with Susan Estrich (shameless ostrich), Bill Bennett, and Patricia Ireland. I, and a few other very observant FReepers caught what Bill Bennett said at the beginning of the discussion - that White house operatives are now admitting "on background" to many news organizations that Bill Clinton WAS at the Camelot Hotel on the morning of April 25, 1978. Interestingly, the same episode of MTP later had on Lisa Myers, who reiterated that the White House refused to answer a single question she posed to them prior to the airing of the interview with Broaddrick. They would not admit if Clinton had ever met Broaddrick, if there was any sex of any kind, etc. They would not divulge to her any information about Clinton's whereabouts around the time of the alleged assault, among other things. The White House does have files relating to Clinton's stint as Arkansas Attorney General, but refused to answer Myers' questions when the info was at their fingertips. The admission, even if "on background", that Clinton was there is a SERIOUS one!!! ..."
Political Digest 3/4/99 James Pinkerton "…Lawrence O'Donnell, for example was asked on "The McLaughlin Group" how long he thought the Broaddrick story would last: "I think the polls will come out in the president's favor on this," he answered, predicting: "I don't think the story's going to have legs." But as Lt. Columbo used to say, "There's just one little thing." And the little thing that could haunt Clinton is not the two- decades-old incident that Broaddrick alleges, but rather the 15-month old incidents that U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright remembers.
On February 16, Wright indicated that she might hold Clinton in contempt of court for his false deposition testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit…. If Wright were to conclude that Clinton was in any way complicit with Broaddrick's false affidavit, or even that he knew it was false when Broaddrick filed it, he could face civil or even criminal contempt…. Young Susan Webber, one of his students, handed in her final exam and awaited her grade. But instead of getting a mark, she got a phone call, from none other than Prof. Clinton's girlfriend Hillary Rodham. Rodham told Webber that Clinton had lost her exam, and offered a deal: Take a B-plus for the course and forget about seeing the exam back. Webber said no, insisting on taking the exam again. This incident from a quarter-century ago illustrates that some of Clinton's ways with women have changed little. Then and now, he overextends himself, gets in trouble, and Hillary tries to bail him out Of course, the Broaddrick allegations show a possible dark side to his manipulativeness, and that's what Webber - the student - turned Wright - the judge - might want to explore. Joseph DeGenova, a former Republican prosecutor, speculates that Wright could inquire into "the facts and circumstances" surrounding the creeation of the original false affidavit….. "
NewsMax 3/4/99 Larry Elder "… Yes, she [Juanita] signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case, denying a sexual assault. But when the federal investigators came calling, and testimony before the grand jury seemed plausible, Broaddrick recanted. Didn't someone named Monica Lewinsky also sign a false affidavit, which she, too, later recanted? Gennifer Flowers. Paula Jones. Monica Lewinsky. Kathleen Willey. Dolly Kyle Browning. And now, Juanita Broaddrick. Liars, all. Never mind that the president wagged his finger at us, saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Never mind the Gennifer Flowers tape recording of the then-governor in which he said, " ... if everybody's on record denying it (the relationship), you got no problems." A Fox poll, following "Dateline's" Broaddrick interview, shows that 54 percent of Americans believe Broaddrick's allegation. Only 23 percent find the charges untrue. And, post-impeachment trial polls show that 84 percent of Americans believe the president both committed perjury and obstructed justice. This means most Americans consider the president a felon and not just a run-of-the-mill felon but a rapist felon…."
WorldNetDaily 3/4/99 Stephan Archer "…A Virginia chapter of the National Organization for Women is congratulating for her courage Juanita Broaddrick, the 56-year-old business woman who accused President Clinton of raping her and is demanding that Clinton resign. Marie-Jose Ragab, the president of Virginia's Dulles Area chapter of NOW, said that her chapter believes Broaddrick's story and gives her its full support. It is Ragab's hope that Broaddrick's courage will give other women who may have been victimized by Clinton a voice in the nation's public forum. "We hope that her strength and resolve will inspire other women possibly victimized by Mr. Clinton to come forward and speak up as well," she said….Ragab is appalled that some women are once again feeling afraid in the workplace. She said she's also unimpressed with those Democrats who rebuke the president for his lack of moral decency and then turn around and whole-heartedly support him. "Although we believe Mr. Clinton is guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice as charged, we accept the judgments rendered by the Senate," Ragab said. "We are, however, unmoved by the display of moral outrage Democrats profess to feel toward a man they otherwise passionately support, someone we concluded uses and abuses women and then seeks to destroy those who attempt to expose the harm they suffered." …" 3/5/99 John N. Doggett "…If you feared that Bill and his supporters would get away with murder when the Senate refused to remove him from office, don't you worry. In the real world, there are always consequences for one's actions. Bill may be a master of spin, but now that the Senate trial is over, he has lost control of the dial. Last week, Mrs. Juanita Broaddrick accused Bill of raping her 21 years ago. Bill would like to deny her accusations, but he has to keep silent. You see, the statue of limitations has run in the Broaddrick case. If, however, Bill denies Mrs. Broaddrick's allegations, she can sue him for liable and slander and force him to testify under oath. So all the master of spin can do is bite his tongue. Such is the life of the inhabitants of Dante's purgatory. Hillary told us that Bill's problems were the result of a "vast right wing conspiracy to destroy her husband." Did the right wing force him to have sex with hundreds of women during your marriage? Did the right wing force him to have sex with Monica while you and your daughter were down the hall? Did the right wing force Bill to lie to the world? Al Gore desperately wants to be our next president. Instead of siding with the forces of good, he steadfastly refused to turn on Bill Clinton. In fact, when the House impeached Bill, Al told the world that "Clinton is one of the best presidents America has ever had." Al made a pact with the devil. His price will be that he will never obtain the one thing he covets more than truth, honor, or justice…."
Wall St. Journal 3-5-99 Cynthia Alksne "…Women have solidly supported President Clinton through the Lewinsky scandal and the impeachment trial. On balance, we thought he was good on so-called women's issues and were not willing to turn our backs on him based solely on a consensual relationship with a young intern. Despite this history of loyalty, feminists need to take a much harder look at Mr. Clinton in the wake of Juanita Broaddrick's allegations. Here, in a nutshell, is the problem: Ms. Broaddrick says the president raped her. Her word alone should be sufficient to require a serious response from the president, particularly in light of the support he has enjoyed from feminists and female voters. Instead, the president had his lawyer, David Kendall, issue a perfunctory statement that the charges were "absolutely false"--a statement Mr. Kendall is in no position to verify--and has refused to answer any specific questions. In essence, the president is suggesting that Juanita Broaddrick's corroborated word is not "evidence" and therefore does not merit a response. Yet one woman's word is enough to prosecute a rapist…"

The Washington Post 3/4/99 John Harris "…Asked about Juanita Broaddrick's recent allegations that Clinton assaulted her 21 years ago in an Arkansas hotel room, Shalala said she has reached no conclusion about whether she believes Broaddrick or the terse denial issued by Clinton's lawyer - and said she doesn't need to in order to do her job…."
Juanita Broaddrick 3/7/99 Freeper Danno "…Hello Daniel, I have been reading on FR this am about members thinking that I may have something to hide. Please be assured that the 158 minute Juanita is not me and that I have nothing to hide regarding Starr, Clinton or anyone. I have no idea who they are referring to. It is as much a mystery to my family and I as it is to all of you. I wish someone would ask Linda Tripp about it, today. Maybe she can shed some light on the subject. Would you please relay this information to the forum. Also, please let them know that my husband, except for the time that he told BC to stay away from me, has never talked to Clinton or any of his people. The only time I have ever talked to BC was at the time of the incident in '78 and when he had me called out of the meeting in '91 and once on the telephone in 78 or 79 when I told him to stop calling me. Thank you very much. Sincerely,Juanita Broaddrick…"
UPI 3/7/99 "…Linda Tripp, the woman who secretly recorded her telephone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, told ABC's ``This Week'' (Sunday) there is another woman named Juanita ``who has not yet surfaced.'' Tripp said the woman in question was not Juanita Broaddrick, who recently alleged Clinton sexually assaulted her 21 years ago, but that Clinton had talked on the telephone with this woman for 158 minutes in 1996.'…"
3/7/99 chuck allen via Varmint Al "…There are three women named Juanita on the 967 FBI files found in the White House. Here are the three names. Juanita Mae Doggett Juanita Donaghey Duggan Mildred Juanita Hill…"
Assorted Publications 3/7/99 K. Dhalle "…I did a search of published newspapers and discovered that a number of women named "Juanita" had the misfortune of having their name in print with Bill Clinton's. Here's they are: Juanita Cobb, Mayor of Binghamton, New York Juanita Kreps, former Commerce Secretary and Economics Professor at Duke University. Appointed to Commission for the Future of Worker Management Relations in March 1993. Juanita Jordan, wife of basketball star Michael Jordan. Juanita's, Clinton's favorite restaurant in Arkansas that got its start with a loan from Madison Guaranty. Juanita Hernandez, Assistant to Deval Patrick, Civil Rights Chief at the Department of Justice (1994). Juanita Nixon, wife of Red Sox outfielder Otis Nixon, visited Clinton at the White House in '94 with a group involved in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation. Juanita Millender-McDonald, Democratic Representative from California. Juanita, The Incan Mummy Clinton had the hots for. Also known as "The Ice Princess." Juanita Williams, Delegate to the Democratic National Convention (1996). Juanita Woodward, wife of Larry Woodward and overnight guests at the White House. Listed as Arkansas friends…."
CNN 3/8/99 Larry King Live Transcript "… LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, Juanita Broaddrick claims that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her 21 years ago. Tonight, her son, Kevin Hickey, speaks out for her….. HICKEY: Oh, I think it happened to other people. There have been allegations out there that this happened to other people. I don't think this was a one-time thing. I think the public is very interested in this. We didn't really know what the reaction would be after she did the interview, but it has been obvious the last couple of weeks that there are a lot of major people in politics, in the media that are calling for Bill Clinton to talk about this because so far he hasn't…..HICKEY: I think that he's set a terrible precedent for the presidency. I think that he has -- has done something and basically gotten away with it. What's to prevent some president 15 years from now from doing the same thing, having an affair with an intern in the Oval Office, and then completely getting away with it? I -- I think that's a terrible precedent to set, but I think that's the one that has been set….. HICKEY: I think that Bill Clinton has some serious problems. And I think he has -- I think he has a -- a sexualism that he cannot control sometimes, and I think when it gets out of control, you end up with situations like Paula Jones and Kathleen Willie and my mother. And I think he has a real problem…. KING: The story that won't go away. We continue with our panel…. KING: David Gergen, do you believe his mother? DAVID GERGEN, EDITOR-AT-LARGE, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: Well, Larry, I kept thinking -- listening to him as the two of you talked -- what mother would tell her son that she had been raped if it hadn't happened? That's what really gave me pause. I think it added to the credibility of the story. It's possible that they're participating in some huge frame-up of the president. But he seems like a plain vanilla kind of guy. And it's just -- he was persuasive. KING: Dee Dee, you worked for Clinton. DEE DEE MYERS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I certainly am not going to raise any questions about the credibility of Juanita Broaddrick or her son, Kevin, who I thought told his story quite... KING: David made a good point. What mother would lie to her son about being raped? MYERS: You would hope that nobody would. I mean, certainly, I saw her on another network, on NBC, and I thought she seemed like she was quite credible. And I thought he did a very straightforward recitation of what they have been through. And he obviously believes his mother. And I thought he was quite credible. KING: Jeff. JEFF GREENFIELD, CNN SENIOR ANALYST: I am actually astonished almost at where the last two statements leave us. The two people who work for the president are at least unwilling to say, no, I believe the president -- that nothing happened that amounted to an assault. I mean, you need... MYERS: Well... GREENFIELD: I understand that it might be... MYERS: He hasn't said anything yet, Jeff. We don't have the president's comment on this. GREENFIELD: Yes, he has. No, what you have is his lawyer saying any allegation of an assault is absolutely false. And that has been repeated, and in fact, that's all they've said…."
N.Y. Post 3/9/99 WILLIAM KRISTOL "…Asked about Juanita Broaddrick's recent allegations that Clinton assaulted her 21 years ago in an Arkansas hotel room, [Donna] Shalala said she has reached no conclusion about whether she believes Broaddrick or the terse denial issued by Clinton's lawyer - and said she doesn't need to in order to do her job. ''I take all of this very seriously,'' Shalala said of Broaddrick's allegations, adding that ''I do not compartmentalize'' by making separate judgments about personal conduct and public performance. At the same time, Shalala said, ''I'm both a patriot and a professional; I serve the nation and the president.'' This conviction, she said, allows her to pursue what she considers important issues on Clinton's behalf without knowing for sure what to believe about his past. So: A cabinet secretary is agnostic as to whether or not the president she works for is a rapist. At least Donna Shalala has the courage to admit her uncertainty. No other Clinton administration official with whom the Post spoke was willing to be quoted on the record about the Broaddrick allegation. One unnamed aide did admit, ''I think you have to be troubled by it; she seems very credible.'' …" Inside Cover 3/9/99 "…Bill Clinton personally tried to contact Juanita Broaddrick within a year of an April 25, 1978 encounter where, she says, he brutally raped her at Little Rock's Camelot Motel. The stunning revelation was offered this weekend by Mrs. Broaddrick herself, in a message she asked to have posted on the Free Republic website. "Freepers" have been following her case closely ever since NBC refused to air an exclusive interview with the alleged Clinton rape victim in January. Mrs. Broaddrick had previously acknowledged only two instances where she and Clinton had personal contact: The month of her alleged rape and again in 1991 when she was summoned out of a meeting to hear Clinton's apology. But in her latest communiqué she mentions a third contact from Clinton, " ... once on the telephone in '78 or '79 when I told him to stop calling me." Broaddrick did not indicate how many times Clinton tried to contact her before demanding that he "stop calling me." …"
Weekly Standard 3/15/99 Noemie Emery "…Once upon a time, it is now hard to believe, feminists thought that rape could be serious. Very serious. Exceedingly serious. One of the most serious accusations you could make. It was not only grim in itself, it was also a metaphor, a symbol for the whole sorry state of sexual matters that feminists vowed to correct…. In 1990, Clayton Williams, Republican candidate for governor of Texas, told a bad joke comparing rape to bad weather--"When rape if inevitable, relax and enjoy it"--and his mere word brought loud screams, NOW pickets, and charges that no such man should ever hold power. But those were the old day of consciousness-raising…They are being told now that the accused male merits the presumption of innocence; that without absolute proof, the man's word is valid; that if it's an old story, it no longer has meaning; and that a rape charge shouldn't be allowed to interfere with the career of a prominent man. Thus, Juanita Broaddrick's credible charge of a rape accompanied by physical battery by a man who was then attorney general of Arkansas and is now our president is too meaningless to merit a word of reproach from, among others, Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Susan Faludi, Eleanor Smeal, former congresswoman and vocal feminist Patricia Schroeder, former governor and vocal feminist Ann Richards, or Geraldine Ferraro, vocal feminist and former candidate for the vice presidency of the United States. On cable chat shows, the ever-flexible Elizabeth Holtzman, her grin stretched as tight as a death's-head, expresses great concern for the imperiled rights of Bill Clinton. How do you defend yourself against such a charge? she wonders. On Crossfire, Clinton friend Susan Estrich claims that in the absence of proof, the benefit of the doubt goes to the accused, who is then declared innocent. But if so, innocence must also be granted to Clarence Thomas, whose denial of a far lesser charge was so much more forceful than Clinton's, and against whom no scintilla of corroborating evidence has ever been brought. So, are the apologies to Justice in the mail? Thought not…. Feminists have also made much of the power equation, according to which social arrangements are themselves weapons of intimidation, used against women by men. Indeed, Mrs. Broaddrick's charges involve not only rape, but rape by a government official, a man of vast institutional power, charged with upholding the law. …One such instance is what Brownmiller calls "police rape," in which the violation is done by an authority figure, charged with keeping these things from happening. Bill Clinton in 1978, at the time Mrs. Broaddrick says he raped her, was the top cop in his state, soon to be governor, then president, making the assault she charges him with the ultimate perversion of power. As Brownmiller writes, "The horror of police rape is special, for it is an abuse of power by one whose job it is to control such abuses of power... Police rape... represents the ultimate Kafkaesque nightmare, for when society's chosen figure of lawful authority commits a criminal act upon one of those persons he has been sanctioned to protect, where can a woman turn for justice?" Not, it appears, to the women in Congress, who used to call themselves members-at-large on behalf of all women, whose special beleaguered constituency was their imperiled and endangered sex Phone calls to the offices of senators Barbara Boxer, Barbara Mikulski, Dianne Feinstein, and Patty Murray (all of them strong backers of Clarence Thomas's accuser, Anita Hill) and representatives Nita Lowey, Rosa DeLauro, Zoe Lofgren, Carolyn Maloney, and Nancy Pelosi brought refusals to comment, unreturned messages, statements that the reported incident happened too long ago for comment, and assurances that the members were working on more pressing issues…."
Weekly Standard 3/15/99 Noemie Emery "…Quietly, the terrain has been subtly altered. And the things that have been changed are these: (1) Bill Clinton's plan to win the verdict of history is now all but finished. He will not succeed in painting impeachment as a partisan witch hunt, punishing him for his personal shortcomings. His legacy now has been set in concrete: He is the first elected president ever impeached and acquitted; and the first president to be credibly charged with a rape…. Has anyone noticed that, since the Broaddrick interview, the once pervasive talk about the mean, nasty, intolerant, out-of-step Republican party has more or less disappeared? Maybe Bill Clinton was not quite such a victim. Maybe the stories of Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey appear more disturbing, more like predation than sex. The dread House managers now seem somewhat less sinister, in view of what their quarry is thought to have done…. (2) Has anyone also noticed that, since the airing of the Broaddrick charges, the heavy breathing about Senator Rodham has somewhat died down?… But one thing a candidate for high public office cannot do is refuse to answer serious questions on crime. The day after the Broaddrick interview aired on Dateline, Rush Limbaugh introduced almost every segment of his three-hour radio program with cuts from Mrs. Clinton's ringing 1992 endorsement of Anita Hill, which called Hill a heroine and urged women victims of abuse to step forward. As a candidate, Hillary would be fair game….. (3) A Hillary retreat would take some heat off the hustings, but the story wouldn't quite end there. Her stand-in, Rep. Nita Lowey, an early and ardent Anita Hill backer, would herself draw Broaddrick questions. As would all feminist Democrats facing tight races in the 2000 elections. Did they fight Packwood? Did they hate Tailhook? Did they back Hill? What is the difference between Hill's case, and Broaddrick's, except that Broaddrick's charges are so much more serious? ….Every feminist Democrat, male or female; everyone who ever backed the Violence Against Women Act and then either defended Bill Clinton or has said nothing about him, is now fair game for repeated questions and protests and pickets from women themselves….. (4) Broaddrick's charges bring up another quality of Bill Clinton's that is even more disturbing than anything broached so far: his strained relationship with what most people regard as real life. To many, O.J. Simpson's odd lack of outrage when he was charged with the murders of his wife and Ronald Goldman was the tip-off that all was not kosher. Likewise, Clinton's reaction to Mrs. Broaddrick's story seems... strange…"
Weekly Standard 3/15/99 Fred Barnes "… WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS? Only a few weeks ago, they were indignant that anyone would think they took a permissive attitude toward President Clinton's wrongdoing. While opposed to impeachment and conviction in the Monica Lewinsky case, congressional Democrats insisted President Clinton should not go unpunished. "Most of us do not want to have the public believe that an acquittal means acceptance of the behavior," said Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan. So they favored strong censure of the president, and, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said, no one should doubt their motive. They weren't just looking for political cover. Now, weeks later, Juanita Broaddrick has accused Clinton of raping her in 1978. Now, there's no threat of impeachment and no criminal investigation. Now, Democrats are seeking no punishment at all. They're suddenly restrained and quiet. No Democrat has demanded that the truth be determined in the case. No Democrat has called for Congress or law enforcement officials to get to the bottom of the case, lest the public think the charge is being winked at. No Democrat has expressed outrage that Clinton might actually be guilty of sexual assault. Only one congressional Democrat, Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, has even said the president should respond directly to Broaddrick's accusation. One more thing--Clinton's attorney has called the charge "absolutely false." But no Democrat has stepped forward in public and said he or she believes this denial…."
Salon 3/16/99 Christopher Hitchens "… It seems to me morally feeble, as well as intellectually slack, to split the difference between Clinton and Broaddrick, or to characterize her allegation as unprovable. The feeblest summary of this compromise is contained in the lazy phrase "he said, she said." In the case of the "he," we already know that he is a hysterical, habitual liar. We also know that almost no allegation ever made by a woman and denied by him has proven to be untrue. And we know that ex-girlfriends have been subjected to extraordinary campaigns of defamation, amounting in some cases to intimidation, merely for speaking about "consensual" sex. What allegation could be more horrific than that of rape? And yet, "he" hasn't said anything yet. If I was accused of rape, and the woman making the charge was a lady of obvious integrity, I would want to do better than have a lawyer make a routine disclaimer. (Especially a lawyer, in this case the pathetic figure of David Kendall, who had not even met me at the time of the supposed crime.)…. So much for the "he said." What of the "she"? If the allegation is false, then Broaddrick is not just getting her facts wrong. She is deliberately fabricating one of the most damning charges that any one person can make against another. She must be a wicked or deluded or vicious person. There seems no escaping this corollary conclusion. There also seems no reason at all for reaching it. Where is the famous Clintonian rapid-response team? Has it no pride? Can it not find or produce any shadow of a doubt to cast on Broaddrick's character? I think that if it could, we would know by now A provisional but not unpardonable induction, then, is that she is speaking the truth…" 3/24/99 Joseph Farah "…[Sam Donaldson:] "Mr. President, when Juanita Broaddrick leveled her charges against you of rape in a nationally televised interview, your attorney, David Kendall, issued a statement denying them. But shouldn't you speak directly on this matter and reassure the public? And if they are not true, can you tell us what your relationship with Mrs. Broaddrick was, if any?" Clinton responded: "Well, five weeks ago today, five weeks ago today, I stood in the Rose Garden after the Senate voted, and I told you that I thought I owed it to the American people to give them 100 percent of my time and to focus on their business, and that I would leave it to others to decide whether they would follow that lead. And that is why I have decided, as soon as that vote was over, that I would allow all future questions to be answered by my attorneys. And I think the American people do understand it and support it, and I think it was the right decision." Donaldson: "Can you not simply deny it, sir?" Clinton: "There's been a statement made by my attorney. He speaks for me, and I think he spoke quite clearly." And that's how Clinton dealt with the only rape charge ever leveled against a sitting U.S. president….. So, the question remains, why won't Clinton address this important allegation? The answer is: Because the White House press corps and Congress won't force him to answer it. They have let him off the hook. Clinton beat the rap on perjury and obstruction of justice, so he won't be held accountable for rape

Washington Weekly 3/21/99 L D Brown "… Any vestige of doubt that was left after my conversation with Juanita Broaddrick's attorney was removed when I spoke to her myself last week. Her sharing with me the pain of going public about her experiences with Bill Clinton rang true -- and familiar. A compassionate, thinking and feeling woman, Juanita Broaddrick is telling the truth concerning her allegations of rape at the hands of Bill Clinton. She exemplifies the truthful witness, firm in her assertions about what happened that day in a Little Rock hotel room, and wanting only to "put all this behind me," as she put it. Her astonishment at Clinton's attempt to ensure her silence by calling Juanita out of a conference for a chat years later, still infuriates her as if it happened yesterday. Bill used exactly the same method of operation when he tried to silence me as he geared up for his presidential run in 1992. "I'm glad that I came forward, L. D.", she said after we had discussed the reluctance we shared about the timing of going public with allegations against Bill Clinton. We talked of how we had shared misgivings about not coming forward with what we knew before Bill and Hillary made it to the White House…."
Laissez Faire City Times 3/22/99 William DeVore Mickey Pall Freeper Rex Rogers "… Special surgeons at NBC literally cut the life out of what should have been the TV Event of the Year. NBC edited the piece down to 23 minutes, and they ran their mini cut a month after it was first scheduled. NBC then put Juanita's story up against the Grammy Awards without advance promotion, and late enough so that TV Guide and the other scheduling services could not alert viewers. It was a story "made for TV," one novice NBC producer said, "It wasn't easy for the top brass to avoid a wide viewership. But they tried every trick in the book." These efforts were only partly effective…."
Conservative News Service 3/30/99 Justin Torres "…A panel of press experts today discussed the coverage–or lack of coverage–of charges that then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton allegedly raped a nursing home operator in a Little Rock hotel in 1978…Hume responded that the press has not followed up on the story, or attempted to force a more detailed denial from President Clinton. "If the press wants an answer, they'll go after someone like the hounds of hell, and that will usually yield an answer after time. To say that this has not happened in this case is an understatement."….. "To say that there's no where to go and everybody believes it anyway, so you may else well drop the story, is tempting," continued Hume. "But there's more to be done. The problem is not that there's no where to go, it's that nobody's going there. That's alarming." Hume says that Fox News is attempting to continue to cover the story, but that the story is "difficult" to develop…."
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 3/31/99 Patrick Howe Freeper HAL9000 "…In a panel discussion at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Wall Street Journal editorial-page writer Dorothy Rabinowitz said the story has become "the elephant in the living room" that the national press is ignoring. Fox News Channel's Brit Hume, who was on the panel, agreed..."
White House Press Conference, 3/19/99 Sam Donaldson "...QUESTION: Mr. President, when Juanita Broaddrick leveled her charges against you of rape in a nationally televised interview, your attorney David Kendall issued a statement denying them. But shouldn't you speak directly on this matter and reassure the public? And if they are not true, can you tell us what your relationship with Ms. Broaddrick was, if any? CLINTON: Well, five weeks ago today, five weeks ago today, I stood in the rose garden after the Senate voted and I told you that I thought I owed it to the American people to give them 100 percent of my time and to focus on their business, and that I would leave to others to decide whether they would follow that lead. CLINTON: And that is why I have decided as soon as that vote was over that I would allow all future questions to be answered by my attorneys, and I think I made the right decision. I hope you can understand it. I think the American people do understand it and support it. And I think it was the right decision. QUESTION, DONALDSON: [Won't you] simply DENY IT, Sir?! CLINTON: There's been a statement made by my attorney.. He speaks for me, and I think he spoke quite clearly...."
NY Times 4/4/99 Christian Berthelsen "..."When women are willing to go public, it strips away the curtain and distance from the pain of the experience," said Rosanna Hill, a coordinator of the conference and member of the Rainbow Sisters Project, which is sponsoring it. The conference, at the Los Angeles Public Library, is billed as a day to honor women who have been raped and those who have raised public awareness about it...... "The only way to take back what was taken from you is to turn it around and make it positive, and sharing with others," Ms. Miller said in an interview. In a study released last year and sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Justice Department, 18 percent of female respondents said they had been raped or had suffered an attempted rape. Officials and experts estimate that as many as 60 percent of women who are raped never report it. Such was the case for a woman in the public service announcement, who asked not to be identified by name...."
CBS via The American Spectator 4/99 John Corry Freeper Aculeus [The April 1999 edition of The American Spectator went to press weeks before the bombing of Serbia began. On page 53 John Corry writes in "Clinton Bites" about the media's soft handling of the Broaddrick story. At the end of his piece he writes the following.] "…None of this is promising. It should be obvious by now that Bill Clinton suffers from not merely reckless but clearly compulsive behavior, and that he will, as always, do anything to save himself when he gets in trouble. On the day the Broaddrick story broke in the WSJ, the most interesting, and appalling, item on the evening news broadcasts was a report by David Martin, the CBS Pentagon correspondent. The White House, he said, wanted to bomb Serbia, even though our NATO allies opposed it. It is to think the unthinkable that the proposed bombing had anything to do with diverting attention from Juanita Broaddrick, of course. The thought is overwhelming. But it is also unthinkable that we have a rapist in the White House. Who could possibly believe that, either? …"

National Review online 3/27/99 Philip Weiss "…No one can prove that Bill Clinton is an s.o.b. -- but everyone knows it. The best defense his defenders have come up with, which reflects the thinking of the New York Times and many upstanding Democrats, is that this is gossip that should not be brought up in polite society. But feminists have (honorably, in my view) led our society across too many traditional lines of privacy to allow us simply to will this information away. Gossip about Robert Packwood justifiably ended his career in public office. ….Moreover, after months of actual gossip, Juanita Broaddrick came forward and proved to be a hugely persuasive witness. The White House denial of the matter has been terse and witless. Is someone's statement about the worst experience of her life, which she regarded as a crime, really the same as gossip about who is sleeping with whom? Yet the defense has apparently been effective. As any Clinton critic can tell you, the charges seem to have very short legs. The president may well be a rapist; and no one cares! Mrs. Broaddrick's statement is almost never mentioned on network television or in the agenda-setting dailies and weeklies. She is so marginalized that only a nut would bring her up at a press conference. Still, I'd argue that the story is taking a toll. "This thing is like a fire in a peat bog, spreading out of sight," says Lucianne Goldberg. "But every once in a while you see a puff of smoke." Here are some of the ways this story has spread and may continue to spread:…I like to think that the Democrats' denial of this information will become legendary, that it will rank right up there with other Neville Chamberlain-like blindnesses, that history books will some day include the observation, "He may well have been a rapist, and yet elements of the power structure supported him exuberantly." Indeed, this reckoning may come "sooner rather than later," as the president might put it. In 22 months, or at such time as Clinton ceases to be president, people like the Washington Post will at last feel freer to think for themselves about who he was and what he did. Stockholm syndrome will be over. Being an optimist, I believe that the blindness about Broaddrick is so staggering that it will have the effect of destroying other articles of faith and so help to effect a reexamination of the depths of Clinton corruption -- demonstrating, for instance, that there have been cover-ups (boggling the meager abilities of Ken Starr) of responsibility in the travel-office affair and the FBI-files situation, let alone of more nefarious matters, such as the suspicious bombings of Afghanistan, Sudan, and Iraq. …."
Drudge Report 4/7/99 "…Still reeling from the rape charge made recently by an Arkansas woman on national television, the White House has carefully constructed a strategy where President Clinton does not publicly utter the term rape during the Kosovo conflict….."The president has been very careful not to use the term rape," says one insider. "But his surrogates have taken up the slack."…. "With Broaddrick's charges yesterday's news, there's really no need for him to raise the specter of rape at this point," notes one strategist. "It would be foolish." The First Lady has also tiptoed around the word rape when describing Serbian atrocities…."
Universal Press Syndicate 3/30/99 Joseph Sobran "...Am I the only one who senses that President Clinton, while making war in Kosovo, has been avoiding a certain subject? One of the perennial horrors of war is mass rape. It's no surprise that rape should be a feature of the long civil war in the former Yugoslavia, and those urging intervention against the Serbs usually cite this as a reason for outside forces to step in and do something. But Clinton, in his recitation of Serb atrocities last week, failed to mention rape, which stirs even stronger passions than murder. Could it be that he is sensitive about the subject because he has been plausibly accused of it? Who can say? But I noticed several years ago that this chronically trendy president, whom the feminists call "good on women's issues," said very little about the trendy subject of sexual harassment. He seemed to feel vulnerable on that particular "women's issue." The reason became obvious when several women accused him of making crude advances. If he's also a rapist -- which few put past him -- it's natural for him to avoid the topic of rape. ... Clinton is very sensitive to what people say about him, and he's always been especially concerned about his "legacy." As things now stand, history will note him chiefly for bringing his Arkansas id into the White House, then covering up his behavior with lies and perjury. So why wouldn't he want to create distractions not only for us, but for history? He may prefer to be remembered for a war, even another Vietnam, than for Monica Lewinsky. Though he talks of "putting people first," Clinton consistently puts himself first. He wouldn't make war unless he thought it was in his own interest to do so....Maybe Clinton has really deluded himself that he can bring peace to the Balkans by bombing. Or maybe he thinks it's a long shot but worth the gamble, since his reputation can't get much lower than it already is. As long as the bombs are falling, at least the nation isn't talking about Juanita Broaddrick...."
The American Spectator 4/99 John Corry "...Words fail. Things fall apart. The president's apologists made the expected denials, but no one believed them, and even Geraldo Rivera had the grace to look embarrassed. Juanita Broaddrick had caused a problem. The New York Times, for one, tried to ignore it, although later it tried to make amends. It said in an editorial that Bill Clinton in his past confessions had presented himself as a "recreational philanderer," but now it seemed he might be "a serial masher or worse." The wording was close to whimsical - masher had a quaint ring to it - but you could excuse the Times for that. Some things are almost too painful to talk about, and the Times, and all the rest of the press, was having a problem. How do you deal with the idea of having a rapist in the White House? Or must you deal with it at all? .....None of this is promising. It should be obvious by now that Bill Clinton suffers from not merely reckless but clearly compulsive behavior, and that he will, as always, do anything to save himself when he gets in trouble. On the day the Broaddrick story broke in the Journal, the most interesting, and appalling, item on the evening news broadcast was a report by David Martin, the CBS Pentagon correspondent. The White House, he said, wanted to bomb Serbia, even though our NATO allies opposed it. It is to think the unthinkable that the proposed bombing had anything to do with diverting attention from Juanita Broaddrick, of course. The thought is too overwhelming. But it is also unthinkable that we have a rapist in the White House. Who could possibly believe that, either?..."
The New York Observer 4/12/99 Philip Weiss "..."When they were setting up, I said, 'What's the process after this interview is finished? How will you go about getting it on the air?' "Lisa said she would have to speak to her higher-ups. I said, 'Wait a minute-what are the chances that this won't run?' My stepfather was standing there. And she said, 'None.' I said, 'O.K.'" Mr. Hickey paused. "And, you know, it ran. But how could she sit there and tell us that?" The accusation by a mature businesswoman that she had been raped by Bill Clinton in 1978, when he was Arkansas' Attorney General, aired on NBC on Feb. 24, opposite the Grammy Awards. The 35-day interval between tape and air is now one of the legends of the impeachment process. Why didn't the American public get to hear Mrs. Broaddrick before the Senate voted to acquit Mr. Clinton on Feb. 12? "This came out at a time when it had the absolute smallest impact it could have," said Steve Friedman, a lawyer friend (who favored censure) said to me at lunch. "The thing was finally over. Everybody was sick of it, and the Republicans looked like a bunch of scoundrels when they said, You have to understand what we're seeing and can't talk about. It was certainly relevant to the question, his fitness to be President." My friend's suspicion that NBC protected Mr. Clinton is widely shared..."
The New York Observer 4/12/99 Philip Weiss "..."Recently, the National Press Club held a panel on the Broaddrick story, "Too Hot for a 'Scandal-Weary' New Media to Handle?" where several speakers made that point. Conservative media watchdog Reed Irvine charged in the Washington Times that NBC delayed the story because executives are cozy with the President. And TV Guide has questioned why NBC's "apparent hesitation" to run the interview cost it a scoop-to the Wall Street Journal editorial page.....The mainstream press again ignored the story in the fall of 1998, when Mr. Starr's referral to Congress reported that Jane Doe No. 5 had told an F.B.I. agent that her earlier affidavit was indeed false. The press has never been comfortable with Mrs. Broaddrick's story. "It smells because it comes out of the sewers in Arkansas," one reporter said. Another said, "People hate rape stories." Its means of exposure had an air of Clinton-hatred, or the culture war, or sexual McCarthyism-whatever paradigm you choose to taint those who see Mr. Clinton's private life as having public relevance. And the story was associated with the venomous Clinton enemy Larry Nichols. Even while the press ignored it, the curious name Juanita Broaddrick became a shibboleth on the Internet, talk radio and supermarket tabloids. That is why Mrs. Broaddrick, who owns nursing homes, said she changed her mind about talking to Ms. Myers...One source outside NBC with knowledge of the process described it in this way: "They go down and do the interview. They come back. It sits there. You hear that [Jeff] Zucker, the Today czar, David Doss, the czar of Nightly News, and [Tom] Brokaw don't like this. It's not going to air on their program, nor did it. Within the first week, three problems developed that were being touted against the piece for reasons to be suspicious..."
The New York Observer 4/12/99 Philip Weiss "..."Some resistance gathered at the network around the feeling that they might be used in the impeachment context. Why was Mrs. Broaddrick going forward now? Some felt that the Jones lawyers had successfully manipulated Nightly News the previous March into going on air-off Mr. Brokaw's watch-with irresponsible charges. More importantly, the House impeachment managers had never named Juanita Broaddrick publicly, even while they were using the confidential F.B.I. report of her assault to push impeachment.....Mrs. Broaddrick was by then deeply angry at NBC. She told her son that the network's treatment felt in ways like being raped again. "I felt that way because they had been after me and after me for a year. And I finally give in and go through this, a day of baring my soul. A bunch of people are standing around in my house as I tell the most private things of my life. Then it was like what I told them wasn't really worthy," she said. How many rape victims go public? "It was very hard for me to say the word rape. It's a difficult word to say." When Lisa Myers named higher-ups, it struck Mrs. Broaddrick that almost all the NBC executives were men (the only woman's name among eight listed to me was Cheryl Gould)....."
The New York Observer 4/12/99 Philip Weiss "...NBC's wrenching interview has had a quiet impact. It disturbed several columnists who have tended to see Ken Starr as the problem, including Richard Cohen of The Washington Post, The Nation's Katha Pollitt, and San Francisco Examiner columnist Stephanie Salter. The National Organization for Women (finally) urged the President to end his "nuts and sluts" defense, and leading newspapers have called on Mr. Clinton to respond substantively to the charges.....When I asked Sam Donaldson whether there had been rancorous arguments at ABC over coverage of Mrs. Broaddrick, he stammered. "I am dodging your question," he said. "I can tell you that people in charge of our coverage, at managing editor status, have not seen this as a story they wanted to spend a lot of time on. But I have not seen a memo, nor have I been given any orders not to do this story, and when I have, there have been no problems from above." He went on: "The thing that astounded me from the get-go, and some day I may write about this, is that important aspects of the news business argued that we shouldn't follow the [Lewinsky] story. I don't mean just Mr. [Steve] Brill, Mr. [Anthony] Lewis, Mr. [Frank] Rich. But lots of people argued that it was unseemly." ..."
The New York Observer 4/12/99 Philip Weiss "..."Julia Malone, a national correspondent for the Cox newspapers, grew so upset by the neglect of Mrs. Broaddrick's story that she organized the March 30 panel at the National Press Club. "It's like we're in Lotus Land," she said. "It seems like everybody has been smoking something and the economy has been so good that this man has bamboozled the country. I mean, the irony of this man who's very likely a rapist talking about human rights!" Seventy-five people attended the panel. Ms. Myers declined to appear (as she declined to comment to me on the matter). Ms. Rabinowitz said that NBC had treated the story like a "dead fish." Fox News anchor Brit Hume argued that neglect of the story reflected a deep bias in the media against material that might hurt someone they had voted for. Ms. Malone echoed that point. "My impression of Tom Brokaw is that he was not a newsman on this decision, he's a Democrat." (I sent Mr. Brokaw a letter, and he left me a message. "I have just a little bit for you, not much, because we have felt strongly from the beginning that our decisions in the Juanita Broaddrick story or any news decisions we make have to be kept within these walls, otherwise we'll spend too much time explaining and too little time reporting." He told me to call him back, then didn't return my call.) Ms. Malone said she hopes that reporters will get together before Mr. Clinton's next press conference and try to force an answer about Mrs. Broaddrick. "But in this city that's considered some kind of conspiracy." Mr. Donaldson said he can remember occasions when reporters barraged a President, forcing a more forthright answer. "But that certainly wasn't the case in the Broaddrick matter." No, Mr. Donaldson was alone when he boldly asked the President about the rape allegation at the President's March 19 press conference. Mr. Clinton said he would have no more to say than his lawyer's statement, and that was that...." 5/5/99 Carl Limbacher "...Juanita Broaddrick has offered her support to Kathleen Willey and says she would make a personal appearance at the Virginia trial of Willey's accuser if asked to do so. "I emailed Kathleen," Broaddrick told's Carl Limbacher late Wednesday. "And I told her that if she needed me there I'd be there." .... "He was very forceful," Willey testifed at Steele's trial Tuesday. "His hands were all over me." Broaddrick's support, especially if Willey asks her to attend the trial, could add a dramatic twist to the only Sexgate prosecution to emerge from Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's year-long Monica Lewinsky probe. Any association between the Broaddrick and Willey charges could rapidly re-focus the Steele trial on questions of whether Mr. Clinton is guilty of a pattern of criminal sexual assault....." 5/19/99 "...Just a week after Kathleen Willey went public with new details about a stranger who tracked her down and warned against testifying in the Paula Jones case, Inside Cover has learned that Juanita Broaddrick says she was also followed just days before her interview with House impeachment investigators. And, in yet another mysterious twist mirroring Willey's allegations, Broaddrick reveals that her house pets were set loose and that her phone was tampered with shortly after her first contacts with the press in early 1998. Though second hand accounts of unwanted sexual encounters with President Clinton now number over a dozen, Broaddrick and Willey are the only women who have personally described overpowering physical assaults on the record...."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...She admired and campaigned for then Attorney-General Clinton until an episode 21 years ago when, she said, he brutally attacked, bit and raped her in her hotel room....Although opinion polls indicated that people who saw her interview believed her, the news media dropped the issue within a few days.... She told NBC,s Dateline that "I was afraid that I would be destroyed like so many of the other women." She also felt direct pressure from Clinton, who in 1991 approached her while she was attending a meeting for nursing home business. Here's her recollection e-mailed on June 2, 1999....More recently, she has reported that a man in a car was obviously following her, and she said that her house was burglarized. All that was stolen was her telephone answering machine tape. VULNERABILITY: Her nursing home business was regulated by the attorney general's office...." 6/24/99 Julia Malone "...With Vice President Al Gore's sudden epiphany that his boss's behavior with with Monica Lewinsky was "unforgivable" -- and his wife Tipper said to be outraged by Bill Clinton's symbolic semen stain on the Oval Office, now might be a good time for the Second Couple to remember that Sexgate has an even darker side. Bill Clinton's alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick still haunts Washington like no other scandal in living memory. In fact, the prospect that America might have elected, then re-elected, a rapist to its highest office terrifies even the hardbitten newsies of the Washington press corps. Why? Because they failed to do their jobs in 1992, and dismissed the second hand accounts they'd heard about Broaddrick's is proud to present highlights of the panel discussion the mainstream media did not want you to see or hear, "The Juanita Broaddrick Charges: Too Hot for the Press to Handle?" We thank panel moderator, Cox News reporter Julia Malone for making this transcript available to The Juanita Broaddrick Charges: Too Hot for the Press to Handle? National Press Club Forum Washington, D.C., March 30, 1999 SUMMARY: A panel of journalists split on whether news media bias or "scandal fatigue" killed the coverage of the charge that Bill Clinton raped nursing home executive Juanita Broaddrick 21 years ago. Five weeks after NBC's Feb. 24 edition of "Dateline" aired its interview with Mrs. Broaddrick, the subject had disappeared from the news media. Four panelists at the National Press Club forum agreed that her charges were credible and that the issue was both serious and newsworthy. Half the panel faulted news organizations, the others concluded that the charges were too old to pursue...... ANN MCFEATTERS: I was listening to "Imus in the Morning" this morning, and he was desperately trying to gin up outrage on this very issue against Clinton. He was talking to his fabled brother out in the West...He was saying, "Fred, why aren't you infuriated about this? Why aren't you writing Senator Pete Domenici and why aren't you talking to everybody you can think of?" And Fred said, "I don't know what to do. What's the point? So here you have a situation where, as Bill Bennett says, there is a "death of outrage" on this president in regard to sex. There is a death of outrage because people don't know what to do. He's been impeached. It went to the Senate. The Senate said he could stay in office for two more years. He's a lame duck. We don't know at this point how to prove this charge....You could go down to Arkansas and re-interview the people, but what would it prove? Six out of 10 Americans already believe the charge is probably true. BILL EATON: A little history on this story: It first surfaced in 1992 as a rumor in the presidential campaign of that year. At least several reporters were informed about it. And since it came up in the last hours of that campaign, it was not pursued...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Ms. Broaddrick recently came forward with allegations that she was the victim of a brutal rape by Clinton in 1978. Plaintiffs seek to question her about telephone calls she stated she received from Clinton between1978 and 1979 subsequent to the rape incident, and whether the substance of those calls was in the nature of a threat to stay silent. In addition, Plaintiffs want to question Ms. Broaddrick about her statements that she was followed days before her interview with House impeachment investigators, and that her house was broken into, the tape from her answering machine stolen, her three cats set loose, and her telephone tampered with in early 1998. Plaintiffs want to know whether she felt that these incidents were also meant to threaten or intimidate her into silence. Further, Plaintiffs wish to ask her if the reason that she did not come forward earlier with her allegation of rape was because her business, Arkansas nursing homes for the elderly and mentally retarded, which are subject to state regulation for licensing and government funding, were at risk from retaliation by Clinton-appointed state regulators. As recently reported by NBC News, Ms. Broaddrick has claimed that Clinton raped her in Little Rock in the Spring of 1978, while she attended a nursing home conference. She also told Lisa Myers that Clinton called her a half dozen times at the nursing home after the rape, and then unexpectedly appointed her to a state advisory board in 1979. She had no further face-to-face contact with him until 1991, when she attended a meeting in Little Rock with two friends. Broaddrick said she was suddenly called out of the meeting and, to her astonishment, there was Clinton standing in the hallway. [H]e immediately began this profuse apology, saying, 'Juanita, I'm so sorry for what I did. I'm not the man that I used to be, can you ever forgive me? What can I do to make this up to you? When asked why she did not report the rape and signed an affidavit in the Jones case denying that anything ever happened, Broaddrick stated: "I was also afraid what would happen to me if I came forward. I was afraid that I would be destroyed like so may of the other women have been." The Washington Times also reported that "[f]riends and others in Arkansas say she is fearful for her family's business interests, two homes for the elderly and mentally retarded in Fort Smith and Van Buren, Ark., which are licensed by the state of Arkansas and which receive government payments."..." 7/28/99 Carl Limbacher "...In an unusual move that puts the ugliest charge against President Clinton back on the front burner, Clinton's personal lawyer David Kendall has attacked Juanita Broaddrick's detailed charge that the President raped her as a "partisan rant." ....The Clinton lawyer's attempt to demean Broaddrick's rape charge suggests an abrupt change of course in White House strategy. Previously Kendall had issued only a brief, one-sentence statement on the President's behalf denying he raped Broaddrick, in the apparent belief that the less said about the matter, the better. But Kendall's decision to attack Broaddrick's charge as partisan in response to the Judicial Watch lawsuit could signal new White House fears that other women with similar charges may be ready to go public.....The mainstream press has been extraordinarily deferential to Clinton himself, asking him about Broaddrick's allegation only twice. Both times Clinton referred to Kendall's terse denial and refused to say more...."
Drudge Report 8/2/99 "..."How can she just pretend that I do not exist?" These are Broaddrick's first on-the-record words since news came out that Hillary Clinton has come clean on her husband's misdeeds. In an exclusive interview with the DRUDGE REPORT, Juanita Broaddrick revealed the chilling details of her one encounter with Hillary Rodham Clinton....Broaddrick painfully recalled: The night she met Hillary Clinton. "It happened at a political rally, in Van Buren, Arkansas in the spring of 1978, at the home of local dentist," Broaddrick begins. "She came directly to me as soon as she hit the door. I had been there only a few minutes, I only wanted to make an appearance and leave. She caught me and took my hand and said 'I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.'" Broaddrick was stunned by Hillary's comments. Only weeks had passed, Broaddrick claims, since she had been raped in a Little Rock hotel room by then attorney general Bill Clinton. "Here her husband had just done this to me, and she was coming up to thank me? It was scary... "I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase -- looking less friendly and repeated her statement----'Everything you do for Bill'. I said nothing. She wasn't letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering." "I was in state of shock... nausea went all over me... "You know, I should not have gone to that political gathering, but I think I was in denial at the time. I actually became physically ill. I went outside and told my first husband I had to go home." Broaddrick says that while Hillary was quick to approach her, Bill Clinton stayed on the other side of the crowded room. "He never spoke or came near me," Broaddrick recalls. Broaddrick, who had been a 'Clinton for governor' campaigner, says that one of her friends had driven the Clintons to the rally from the airport that day -- and the topic of conversation throughout the ride was Broaddrick! "Hillary knew something---- I just don't know what exactly. For years, I thought she knew what had happened to me, but now I just don't know." ...."
Cox Newspapers 12/4/99 Julia Malone "....Former independent counsel Kenneth Starr said Friday that President Clinton has yet to show remorse for deceiving the court in the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. ''In some way, through some manifestation of genuine sorrow and acceptance of responsibility, the president should get himself right with the law,'' Starr said....... The White House greeted Starr's recommendation with disdain. ......Starr also defended his decision to send Congress what he called ''sobering to the point of devastating'' material in which Juanita Broaddrick, a Little Rock nursing home executive, accused Clinton of having raped her when he was attorney general of Arkansas more than 20 years ago. That information was not included in the independent counsel's public report, Starr said, because it did not relate to possible obstruction of justice, which was the focus of his probe. However, he said it did relate to Clinton's ''fitness'' for office. ''I didn't think it was completely irrelevant. I had to be careful about what I was keeping from the Congress.'' Asked whether he believed Broaddrick's charges, Starr said he did not meet her, but added: ''The investigators found her entirely credible.'' Clinton, through his lawyers, has denied the assault allegations, but the evidence forwarded by Starr was said to have swayed some House members to vote for impeachment......"
The American Enterprise Magazine 1-2/2000 "….. Having just returned to private life, independent counsel Ken Starr reviews, in his remarkably gingerly way, the whirlwind he passed through over the last several years. Kenneth W. Starr, 54, grew up in San Antonio, where his father was a minister. He went on to a distinguished legal career-Supreme Court clerk, partner in top Washington law firms, chief of staff to the U.S. Attorney General, judge on the D.C. federal appeals court, and solicitor general-yet his name will be forever linked with that of Bill Clinton, the President he spent five years investigating. Starr's independent counsel investigation yielded 14 convictions or guilty pleas by such figures as Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker and Clinton confidant Webster Hubbell. Although he has been caricatured as a relentless inspector Javert, obsessed with the Clintons, Starr has also been criticized for being too timid an investigator: Some of the career prosecutors on his staff reportedly urged him, unsuccessfully, to bring indictments against the Clintons and others close to them. …… TAE: Do you believe Bill Clinton raped Juanita Brodderick? STARR: I'm not going to comment. TAE: Will there ever be a time when you will? STARR: I don't know…… TAE: How do you account for the ability of the Clinton administration to avoid severe legal consequences on anything? STARR: Well, on the Arkansas part of the matter that I investigated, we came to the judgment that there wasn't substantial and credible information that Bill Clinton had committed those offenses. So there's an evidentiary lack of support for whatever the allegation might be. With respect to the recent unpleasantness, can one really say there's been no opprobrium when the President's own supporters, as embodied in the resolution of censure drafted by Senator Dianne Feinstein and supported by many Democratic Senators, condemned him in the sharpest language? More than 100 newspapers in the country called for his resignation. Many people in other countries were of the view that the honorable thing was for him to step down…….. "
Progressive Review 12/13/99 Media Research Center "….. GREAT MOMENTS IN AMERICAN JOURNALISM, 1999(Gathered by the Media Research Center) JUANITA BROADDRICK RAPE STORY
DAN RATHER: "They are nervous about, number one, whether this information is accurate, whether it's really true or not. And then number two, even if it does it turns out to be true, it happened a long time ago and number three, they've gotta be figuring maybe, just maybe the American public has heard all they want to hear about this and are saying 'you know, next. Let's move on to the next thing.'"
JACK WHITE, TIME: "I don't believe it at all. Anybody who waits 21 years to surface a charge like this, and has no evidence to back it up, other than very circumstantial, what she may or may not have told some of her friends at the time, has sworn in the deposition that it never happened, and now all of a sudden comes forth with this story, the story doesn't deserved to be dignified by being broadcast and displayed. What I find fascinating about this case is that we've sunk so low now that a charge of this magnitude can be leveled against the President of the United States with next to no evidence at all. I think that's outrageous."
CLIFF MAY OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE: "We have right now a credible allegation by Juanita Broaddrick that while Attorney General, Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her and he won't answer." MSNBC HOST DAVID GREGORY: "Now hold on. You know what, Cliff? I'm not going to let you go there. We are not talking about this today. We're not going to turn that into this. I want to go around the horn a little bit. Cliff, wait a minute. Cliff, I'm going to stop you. I'm hosting the program. It is not a double standard. We have a clear focus today. I'm asking the questions."
ELEANOR CLIFT, NEWSWEEK: "These allegations go back more than 20 years. This woman made no charges at the time. It's my understanding that she couldn't even recall initially the year. Investigative reporters for major publications have looked at it since 1991. Ken Starr passed on it. You know, where is this going to go except among all the Clinton haters and the right-wing conspiratorialists? It's great fodder, but you know, you proved the guy's a cad, you're not going to prove he's a violent criminal." ….."
Associated Press 12/22/99 "…..An Arkansas woman who claims President Clinton assaulted her sexually in 1978, when he was Arkansas attorney general, has sued for any files the FBI might have kept on her. Clinton's attorney has called the accusations ``absolutely false.'' Judicial Watch, a conservative legal foundation, filed a lawsuit on Juanita Broaddrick's behalf in U.S. District Court. The suit joins 31 other cases the group has against the Clinton administration. Mrs. Broaddrick, who lives in Arkansas, claims she was sexually assaulted by Clinton at a Little Rock hotel on April 25, 1978. The suit claims the White House violated Broaddrick's right to privacy by keeping an FBI file on her and allowing administration officials access to its contents. …."
Drudge Report 12/16/99 "…..The Republican National Committee has wasted no time to thrash Al Gore for the meandering comments he made Tuesday when asked at a town hall meeting about the rape allegations made by Juanita Broaddrick against President Bill Clinton, early runs of the Friday WASHINGTON POST are reporting. The POST'S media man Howard Kurtz writes that RNC press secretary Mike Collins attended the Tuesday event and spent until 4 am transcribing Gore's words. RNC communications chief Clifford May tells Kurtz: "Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh and Fox were all interested in it. Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw were not." "Why didn't major news organizations report the exchange," Kurtz asks May. "The charitable explanation would be Clinton fatigue. The uncharitable explanation would be Clinton protection." …." 12/16/99 Carl Limbacher "…..Kathrine Prudhomme says she was very nervous when she challenged the Vice President of the United States at a Derry, New Hampshire town meeting Tuesday night about his boss's alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick. But in the end, America's citizen-reporter of the hour found the courage to ask the question that still sends shivers through the establishment press……Fast forward to Tuesday night, when Kathrine Prudhomme peppered the VP with follow-up questions as he stuttered and stammered his way though an embarassingly non-judgemental response. The self described "very ordinary woman" made Donaldson and his colleagues look like a bunch of frightened cub reporters by comparison. Even after the town hall meeting had ended, Prudhomme sought Gore out. "I went up to him afterwards," the New Hampshirite told Hannity, "and I said, 'Please remember that rape is a hate crime when you're pushing for legislation.'" Gore's response? "He just smiled at me. I don't think he was very happy." ….. Prudhomme was particularly irked by Gore's claim that Clinton's "personal mistakes" were balanced "in the minds of most Americans" by his presidential achievements. "I'm really getting tired of him and a lot of people on the other side of this issue telling us what most Americans believe," the New Hampshirite told Hannity. "They keep trying to tell us what they want us to think." Prudhomme added, "Al Gore's assuming that as long as everybody has their bread and circuses that they're not going to notice these things." …."
Northwest Arkansas Times 1/8/00 "….The son of Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who publicly accused President Clinton of rape in 1998, was arrested recently on drug charges in Oklahoma. Jackie Lee Broaddrick, 24, of Van Buren was arrested by Roland, Okla., police Dec. 27 for possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver-cocaine and misdemeanor charges of driving without insurance. Chief Brian Chandler was the arresting officer. He said he stopped Broaddrick for driving 84 mph in a 70 mph speed zone on Oklahoma 40 and Roland Road. …" 2/24/00 Carl Limbacher "….. When will Vice President Al Gore answer the question that sent him reeling towards the ropes last December, when 29 year-old housewife Katherine Prudhomme asked him about his boss' alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick during a New Hampshire town meeting? contacted Gore's Tennessee campaign headquaters on Wednesday to find out if the Veep has yet viewed the videotape RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson sent him, where Broaddrick described a vicious sexual attack by the man the Gore continues to praise as "good and decent." ……"
Reason Magazine 4/00 Thomas Hazlett "…… By the time the president's obstruction-of-justice episode concluded last year in a mock-impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate--that made-for-TV drama in which "jurors" declared the man guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors" but then voted to acquit--Bill Clinton had proven himself bulletproof. Even when the press asked him about the compelling, specific, and credible rape allegation lodged by Juanita Broaddrick, all he had to do to shut them up was bark like a Mafia don: Talk to my mouthpiece! I ain't got nuttin' to say to youse! ……. Counselor David Kendall's pro forma denial--"Any allegation that the president assaulted Broaddrick more than 20 years ago is absolutely false"--got the job done, even as it opened up multiple windows through which Clinton might easily wriggle, (Hey, I wasn't even president 20 years ago!). As The Washington Post, obviously exhausted by its minutes-long pondering of the issue of presidential rape, dejectedly concluded, "Mr. Clinton's word in this realm by now has no value." ........., Now a millennium has passed. The Broaddrick story has simply floated on downstream in the toxic runoff from this most ethical administration in history. Even as a lame duck, William Jefferson Clinton effortlessly assumes the swaggering stride of a mobster, brushing off questions any public servant is morally bound to answer. He runs the press like Capone ran Chicago. "No one will ever know the complete truth about Juanita Broaddrick's allegation," mumbled the Times. But of course Bill and Juanita do! That's why investigative journalism to uncover corroborating facts ought to be pursued. ……."
Middle Tennessee State University Newspaper 1/20/00 "….."Who is Juanita?" is the question I most often get when someone reads my "I Believe (Ju)Anita" button. I'm not surprised. To remind those who have chosen to forget and educate those who are not informed, Juanita Broaddrick claimed that Bill Clinton, then Attorney General of Arkansas, brutally raped her in 1978. Since the airing of her interview with NBC's Lisa Myers last February - opposite the Grammies - her name and story have been stuffed into the Clinton scandal memory hole…….. Recent revelations in Jeffrey Toobin's book VAST CONSPIRACIES lend credibility to the charges. Sources close to the president claim that he admitted to having consenual sex with Juanita Broaddrick. Consensual? I suppose many women have consented when a man almost twice their size had his teeth clamped onto their upper lips and biting it into pieces. In a framework where "oral sex is not sex" the semantic possibilities of "consensual" must be boundless. ...... "
The Scotsman, Pg. 10 1/8/00 "…….BILL Clinton might think he can put his past behind him when he leaves office. But if one lawyer has his way, the scandal scarred president will be put on a sex offenders' register in his new home town. Juanita Broaddrick accused him of raping her and he never bothered to deny the charge. Raoul Felder, a divorce attorney whose celebrity clients include Mick Jagger's mistress, Luciana Morad, and Elizabeth Taylor's former husband, Larry Fortensky, is offering his services for free in a bid to put Mr Clinton on the danger list in the wealthy suburb of Chappaqua, New York. …… On the face of it, Mr Felder's outburst looks like a publicity stunt. But the tough-talking lawyer insists Mr Clinton's sexual history speaks for itself. "New York now has a law on the books requiring degenerates to register with the local police when they move to a new neighbourhood. Clinton should be no exception," he said. ….."
Front Page Magazine 4/12/00 Richard Poe "…… "WHO IS JUANITA BROADDRICK? I've never heard of her!" cried Betty Friedan, the founder of modern feminism. Friedan's outburst came at last Friday's conference, entitled "The Legacy and Future of Hillary Rodham Clinton." Held at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. D.C., the event offered a chilling microcosm of an angry, divided America. For nearly an hour, a five-woman panel had been debating whether Hillary qualified as a "feminist heroine." I thought Broaddrick's claim of having been raped by Hillary's husband had some bearing on this point, so I broached the subject during the question-and-answer period. Friedan's dyspeptic denial followed. Was Friedan telling the truth? Maybe. And maybe all those millions of Germans who professed ignorance of the death camps were telling the truth too. The problem is, having admitted her ignorance, Friedan showed no interest in exploring the matter further. And that was the problem with the Germans too. ……" 5/30/00 Carl Limbacher "……In her first public comment since the IRS targeted her nursing home business for an audit, Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick told she believes she's being punished for going public with the rape charge last year. "I do feel like there's certainly a connection to me coming forward," Broaddrick said from her home in Van Buren, Arkansas. "How can this be a coincidence?" …….The Clinton accuser noted that the IRS was interested only in the tax year 1998, shortly before she decided to tell her story to NBC's Lisa Myers. "I guess they're trying to prove that we were paid off in some way. It's ridiculous." ……" 5/31/00 "…….Judicial Watch filed a complaint yesterday before the Inspector General of the Treasury Department over recent notice that Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who was harassed by President Bill Clinton, is being audited through her nursing home. The IRS notice of audit follows a lawsuit that Broaddrick filed, through Judicial Watch, against President Clinton's White House. As the public will recall, Broaddrick alleges she was brutally raped by Bill Clinton, a claim the president has conspicuously never denied. …….. " 5/28/00 Carl Limbacher "……What are the odds that yet another Clinton sex assault accuser would be audited by the IRS? "Juanita Broaddrick was notified last week that she is being audited for tax returns that were filed covering 1998," revealed the Drudge Report late Sunday. …….. But if it's true; if indeed Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick has been hit by an audit, she would be the third of four women to accuse Bill Clinton of trying to force them into sex to come under IRS scrutiny. …..Paula Jones alleged that Clinton exposed himself to her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1991…….Jones was hit by an IRS audit in September 1997, just four months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that her case against Clinton didn't have to wait until he left office. ……Then there's former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen. …..Just weeks after Gracen admitted in an April 1998 New York Daily News interview that Clinton had sex with her, the onetime Miss Arkansas was slapped with an audit. ...... Jones, Gracen, Broaddrick? All victims of Clinton's sexual predations. And all audited. ......" 5/30/00 Carl Limbacher "……In a press release issued Monday morning, Judicial Watch announced: ……. Today, Judicial Watch filed a complaint before the Inspector General of the Treasury Department over recent notice that Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who was harassed by President Bill Clinton, is being audited through her nursing home. The IRS' notice of audit follows a lawsuit which Ms. Broaddrick filed, through Judicial Watch, against President Clinton's White House. "As the public will recall, Juanita Broaddrick was brutally raped by Bill Clinton, a fact which the President has conspicuously never denied. "In addition to Ms. Broaddrick, other Judicial Watch clients and others who have been harassed, assaulted, or raped by the President have been audited, including but not limited to Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Indeed, other perceived adversaries of Bill Clinton have also been audited, including Billy Dale, the Western Journalism Center, and over 20 conservative groups in the last seven years alone. "'To those who doubt that there is a campaign of terror by the Clinton-Gore White House and its allies through IRS audits, FBI files, and other means, I suggest they consult with the 'law of averages' to determine whether these matters are simply coincidental,' stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. ……"
The Weekly Standard 5/15/00 Andrew Ferguson "…… President Clinton isn't often asked about his impeachment these days, for many reasons-the main one being, of course, that nobody cares about it. Another reason has to do with the president's own way of answering questions about unpleasant subjects, on those rare occasions when such questions arise. A little over a year ago, for instance, holding his first press conference in 12 months, the president was asked by Sam Donaldson about Juanita Broaddrick.......Taste is no big deal to Donaldson, as we know, and in this press conference, in March 1999, he made a remarkable discovery: The quickest way to get the president to talk about impeachment is to ask him about rape. At least I think that's what happened.
Q: Mr. President, when Juanita Broaddrick leveled her charges against you of rape in a nationally televised interview, your attorney David Kendall issued a statement denying them. But shouldn't you speak directly on this matter and reassure the public? And if they are not true, can you tell us what your relationship with Ms. Broaddrick was, if any? ……
A: Well, five weeks ago today, five weeks ago today, I stood in the Rose Garden after the Senate voted [in the impeachment trial], and I told you that I thought I owed it to the American people to give them 100 percent of my time and to focus on their business, and that I would leave it to others to decide whether they would follow that lead. And that is why I have decided, as soon as that vote was over, that I-would allow all future questions to be answered by my attorneys. And I think I made the right decision. I hope you can understand it. I think the American people do understand it and support it, and I think it was the right decision. ……..
It is a lovely answer, encapsulating all the twists and back-bends and half-steps and evasions and assertions of rectitude that we expect from a genuine, meticulously formulated Clinton response. First of all, and most crucially, it doesn't answer the question. ….."
NY Post 6/4/00 Lida Stasi "……. WHAT'S worse? Being stalked by Bill Clinton or being audited by the IRS? Answer: Both. Just ask Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones or Elizabeth Ward Gracen. After each woman came forward with a sexual allegation against Big Billy the big bully, each found herself the victim of an IRS audit and were forced to indecently expose their assets. Last week, the feds showed up at Broaddrick's accountant's office to check out her books. …….. Hey! Either these are the three unluckiest women in the world, or something here smells worse than Clinton's socks after a jog to McDonald's. ……..According to Steve Teitelbaum, former deputy counsel to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, "Out of 200 million tax returns filed in '97, only 1,519,000 were audited." …… In other words, if you haven't seen the president naked, you have only a three-quarters of 1 percent chance of being audited, but if you have and then talk about it, your chances of being audited go up to roughly 100 percent, give or take a point. …..Said Teitelbaum: "The chances of these three women, all with claims against the president, being randomly audited by the IRS are so astronomical as to be almost incalculable." Paulie the rocket scientist added it up for me. "It's about a .0000438 percent, or 1-in- 2,282,530, probability." ......" 6/2/00 Brent Bozell "……..... A little more than a year after she claimed publicly that then-Attorney General Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, Juanita Broaddrick has resurfaced in some media outlets after receiving notice of an audit from the Internal Revenue Service. "I believe it's not a coincidence. I am clearly being targeted because I came forward," she told Fox News. Broaddrick joined Flowers, Jones, and former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen as Clinton accusers who later attracted the charming attention of the IRS, not to mention Travelgate victim Billy Dale, and more than a dozen conservative groups. But most of the media couldn't be bothered. Some, like NBC's Tom Brokaw, have a perfect record of ignoring Juanita, so why stop now? This administration may be using the IRS -- ruthlessly -- to intimidate the president's enemies, but the facts no longer matter. ……" 5/31/00 "……Judicial Watch filed a complaint yesterday before the Inspector General of the Treasury Department over recent notice that Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who was harassed by President Bill Clinton, is being audited through her nursing home. The IRS notice of audit follows a lawsuit that Broaddrick filed, through Judicial Watch, against President Clinton's White House. As the public will recall, Broaddrick alleges she was brutally raped by Bill Clinton, a claim the president has conspicuously never denied. In addition to Broaddrick, other Judicial Watch clients and others who have been harassed, assaulted or raped by the president have been audited, including but not limited to Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Elizabeth Ward Graecen. Other perceived adversaries of Clinton have also been audited, including Billy Dale, the Western Journalism Center and more than 20 conservative groups in the last seven years alone. …….." 6/1/00 "….. Former Senator Al D'Amato says he believes Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick and several other Clinton sex accusers were audited because "they took on the Clinton administration." Worse still, says D'Amato, the president himself sicced the IRS on the women, using surrogates to do his dirty work. The former head of the Senate Banking Committee made the explosive charges Wednesday night on Fox News Channel's "The Edge" with Paula Zahn. ……
ZAHN: The GAO, when it came to conservative groups that have complained about this, said: Look, there is no evidence of intervention by the Clinton administration. You simply don't buy that?
D'AMATO: How are you going to find it? I mean, you think that you're going to be able to swear in some person who's going to say, "Yeah, somebody called me and told me..." Of course not. It's going to take place in a much more subtle way…….."
National Review Online 8/2/00 "…….. Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays said on a talk radio show Wednesday that, based on secret evidence he reviewed during the impeachment controversy, he believes President Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, not once, but twice. Talk-show host Tom Scott of Clear Channel Broadcasting, New Haven (WELI 960) asked Shays about the mysterious impeachment "evidence room," prompting the GOP moderate to say that Broaddrick "disclosed that she had been raped, not once, but twice" to Judiciary Committee investigators. ……" 8/7/00 Carl Limbacher "….."That business of Broaddrick being deemed inconclusive is not true. What actually happened is, I think Starr decided not to follow up because once Lewinsky cooperated, they figured they had their impeachable offense and decided to concentrate on that." But Schippers did follow up, sending former Chicago police detective Diana Woznicki, then on loan to Judiciary Committee staff, to Van Buren, Arkansas to interview Broaddrick. Woznicki had some rape counseling experience and, Schippers said, the two women "hit it off." Broaddrick gave Woznicki a detailed account of what she says Clinton did to her, describing the lip-biting he inflicted as forceful enough to break the skin. But Schippers disputed the account of one Broaddrick witness, Phillip Yoakum, who had told Paula Jones' investigators that Broaddrick's lip had nearly been torn in two. "It was severe but it wasn't torn off," Schippers said. ......After NBC aired 23 minutes from the five hours of videotape they had of Broaddrick's gripping account, rumors swirled about a second rape during Clinton's alleged April 25, 1978 attack. John McLaughlin, John Hockenberry and Chris Matthews, all NBC personnel in a position to know what the network left on the cutting room floor, made on-air references to the additional assault. ……
Katherine Prudhomme 8/19/00 ".....Good afternoon. My name is Katherine Prudhomme. I am a wife, a mother, the first female graduate of my trade high schools machine shop program and I am a rape survivor. As such I am wearing a dark green ribbon today to tell the world "I am a rape survivor and I will not be ashamed!" I thank all who have chosen to wear light purple ribbons showing that they believe and support Juanita Broaddrick. Thank you also to the many generous volunteers who helped make this happen today. ...... Last December during the New Hampshire primary I asked V.P Al Gore during a live, televised town hall meeting at WNDS TV studios not far from my Derry home if he believed Juanita Broaddrick. She is the woman who made the highly credible claim of rape against a sitting president, William Clinton. ....... Al Gore told me he did not see the interview and didn't know how to evaluate all the charges. I wonder what made the Anita Hill case so much easier for him to evaluate? Gore went on to tell me how he thought the American people were tired of all these charges and wanted to move on. ....... That last statement really made me mad. What is he saying to me? That if I don't "want to move on" then I am not one of the American people? Or is he telling those who still think that rape is a crime in this country and believe their president may be a rapist that they are out of touch with everybody else? Are we out of touch ? I say no! We are in fact in touch! ....... Gore has an undeniable record of believing women when they make a serious charge of sexual mistreatment by powerful Republican men. He stood up for and defended Anita Hill when she said she was sexually harassed by now Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Why then did he just dismiss Juanita Broaddrick? One would think such a "caring" person as Gore would have at least watched the interview Mrs. Broaddrick gave to Lisa Myers. ......... Let's move on to a women who has been at the forefront of the women's and human rights crusade for decades. Hillary Clinton is someone that rape survivors such a myself or Mrs. Broaddrick or the brave green ribbon wearers among us should be able to turn to and depend on. But we cannot. Hillary Clinton has betrayed us. ........ Well, Hillary I feel your pain, because I too have a videotape, a videotape of Juanita Broaddrick telling her story to Lisa Myers that I will give you today. It is a videotape that I have looked upon in horror. And when it told a tale of disgusting violence committed against a woman in broad daylight... A women who could have been my sister, my daughter or my mother... I too have to say "enough is enough - this violence is unacceptable and must stop". ...... President Clinton has stood up to confront violence and protect American women? Why then has he refused to say anything other than this rape allegation is not true - and with this man we would be foolish to believe his words alone - we need proof! Why won't he tell the American people where he was on the date in question - April 25, 1978? ...... Do the right thing Mrs. Clinton. I know that for you it must be the most difficult thing to do. This occasion demands no lessor action of the good and the brave. In answering .. or not answering the question, Mrs. Clinton, you will tell us loud and clear who you are. ......Mrs. Clinton, don't take us back to the day when women were believed only when they were perfect or only when they were convenient to believe. ......... "
Newsmax 8/19/00 Carl Limbachr "..... Katherine Prudhomme, the Derry, New Hampshire housewife who once challenged Vice President Al Gore to say whether he believed Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, was hit with an IRS audit on Friday, just hours before she was scheduled to appear at a rape awareness rally outside Hillary Clinton's Manhattan campaign headquarters. ...... "My husband got the IRS's letter yesterday," Prudhomme told "They looked at our records from 1998 and decided we have to pay more money." Prudhomme said she's never been audited before and had no dramatic changes recently in her family income, which she described as "middle class." ....... "I feel like we're being harassed," said the feisty crusader. "My husband went over our return last night and couldn't find any red flags that might have triggered an IRS investigation." ........Along with those who heard her annouce the news outside Clinton's New York senate campaign offices Saturday, Prudhomme suspects that the audit may have been triggered by a different kind of red flag: her determined questioning of Gore about Juanita Broaddrick at a town meeting last December -- and her announced intention to get Hillary Clinton to address the same issue. ......Prudhomme's tax examination comes on the heels of an IRS audit of Broaddrick herself, who had the books of her nursing home business scrutinized in May by an agent who couldn't find anything wrong. The New Hampshirite wasn't so lucky. The IRS says she and her husband owe a whopping $1500. "I think the timing is pretty suspicious," Prudhomme complained, "coming the very day before was had this demonstration." The odds of yet another Clinton accuser being hit by an IRS audit are mind boggling. Before Prudhomme and Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Liz Ward Gracen had their tax returns investigated. Gracen even said she was hit with a tax probe after an anonymous caller threatened "you could be audited" if she didn't lay low during Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit. ....... The rally that Prudhomme suspects caught the IRS's eye was attended by "Friends of Juanita Broaddrick" from around the tri-state area, including many who frequent the website where the event was publicized. ......"This gathering is a reminder that the story of Mrs. Broaddrick has not and will not 'move on' and that it looms larger every day. Katherine and her friends have come here to ask again, 'Do you believe Juanita?' As a candidate for high public office it is a fair question for Mrs. Clinton to answer." gratefully acknowledges the help of in preparing this report. ...."
Scripps Howard News Service 8/27/00 Diana West "…….Before I explain why women's suffrage should go the way of the Susan B. Anthony dollar, let me tell you a story. …….. That story was what Prudhomme wanted to ask Gore about. "When Juanita Broaddrick made the claim, which I found to be quite credible, that she was raped by Bill Clinton, did it change your opinion about him being one of the best presidents in history? And do you believe Juanita Broaddrick 's claim? And what did you tell your son about this?" she asked the vice president. With this trifecta, Prudhomme broke ground the national press corps still fears to tread. Gore, meanwhile, seemed suddenly not to know where he was. "Well, I didn't know what to make of her claim, because I don't know how to evaluate that story, I really don't," he began. He went on to say that he hadn't seen the interview ("Well, which - what show was it on?"); that he thought there had been "so many personal allegations" against Clinton that "enough was enough;" and, as for his own son, he would "never violate the privacy of my communication" with a family member - major speeches on family illness, injury and death apparently excepted. ……… He further stated that "whatever mistakes (Clinton) made in his personal life" - as if rape is a mistake - "are, in the minds of most Americans, balanced against what he has done in his public life as president." And Mussolini made the trains run on time. Here we see Gore the apologist, or, as Prudhomme says Broaddrick once described him to her, Gore "the enabler" - villainous roles that link him to Clinton's villainous deeds. ……"
NewsMax 9/17/00 Carl Limbacher ".... Designated Speaker of the House Bob Livingston was prepared to scuttle the December 1998 impeachment vote against President Clinton, but a rape charge by Arkansas businesswoman Juanita Broaddrick changed his mind at the last minute, a new book reveals. ...... Appearing Sunday on "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert, Washington Post reporter Peter Baker described how his new book "The Breach" documents the doubts that plagued leading House Republicans before the passage of two articles of impeachment against Clinton, and how the then-secret rape charge carried the day: ........ RUSSERT: You write extensively about the role of Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, Bob Livingston and Henry Hyde and suggest that there were moments during the entire inquiry where they were stepping back saying, "Do we want to go forward with this impeachment? Should we try censure?" What did you find in your reporting? ....... BAKER: Well, I think that's exactly right with Bob Livingston and Henry Hyde in particular. Henry Hyde was the forceful crusader out front. But behind the scenes he was very uncomfortable. He knew he didn't have the votes to win a conviction in the Senate. And he wanted to find a way to bring people together. He had secret negotiations with the White House that were arranged through Lloyd Cutler, former White House Counsel, and he couldn't find a middle ground. ..... Bob Livingston considered censure. He thought that might be an appropriate response. And, in fact, on the day, the very day that the House debate (on impeachment) opened in December 1998, he had a moment in the House cloakroom where he suddenly said, "This is craziness. We've got to stop this. Let's have a censure vote." And an aide came to him and said, "Bob, you can't do that." He had just heard about the Juanita Broaddrick case, the allegation of sexual assault. He said, "Boss, we have a rapist in the White House. We can't do this." ....... And Livingston decided that the aide was right, that Clinton had committed crimes. He did deserve impeachment. But he struggled with it like a lot of the people did behind the scenes and they didn't let on in public. The NBC host declined to explore Bakers' Broaddrick case revelation further, though it was his news division that obtained an exclusive interview with the Clinton rape accuser three weeks before the president was acquitted on impeachment charges in the Senate. ....... Despite the impact Broaddrick's allegation would have had on Senators who voted to acquit without viewing evidence that supported her claim, the network refused to broadcast its Broaddrick exclusive till two weeks after the Senate vote. Baker also detailed how First Lady Hillary Clinton personally nixed one compromise propsal that might have helped her husband escape the humiliating impeachment indictment. ......."
Associated Press 9/16/00 Deb Reichmann "……Declaring the elderly ``deserve respect, not neglect,'' President Clinton (news - web sites) on Saturday pressed Congress for $1 billion to increase staffing and ensure quality care for the 1.6 million Americans in nursing homes. …… The $1 billion in grants would raise staffing levels and give new training to caregivers at more than 16,000 nursing homes around the country, the president said. …." Freeper anymouse observes "….A good opportunity to freep the Creep on his rape of Juanita Brodderick. Signs should read "Juanita Brodderick wanted help with nursing home reform, but only got raped by Bill Clinton!" ……" 8/22/00 Carl Limbacher "….. Bill Clinton tacitly admitted that he raped Juanita Broaddrick during a conversation with her husband in the mid-1980s, according to an account given to House impeachment investigators by Broaddrick herself, a new book claims. ………. But in his book, Schippers reveals a stunning new detail as he recounts Woznicki's version of Broaddrick's story. "One evening, years before, in 1984 or 1985, Mr. and Mrs. Broaddrick had attended a function in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The couple didn't realize that Clinton was the keynote speaker. When they found out, they returned to their hotel room. "In the course of the evening, (Juanita's husband) David went down to the bar and found himself standing next to Clinton. Clinton stuck out his hand and said, 'You're with Juanita, aren't you?' …….. "Broaddrick squeezed Clinton's hand as hard as he was able. He looked Clinton right in the eye and, continuing his grip, said, 'Don't you go near her or near her home; don't you even so much as look at her.' ……. "Startled, Clinton pulled his hand away and said, 'I didn't know she was with you when that happened.'" When "that" happened? Clinton wasn't mystified by Mr. Broaddrick's angry demeanor and ominous sounding words. He accepted the warning without protest and asked for no further explanation. His sanguine reception of Broaddrick's hostile behavior has only one explanation. ……Undoubtedly, Clinton knew exactly why Broaddrick was upset about "that." ......Certainly David Broaddrick had understood. Without explicitly saying so, the future president of the United States had just acknowledged he was a rapist. ......"
Freeper aristeides 10/8/00 "……. This appearance is occasioned by Baker's new book, "The Breach." Baker is now revealing that the day before Bob Livingston resigned and the House voted for impeachment, Livingston had serious second thoughts about impeachment and wondered whether censure might not be a better idea. An aide persuaded him to pursue impeachment, telling his boss, "We have a rapist in the White House," the reference of course being to the Juanita Broaddrick case. …… Livingston only decided to resign at 2AM the next day. That's why the story didn't leak -- very few people knew about it. Maxine Waters and other Dems called on Livingston to resign during his speech because they had no idea he would. ……Once he did resign, this created real fear in the White House, which thought this might create an atmosphere where political pressure would build up to have Clinton resign. That was the reason for the pep rally: the Dems wanted to make impeachment look very partisan, so that the political pressure would not build up. ….."
Freeper aristiedes 10/8/00 "…..Caller complaining that NBC didn't show "in the can" Broaddrick interview while Senate trial was on. Baker confirms Dems were worried about possible showing during trial. Baker says that, if it had been shown during trial, it would have created "different political dynamic." ….."
Freeper truthkeeper 10/8/00 "……It would appear that somebody has given orders to the media not to give publicity to Schippers. Schippers even admitted in an interview with O'Reilly that he and his book have been frozen out by the popular media. …." 10/3/00 Carl Limbacher " has learned that Prudhomme plans to travel to Boston with the idea of gaining entry to the debate hall where Gore and Texas Governor George Bush will meet for the first face-off of the presidential campaign. Although it's not clear whether moderator Jim Lehrer intends to take audience questions, Prudhomme's mere presence could be unnerving all by itself. .......Ten months ago, Gore looked like a deer caught in the headlights when she calmly asked him at a Derry, New Hampshire town hall meeting whether he believed his boss is a rapist. The vice president hemmed and hawed and then protested that he hadn't seen Broaddrick's network television interview, where she detailed what she said was a violent sexual assault at the hands of Bill Clinton. ...... Gore finally answered that he'd forgiven his "good friend" for his "personal mistake," a response that left most viewers stunned. The Prudhomme-Gore confrontation was the single most dramatic moment of the presidential campaign to date. ......Days later, Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson announced he was mailing the vice president a copy of Broaddrick's interview -- but reporters have steadfastly refused to follow-up on the Broaddrick question with Gore. ......" 1/4/01 Carl Limbacher "......Juanita Broaddrick: 'I'll Testify Against Clinton if Asked' The woman whose startling account of a brutal 1978 rape by President Clinton persuaded Congress to impeach him in December 1998 is willing to cooperate with prosecutors currently weighing his indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges, has learned. Arkansas nursing home operator Juanita Broaddrick told late Wednesday that investigators from the office of Independent Counsel Robert Ray have yet to call her. ...."
NewsMax 10/30/00 Carl Limbacher "….. For the second time in the closing weeks of the campaign season, presidential rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick has publicly criticized Bill and Hillary Clinton, calling Mrs. Clinton an "enabler" and slamming her husband's hypocrisy as "disgusting." ……. On Saturday President Clinton signed H.R. 344, the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000; legislation designed to, as Clinton put it in his weekly radio address, "build on the Violence Against Women Act, which created new federal crimes and enhanced penalties to combat sexual assault and domestic violence." ….."The Act authorizes appropriations through Fiscal Year 2005 for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, battered women's shelters, rape prevention and education grants," Clinton said. ….Broaddrick, whose charge that Clinton violently raped her persuaded Congress to impeach him in 1998, reacted to the president's statement in an e-mail to the website "I saw this earlier today. Couldn't believe it. I would like to know if this bill contained small print that says, 'Everyone is subject to this law EXCEPT Bill Clinton and his enabling wife.'" …."This is truly disgusting," Broaddrick added......."
Capitol Hill Blue 10/18/00 Julia Malone "…….. Juanita Broaddrick, the nursing home executive who says Bill Clinton assaulted her 22 years ago, shamed the news media by raising the question that reporters have failed to ask. …… In an angry letter this week, Broaddrick offers evidence that Hillary Clinton began covering up for her husband in 1978, just two weeks after the alleged rape. …….That's when Mrs. Clinton approached Broaddrick at a campaign rally for then attorney-general Clinton, a candidate for governor in Arkansas. As Broaddrick writes to the first lady at her New York senatorial campaign: …… "As soon as you entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember how you thanked me, saying 'we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill.' …… "At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. ……."You said, 'Everything you do for Bill.' You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering. ………"What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question." …… The letter, posted on the Internet's Drudge Report, has gotten no response from the first lady. Nor has President Clinton answered the rape allegation beyond ordering his lawyer to issue a general denial of an assault……… Her letter, her most extensive public remarks since the NBC "Dateline" interview, focuses for the first time on Mrs. Clinton. "I feel that she owes me an answer as to why she treated me that way that night," Broaddrick said in the interview. ….."
Capitol Hill Blue 10/18/00 Julia Malone "…….. "I don't know if she knew exactly (about the alleged rape)," Broaddrick said. "She knew something happened, and she knew that I was very upset." ……..A week later, Broaddrick said, she walked into the nearby drug store where the owner told her of driving the Clintons to the local rally. The pharmacist, a friend, told her that she had been the topic of conversation "all the way from the airport" and that Mrs. Clinton "said something to the effect, 'Bill has talked so much about Juanita. I must meet her.' " That information convinced Broaddrick that Mrs. Clinton had been on a mission to silence her. ………. In fact, the "mainstream" news media has ignored her new statement altogether. The conservative-leaning Washington Times reported it, as did the Fox News Channel. "The mainstream media has, in effect, blacked out Juanita Broaddrick and her charges," said Brit Hume, chief Washington correspondent for Fox. "It would seem that the charges are too serious to air." ……..The question for the rest of the news media is how can we ignore subjects that are too serious, too controversial or too difficult, especially when they involve those in the highest offices? ……. "The press has the responsibility" to ask, she said. "I don't think they will. I feel like they're not going to stomp on any toes at all till they know who's going to win." So, what good is the First Amendment anyway? …."
Washington Times 10/18/00 "…… The closest that President Clinton has ever come to answering allegations that he raped an Arkansas woman in 1978 is a distance measurable only in light-years. After Juanita Broaddrick made the accusation in 1999, the president's attorney, David Kendall, alone answered, saying any such charges were "absolutely false." …….Given the silence from the West Wing, Mrs. Broaddrick this week sought answers from Hillary Clinton, whose telescopic feminism apparently sees injustice to women everywhere except the kind which occurs closer to home. In a letter to Mrs. Clinton recalling their meeting shortly after the reported assault occurred, she wondered about the significance of Mrs. Clinton's words to her at that time. Thank you, Mrs. Broaddrick says Mrs. Clinton told her, for "everything you do for Bill." ……… "What did you mean, Hillary?" her letter continued. "Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to keep quiet?"…….. The not-so-subtle implication of the letter is that Mrs. Clinton is, in fact, her husband's enabler. Dealing with her husband's promiscuity and worse might keep her from dealing with the important issues facing the people of New York, namely her candidacy. One might call it a Faustian bargain except that even Mephistopheles might not lower himself to sign such a deal…….Mrs. Broaddrick's charges, while graver, might be equally suspect on that basis, except that neither Clinton is in the strongest position to call her a liar. So far neither has……"
Washington Times 10/17/00 Steve Miller "…… Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas nursing home operator who claims she was raped by President Clinton in 1978, yesterday sent a fiery letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton, asking bluntly if the first lady believes those assertions…… In the 600-word missive, Mrs. Broaddrick, a Clinton campaign worker in Arkansas at the time, recalled meeting Mrs. Clinton at a rally shortly after the purported assault………. The Broaddrick incident, recounted by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr in documents provided to members of Congress, played a role in gaining the vote of wavering House Republicans during the president's impeachment in December 1998. Mrs. Broaddrick recanted her story several times, then asserted it again. She said her reluctance to talk about the incident stemmed from a desire to shield her family from public scrutiny. Yesterday, she again maintained that she was assaulted by the president when he was Arkansas' attorney general……..Mrs. Broaddrick said her letter was written after she watched a television interview with Rep. Rick Lazio, New York Republican, who is battling Mrs. Clinton for the New York Senate seat. "It [came from] an accumulation of things with Mrs. Clinton," said Mrs. Broaddrick. "I think she has been given a free ride by the mainstream media and Lazio is being too soft on her."………"

DRUDGE 10/15/00 Juanita Broaddrick "…… As I watched Rick Lazio's interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio's views regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too. …….. I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed. …….. I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr. Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering. Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering. ……. What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question. …..Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton is not an honorable or an honest person. ……..I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband? Or perhaps, you are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview. ….Juanita Broaddrick"

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