Drug trafficking (3),
racketeering, extortion, bribery (4),
tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2),
fraud (12),
conspiracy (5),
fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1),
illegal campaign contributions (5),
money laundering (6),
perjury, obstruction of justice.
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.

The Obama Crime Wave
The Obama Crime Wave The Tea Party United Against Barack Obama
The Obama Crime Wave
The Tea Party United Against Barack Obama
The Tea Party United Against Barack Obama
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
A government, the Barack Obama government, which does not act in accordance with the law forfeits the right to be called a government and cannot then expect its people to obey the law. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, and thousands of others, are in fact playing with revolutionary Constitutional fire by abandoning the moral ground associated with a lawfully constructed constitutional government by the people. These people may be traitors against the United States Constitution as they are using every means to distort history, inflame minorities, re-distribute earned and taxed wealth, and manipulate the population.
The Barack Obama government, now considered lawless, should now be considered an insurgency power that descends on the people toward a level of terrorism against all the people. The liberal progressive socialist democratic party of Barack Obama, can no longer claim legitimacy and many actions are lawless and directly conflict with the U.S. Constitution.
In this civil war, the government is now the insurgent against the people and with strong reason the people have revoked the power of Barack Obama and his insurgent helpers during the November national elections.
The Barack Obama un-constitutional government continues to act against the laws of the land, creating the environment of lawlessness and continues to fail in accordance with its own laws, and other standing law, which is highlighted by ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act, Illegal Aliens and open borders, brought against the people by organized crime, deceit and manipulation by such actors as M.I.T. Jonathan Gruber and many members of theliberal progressive socialist democratic party (DNC). Other criminal actors like Lois Lerner IRS are insurgents against the constitution and most likely broke hundreds of laws working against certain groups and individuals. The growing public anger, short of violence, was noticed during the November elections. The people still living under the laws of the land voted power away from Obama soldiers.
This lawless government, corrupt and influenced, can bring about a stronger law against the people known as MARSHALL LAW. The lawless Barack Obama insurgent government can enact Marshall Law, a very tough law to meet any emergency deemed.
By regular legal processes radical President Barack Obama has already signed Marshall Law orders, and by law, Marshall law is in effect within the United States this very day, yet enacted.
You can quickly become a detainee of the Barack Obama government with the loss of all legal rights under the U.S. Constitution. Guantanamo GITMO prisons are now built and available to hold deemed citizen criminals, by the hundreds of thousands. The FEMA reeducation and consolidation camps stand ready this day to receive, house, feed and guard hundreds of thousands of citizen criminals without lawyers, judges or any other typical legal process. Hundreds of millions of ready to eat meals are already purchased and in storage this day and ready for distribution.
Many in America, are so terrorized by Barack Obama at this point they dare not help themselves. Millions of people are unemployed and huddle together in the homes of parents and friends to survive. More millions are under-employed and barely survive the Obama economy and have been forced to spend their entire life savings, enroll in welfare programs creating a weakness inside the population and a criminal strength, centralized at the White House, under the elected authority of Barack Obama.
The organized insurrection against the peoples rights starts at the White House and the Communist Socialist Liberal Progressives Democrats that have gained or have been given power. Over 99% of your government is appointed by the 1% that were elected. The members of the U.S. Congress 435 + 100 Senators uses the media to influence everything your read or watch on T.V. Barack Obama, the lawfully elected President of the United States no longer allows his picture to be taken by the peoples press. The people know that Barack Obama is inept, but few realize that he is extremely dangerous to the U.S. Constitution and the survival of the United States.
The enormous SNAP food stamp program, food for the hungry, is really a government sponsored authoritarian operation "Operation Starvation" which enables the Barack Obama government to deny food at any time. A food denial program once under scrutiny is the most evil thing a centralized government can do against its own people. A chemical gas attack can kill a localized few thousands but a food denial program (SNAP) can isolate and kill tens of millions of people within a few days. If a group of people were deemed terrorists inside of America, would you allow them to starve until dead?
Many in America, are so terrorized by Barack Obama at this point they dare not help themselves. Millions of people are unemployed and huddle together in the homes of parents and friends to survive. More millions are under-employed and barely survive the Obama economy and have been forced to spend their entire life savings, enroll in welfare programs creating a weakness inside the population and a criminal strength, centralized at the White House, under the elected authority of Barack Obama.
The organized insurrection against the peoples rights starts at the White House and the Communist Socialist Liberal Progressives Democrats that have gained or have been given power. Over 99% of your government is appointed by the 1% that were elected. The members of the U.S. Congress 435 + 100 Senators uses the media to influence everything your read or watch on T.V. Barack Obama, the lawfully elected President of the United States no longer allows his picture to be taken by the peoples press. The people know that Barack Obama is inept, but few realize that he is extremely dangerous to the U.S. Constitution and the survival of the United States.
The enormous SNAP food stamp program, food for the hungry, is really a government sponsored authoritarian operation "Operation Starvation" which enables the Barack Obama government to deny food at any time. A food denial program once under scrutiny is the most evil thing a centralized government can do against its own people. A chemical gas attack can kill a localized few thousands but a food denial program (SNAP) can isolate and kill tens of millions of people within a few days. If a group of people were deemed terrorists inside of America, would you allow them to starve until dead?
The Marshall Law creates an enormous temptation for government radicals as they now attempt to conflict the citizens by racial tensions and direct threats by the government. Barack Obama has already announced that he will veto the will of the people and will continue his unlawful acts. Under the U.S. Constitution the citizens have the right to remove or hold away the deemed tyrant to protect the government by and for the people.
Barack Obama continues to rule over the people, refusing to use the rules and the laws of the people as to assert his illegal ruling over the people. Millions of voters now realize that the laws of the land, protected by the Constitution are cumbersome and slow and may be ill-suited to contend with Barack Obama's affronts to their liberties, freedom and property rights.
Barack Obama has only attempted to win the hearts and the minds of the colored minority to gain power against the majority white middle-class and we can now see open insurgent activities against the people. His strategy continues to allow millions of colored people to enter the United States by refusing to guard the borders to increase his un-constitutional power over the entire population.
The American culture is made up of individuals but groups are now being sponsored and formed by the corrupt government based on economic status, color of skin and basic economics to be used as a power against the people.
The intelligence services of Barack Obama, taking many forms, are being used against the people during their daily lives and economic activity. The NSA, DOD, DIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, BLM, CBP and many others are providing illegal intelligence to Barack Obama to control the civilian populations.
Barack Obama insurgents (operatives) deliberately blur the lines using national media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times and hundreds of others and the government may be sponsoring incidents this very day to provoke the citizens to enable Barack Obama to engage his security forces, including National Guard Units in all the states.
Barack Obama is using economic and domestic terror to invoke a repression of the individual liberties of the people, known as Marshall Law.
The enemy camps are open.
Bengahzi the murdering of Americans
IRS Lois Lerner the force of government to stop the Tea Party
Fast and Furious the running of illegal guns to drug cartels in Mexico
DHS Border Patrol Open Borders the rush of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens
CBP Customs Border Patrol Total failure to secure the border.
Syrian Red Line the killing of hundreds of thousands of people by Obama's refusal to help
Crimea Invasion and Putin the expansion of the old Communist Soviet Empire
VA Veterans Administration Death Waiting List for cash bonuses and awards
NSA Spying against FOX news reporter Rosen
VA Veterans Administration Death Waiting List for cash bonuses and awards
NSA Spying against FOX news reporter Rosen
Solyndra Solar Scam the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars with no results
Keystone Pipeline never to be build so wealthy friends can haul oil on their railroad
Federal Reserve the creation of trillions of fiat-fake money destroying the dollar
Barack Obama whispering a secret deal to Soviet Union Russia Putin
NSA Spying against AP Associated Press
Barack Obama whispering a secret deal to Soviet Union Russia Putin
NSA Spying against AP Associated Press
Welfare Food Stamps over 50 million people being fed daily by the government
ObamaCare the ACA Affordable Care Act Communist Socialist control over medical care
Iran Nuclear Program given time to build a complete nuclear weapons system
Iraq Premature Troop Withdrawl and Obama's failure to protect the investment in blood and money
ISIS and other Islamic Caliphate members allowed to build a nation of terrorists
Planned Parenthood funding by Obama allowed to kill hundreds of thousands of Negros
Illegal Aliens by the millions allowed to remain inside the United States without deportation
Main Stream Media bribed and bought and paid for by Obama and controlled by the FCC
LGBT Gay Marriage Movement against the wishes of the American people
Unemployment Under-employment raging across America
False Government Reporting and broadcasting half truths and lies-staged White House briefings
Bundy Cattle Ranch as BLM raids the lone rancher who was late paying fees
DHS Department of Homeland Security TSA airport security abusing individual rights
The Lying Obama President Obama clearly a liar and continues to lie to the America people
Dictatorial Power Obama ignores Congress and uses Executive Orders against the people
DOJ Department of Justice is racial - radical - and resists the Constitution
NSA National Security Agencies spying on each American and others around the world
IRS Lois Lerner IRS Commission Koskinen corruption destruction of records
EPA Gina McCarthy War on Coal - Closing Power Plants - Surging Energy Prices
DHS Jeh Johnson Open Borders - FEMA domestic camps and prisons
Bergdhal Taliban Five (5) Terrorist Trade from GITMO for the Traitors Return
NSA Snowden Security Collapse allowing the discovery of illegal government activity
Caliphate Formed Islamic Muslim Taliban Al-Qaeda ISIS Army Syria Iran Iraq
Dictatorial Power Obama ignores Congress and uses Executive Orders against the people
DOJ Department of Justice is racial - radical - and resists the Constitution
NSA National Security Agencies spying on each American and others around the world
IRS Lois Lerner IRS Commission Koskinen corruption destruction of records
EPA Gina McCarthy War on Coal - Closing Power Plants - Surging Energy Prices
DHS Jeh Johnson Open Borders - FEMA domestic camps and prisons
Bergdhal Taliban Five (5) Terrorist Trade from GITMO for the Traitors Return
NSA Snowden Security Collapse allowing the discovery of illegal government activity
Caliphate Formed Islamic Muslim Taliban Al-Qaeda ISIS Army Syria Iran Iraq
Barack Hussein Obama II August 5th 2009 did declare hostilities
The President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II August 5th 2009 did declare hostilities with the American population and battles against the constitution of the United States of America.
As a citizen of the United States of America
you have the total Freedom of speech.
As a citizen of the United States of America
you have the total Freedom of speech.
This freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation has now been directly challenged by the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama II by requesting that you report private emails or other communications directly to the government of the United States.
The President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama II, has clear leanings towards Marxism, which is a political-economic theory that presents a materialist conception of history, a non-capitalist vision of capitalism and other types of society, and a non-religious view of human liberation. President Obama closely relates to the ideology of communism. It is my belief that Obama is on a campaign to bring back slavery within economic expressions against middle class - tax paying - working people.
The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are closely related to, yet distinct from, the concept of freedom of thought. This is a direct attempt by the government of the United States at Censorship. Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the government or media organizations as determined by a censor.
Political censorship occurs when governments hold back information from their citizens. The logic is to exert control over the populace and prevent free expression that might foment rebellion. You have the right to object and complain in a safe and legal manner. The government cannot halt your freedom of speech or inspire your neighbors and friends to spy on you through any form of political censorship.
This president has requested that others spy of your speech, behaviors and your thoughts. The censorship of thoughts, communications and actions are not new to human history, President Barack Hussein Obama needs to refer to historical events before he attempts to control the population of free citizens. His propaganda, his needs for his stated objectives are no more important than yours. His powers are limited by the Constitution of the United States which he has disregarded.
Independent journalism to verify and confirm the actions of the government, including congress and the judicial has been made voiceless in recent years making the free citizen limited in knowledge. Newspaper articles are now limited and offer limited details. Television news is owned by massive business and their own financial interests and political agendas limit their coverage and in depth coverage is almost nonexistent.
The republic of China has instituted thousands of persons as their government internet police and it seems that President Barack Hussein Obama will be monitoring the voices, emails, and communications of the free citizens of the United States of America to control the population.
His attempt to hinder publications and distribution of ideas are the same as Arab socialists in Iraq, Communists in China and also Cuban media among a few. This sanitization policy allows President Obama to control the thoughts and communications of the free citizens.
It is certain that the U.S. government must have already hired censors to collect and report offensive or challenging thoughts and ideas from the people. There are only a few rational and reasonable reasons to censor. This censorship must be used to stifle, gag and repress some opposing thought and stop free citizens from arguing against the presidential plans and actions.
We are now moving quickly to a near-censorship situation. The government will hold information and the free citizens of the United States will barely know true and real facts. Through these presidential actions the free citizens of the United States will fear open, honest, safe and free communications of ideas and actions.
Your rights as a free citizen of the United States of America are now in full Peril. Your freedom to assemble, your freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of information, thought and press is something that tens of thousands of Americans have paid for with their very life.
I urge you to write the President today and counsel him against his socialist activities, attempting to destroy capitalism, negating free enterprise and freedom of speech as he fails to understand that the United States of America is governed by our Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States and Our Amendments by the people and for the people.
Gregory A Free Citizen of the United States of America
Mechanicsburg Pa
Boycott List for Tea Party Members
Do Your Research, Maybe you should Boycott These Brand Names, Tell your Tea Party Friends, These are the brand name companies that are trying their best to create a deal with the Obama government, open borders, more illegal aliens, more cheap labor to replace the American Middle Class. Boycott These Companies; The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc. McDonald's Corporation The Wendy's Company The Walt Disney Company The Coca-Cola Company Johnson & Johnson American Express Company 21st Century Fox Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others) Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Western Union Northwestern Mutual American Airlines Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. The Procter Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands) Newell Rubbermaid Inc. AT&T Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Caterpillar Inc. The ADT Corporation Pfizer Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HP United Parcel Service, Inc. UPS General Electric Company GE Verizon Communications Inc. Pay your phone bill (one dollar short) Marriott International, Inc. Stay somewhere else Hilton Worldwide Find another room Hyatt Hotels Corporation Say no to Hyatt McCormick & Company, Inc. Salt and Pepper Cisco Systems, Inc. A billionaire doesn't need you anymore, let him sail off Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Eaton E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company BNSF Railway Company Shell Oil Company General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands) Ingram Industries Inc. Kronos Incorporated Ingersoll Rand Company General Parts Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. United Technologies Corporation Harris Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Sears Holdings Corporation There is a reason that Sears and K-Mart is going broke USG Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company Destroy people that control your food Johnson Controls, Inc. Lots of people make their stuff Ally Financial Inc. US Foods Univar, Inc. Kiewit Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Great company really bad leadership W.W. Grainger, Inc. Too bad, no more money. Avery Dennison Corporation Humana Inc. Novelis, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. Avaya Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Honeywell International Inc. International Paper Company All they do is cut down trees, cut your cash flow to them Dover Corporation Danaher Corporation TRW Automotive Analog Devices, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. Avnet, Inc. White Lodging Corporation Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Simon Property Group Daikin McQuay Americas Continental Grain Company MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Hospira, Inc. Cigna Corporation The ServiceMaster Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bloomin' Brands Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Carolinas HealthCare System SRA International Emerson Rockwell Automation, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporationm Saint-Gobain Corporation General Dynamics Corporation A. O. Smith Corporation Praxair, Inc. HCA Inc. Eastman Chemical Company ManpowerGroup Fifth Third Bank Pitney Bowes Inc. Express Scripts, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Aleris International, Inc. DTE Energy Company U.S. Steel Corporation Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Cargill, Incorporated Assurant, Inc. XL Global Services, Inc Texas Instruments Incorporated ATK WESCO International
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