Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The New Community Watch Program Muslim Mosques Community Watch Neighborhood Style 1950 Communist Watch 2014 Jihadist Watch Barack Obama doesn't want police agencies like the FBI, DIA, NSA, CIA monitoring Muslim Mosques but most likely they do anyway, without you knowing it and without them reporting out what they find. Tell your friends, there's a war out there, inside America.

Call A Cop, Jihadists in America - Muslim Mosques - It is recommended that you.. keep an eye on your local Islamic Muslim Mosque to see if they are training or educating for the next threat against your community.  A Jihadist is a person that has been converted into some kind of Islamic Muslim Solo killer and then they go out and kill a non-believer, non-Muslim or any American citizen.

The Mosques is a place to gather up and lay secret plans for the total destruction of America, one American citizen at a time.  You are a target.  Your child is a target.  Your home is a target.  You've most likely noticed that Barack Obama has done nothing to protect you.  A One World Government like the Obama Clinton Administrative State takes you back to the Middle Ages.

Some politicians and law makers like the Mayor of New York City doesn't think its right to spy, profile or stake out the Islamic Muslim Mosque even though its a possible place to plan war on America.

As a citizen you can watch and monitor anybody you want so find your local Muslim Mosques and take notice of what you see.  To monitor is to watch.  Report what you see to your local police department and never put yourself in danger.  Do not carry a weapon, carry a cell phone.

Your local police force may not be able to monitor Muslim Mosques but you can.

The Islamic Muslim Jihadist is a killer and the Muslim Mosques are the places of gathering, planning and maybe even launching attacks on American citizens.

Barack Obama doesn't want police agencies like the FBI, DHS, DIA, NSA, CIA monitoring Muslim Mosques but most likely they do anyway, without you knowing it and without them reporting out what they find.

Tell your friends, there's a war out there, 

inside America. 

Call A Cop Today - Save America.

The world has been fighting a war with Islam for more than a thousand years. Many school children are not taught that one of the reasons Christopher Columbus wanted to find a water route to the East was because the land routes were controlled by Islamists.

“Columbus had been present at the siege of Granada, which was the last Moorish stronghold to fall to Spain (Jan. 2, 1492), and he was in fact riding back from Granada to La Rábida when he was recalled to the Spanish court and the vital royal audience. Granada’s fall had produced euphoria among Spanish Christians and encouraged designs of ultimate triumph over the Islamic world, albeit chiefly, perhaps, by the back way round the globe. A direct assault eastward could prove difficult, because the Ottoman Empire and other Islamic states in the region had been gaining strength at a pace that was threatening the Christian monarchies themselves. The Islamic powers had effectively closed the land routes to the East and made the sea route south from the Red Sea extremely hard to access.”

Our earliest founders were familiar with the terrorist ways of radical Islamists. Thomas Jefferson, who was serving as the ambassador to France, and John Adams, the Ambassador to Britain, met in London with Ambassador Abdrahaman, the Dey of Tripoli’s ambassador to Britain, in an attempt to negotiate a peace treaty.

Americans were being captured and sold into slavery.

The Marines changed everything. The line in the Marine hymn “To the shores of Tripoli” refers to the First Barbary War, “and specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805 . . . [a]fter Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon and his Marines hoisted the American flag over the Old World for the first time.”

Islamists have never given up their dream of dominating the world no matter what obstacles stand in their way.

There was a time when the United States understood and acted on the evil that is Islam. Times have changed. Muslims are being accommodated in our schools, military, and in the State Department even though there is a Muslim version of Nikita Khrushchev's very public pronouncement of "We will bury you" coming from the leaders of Islamic representatives.

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