Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mary Landrieu Senator Progressive Socialist Lies about her Actual Voting Record Guns God and Gangs, Obama Girl Senator Mary Landrieu Democratic Socialist Progressive (D-LA) forgets that people want Obama gone and every single Senator that helped Harry Reid kill off the voice of the American Legal Citizen. If you voted for Obama you also voted for the destruction of your property rights and civil liberties. Senator Mary Landrieu supports everything Obama including taking your guns and letting the Obama Administrative state guard your family and eliminate your constitutional rights. Unemployment is at a real number of 20%, over 40 million illegal alien

Obama Girl Senator Mary Landrieu Democratic Socialist Progressive (D-LA) forgets that people want Obama gone and every single Senator that helped Harry Reid kill off the voice of the American Legal Citizen.  If you voted for Obama you also voted for the destruction of your property rights and civil liberties.  Senator Mary Landrieu supports everything Obama including taking your guns and letting the Obama Administrative state guard your family and eliminate your constitutional rights. Unemployment is at a real number of 20%, over 40 million illegal aliens roam the streets with guns, drugs, tattoos and belong to gangs.  You neighbor is on disability and eats government cheese using food stamps and you can thank Senator Mary Landrieu and others.  Mary Landriue is a progressive criminal hiding inside the Senate.  You have the responsibility to vote her out and then investigate her dealings and financial gains.  

You have the absolute right to keep and bear arms.  Senator Landrieu, the progressive socialist thinks Obama can protect you like he does the White House lawn by the Secret Service.  Sentator Landrieu thinks everything is o.k. because ISIS and ISIL Taliban Al-Qaeda is way over there but, now they roam your streets and classrooms.  

In time, history will judge radicals like Senator Mary Landrieu who shut you out of your own government as the Senate does not vote on anything.  She (Mary Landrieu) is the Obama girl that we must remove from government and complete a discovery process about her actions.  Yes, Landrieu wants your guns, your vote, your money and all your rights in her back pocket.  Forget about it!

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) voted for Senator Joe Manchin's (D-WV) failed gun control bill in April 2013 and is endorsed by gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg, but she is claiming pro-gun status in her bid for a fourth term in the Senate

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