Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Show me the Drones flying over Ferguson MO - DHS Department of Homeland Security miserable failure - National Guard ordered to stand ready but not stand up - Burn The Bitch Down - Negro Jihadist - Police Force

Jihadist - Negro Jihadist - If a portion of a population, intends to burn down towns, villages and cities inside the United States, as a government force (National Guard) is held back in reserve and just held back you are no longer safe.  Our government has spent billions of dollars on local force, national guard troops, vehicles, weapons, ammunition, food supply and other emergency measures but does not deploy against the Black Negro Jihadist's found in Ferguson MO.  You can be almost certain that the Obama White House, Eric Holder and the DOJ played a roll of the force of law being held back because the rioters were Negro.  The DHS, DOJ, FBI, ATF and other government forces were around the corner drinking coffee as they burned the bitch down?  Should the black community be mad and take actions against the government?  Is the government trying to eliminate Negro's in the U.S. Population.  You better research these questions. 

Is there such a thing as an American Negro Jihadist?  I think the answer is yes when you watch the film about the riots in Ferguson MO.  Do these films look any different than you from around the world like in Syria, Iraq and other places?   The black radicals burning down Ferguson have no jobs, eat free food, will steal you blind as they demonstrated and in general terms could care less about law and order.  What bothers people is that law enforcement by not doing their jobs in all reality supported the burning down of Ferguson MO, ruining the community of good people for at least a generation. Congress must discover why the DOJ, DHS, FBI did not deploy, there is a reason.  Governor Nixon (D-MO) clearly planned but took no actions.  Who stopped Nixon?  Should Nixon be removed?  Is Nixon a Jihadist?  People are trying to destroy America, right here in America?

As we have learned by getting to know Barack Obama that the American Black Man does not like America.  In fact, the Barack Obama pastor Wright summed up their feelings; God Damn America.  It's clear to most that if a black American male threatens to burn down a complete town (Ferguson MO) and watched by millions of people, the government, local, state and federal will do nothing.  

What does this say about the safety of your family and children?  

Why is it that Barack Obama Eric Holder Pelosi Reid Biden and thousands of other radicals want your guns?  You should consider that a Black or Negro Jihadist against America is a real thing, working inside America. We seem to wonder about the Islamic Muslim Jihadist inside America, with the branding of ISIS ISIL AL-QAEDA TALIBAN but what about the Negro Jihadist, openly threatening to burn down a town.  Guns, Looting, Fire, Arson and Violence are very real and you can watch Al Sharpton throw fire on the flames and Barack Obama stir the pot, but not too much.  

Now, if you turn the coin over.  Is the government of Barack Obama and many before him trying their best to limit or destroy the Negro Community?  Is ObamaCare just another government plot to reduce the black populations?  Will the government decide who lives?  M.I.T. Gruber Negro Abortions and Barack Obama; Maybe this is why Obama funds Planned Parenthood to kill off unborn Negro babies, maybe the black community should take a very long and cold look at Barack Obama now that you've had a taste of his dictatorship; Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist who gained unwelcome fame for talking about the “stupidity of the American voter,” previously wrote that legalized abortion reduces welfare costs and means more children are likely to graduate college. Any of this true?  You decide. Girl Scouts have funded the abortions of Negroes it seems, read all about it.  Professor Jonathan Gruber explains why the Government Must Kill Hundreds of Thousands of Human Beings Every Year?  Extermination of a race. Sanger Gruber Obama Holder Clinton Pelosi Biden Soros - Why are so many people wanting to kill off unborn black babies?  Obama and Gruber must feel it's cheaper to kill them off than to feed them later?  “Our results suggest that the marginal children who were not born as a result of abortion legalization would have systematically been born into worse circumstances had the pregnancies not been terminated: they would have been 70 percent more likely to live in a single parent household, 40 percent more likely to live in poverty, 35 percent more likely to die during the first year of life, and 50 percent more likely to be in a household collecting welfare,”

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