Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 27, 2014

M.I.T. Gruber Negro Abortions and Barack Obama; Forget About ObamaCare - Worry About Government Sponsored Murder - Professor Jonathan Gruber explains why the Government Must Kill Hundreds of Thousands of Human Beings Every Year? Extermination of a race. Sanger Gruber Obama Holder Clinton Pelosi Biden Soros - Why are so many people wanting to kill off unborn black babies? Obama and Gruber must feel it's cheaper to kill them off than to feed them later?

M.I.T. Gruber Negro Abortions and Barack Obama; Maybe this is why Obama funds Planned Parenthood to kill off unborn Negro babies, maybe the black community should take a very long and cold look at Barack Obama now that you've had a taste of his dictatorship; Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist who gained unwelcome fame for talking about the “stupidity of the American voter,” previously wrote that legalized abortion reduces welfare costs and means more children are likely to graduate college. Any of this true?  You decide. Girl Scouts have funded the abortions of Negroes it seems, read all about it.  Professor Jonathan Gruber explains why the Government Must Kill Hundreds of Thousands of Human Beings Every Year?  Extermination of a race. Sanger Gruber Obama Holder Clinton Pelosi Biden Soros - Why are so many people wanting to kill off unborn black babies?  Obama and Gruber must feel it's cheaper to kill them off than to feed them later?

“Our results suggest that the marginal children who were not born as a result of abortion legalization would have systematically been born into worse circumstances had the pregnancies not been terminated: they would have been 70 percent more likely to live in a single parent household, 40 percent more likely to live in poverty, 35 percent more likely to die during the first year of life, and 50 percent more likely to be in a household collecting welfare,”

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