Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, December 9, 2013

Obama, ObamaCare, the fancy graphs with neat colors tell the story. You're going to be broke and homeless before or just after the next election. Barack Obama, the Imperial Tyrant of the free world is little more than a guy in a suit. He is the butler in the White House but not to worry, he'll be gone soon and Hillary Rodham Clinton will save the world. The Democratic party is now evil. Yes, evil. The Democratic Party of your grandfather is gone and dead. Over the many years the distortions and lies have brought about this depression. Now the depression didn't hit everybody, just you and your neighbor. The big banks are find and Wall Street is looking good thanks to $85 billion in fake fiat money each month. If you're a guy or gal trying to sell your labor, you're out and I mean out. Go ahead and get a college education and owe $50 to $100 thousand and wait for a job.

Obama, ObamaCare, the fancy graphs with neat colors tell the story.  You're going to be broke and homeless before or just after the next election.  Barack Obama, the Imperial Tyrant of the free world is little more than a guy in a suit.  He is the butler in the White House but not to worry, he'll be gone soon and Hillary Rodham Clinton will save the world.  The Democratic party is now evil.  Yes, evil.  The Democratic Party of your grandfather is gone and dead.  Over the many years the distortions and lies have brought about this depression.  Now the depression didn't hit everybody, just you and your neighbor.  The big banks are fine and Wall Street is looking good thanks to $85 billion in fake fiat money each month.  If you're a guy or gal trying to sell your labor, you're out and I mean out.  Go ahead and get a college education and owe $50 to $100 thousand and wait for a job.  

Jobs are in China and Vietnam to go ahead and pack but plan on working 16 hours a day for six days a week and living in a factory dorm.  Obama knows that China is just like him.  Exploit the weak and poor and grow personal wealth.  Hillary Clinton knows that Mendela of South Africa is a Communist and just loves Castro of Cuba.  Biden knows that we played both sides during the Iran and Iraq war and they sure as hell know that they're screwing you to the wall. 

Major Corporations have contacted Washington D.C.and they want more and more cheap labor human beings that some call illegal aliens.  Wetbacks are cheap labor.  You're out.  Negros are cheap labor but Fortune 500 companies won't hire them, they just talk about hiring them.  The colored people stay at home eating government food, watching really big t.v.'s and eating potato chips and Obama didn't change any of that.  We know that Iran will get a nuclear bomb and Israel will be at war.  We know North Korea will kill their citizens but we'll send them some oil and cash under the table.  We know that the real unemployment is about 25% but we promise not to call it a depression.  We know that Obama saved G.M. but we can send Detroit a few bucks to save the Democratic strong hold.  We know you can get shot dead in Chicago but it's due to all those damn guns not the colored killing each other.  Everything is o.k.and poverty isn't that bad because millions have joined the club.  Get real.  ObamaCare is killing you, not just the country. 

Barack Hussein Obama and his ObamaCare is a wealth distribution plan and its working very well but it's going to get worse.  You're going to pay about $30 thousand a year (family of four) for your family health care brought to you by ObamaCare.  Your rep in Congress is a traitor to the Constitution and its doesn't matter if their blue or red.  Progressive Democrats are Communist.  Yes, Communist.  Progressive Republicans are Communist.  You get it, don't make a damn what color of flag they wave they're destroying your property rights, working on cap and trade that will make you pay $1,000 a month for you electric energy bill, unless you're in China.

If you don't think the government won't starve you to death, wait until there is no money, no credit and the Federal Reserve game of fiat money is gone.  You're going to be living under a bridge but it's o.k. speed your money on iPhones and watch some more T.V.  ObamaCare is named after Obama because it's the ObamaCare wealth distribution that will force you to poverty.

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