Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Expert Testified Congress ObamaCare Barack Hussein Obama ignores the law and his continued actions could result in an armed revolt against the federal government.

The Next American Civil War; The Armed Revolt against the Federal Government; Expert Testified to Congress that  ObamaCare Barack Hussein Obama ignores the law and his continued actions could result in an armed revolt against the federal government.  

Barack Hussein Obama should Resign Today
Obama is a Liar and Cheat and he has been caught
just like Richard Nixon.  Benghazi will also put 
Hillary Clinton out of work as they cannot continue
the cover up even with the help of CBS

The Affordable Care Act ObamaCare HealthCare.Gov is the screwball idea of the Democrats and their plan is for America to commit suicide in a political and wealth sense of meaning.  Democrats continue to use perfume to cover up the Communist and Socialist smell of ObamaCare so citizens won't smell their Donkey in the room.  The trailer life, welfare ridden, lazy and under educated citizens have brought Obama to power to achieve their goal of wealth distribution which is stealing by government.  

The Monkey Ape Like Man Barack Obama, 
drawn by a far left radical makes the point. 
The hard left radicals in the Democratic Party
wants Obama to go further and destroy every
citizen in America, black and white. 

Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid spin the Congress to kill off the peoples voice and there is now a great wall of lies that surround Barack Hussein Obama and the White House.  

Being tested as the Worst President of the United States in 100 years, Barack Hussein Obama is now using Air Fore One, at $75,000 per hour flight time, to travel America and explain his bold face lie about keeping your insurance and your doctor.  

The folks that thought health care would be free are in for the shock of their life.  ObamaCare is theft by taking, theft by Congress, theft of Supreme Court and will destroy millions, yes millions of families that will become very poor very quickly. 

The NSA and the IRS data hubs are being used
to watch every American and the
 most powerful companies on earth knew about the spying.
Snowden is not a hero, but he is a truth teller.

Your taxpayer dollars are being usd to enslave you.  Your food-family and freedom is being taken away and its moving very fast now.  The pirate party in the White House is very big now and they've gathered the government power needed to change America, Transform America, into a centralized government controlled state like North Korea, Iran and Cuba.  Obama controls your health care and he plans on getting your guns and removing your God.  If you don't care or don't believe you will very soon.  Obama is running out of time as the Hard Left Communist Radicals (Progressives) are now pushing him to move faster and faster as we have reached the tipping point. 

Pedro the Illegal Aliens is pushing.  Obama's Queer Pets are pushing.  Obama's black radical friends Black Panthers are pushing.  Obama's radical Progressive friends are pushing.  The main street main stream media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, is making lots of money just like GE General Electric playing ball with Obama.  Congress knows how to catch crooks but many of our young people do not know that Bill Clinton was impeached.  They don't know that Nixon ran off after being caught in a lie.  The never knew that Bush Senior was C.I.A. with Mexican connections to the global oil markets.  

The White House is full of Communist Socialist Czars that hold their hands up and clap every time they win and they're winning a lot.  Obama will empty the jail house.  Jesse Jackson Jr is in prison today but not for long.  The food stamps lines are getting longer and if you have a job today it's gone right after the 2014 elections.  ObamaCare will roar back and destroy you.  Open borders are busy and thousands per day cross our borders with guns, slaves, drugs and terrorism is waiting.  Obama is shutting down the Coal Mines with his EPA thugs (gangsters) and expect cap and trade soon that will cost you everything.  Nuclear energy is the answer but Obama says no.  Black families are being killed by Planned Parenthood but the blacks are busy playing the new knockout game.  Yes, there is a trail of crime and it starts at the very top if you remember DOJ Eric Holder is being impeached by Congress.  Harry Reid was born in a whorehouse in Nevada and you know the Hillary Clinton story with her impeached husband having sex with young girls with cigars in the White House.  You know about Al Sharpton and his radical lies always trying his best to stir up racial problems.  You know that Google sells your information but the NSA was getting anyway and they've been doing it a long time. 

When you consider that Barack Hussein Obama has Bipolar waves of anger and violence he hates the drudgery of government and policy.  Obama has lied before his first election and has lied most recently about ObamaCare and he continues his tradition.  There was never a red line in Syria and children continue to die.  There was no plan to stop Iran gain a nuclear weapon because Obama hates Israel just like he hates England.  

The media has helped Obama destroy America
so therefore we must destroy the main-street media.

There was never a plan to save the Americans in Benghazi so Obama simply left them to die and knew he could blame Hillary Clinton because she's the spider that spins the cover up.  The Fast and Furious Gun running was another lie and secret that got into the light of truth just like the IRS Tea Party Scandal and the NSA spying Scandal.  Obama has one hand in your money pocket but that's not enough.  

Why is your wealth being taken?
Where did the wealth go?
Who tied you up?

ObamaCare could kill millions?
Will you have a doctor?

God is being replaced by the state?
You will pray to the state for food?
You will beg for a home mortgage?

The Constitution will save you?

God is behind America, why don't
you get behind God?

Some are breaking free,
help others.

Hillary Clinton is not what you think.
She is a bigger liar than you could imagine.

Yes, Negros don't finish school.
Blacks fill our jails.
Minorities sell drugs on the corner.
Yes, we are integrated,
Integration gave us Obama

Who knows?

He want's your guns and God and he plans to take them if he must starve you to death.  Fifty million people on food stamps, 100 million not working but he gives you timely tips of health care (ObamaCare).  

You must consider and hope the expert is wrong and we shall solve the Obama problem by vote in 2014.  Obama has a very strange relationship with Socialism, Marxism and Socialism and he does compare with Stalin, Hitler and Mao because you will eat potatoes from the field as he eats steak.  

You will pay the tax-o-matic Obama White House cash money even if you lose your home. You are surrounded by Illegal Immigrants Illegal Aliens and you feed them all, educate their children and now you pay their doctor bills.


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