Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, October 17, 2014

Obama The Modern Typhoid Mary Another Scandal President Barack Obama will appoint Ron Klain his "Ebola czar," The Ebola Virus was discovered in 1976. Ebola is now inside America and no matter how it makes you feel the borders and ports of entry must be closed today. You best not count on change because all hope is gone. Its official, the Barack Obama administration has taken over the U.S. federal government without Congress and the separations of powers has been breached as demonstrated by the appointment of an Ebola Czar, the x chief of staff of Vice President Joe Biden, who's son (Hunter Biden) was just kicked out of the Navy for Cocaine use.

Ebola If Ebola kills a family member can it be considered Murder because the killer could have been stopped.  Is Barack Obama the modern Typhoid Mary or Ebola Mary? It's a legal question that will soon be in court.  After 9-11 terrorists attack the U.S. government paid the surviving families cash money.  Why?  Because the federal government could have stopped the massacre if they had been doing their job.  All the dot's are connected on the EBOLA menace but nobody is protecting Americans.  If Ebola kills your family member, can you force the government to pay you millions of dollars because they allowed the killer to enter America?  This might explain why Ron Klain is the new B.S. Ebola Czar, another lawyer for Obama crimes?  Obama is now famous for the abuse of power indicated by his pals Operation Choke Point which intends to shut down any business that Obama doesn't like or want. DOJ-  Eric Holder, in contempt of congress, still hides behind his President Obama so anything the two may do concerning Ebola will not surprise many Americans.  If the vote wasn't around the corner in November many think the population would revolt like the blacks did in Missouri over the 18 year old unarmed Negro kid beating up on the cop before he was shot to death. Not to worry Eric Holder is all over that problem and will dig up justice for the 300 pound punk gang member that was robbing a store only minutes before.  Imagine Ebola being that same big kid.  Do you stop the killer?  Do you defend yourself by closing the borders today?  The African Ebola Virus Carrying Negro that lied to enter America was not a citizen.  Who paid his half million dollar hospital bill?  The Obama government is so corrupt you can no longer count on law and order.  Obama only appoints only DNC made men that give him lots of money or gets him connected to more money.  Considering Obama a mobster may be too simple but you get the idea. Only Made Men surround the Boss. One of the lab gals working on the African Ebola virus samples in Texas is on a cruise ship this very minute, the Carnival Cruise Lines has her locked away from other passengers, we're told. How does Obama plan to stop Ebola?  Appoint a Lawyer as Czar?  

President Barack Obama will appoint another made man

Ron Klain his "Ebola czar," which does little to solve the problem of Americans being killed by Ebola but Barack feels better so he can go back to hustling money and playing golf.  Ron Klain has a background with Joe Biden as his once chief of staff,  and of course he helped sign off on the  Solyndra $500 million dollar solar scandal, another great solar project from Obama.  Some email released seem to prove that big Ron Klain knew a whole lot about Solyndra along with Dan Pfeiffer and senior call girl Valerie Jarreet (born in Iran) 

Ron Klain is a lawyer and for sure a White House insider,  at best Klain  is a full blast socialist and defender-promoter of radical agendas from Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Al Gore and other American socialist favorites.  

There is no doubt that Klain will have a direct connection to Hillary Rodham Clinton because of the Al Gore connection.  I guess we're all lucky that Al Gore wasn't convicted of raping that maid in his hotel room?  It will be interesting to find out if lawyer Ron Klain had anything to do with the Al Gore Islamic Muslim Terrorist Al Jazeera America deal?  Al Gore got $500 million from the terrorist state sale of Current T.V. and big Al had to have a lawyer.  Now Al Jazeera is suing Al Gore. 

American's are truly screaming for help but it seems Obama truly did lock the door. Nobody in and nobody out.  The DNC music has stopped and the fat lady Hillary cannot carry a tune.  The people have caught on to Obama and friends and November is the end of the trail. 

Obama is on lock down as the Democratic Liberal Socialists are trying their best to survive another con job against the American voters.  The minority vote (colored black) has caught on to the Obama con job at last and are looking for honest alternatives.  The other minority vote (colored brown) is looking for total citizenship on the cheap and the Average American voter is ready to fire the entire Congress, both house and senate.  Now we have the Ebola Virus and Obama is still playing the same game.  Lie a lot and play golf.  Fake out the voter and appoint a Czar.  Put another level of distance between the President of all the United States and the killer problem, leaving Obama lawless and blameless. 

The Ebola Virus was discovered in 1976.  Ebola is now inside America and no matter how it makes you feel the borders and ports of entry must be closed today.  Just imagine a killer on your back porch?  Do you lock your door or let the killer take your family?

Its official, the Barack Obama administrative state has taken over the U.S. federal government without Congress and the separations of powers has been breached as demonstrated by the appointment of an Ebola Czar, the x chief of staff of Vice President Joe Biden, who's son (Hunter Biden) was just kicked out of the Navy for Cocaine use.  The woman coordinating the Obama administration’s response to the nation’s first Ebola scare in history has no background in public health or managing an outbreak and of course we can all tell by her results.  Lisa Monaco, the president’s homeland security and counter terrorism adviser, is a lawyer with a background in federal law enforcement, criminal prosecution and crisis response but you may notice she has zero health care background or education.  Maybe her insider book will reveal the criminal activity inside the white house like some kind of Mobster fictional story or movie later on?  Obama supporters and Obama voters won't even admit they voted for Obama like Grimes in Kentucky and others.  The DNC Democrats are hiding from Obama but they take his money from the cash grabbing campaign trail. If you're a (Negro) black man forget about Jesse Jackson Sr., Jesse Jackson Jr. (in prison),  Al Sharpton ( owes IRS $1.5 million?) because you're not a made man.  You are the black street wannabe gangster, you go to jail, they go to their mansions.  The (Hispanic) brown man is another wannabe street gangster that wants made legal by the president.  Guys, you can get a free phone but the nation will put your hero (Obama) in jail if he makes you legal.  

Remember, the boss never goes to prison. 

You may notice the Ebola death bell tolls for minorities.  African, Asian but the White Man lives. Obama is now sucking up the National Guard to go to Africa to fight Ebola?  Obama has weakened the U.S. Military and now he's pulling out the National Guard, you will be defenseless.  They are coming for you. Imagine the horrible.  One million dead Americans from Ebola?  National economic collapse?  The president will enact Marshall Law and welcome you to the land of FEMA concentration camps most likely called health centers. 

The dark continent virus is an African disease just like AIDS until it migrated to America. The black radical Obama doesn't care about Ebola and your death so what does he care about?  Will Obama claim Marshall Law over the citizens of the United States?  Is another civil war brewing?  A gun won't stop Ebola but a border closing can.  The CDC idiot is just another Obama fool doing what his boss tells him to say.  

The Obama Socialist Government does not want a travel ban because he does not believe in protected borders so if you die it's just another price you pay for voting for Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Holder and all the other left liberal radicals in government.  In all that time 1,500 persons have been killed by the Ebola virus, since 1976.  Now, over 4,400 have been killed in this current outbreak and now its inside America thanks to Barack Obama and his administrative lawless state.  Another infectious disease like AIDS gets all the money from government because the gay-queer lobby is very strong as they are pandered to like colored groups of black people and brown people.

The Obama representatives that testified last week were again lying for Barack Obama which has been caught again.  There has been no solicitations by the NIH for an Ebola vaccine.  Most of the money has been spend on stupid research projects to pay off political friends most likely and HIV/AIDS because of the gay lobby and voting groups.  Obama does everything for power, nothing else.  The dark African Negro doesn't vote for Obama so they can die from Ebola.

The Obama Administrative State shamed the entire nation again by making the false claim that less dollars equal more Ebola.  It was like Jesse Jackson Jr. claiming innocent right before they locked him up in prison for stealing cash money from poor black supporters.  

After the ObamaCare lie from the President that tricked millions of people to support socialist medicine the Democrats have been caught red handing again lying to every American. 

The DNC Democratic Socialist Party has been knocked back on their heels again as the facts prove them dangerous liars that are truly hating the nation.

As you now understand Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Eric Holder and their friends are liberal progressive socialists that believe in absolute POWER not your rights. 

They have done everything to destroy your individual liberty, freedom and re-distribute your wealth.  Most Americans have now confirmed for themselves that Obama has orchestrated the total takeover of America, not a simple transformation.

The latest scandal is the terrible Ebola virus.

 There is no Ebola vaccine even though some scientists having been working on some kind of virus vaccine for years.  The Ebola virus will kill you.  The Ebola virus is from hell but it affects so few people, mostly on the dark continent in Africa there are no commercial incentives for pharmaceutical companies to spend billions to save a dozen people.

Now that you understand that President Obama is the biggest liar in the history of the Executive branch you might want to know that the federal figures inside the federal budget tell the truth, once they're revealed.

Over many years the real federal budgets show a clear and steady cash stream for medical research funding, related to vaccines which often times can take years or decades to deliver some serum or at least a hope of some cure. 

As you know, you cannot cure everything.  Over 50,000 Americans will die this year due to the common flu.  You might also find it interesting to find out that the NIH National Institute of Health that just testified before congress about Ebola has no strategic plan for Ebola.

The NIH director Francis Collins stated that cuts to his budget prevented researchers from finding the miracle cure to the Ebola virus.

This is another Barack Obama Administrative State  lie to keep the citizens pumped up for the November elections.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Castro and many others did the same thing which means lie to the people to get the power.

You must remember that a liberal progressive democratic socialist will do anything for power and then power over you. 

You will remember that Barack Obama was all about hope and change but that entire thought was a lie and now you're starting to pay the price. 

John Kerry, Secretary of State for Obama has just authorized over a half billion dollars for GAZA terrorists when at the same time millions of Americans have never received their unemployment promised.  Obama shut down commercial flights to Israel when GAZA was shooting rockets at Israel and killing innocent citizens but he leaves the commercial planes flying from Ebola ridden Africa.  Yes, Obama has a motive.  Yes, Obama works against you.  Yes, Obama is a socialist at best, most likely a communist.  Yes, Obama hates everything about America.  Yes, Obama is a lawless president and should be jailed.

Many remember when Obama was caught whispering to Putin of Russia when a microphone was left on by accident.  It's now considered strange that Putin of Russia with Soviet Union Military forces invaded and held the Crimea right after the Olympics and Obama did nothing.

The do nothing President Barack Obama also did nothing when Russian troops moved into the heart of the Ukraine until forced to do something by the American people through Congress.  Obama instituted weak sanctions against Putin's Russia which drew Communist China and Russia together to fight American across the globe.

Millions in America remember Obama drawing a red line in Syria but immediately forgot and over 300,000 Syrians have been killed by their dictator Assad.  You might also remember Obama traveling the world promoting Islam and the Muslim world in places like Egypt and Libya. 

Obama even cancelled NASA programs and sent their top people around the world promoting Islamic Muslim beliefs which are now killing people by the hundreds every day.

Obama has done everything and anything to destroy America and the sad truth you're helped him by standing by in silence. 

In November you can save your life.  In November you can truly save your country from Obama and save your future.  The radical president Obama's agenda is being forced through people like NIH director Francis Collins.

You might want to tell your neighbors that this same NIH director Francis Collins signed off on spending millions of dollars on studies and research questions that will make you faint and vote out every Democratic Socialist in November;  remember Francis Collins stated for the records that the NIH didn't have enough money to fight Ebola but, old Francis had enough money to research why lesbians tend to be fat and overweight compared to queer-gay men. 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent more than $39 million on obese lesbians, origami condoms, texting drunks, and dozens of other projects that could have been scrapped in favor of developing an Ebola vaccine.

“Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready,” said NIH Director Francis Collins, blaming budget cuts for his agency’s failure to develop a vaccine for the deadly virus.

However, the Washington Free Beacon has uncovered $39,643,352 worth of NIH studies within the past several years that have gone to questionable research.

For instance, the agency has spent $2,873,440 trying to figure out why lesbians are obese, and $466,642 on why fat girls have a tough time getting dates. Another $2,075,611 was spent encouraging old people to join choirs.
Millions have gone to “text message interventions,” including a study where researchers sent texts to drunks at the bar to try to get them to stop drinking. The project received an additional grant this year, for a total of $674,590.

The NIH is also texting older African Americans with HIV ($372,460), HIV and drug users in rural areas ($693,000), HIV smokers ($763,519), pregnant smokers ($380,145), teen moms ($243,839), and meth addicts ($360,113). Text message interventions to try to get obese people to lose weight have cost $2,707,067.

The NIH’s research on obesity has led to spending $2,101,064 on wearable insoles and buttons that can track a person’s weight, and $374,670 to put on fruit and vegetable puppet shows for preschoolers.

These are facts, keep learning.  

Imagine why the NIH would spend money on studying fat lesbian women and skinny gay guys with your taxpayer money when Ebola truly kills people.  You see, Ebola is on the dark continent Africa, Obama voting blocks of Lesbians and gays are here and they're loud and vote.

The lesbian and queer gay population is very small in America but again Obama will lie, cheat and steal your money to gain their vote.  Gay marriage is almost legal.  Not making a wedding cake for a gay couple is now almost illegal.  Obama does anything for power including killing American soldiers and American citizens with the expansion of Ebola which is an African disease just like AIDS.

Director Francis Collins lied to America, he lied to you.  Ask old Frank about his study on the sex lives of fruit flies which is a real study by the NIH before your believe anything you hear.  Another favorite is the NIH study on chimpanzees and their communication skills while 50 million Americans are stuck on welfare, section eight housing, food stamps, free health care ObamaCare, free cell phones and the other socialist radical programs.

ObamaCare is destroying America and is mostly responsible for the Ebola murders.  The Obama centralized administrative socialist government has run over you and Congress and the entitlements now take all the money and with interest on our growing debt over 85% of the money is already spent.  If you take an idiot like Francis spending the rest on gays and monkeys you're starting to understand Obama.

You must understand that your grandchildren are already bankrupt.  You should realize that China and Russia have now joined in the fight against America (that's you).  China and Russia have always hated each other but they hate America more.  Iran has a nuclear weapon.  Syria uses chemical weapons.  Putin and Russia have taken Crimea.  The ISIS ISIL Islamic Terrorists Muslim Brotherhood Taliban Al-qaeda factions plan on killing you and raping your wife so don't look for help from the DNC or Barack Obama.  Obama is a Muslim.  Obama is an African.  Obama hates everything Western and you were fooled by lies to give him power over you.  You voted in the first American dictator.  Hitler also received votes.

The departments of CDC and NIH have had billions of dollars in taxpayer funding so don't let them fool you about the lack of cash is the reason for the Ebola virus.  The NIH spending from 2010 to 2013 was almost $30 billion dollars. The infectious diseases unit of the NIH had about $4.3 to $4.8 billion dollars in funding.

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