Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What was the President Doing during the Terrorist Attack? The Benghazi Scandal, dead Americans and a smoking email tell us things we never knew before. The White House was in charge of the story to be told and they would make it up as they went, point somewhere, anywhere except to the truth. Barack Obama, cheated the American people, just like he did with ObamaCare. Americans were killed in Benghazi, and he lied. But it gets better. A TOP SECRET "Miss" is about to publish her sexy White House story biography of herself and her big story starts right off the Oval office with her panties down and the president searching

Yes, the sexy sessions really did happen in the White House, and just like the law says, you cannot have sex with an employee, while at work, without breaking just about every law of the land.  Bill Clinton, President who was impeached, tried his best to lie and deny the facts but at last, he was cornered.
The Clinton's love power, influence and lying because they both learned a long time ago to the bare the whole truth has a price to pay.  
Despite all the alleged facts Barack Obama has taken lessons from Bill and Hillary Clinton, lie as long as you can, change the subject, and point to something else.
The Benghazi Scandal, dead Americans and a smoking email tell us things we never knew before.  The White House was in charge of the story to be told and they would make it up as they went, point somewhere, anywhere except to the truth.
Barack Obama, cheated the American people, just like he did with ObamaCare. Americans were killed in Benghazi, and he lied.  But it gets better.  A TOP SECRET "Miss" is about to publish her sexy White House story biography of herself and her big story starts right off the Oval office with her panties down and the president searching

She remembers the tap-tap-tapping on the Oval office door and the president daring her to continue her work.  Psychologists will have to explain the weird to say the least but the interesting diagnoses is that oral sex is  not sex, anymore.  By the way, it's not another story about Bill Clinton.
Wait and see.

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