Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Barack Obama Corruption Mafia Style Government Criminal Enterprise RICO FBI Probe To begin with, and most importantly, you should understand that law and order is mostly out the window unless your connected to government and the word government means a connection to Barack Obama or one of his thousands of lawless Czars. We have entered a police state which means you will be strong armed any time the Obama Administrative State feels you're getting out of line. Getting out of line for example when you go and vote in November and a Black Panther is standing in front of the building thumping a stick and looking at you. You can be assured that Eric Holder will be in office until after the elections to make sure the full force of the DOJ is used against you.

To begin with, and most importantly, you should understand that law and order is mostly out the window unless your connected to government and the word government means a connection to Barack Obama or one of his thousands of lawless Czars.  We have entered a police state which means you will be strong armed any time the Obama Administrative State feels you're getting out of line.  Getting out of line for example when you go and vote in November and a Black Panther is standing in front of the building thumping a stick and looking at you.  You can be assured that Eric Holder will be in office until after the elections to make sure the full force of the DOJ is used against you.

You must learn your rights.  You have been taught your rights.  Americans need to know their rights when it comes to interactions with the police because we now see where citizens are now on the losing end concerning their constitutional rights.  If you are ignorant of the law the police state will take full advantage of you.  Most cops don't know the law.  Wow, but true, most police officers are merely night guards waiting for their pension to kick in.  Now, a lot of police officers are great people and serve the public with pride and dedication. If you're living in a community with a great police force consider yourself luck and help them every chance you get.  If you have a bad police department you can expect to have trouble.  The law in blind.  It's doesn't matter if your're black or white, yellow or brown.  If you are a citizen of the United States you clearly have constitutional protections, the ultimate law of the land.  The reason Barack Obama hates the United States and our U.S. Constitution is because it gives you power and keeps him in check.  Barack Obama has no more power than you do.  Read that again.  Barack Obama cannot do anything to you but as you know his Czars can.  Lois Lerner, IRS fiend, is a great example.  Lois Lerner IRS used the full force of the IRS, which is a government control mechanism, force, to drive away the tea party and it's members.  Why would a Lois Lerner behave in a lawless manner while working for you inside the federal government?  She has incentives.  Who rewards?  Who doles out punishment?  

Keeping in mind that many law enforcement officials are largely ignorant of the law themselves. In a nutshell, here are your basic rights when it comes to interactions with the police as outlined in the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution:  If you don't know your rights you will be abused by the government, local, state and federal. 

You have the right under the First Amendment to ask questions and express yourself.  This means you can ask the local officer, with due respect, anything you want.  If you do not get an answer, again with due respect, you can repeat the question, ask for a supervisor, request a witness, ask if you may record the interaction.  You have rights.  You are a citizen.  You need not be afraid.  Now if you're a bank robber, expect rough handling, searches and cuffs as they toss you in the back seat and by the way all criminals should be caught, jailed, tried and then sent to prison, including government officials, local mayors etc.  Jesse Jackson Jr. is in prison.  He broke the law.  He stole money from poor people to make himself and his wife richer, he's a thief and liar. Lois Lerner IRS most likely will spend some time in prison.  Some may say that Eric Holder, DOJ, in contempt of Congress is tempting jail and prison time now.  Lawyers think they can get away.  A lot of lawyers are in jail.  

You have the right under the Fourth Amendment to not have your person or your property searched by police or any government agent unless they have a search warrant authorizing them to do so. You have rights.  No, you cannot look in the trunk.  No, you cannot ready my email.  You'll notice that the NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA and who knows who else clearly captures your email, stores your email and can read and distribute them anytime they want, this is illegal.  They must have a warrant so your local representative in Congress gave them the right if they can convince some corrupt centralized government judge to say yes.  

You have the right under the Fifth Amendment to remain silent and not incriminate yourself.  You don't have to talk to anybody about anything.  Just state, you wish to remain silent.  

You have the right under the Sixth Amendment to request an attorney. Depending on which state you live in and whether your encounter with police is consensual as opposed to your being temporarily detained or arrested, you may have the right to refuse to identify yourself.

The Barack Obama Police State 

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