Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, May 10, 2014

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The Black African Radical Barack Hussein Obama and the Wantabee Hillary Rodham Clinton decided a long time ago that this terrorist group was better served by the United States by staying off the terrorist list.

The American Black African community should take the lesson that Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Eric Holder make all their decisions based on political ends, never truly about people. 

A 2012 petition hosted by may illuminate the rationale behind Hillary's reluctance. The goal of the petition, posted by self-proclaimed Africa expert William Minter, was to convince President Obama not to call Boko Haram a terrorist group. The petition called designating Boko Haram a terror group a "counterproductive mistake with far-reaching negative consequences for both Americans and Nigerians."
In the explanation of why it was "counterproductive," the petition said that giving Boko Haram the legitimacy of being called a terror group would actually help the terrorists.
Designating them as official terrorists, the petition says, "would increase rather than diminish the threat from Boko Haram. It would give the group additional visibility and credibility among international terrorist networks. It would increase the chances that the group would direct its attacks against U.S. 

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