Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, October 24, 2014

Michelle Nunn Senate Race Georgia Negro Vote Lie Cheat Steal and then Take Everything Michelle Nunn wants the power of a senator but cannot decided if a cop should shoot and kill a 300 pound Negro for attacking the same cop. The Senate does not need another Obama Pal with power.

You don't want Michelle Nunn near the U.S. Senate because she has no opinion until somebody gives her one, like the White House apes in power today.  Michelle Nunn wants the power of a senator but cannot decided if a cop should shoot and kill a 300 pound Negro for attacking the same cop.  The Senate does not need another Obama Pal with power.  Look around George, you're state is a disaster and it's about to get a lot worse.  Michelle Nunn is playing the Negro Game and it looks like the Negro could tell the difference now.  Michelle Nunn will tell the NAACP anything and the unemployed Negro to gain power, and then per her boss, Barack Obama, go back to normal and crush the people, both black and white. 

The DNC is hoping that Michelle Nunn does not fail the mission of lying and cheating her way to power.  The Obama pal government is over as Holder has resigned, still hiding Fast and Furious documents to protect Hillary Clinton, our own Benghazi queen of the DNC.

Michelle Nunn has a name but, you need a heart and a brain so stay at home Michelle, America must recover from this Obama radical administration. 

His teeth were broken and had been stripped naked, bruised and

 mangled by blows 

from the crowd and he was now laying on the ground bleeding and his tormentors were pointing and laughing at his broken body.

All these things happened just now, and more, and worse but we swear before the sun goes down every man will stand before the sheriff that struck this man down. As if written in a book the words got tough, nobody listening as the first bully raised up and with all purpose hit the man that was once president of all the states. 

The gentlemen of property and standing ordered the beating of this man, once the president of all these United States was the dunce of fighting.  No matter his skills they were too many blows on this one man to absorb. 

But these men of Congress said they were solemnly bound to beat the man and suppress his lies and to abolish every law he signed while in the White House. In a Republic the people make the government, the people constitute the government and the power of all the people gave these men the power to create laws, start or close institutions, promote the happiness or produce the destruction of this day.  Every schoolhouse would teach these civic lessons but what about the mob here today, the gang of a Congress surely beating a man to death.  Some of the men had guns, several pistols were noted, some knives yet to be drawn but every man standing there would surely serve up a disability on the past president.  

The one lay bleeding on the ground destroyed portions of the Constitution and used his executive orders to ignore the men standing about him this very day. As a Soldier it would be my job to save this beaten man, established in everything I believed and fought for in the past. This president was constantly chopping at liberty and freedom. He had done everything to destroy the country but now his sweet face was red with blood. 

Congress had sworn they would break his bones if he freed all the brown people hiding inside America but he continued to aid them, directly and indirectly these brown people gained dangerous political power which Congress had determined to be illegal.

The seminaries fought against the president, the teachers realized the price they would pay as the government flogging spared no one person or group.  The geography of the United States had been destroyed by this man and Democracy had been replaced by a sham and glibly this man had just been bragging to a large group on the streets. 

He danced around the problems of the country even as some shouted against him.  Calling out he would shout back with that famous smile as he no longer had to endure the voting.  "Ask your new man in the White House about Jesus Christ!"  The past president turned and shouted in the other direction "Can Jesus help you defeat Allah as Allah is disgusted with your wealth, your armies, your words and looks down on America!"  "God Damn America, as your public agony has just started and no one will feel your pain!"  His announcement was too much for the crowd as if cut with a knife their outburst was not applause or encouragement but the rocks tossed gave the president their response. 

The Congress had tolerated him for so long and with the present national temperament they had the right to interfere and in good spirits found him again talking on the streets.  Violating every rule some of the Congress gathered on the street with the past president.  There was no simple justice in America any longer and the discontent was wide spread and growing. 

This man on the ground was elected by fraud and brutalized the American citizen and took every advantage and placed the working man into servitude. The character that threw the first fist would never be known but it would not be the last.  With his guards removed the past president attempted to cover his face and protect himself but the mob was sincere and struck him many times. 

His taxes put the working man in bondage and this president was called the "stealer". He lay on the ground now, with a slight tremble, nothing to say any longer, he lay silent.

You would look at him and could not think life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because the justice served upon him with no moderation was not justice at all, it was revenge.

To a considerable extent, some wanted to save him from the fire and the others in all earnest wanted him laying there and would not retreat a single inch.

If my reasoning would have been better I would have walked away and not one person would ever care the least. The man laying on the ground had operated against every liberty and lied to every citizen and conspired many laws that would produce higher taxes, fine many people, imprison citizens as felons for using their free speech and protecting their right to keep and bear arms. 

This man was no great Senator and was no great President and made a mockery of the Constitution and of all the people, friend or foe.  He had taken everything, no debate, no coherent plan, deviation from every law was allowed for certain groups, the truth had no place in his administration.

I took one step back and drew my long pistol and pointed it among the masters.  Their plotting was a sin against the Constitution and a crime and as a soldier I swore an allegiance and it was my struggle to save this man.  My oath had not been repealed  so plainly I was in my right to save this man even if inferior and fit for jail.

To save the executive I would try and shout them back.  There was now a nurse kneeling by the president trying to soothe him so I was not alone in my folly. I had no plan for a magnificent defense but I was devoted and intense and remained standing next to the fallen president.  

With uplifted hands the president was crying for help, his voice full of anguish but there was no sympathy from the crowd.  He had promised so many dreams but his aggressive executive power from the Oval Office made the people weak and millions of black people from Africa came and then brown people by the millions from Mexico and Central America invaded the country. He had told the people he was pursing a solution to immigration but he grew impatient with Congress and opened the doors by executive order.  He allowed tens of millions of  illegal aliens to become citizens which gave his party the greatest of advantages, a supreme political power that could never be broken.

Always using his dictatorial tone in every speech in every town including the halls of Congress he began to chill even his supporters.  He was the menace now, that great and unmixed evil that was pure evil but his grand political structure had been created.  The walls guarding America was removed, taxes were punishing, millions of illegal voters, civilization in America left little hope for the middle working man as the founding fathers fabric had been sacrificed for wealth and power for a very few. 

I sincerely hoped for the best when I shouted;

"You have boasted enough, now move away!"  

my voice was strong and could be heard and was understood by all.  My pistol was the officers weapon of the old parade style and only six shots were available so there would be no second loading.  With some generosity a few of the loud men took a few steps back away from the president and away from my loaded pistol.  The mob looked like wild animals and ready to kill me given even a little chance.

"This man was president and he has tasted your poison but it is over now!"  I cocked my pistol and I stood my ground. 

"I am a soldier, this cannot continue."  

The only noise hailed from the back of the crowd, numbering at least a thousand or more drunk and dangerous masters.

Immediately following the faint noise the shotgun was fired and filled the left side of my body and the lower part of my neck. Every pellet from the shotgun blast was painful but I was determined to stay on my feet.  

I raised my pistol and feeling the pain from my own wounds it would be inevitable that I would miss the man that shot me.  I was content with trying to kill the bastard that shot me but the burden of time didn't allow me to aim. 

With equal danger there was another shot, I had equal pain all over my body now and as if in a barroom fight I fired my weapon with little aim.

Yes this man laying next to me on the ground had corrupted, he had destroyed, his body and soul was evil but maybe his one common good would be this day.

I hated his fanatical oppression of freedom, debasement of Christians, destroying the very foundation of America and our liberty.  This man had no principles and all his civil power had been removed by vote but his legislation was still breathing.

These lawmakers now looked down on me, injuring for the common good, how were they different?

My misery reduced my thinking and vision and to further displease me they kicked my pistol away from me and my killer was the responsible man standing above me with his shotgun.

His refined and composing features made him look powerful and most important, their own greatness making them lawless.

The president was sitting up now, his capacity very limited but he put his hand on one of my wounds,
The pained president looked me in the eye and tried to form all his words, his all-conquering charm was almost gone but bravely he spoke directly to me,

"Soldier, their cruelty is my fault as they are defective and with great ease they have beat me with pleasure."  

The president looked mischievous and was ready to get back on his feet but his strength and cheerfulness was gone so with a great sway he fell down to the ground and stayed there.

The president looked at me again

 "Soldier, the citizens were once good and peaceable and always industrious and wealthy by any measure."  

The president was leaning on one hand barely able to sit up 

"Look at these place holders Soldier as they are fat from your labor yet they have killed you." 

"Soldier they are only occupied by making their fortune, they have settled habits and a whole lot of time and shotgun shells."

 "At least you participated before the government killed you, good job Soldier, good job." 

then the president looked down at his own puddle of blood.

We all have a religion so I prayed as the spirit was pulling me away as the president looked the other way. 

This president enslaved millions of American citizens, monopolized political power and profited in every way possible but he could no longer look at a dying soldier.

I did not fear death and maybe there was a place for one more Soldier in heaven, somewhere up there.

I became uneasy, just a little when a strong and powerful force took me, greatly increasing my death, my liberty and my own pursuit of happiness.

God save America, because he had saved the president.

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