Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The EMP super bomb, being constructed by China, Russia and North Korea has moved past the testing stage as they determine how to deliver the electro-magnetic burst to destroy the United States. Barack Obama remains clueless as he chases Environmental Green Socialist Dollars with his fellow Progressive Democratic Socialists. Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't have the intelligence to understand or the time as she spent her life chasing Bill Clinton who was chasing skirts across the globe. One EMP electro magnetic burst over the United States will result in a not so modern stone age for all the citizens of the United States. The technology and delivery systems are possible and the Chinese Yellow Communist Menace has the power to keep their promises. Bill Clinton gave them the technology. Chinese spies gave him barrels of cash money in return.

Welcome to the Obama Stone Age America.  How does Putin Plan on Winning the War with America.  The White House knows the secret war plans of China, Russia and North Korea, do you?

The toaster wouldn't work and the lights wouldn't come on, what's the deal.  He looked outside in the early morning and noticed the entire neighborhood was dark.  The power was out again.  He wondered how long the power would be out this time.  He didn't know, it would be about 39 months. The United States was hit by a nuclear powered EMP Bomb only hours before and over 1,500 miles away.  He was a long way from the bombs ground zero but the effects were the same, darkness, that would last for years. 

The power outage reached across the United States today and system all stopped at once across the nation. 

The White House states that a powerful nuclear EMP electro-magnetic super bomb was exploded over Tulsa Oklahoma last night that had disrupted power generation and power consuming machines and devices.  

It has been further determined that the Chinese, Russian and North Korean governments and their forces have landed on the West and East coasts of the United States in force.  President Obama, trying to manage the social breakdown, has left the Washington D.C. area to assure the Presidents safety.  The DOD Department of Defense acknowledges that few military systems are working at capacity but they have limited backup EMP protected systems.  Our own government today, including all governors of all the states have advised their citizens to shelter in place.  Riots break out around the nation as sanitation, medicine and temperature control systems fail across the nation.  The United States has been disabled, back into the stone age. 

The EMP electro-magnetic super bomb, being constructed by China, Russia and North Korea has moved past the testing stage as they determine how to deliver the electro-magnetic burst to destroy the United States.  Barack Obama remains clueless as he chases Environmental Green Socialist Dollars with his fellow Progressive Democratic Socialists.  

Did you know that in the 1990's the U.S. government, Congressionaly- mandated, the EMP Commission and it discovered that the United States can be knocked out.  We mean knocked out.  The United States stops cold without electricity.  No food, no water, no transportation, no heat, no communication and it gets a lot worse, no military protection from invading armies from China, Russia and North Korea.   The U.S. government has determined that without electricity the industrial infrastructure can only support about 30 million people out of 330 million citizens.  That's right, 300 million people will die.  

Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't have the intelligence to understand or the time as she spent her life chasing Bill Clinton who was chasing skirts across the globe.  One EMP electro magnetic burst over the United States will result in a not so modern stone age for all the citizens of the United States.  The technology and delivery systems are possible and the Chinese Yellow Communist Menace has the power to keep their promises.  Bill Clinton gave them the technology.  Chinese spies gave him barrels of cash money in return.  

A powerful solar discharge or in the form of what experts call a Super EMP bomb, a device currently being tested by China, Russia and North Korea that’s capable of deploying a nuclear warhead-tipped ballistic missile several hundred miles over the continental United States. It’s a line-of-sight technology, meaning that if it’s detonated above the central U.S. the electro-magnetic burst from the detonation could reach from coast to coast, destroying electronic components and utility company transformers along the way.

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