Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, November 24, 2014

Feed the poor and watch them march in Ferguson. The people burning down Ferguson MO do not work, they are on welfare, they ate last night thanks to food stamps and they had bad grades in schools before the highest majority of them dropped out, started using drugs, bought their first gun, and Obama knows it.

RIOT TRIGGERS Barack Obama's Marshall Law, that he signed in 2012 which the media never reported.

Barack Obama knows that "The Colored Vote" does just about anything for something.  If Obama gives the colored vote something, he expects something in return.  The GOP Republicans are showing their total weakness at their time of absolute strength.  We now understand that the GOP is more about talking up and looking down on the poor people known as voters.  You are living in something called the WELFARIST era, the bread and circus of power.  Feed the poor and watch them march in Ferguson.  The people burning down Ferguson MO do not work, they are on welfare, they ate last night thanks to food stamps and they had bad grades in schools before the highest majority of them dropped out, started using drugs, bought their first gun, and Obama knows it.  Barack Obama, just added over 5 million illegal aliens,  Welfarist Colored People to his domestic terrorist army.  They will march, they will burn, they will rob and the Obama administration has no plans on saving America.  If you have plans on staying safe and protecting your family, now is the time.  Notice that Obama, by executive action, just created millions of illegal voters, which means, all their Obama DNC votes will be illegal, causing a great civil unrest, Obama has been getting ready for you, his last two years, planned. 

When the colored vote breaks out onto the streets and cause harm the same man Barack Obama that sent them out rolls them back up with Police, National Guard and FBI agents with vests and hoods. If the Welfarist Colored Man or Woman becomes injured, the government patches them back up for free at local hospitals and ObamaCare and then the cycle starts again.

People like Hillary Rodham Clinton keeps making the promise of prosperity, more free stuff but most importantly they keep throwing the race logs on the fire and the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's of the world feed the flames. The New Black Panthers sneak in some bombs and the Obama administration continues to build the empire based on white and black, rich and poor, smart and dumb as you watch the national media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN and other biased reporting.

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