Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation

Capitol Hill Blue 2/3/99 Daniel Harris Teresa Hampton ".Elizabeth Ward.told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen, told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. She later recanted that interview and said had been threatened by Clinton supporters into claiming the sex was consensual.."
UPI 1/13/99 ".The TV actress who claims she had an affair with President Clinton in 1983 has reportedly become the subject of an Internal Revenue Service investigation just weeks after she was warned she could be audited if she didn't keep her mouth shut about her alleged dalliance with Clinton. According to the New York Post, ``Highlander'' star Elizabeth Ward Gracen has been deluged with dozens of letters from the IRS claiming she didn't file returns and threatening to seize her wages and property..The Post says she received an anonymous phone call warning her that if she didn't keep quiet about her relationship with Clinton, she would be audited by the IRS.."
1/13/99 Rush Limbaugh by Freeper Goldi-Lox ".Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh discussed today how Ms. Gracen was threatened by an anonymous phone caller to keep her mouth shut about Clinton, or expect an IRS problem. Three weeks later, the IRS letters started coming... to her mother's house...not anywhere in her IRS files.."
Village Voice 1/20/99 Nat Hentoff ".Lefcourt, a prominent attorney, ignores the series of women who have been threatened by Clinton and his agents to keep their silence about his exercising his droit du seigneur on their bodies. It is this relentless obstruction of justice that I began to detail last week. Also on the list of Clinton's throwaway women who should have been placed in the federal Witness Protection Program is Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Arkansas's former Miss America, who had a brief bout of intimacy with Clinton in 1983. During the 1992 presidential campaign she received calls to keep quiet about it-or else. But just in case she faltered-as the Wall Street Journal Europe (October 27, 1998) reported- her agent met with Clinton buddy Harry Tomason and Clinton advisor Mickey Kantor and "worked out some kind of deal." She would deny any relationship with Clinton and her career would benefit. ...". 10/27/98 Carl Limbacher ".For a time, it seemed that Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Miss America in 1982, might have suffered a fate similar to Juanita Broaddrick's, the woman whose rape allegation against Bill Clinton we have detailed here.. Then finally last April, Gracen came forward to the New York Daily News to acknowledge that she and Clinton did indeed have sex, something she denied when Clinton first ran for president.. That should have cleared the matter up. But then the Clinton White House did something very unusual. Clinton spinmeisters did nothing to challenge Gracen's acknowledgment of a consensual liaison, as if the fact that yet another woman claiming to have sex with the president was almost a relief, as long as the rape allegation was off the table. Recall, this was the same Bill Clinton who had his operatives trash Gennifer Flowers mercilessly for going public the way Gracen just had. He himself would not confess to a consensual relationship with Flowers till he was put under oath..Gracen's ordeal begs the question: If the White House was so worried that she would finger Clinton in a consensual relationship, taking the extraordinary measure of surveiling her every move -- then why the nonchalant reaction when Gracen finally did spill the beans? Or did Casa Clinton have reason to worry that Gracen's account might have turned out to be more damaging than a story about a now-regretted one-night stand? .."
9/26/98 Drudge report "Elizabeth Ward Gracen, star of a new TV show and former Miss America, now claims that Clintonistas waged a campaign of terror that scared the hell out of her. Gracen, in Toronto, gives an exclusive interview to NEW YORK POST columnist Steve Dunleavy for Sunday editions, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. "I spent a small fortune hiring investigators to investigate the investigators of the White House who I honestly believe were chasing me to head off my story," Gracen tells Dunleavy. Gracen previously revealed how she had a sex fling with Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983. "I really should not be saying these things," a tearful Gracen tells the POST, in an interview that has caught the eye of the White House -- even before publication For the first time -- Gracen describes how she was terrorized during the discovery period in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and later during the Ken Starr investigations. "Yes, I was physically scared," says Gracen. "We are talking about the presidency. There were always veiled threats [made against me].".Gracen describes a hotel room that was ransacked while she was hiding out in St. Martin. "The gentleman looking after my room said he saw two men in suits enter the place and one man in a suit waiting outside." But Gracen said nothing was stolen! "They were looking for tapes that did not exist." Gracen offers no further details on the hotel episode. "Then there were the telephone calls," she explains. "To me, to my parents. I was in an undisclosed location but the calls found me. "It was pretty much the same kind of call. Get out of town before I get hit with a subpoena... between the calls telling me to get out of town for my own good and the calls talking about smear tactics, I got scared." Gracen does not reveal who made the threat calls. ."
NY Post 9/27/98 Steve Dunleavy "ELIZABETH Ward Gracen, star of a new hit TV show and former Miss America, claims the Clintonistas waged a campaign of terror that scared the hell out of her. "I spent a small fortune hiring investigators to investigate the investigators of the White House who I honestly believe were chasing me to head off my story," she told me on the set of her new TV show "Highlander: The Raven." And what was her story? In the fall of 1983, when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, he invited Elizabeth to a place called Quapaw Tower in Little Rock."He offered me a lift back in his limo, and he flirted with me." At that stage in the interview, tears well in her eyes."I learned later that movie director Harry Thomason a Clinton friend and White House big-wig Mickey Kantor sat down with my agent, Miles Levy, and worked out some kind of a deal that would have me deny anything to do with Bill Clinton." Whatever was said that day in a deli in Los Angeles between Thomason, Kantor and agent Levy, things started looking up for a pretty girl who was struggling with commercials here and there. "I suddenly got a very good acting job, a mini-series in Croatia, of all places," the 37-year-old said with a slight smile. "Then I got another good, long-lasting role in Brazil. I thought, well at last they have recognized me. I think I was a little naive. "I knew nothing about my agent talking to Clinton's friends, but this year, late last year, I started getting calls that made things fall into place. "Some friendly calls telling me to get out of town to dodge a subpoena from independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Some nasty calls saying my character was about to be assassinated. "My friends were being asked mystery questions about tapes," she said. "Believe me, I don't tape people, and no tapes existed." She said she got a lot of weird phone calls - and her parents got some, too. Then the crunch. "I was with my boyfriend on vacation in St. Martin. We went jogging. We were staying in one of those cabanas. Left behind was a Rolex watch and $2,000 in cash on the coffee table." "When we came back, the place was ransacked. The $2,000 and the Rolex watch were still there. Nothing was stolen. They were looking for tapes that did not exist. "The gentleman looking after our room said he saw two men in suits enter the place and one man in a suit waiting outside. He didn't challenge them, he thought they were our friends. "Then the telephone calls again. To me, to my parents' place. I was in an undisclosed location, but the calls came to me. It was pretty much the same kind of call. Get out of town before I get hit with a subpoena. "On one particular occasion during the Paula Jones case, I disappeared. The next day, a subpoena arrived at my parents' place. I started to keep on getting the calls. I hired lawyer Bruce Cutler and investigators. "Yes, I was physically scared. We are talking about the presidency of the country here, and between the friendly calls on one hand telling me to get out of town for my own good and then talking about smear tactics on the other, I got scared. Yes, physically scared. "There were always veiled threats. Always. I did nothing wrong except one stupid night a long time ago. But now this last year has become very frightening."."Every week on the show I battle evil. But all those evil people have a charming side. Have I made my point?" Tragically, Elizabeth, you have."
The Washington Weekly 3/01/99 Edward Zehr "… Rick Lambert, an investigator for the Paula Jones legal team, told the online publication NewsMax that, "I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half. At first, she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz [Gracen]. But I finally asked, 'Do you believe Clinton raped her?' She said, 'Absolutely. He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?' Stokes was totally convinced it was rape."Why did Gracen change her story? As I reported last year, the lady is an actress and, according to The New York Post, the 1992 denial was elicited from Gracen after she and her manager Miles Levy, met with Clinton's TV producer friend Harry Thomasson and his campaign manager Mickey Kantor. At a Little Rock press conference held a week later Gracen denied that she and Clinton were lovers. She was thereupon given a role by producer Michael Viner in … Of course, Gracen denies that the denial she made on Clinton's behalf had anything to do with her being given a role by producer Michael Viner. Of course. Michael Viner just happens to be the former publisher of Dove Books who felt inspired by civic virtue to hold a press conference in which he badmouthed Kathleen Willey, implying that the only reason she had made those allegations against Clinton was to promote a book she wanted to sell him. (In fact, it was Viner who had approached Willey about the book, but the smear seemed to work at the time). Small world, isn't it? According to Capitol Hill Blue, Gracen's latest version of the story is that what she had said in the Daily News interview is false. She now says that she was pressured by threats from the president's supporters to say that her sexual encounter with Clinton was consensual…."
Newsmax(Ruddy) 2/24/99 Carl Limbacher "…Are there other victims like Juanita Broaddrick in Bill Clinton's past? The husband-and-wife team of Rick and Beverly Lambert say the answer to that question is yes. Seasoned private investigators with a knack for success, the Lamberts were tapped by Paula Jones' lawyers in September 1997 for the Jane Doe search. For six months, they traveled between Arkansas and D.C. looking for women whose account could bolster Jones' allegation. What they found horrified and nauseated the handful of congressmen familiar with their work product, which was turned over to the House Judiciary Committee after being subpoenaed by the Office of Independent Counsel. Arguably, President Clinton would never have been impeached had several House members not switched their votes after reviewing evidence in the Lamberts' Jane Doe files. In their first postimpeachment trial interview, the Lamberts detailed exclusively to the accounts of some of the 209 witnesses they contacted; evidence about which they were bound to silence until after Clinton's trial was over….One particularly elusive Jane Doe was former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Long rumored to have had a sexual relationship with Clinton, she spent late 1997 and early 1998 on the run from the Lamberts -- who were trying to serve her a subpoena in the Jones case. Published reports cited the testimony of Gracen's friend Judy Stokes, who recalled that Gracen had come to her in tears right after a 1983 sexual encounter with Clinton. Gracen said the sex was, "something she did not want to have happen," according to Stokes. …The somewhat ambiguous quote fueled speculation that Clinton had raped the onetime beauty queen, a notion dispelled by Gracen in the New York Daily News last April. She admitted to a consensual one-night stand that she regretted almost immediately. But Rick Lambert tells that Stokes was not the least bit ambiguous in the account she gave him, undermining Gracen's rape denial. "I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half. At first, she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz. But I finally asked, 'Do you believe Clinton raped her?' She said, 'Absolutely…."
Hollywood gossip and the Paula Jones case files 3/19/99 Freeper report "…Here is the current situation:  Now that Gracen has turned against Clinton, there is no reason to keep her series going. A few days ago, Rysher Entertainment, the US distributor, announced that they are dropping the series. Of course, the ratings were abysmal, but that was only a secondary consideration.   The threatened IRS audit is now officially underway. Due to the tax laws, Gracen is an expatriate and must remain out of the country, or her overseas earnings will be subject to U.S. tax.  Another part of the strategy to control Gracen is to keep her in financial straits. It appears that a lot of the money she earned doing the series has gone to John Gotti associates like Bruce Cutler, the mob lawyer.  Here is the latest scam: they are trying to get her to put her remaining money into a vineyard in Italy…." 4/16/99 "... Onetime presidential guru Dick Morris has noticed something reviewers had missed in Michael Isikoff's new book, "Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story." It's this tidbit from page 256 about Clinton's one-night stand with former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen: "According to Gracen's later account, Clinton flirted with her -- then invited her to the apartment of one of his friends at the Quawpaw Towers. They had sex that night. It was rough sex. Clinton got so carried away that he bit her lip, Gracen later told friends. But it was consensual." Appearing Tuesday night on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, Morris noted, "There's a very important revelation in [Isikoff's] book that hasn't received a lot of attention." Morris paraphrased the passage quoted above and then pointed out that Clinton bit Gracen's lip, "... just as he'd bit Juanita Broaddrick's lip, according to Juanita Broaddrick. And [Gracen's] statement was made before Juanita Broaddrick spoke."... Morris added, "Now if there was a rape trial of Bill Clinton right now and this woman, Gracen, was called as a witness and confirmed the M.O.; that would be a) admissible and b) very decisive." What about Gracen's claim, as Isikoff reports, that her Clinton sex was consensual? ...Last month, Lambert elaborated on Stokes' version for's Carl Limbacher: "I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half," said Lambert. "At first she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz. But I finally asked, 'Do you believe Clinton raped her?' She said, 'Absolutely. He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?' " Lambert concluded, "Stokes was totally convinced it was rape." ..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Former Miss America said to have had a one-nighter with Clinton in 1983, although some reports say he forced himself on her. Michael Isikoff's new book, Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story, page 256, relates, "According to Gracen's later account, Clinton flirted with her-then invited her to the apartment of one of his friends at the Quawpaw Towers. They had sex that night. It was rough sex. Clinton got so carried away that he bit her lip, Gracen later told friends. But it was consensual." In 1992 when the Clinton campaign was trying to keep a lid on his womanizing, Gracen said that she got threatening calls. Then Clinton's Hollywood friend Harry Thomason plus Mickey Kantor and Gracen's agent, Miles Levy, met to arrange acting jobs for Gracen that would take her far away, to Croatia and then to Brazil. When she was subpoenaed in the Jones case, Gracen again received threatening calls from people who knew where she was at all times. "I was physically scared," she told the New York Post. She has been quoted as saying that during a vacation, her room was ransacked by men wearing suits who were admitted by the innkeeper. And her lawyer has said she was threatened with an IRS audit if she spoke out.... VULNERABILITY: She was Miss Arkansas (later Miss America) and he was her state governor...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs wish to question Ms. Gracen about numerous anonymous telephone calls she stated she received where the caller warned her to keep quiet about her relationship about Clinton, the threats and ultimate occurrence of an IRS audit, her statements about being "staked out" after her initial disclosure of her sexual involvement with Clinton, and how she, her family, and friends have been threatened. After denying any sexual involvement with Clinton for six years, Ms. Gracen told The New York Daily News in April 1998 that she had "sex with Bill Clinton." Gracen explained that the incident took place at a Little Rock hotel room in 1983, a year after her reign as Miss America, and when Clinton was in his second term as Govenor. Gracen's admission came in response to rumors of a sexual assault by Clinton, precipitated by the deposition of her friend, Judy Stokes, in the Jones case. In September 1998, in the midst of the Impeachment hearings, and months after her initial disclosure, Gracen told The Toronto Sun: I think Clinton is a very dangerous, manipulative man and I've had to be very careful. . . . There was a lot of pressure of my family and friends, people being staked out. I was afraid for my safety at one point. It's just not an area where you're safe. I would never have said what I just told you a month ago. Later that month, Gracen elaborated on her statement, and told The New York Post about ominous telephone calls she received in 1997 and 1998: [T]his year, late last year, I started receiving calls that made things fall into place. Some friendly calls telling me to get out of town to dodge a subpoena from Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. Some nasty calls saying my character was about to be assassinated. . . . My friends were being asked mystery questions about tapes . . .. Gracen also described a strange incident in which her hotel room was broken into and ransacked while on vacation. "They were looking for tapes that did not exist. The gentleman looking after our room said he saw two men in suits enter the place and one man in a suit waiting outside. He didn't challenge them, he thought they were our friends." Id. After that incident, she stated that the telephone calls started again, and she attributed them to the Clinton Administration: Yes, I was physically scared. We are talking about the presidency of the country here, and between the friendly calls on one hand telling me to get out of town for my own good and then talking about smear tactics on the other, I got scared. There were always veiled threats. . . . In January 1999, through her attorney, Gracen alleged that the Clinton Administration instituted an IRS audit against her in retaliation for her refusing to stay silent. Gracen's lawyer, Vincent Vento, told the The New York Post that weeks after Gracen's interview with The Toronto Sun in which she spoke of her involvement with Clinton, Gracen received a telephone call in which the caller stated: "You should really keep your mouth shut about Bill Clinton and go on with your life. You could be discredited. You could have an IRS investigation." Id. Vento also stated that a few weeks after the telephone call, the letter from the IRS arrived, sent to her parents home, which is not listed on her tax filings. Id...."
New York Post 9/22/99 Cindy Adams ".... A book hitting the shelves is titled "Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story." Front cover drawing is of a partially uncovered White House. Author's Michael Isikoff. The top of page 256 says of Clinton's aides: "It was the eve of the New York primary and some of them feared that, on top of Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Gracen could really hurt if she were to come forward and acknowledge illicit sexual relations with the candidate. She was, after all, a former Miss America--a bit harder to smear than Gennifer. "Around that time, Gracen's agent, Miles Levy, got a call from Mickey Kantor, Clinton's campaign chairman. They arranged to have breakfast. Hollywood producer Harry Thomason, a close friend of the Clintons, tagged along." It then says Kantor and Thomason "suggested that perhaps they could help. Within days, Hollywood producer Michael Viner offered Gracen a part in a TV miniseries that he was about to start filming in Croatia. Levy, who later confirmed the series of events, including the breakfast with Kantor and Thomason, insisted that Gracen was 'very well qualified for the part.'" Problem is, the three named in this cabal--Kantor, Thomason, Viner--say this didn't happen...."

ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE 12/9/99 Linda Satter "....Elizabeth Ward Gracen, a former Miss Arkansas and Miss America who last year said she had sex with President Clinton in 1983, has filed for bankruptcy, citing debts allegedly caused by an ex-boyfriend now in jail in France. The Dec. 2 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Little Rock lists a Russellville address for Gracen, who has also lived in France and Canada during the past two years. However, she couldn't be reached for comment, and her Russellville attorney, James Kennedy, who was hired by Gracen's mother, didn't return numerous calls to his office Tuesday and Wednesday....... One of the creditors Gracen listed in the bankruptcy filing is the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto, where she lived in 1998. The filing lists a $10,000 "forged check" among her debts. Another notation lists a $1,996.07 "overdraft caused by a forged check." Later the document, in a space for information about closed financial accounts, notes that she is seeking help from Canadian authorities and is trying to get the forger prosecuted...... According to the Telegraph report, Gracen told police that Austin had tricked her out of most of her money since she met him two years earlier....... "

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