Slavery Reparations; Barack Obama Race Hustlers
are everywhere, including Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Eric Holder and
these same people are afraid of racial harmony. The investigation of the Unpopular Obama Government reveals the evil inside the White House. The stunts and antics of Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Eric Holder and the weird whispers coming from the White House have the blacks and browns up in arms. The guarded secrets of Barack Obama are starting to leak out as the Obama Administration is failing and falling hard. The Black Enterprise, The Radical Progressive agenda of the beginners in the White House has failed. The VA Veterans Administration has killed hundreds of people so if you voted for Obama, get ready for ObamaCare, the top secret plan to take over America. The Mystic powers of Barack Obama, the hidden college records, the crime story. Watch the radicals run for Congress, Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan
Grimes Obama supporter. North Carolina
Democrat Kay Hagan Obama Supporter. These are the new batch of race hustlers that want power and influence. The plan is to fool the coloreds, keep them down while making them think the IRS NSA DHS HHS are the friends of the people.
Barack Obama,
Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Harry
Reid, Joe Biden and thousands of other race hustlers are starting to worry,
just a bit. These radicals of hate would better serve the poor people by creating good paying free market jobs, stop printing fake money and start measuring the true inflation rates that are killing the middle class but, that doesn't pay their bills. They extort government and companies for cash, in their wallet, not yours. As you wonder what the big deal is about calling the Redskins the Redskins Obama, that colored guy, is stealing your entire future. How much do you pay for a dozen eggs and do you care. How much is China stealing? Why, really, why did Putin take the Crimea?
Race hustling
has destroyed main stream CNN and MSNBC and it's just getting started. The hard working middle class also plans on
tuning out ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC as they will not survive the backlash from the
people. The Obama DOJ administrative
state even had the nerve to tap phone lines, record phone calls, store emails
and track every internet move of FOX news reporter Rosen, and got busted.
The Tea Party
Saving America
Think About Saving America because
American Government has no plans on
Saving You
Obama is a Radical Liberal Hard Left Communist
You failed civics,
don't fail this time.
Obama played
the game and now the Supreme Court is shutting down his complex scheme of
ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act, PIGFORD where black farmers got billions of
dollars will soon land in jail with a new attorney general, GM General Motors
and the union saved only to go down the road and kill their customers and cover
up their sins, Fast and Furious gun running to Mexican drug cartels, Benghazi
murders by terrorist as Hillary Clinton wrote about all her HARD CHOICES that
she never made.
The KEYSTONE pipeline not to be built as gasoline
prices soar and the Negro is eating Chinese food and the Latino still makes
minimum wage, despite of Socialist Seattle and the jails are being emptied of
illegal aliens to make room for more and more illegal aliens and GITMO is
Hundreds of
thousands of illegal alien children cross the border carrying hopes, dreams and
disease. The Obama Administration White
House Oval Office has been deemed by the American people as dumb, radical,
broke, out of touch and the radical Obama, needs to hide his school grades
because he's dumber than dirt. The illegal alien children will stay in America and be supported by taxpayer money. Obama wants more money for BORDER PATROL lawyers, that will be used to let them stay, for free, gain food, clothing, shelter, education, health care and enjoy the good life, a free Obama pass.
Obama has
failed, he has been busted as a corrupt liar and has painted all his friends
for future prison time. The IRS Scandal and Lois Lerner email trail will put
White House insiders in jail. Richard
Tricky Dick Nixon and Watergate is nothing compared to the IRS Scandal. The entire Obama Government has been
targeting U.S. citizens of the Tea Party and using illegal means and methods
shutting them down or aborting their start ups to keep the background and true
actions of Obama under cover.
Negroes have
noticed a big change. Latinos have
noticed a big change. Their wallets are not fat but Hillary Rodham Clinton is a
multi-millionaire. They wonder why their
champion against evil white people, Barack Obama, eats $100 a pound steaks
served up by real chefs on china plates as they eat government food while on
food stamps. Maybe black people don't care about abortion? Maybe black people just want the money? Planned Parenthood killed off 300,000 last year, mostly Negro. Girl Scouts give support to Planned Parenthood.
The race
hustlers wanted another controlled burn, like a civil war light, so they could
force a Marshall law and control every citizen. The race hustlers discovered
CPUSA and hundreds of other organizations just wanted cash and not the trouble.
Barack Obama,
Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Harry
Reid, Joe Biden wanted to play the colored skin game for political power but
the IRS, NSA, FBI, EPA, DHS, HHS, DOD, BLM, ATFE made things a lot harder when
they got busted spying on every citizen, including the radical liberal
progressive hard left.
Fearing the
exact truth Obama now lies about everything.
As he pours out lies hundreds of thousands have been killed in Syria
crossing his fake red line over and over.
Iran has a nuclear bomb and with the help of North Korea and Russia
(Putin) will have delivery capability.
Now Obama has ISIS ISIL to worry about as the wimp black radical pulled
out of Iraq for show and now the Caliphate has been born. Jimmy Carter is smiling as he shells his
peanuts. Carter is off the hook as the
Democratic idiot.
To force
America into a civil war Obama, Holder, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Biden and their
supporters have tried everything.
College kids owe over $1.2 Trillion dollars and they cannot find a job
excepting waiting tables.
The EPA is
shutting down those damn dirty coal mines so electricity rates will double and
triple in the next few months. GM
General Motors has recalled millions of union built cars and BP oil has proven
that crooks got into the money pile concerning the gulf oil spill.
To keep the
under-educated and under-motivated colored people in the DNC Democratic Liberal
Progressive circle of influence Obama has released 36,000 illegal aliens from
jail, gives ObamaCare to everybody in jail, leaves the border open, funds
Syrian rebels who turned out to be ISIS killers but his golf games continue.
Obama cannot
fix the illegal alien problem because if he does all his power is removed. If Obama, even using executive order, makes
legal millions of illegal aliens it is suggested that Washington D.C. would
swarm with armed citizens and a revolt would be at hand.
So what's
next, negro, the ones still living, the ones that escaped government planned
parenthood abortions to get some cash.
If Obama keeps
handing Chinese borrowed money to black and brown people they keep voting for
his cult. What the colored people don't
or refuse to admit is that they remain slaves and whores of the white man.
Obama is only
one half black man. Obama's white mother
was on the dole also and enjoyed everything free like her son.
People like Al
Sharpton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jesse Jackson sr, remember Jesse Jacons jr is
in prison so he's out of the game for now, Barack Obama, Harry (whorehouse)
Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the entire black radical caucus in Congress wants to
talk or maybe demand slave reparations.
That would be a great idea if you truly want a civil war and about 25
million Americans killed in the streets, like Bill Ayers wanted.
America was on
the trail of racial harmony until Barack Obama was given the chance to lead the
country. The main stream media got him
elected and now they're paying the price.
Jesse Jackson
sr, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama are really out of juice just like O.J. Simpson,
they played the game, got their ass kicked and all, one way or the other, end
up deported, jailed, fined or abused by a new honest press.
Let's agree,
slavery was very bad. Let's agree, you
don't know a slave. Let's agree that
reconstruction didn't work as corrupt Democrats were afraid of losing all their
power and influence. Let's agree that a
Republican - Abraham Lincoln - freed the slaves. Let's agree that Jim Crow laws held the black
down and back. Let's agree that JFK
Kennedy, and LBJ Lyndon Johnson played the negro for fools and the great
society scheme was about taxpayer cash to voting blocks that just happened to
be colored.
The entire
world, once upon a time, bought and sold people just like cattle, you know like
BLM pal at the Bundy Cattle Ranch.
Essentially negro reparations pays for pain and suffering that nobody
alive ever lived. The Democrats are a moral blight.
Masters are
still on earth,
Barack Obama is a slave Master.
The Hispanics, Asians, Negro's and others like the free stuff but they
won't like it when the bills come due.
All the welfare programs will be cut at least by half, unemployment will
triple, the stock market will double, Israel and Iran will be at war and Obama
will still be the unconstitutional president that panders and pardons, all for
money and power.
Good luck with
reparations, and the civil war to follow.
What do you
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