Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, October 13, 2014

I suggest you vote in November. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN have joined the Barack Hussein Obama Administration to Destroy the U.S. Military War Terror ISIS ISIL Taliban Al-qaeda War Notice Syria Iran Iraq Israel

It is time that you wake up and save yourself, your family and if you hurry the United States of America.  If you have been watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN you have no actual knowledge of the current Barack Obama events.

It has been proven over and over that ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and print media giants like the New York Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times and dozens more have been particular liberal with the stories they print or show your family.

The media has been lying for Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Hillary Rodham Clinton for very specific reasons, 

the first one is absolute power.

The DOD has been told by Barack Obama to fire, terminate and remove 90,000 soldiers from the U.S. Military forces.  

Yes, Obama will fire 90,000 men and women in uniform for the one reason you'll never guess, more and more power.

Barack Obama plans to shrink the U.S. Military to nothing, but not really.  His plan is evil.  His plan is about power.  

His plan is about you.  

Obama plans to issue an executive order right after the November elections.  You can plan now on having 11 to 25 million new citizens that are illegal aliens today.  

Remember it's all about centralized power. 

He also plans to fire 90,000 men and women from the U.S. Military.  Obama plans to weaken the United States so it will surely lose the next conflict or war no matter where it may occur.  

Do you think we're winning in Syria and Iraq today?


The U.S. Military should stop taking orders from their commander in chief right now, today.  We have a constitutional republic.  We are a country of law and order.  Every citizen has the law and bill of rights to protect him. 

Each citizen, me and you, every soldier is a citizen and a great gift to our country, guaranteeing your individual liberty and freedom, around the world. Barack Obama plans to remove the citizen from the military.  Obama plans to replace the honest patriot American soldier with an illegal alien, loyal to him, not the constitution.

By executive order, 11 to 25 million illegal aliens will be granted special status in complete contempt of the American Citizens as expressed through Congress over and over again.  Obama's executive order will be lawless and impeachable.

Another executive order, will authorize taking in to the military illegal aliens which is also lawless and impeachable.

Again, President Obama has already fired 90,000 soldiers and direct officers from the military.  Obama has already ordered the removal of 90,000 soldiers.  Some of these men and women fired or terminated early from service were in actual combat in Afghanistan when they received their notice.  Obama does not want any experienced officers around in the future.  The experienced patriot, at some point, will take a stand and tell the commander in chief, no.  Hell no, we won't go.  Hell no, we won't shoot.  Hell no.

With the ISIS, ISIL, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA and other terrorists organizations and states like Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, Syria and dozens more already killing Americans around the world, why would you cut the defense capability of the United States Armed Forces? 

Why would a president release five Taliban Killers and Leaders from GITMO and trade their best for one of our worst, deserter Bergdhal?  

Why would the U.S. forces, including the CIA let the men of Benghazi bleed out and die alone in the sands of Libya?  

Why would the economic collapse in 2007-2008 go unpunished except by fining the Banks, Lenders, Insurance Companies and others which forces the victims to pay the fines?

Why would you send the BLM snipers to the Bundy ranch to kill off an old hardnosed rancher that's behind on his fees?  

Whey would Obama and Holder run guns to Mexican cartels by the thousands?  

Why would Obama not build the Keystone pipeline that would only help the Americans?

Why are almost 50 million people tonight eating off food stamps?  

Why does every minority have a free cell phone, section eight housing, cash allowances and will reap great free benefits from socialist health care called ObamaCare? 

Obama is creating a very weak middle class.

He's been hitting you for six years.

You're getting tired.

You're on unemployment.

You're at the end of the road.

He's got you on your knees.

Now, the Obama plans comes into action.

A foreign military!


Your military will become foreign with a loyalty to President Obama and not the U.S. Constitution.

O.K, you think that's crazy?

It's 2014.

Your U.S. Army is smaller today than pre-1940.

Your Marine Corps is at a 1917 level.

Your U.S. Naval forces are at WWI levels.

Your Air Force is at the lowest levels ever.

Right under your nose, President Obama has been removing your U.S. Military that's been keeping you safe and sound.  Remember, he's announced that 90.000 more soldiers have already been notified that they're fired. Obama has been firing high level officers for years but the progressive liberal socialist democrats inside ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and print media giants like the New York Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times decided not to write the story. 

The media giants ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and print media giants like the New York Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times have been stopping the few good reporters they have by not printing or airing their fact finding stories so you will remain silent.  

You know about Snowden and the NSA domestic spying story which broke across the globe and shocked the world.  The NSA will read this article before you do just like the DOD, CIA, FBI, DIA and other mundane departments like FEMA, IRS, BLM and others, even the Social Security Administration has SWAP teams with assault military rifles and billions of rounds of ammunition spread out among the federal cabinet level departments.

Barack Hussein Obama did what he said he would do.  He would create a private army, an internal army or military stronger than the traditional forces of the U.S. armed forces.

If you live in a large urban area your local police force has tanks, assault weapons and other means to kill people in very large numbers.

Now, over six years Obama makes sure we're weak.  Think of your own life and wealth today.  You're living off fumes just like your employer if you're lucky enough to have a job.  

Job are gone.  

Income is lower. 

Food is expensive.  

Times are hard for a reason.  The radical Barack Obama planned to make you pay for the slavery past.  He re-distributed your wealth, destroyed the economy, changed all the history books, cut deals with big unions, big business, big government and let's not forget big media.  

Big unions like Teamsters, SEIU and big government now controls your labor department.  They want to pay an illegal alien $15 an hour to hand you a five cent hamburger.  The FCC has T.V., Print, Internet and Radio by the throat so big media is a big lap dog. 

The missiles we're using over Syria and Iraq today are no more.  When we shoot them they're gone because Obama killed off their re-supply
Obama thinks the F-22 is a waste of money, so they're gone too.  

The smart missiles were cancelled years ago by Obama.  

In case you don't know it GITMO is open but Obama plans to bring all the terrorists and killers here.  

ISIS will take Iraq after thousands of American deaths and tens of thousands of injuries. Don't you wonder why past members of his administration are starting to talk?
We have been infiltrated by the enemy.  They simply walk across our open borders even today.  They bring with them plans to join our U.S. Military and then kill Americans.  The majority of the poor brown illegal alien children that crossed our border are teenagers with tattoos and gang memberships and they'll be in your Army soon.  We have more produced oil and gas than Saudi Arabia now but ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN keeps that story on the back burner.  We don't need the oil from the sands of Iraq, Iran or Saudi Arabia but Obama keeps the truth under cover so you will send your oil money to the people that have sworn to Allah to kill you and your children.

The radical Obama has moved away from his black negro base as the power, the Obama power lies with the brown people.  The black Americans are starting to realize that JFK,  LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now Obama played the black face game.  

They will give you free stuff if you vote away your freedom and prosperity.  The democratic party is not the democratic party.  They're now a progressive liberal socialist democratic party which means they're on the verge of being a total communist party.  Remembering history you'll recall that Hitler was a socialist to get the power and then a world-wide killer once he had the power to destroy. 

Every dictator lies, kills and cheats for absolute power.  

The history books teach you about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and more.  By executive order Obama has created a centralized power, not a republic.

You now have illegal aliens and terrorists inside your neighborhood.

It is a direct felony to arm or give weapons to illegal aliens.

I suggest you vote in November.

This might be your last chance to vote.

This might be your last chance to keep and bear arms.

This might be my last chance at free speech.

Send this to your friends, right now.

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