Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, December 2, 2013

Kirsten Powers FOX News GOD GOVERNMENT GUNS OBAMACARE IRS NSA BENGHAZI The Obama Loving ObamaCare Promoting Mouth Kirsten Powers ran her mouth for years as the Apache for Obama and now she's found GOD. As her waterwheel of life turns she tells us that she loves Obama, hates that her insurance rates are going up, went out on a date, got laid and found God. Now that Kirsten Powers has discovered the tested and successful relationship to GOD can she turn back the clock and Harpoon ObamaCare which she has promoted as a household convenience since the black radical came up with the idea.

The Obama Loving ObamaCare Promoting Mouth Kirsten Powers ran her mouth for years as the Apache for Obama and now she's found GOD.   As her waterwheel of life turns she tells us that she loves Obama, hates that her insurance rates are going up, went out on a date, got laid and found God.  Now that Kirsten Powers has discovered the tested and successful relationship to GOD can she turn back the clock and Harpoon ObamaCare which she has promoted as a household convenience since the black radical came up with the idea. 
Kirsten Powers has no experience and is for sure the Obama extremists of Fox News and her progressive Obama loving attitude will cost millions of honest people their jobs and health care.  She spent years being a shill for Barack Obama with her McDonalds brain and K-Mart outfits.  Hello girl, Kirsten Powers, you're not the homemade peacemaker now because your gift wrapping of ObamaCare worked and five million people will be without care or dodging collection agents and the I.R.S. so they can feed their children.
You're not exotic Kirsten Powers, you're not even average.  We don't want a inside look or hear about your journey of getting naked and finding GOD.  The Obama wolf is eating our country and you have fueled the famine of truth that helped him lie and cheat millions.  As a former Democratic operative when does the former start?  As you shine your little searchlight for truth Kirsten Powers remember your strange diet of Obama lies that you supported every day of your life.  
Your liberal progressive Socialism and Communism won't mix well with GOD Kirsten Powers and when you're in church remember that freedom works and lie's don't.  You have isolated people from their health for a dollar.  You have been paid and taught people all about entitlement when you should have been teaching about perseverance like Jesus would teach you if you would stop talking.
The Obama government nanny state doesn't believe in your GOD Kirsten Powers.  The secular world has been fueled by people like you.  You've been teaching cultural recreation when you should have been learning about hard work.  You told them about government compliance because it was good for them when they needed help with creative thinking.  Lock Stock and Barrel you sold America down the road for a couple of bucks on your paycheck.  I'm glad you had your experience Kirsten Powers and I'm pleased that you're taking time to read the bible.  You have helped create millions of slaves  and your ideas have sabotaged millions of young people,struggling with college loans, a terrible job market and now ObamaCare.  
You spout the language of the homosexual, the words of the vagabon and the government cannibal Czars so despite seeing our creator you just won't stop.  Kirsten Powers you're merely the pea pod of Barack Obama and you're just the general purpose mouth for him on Fox News so skip the mystery stories about GOD because your creator is not a pocket sized toy that you can play with when you want.
You cannot stand up for GOD and spend the treasure you receive for supporting Obama and his crushing Socialist Communist Maoist plans for America.  You treat America like a snack shop so you take your turn at the government cash and take what you can.  Your short cuts won't work, you're not a career girl Kirsten Powers you're just a wage slave traveling with the Obama Safari with the other tent boys, table boys, wash boys and porters. 
Your fame will die suddenly because rum runners, train robbers always get caught by the truth and when millions more lose their jobs, lose their health insurance and America slumps into the Socialist plan maybe you can tell us the Adam and Eve story.

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