Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, May 9, 2014

It had been decided by the judges that the television journalist was to be taken and held by the people and when the time was right to be executed by the free people. The giant companies controlled all the media including newspaper, internet, television and even billboards. The government wanted total control and the people had tried for years to push back and then the killing started. The government pushed the people too hard and the people starting pushing back.

"I don't know Sammy, can you could just kill him?"  Andy England looked at his friend Sammy with his green poisonous snake eyes watching the green hot swamp behind him give off the early morning fog.  They had been dragging the burlap bag for miles and Andy just wanted to be done.  It was too hot to be this deep in the woods and the swamp water made it muggy and steamy. 
Andy held the dog and the bundle of a man inside the large sewn up burlap bag laid at the edge of the water.
Andy and Sammy had to club him and knock him out but they got him inside the burlap bag and then tied it up with rope, nice and tight. 

"We can just dump him in the swamp Sammy and get the hell out of here!"  Andy looked around as if anybody would ever be this deep inside the forest on such a hot day.  He had been nervous ever since they got the assignment to grab up the T.V. journalist and carry out the peoples sentence and judgment. 
Without another word, the lumpy and writhing bundle was hurled into the swamp water only a few minutes later.  The burlap bag was heavy and they guessed the talking head must have weighed in at about 150 to 170 pounds.  They had to drag dead animals before out of the woods but dragging a live man in a burlap bag was tougher than it sounded. 

The green swampy warm water would be the real executioner so that made Andy and Sammy feel a little better as the stagnant green water accepted the weight of the man inside the sinking burlap sack. The judge had ordered them not to use anything but natural weapons like sticks, stones, water because it could never be traced back to the people.  The burlap bag would hold up under water for a few months and by then the fish would have eaten up the evidence.  

It made Andy a bit sick to think of a real live human sinking to the bottom but at least it was a solution and besides that they were ordered to do so by the peoples judge. 
The unfortunate bagged bastard had been living off bread and water for the last eight days so it was time to get rid of the word-splitting journalist so the crude affair could be over.  

The reported had been judged as dishonest by a peoples vote so this punishment had to be done.  

The media empires spoke on behalf of the centralized government because it was the only way they could gain their tremendous wealth.  The media groups just spit out what the government wanted, opened other business channels, used people like tools and was the slave of the government.  

The idea of free expression had been removed and there was nothing about the free press that was free.  If you wanted to state your opinion you had to join the Army and say "Yes Sir".  The country was in trouble and trouble was coming. 
It had been decided by the judges that the television journalist was to be taken and held by the people and when the time was right to be executed by the free people.  The giant companies controlled all the media including newspaper, internet, television and even billboards.  The government wanted total control and the people had tried for years to push back and then the killing started.  The government pushed the people too hard and the people starting pushing back.
It was ancient law but in this part of America the people now decided the right and wrong of their society and this drowned wretch had been talking up the administrative state.
The federal government in Washington D.C. kept on placing the heavy weights of taxes on the people and the national debt was like a jailer beating the middle-class but worse of all the people discovered all the lies.  The weight of the lies added more and more stress on the people so the people, finally, had enough.
The judges decided on the death penalty for this one because he carried some of the biggest lies against the people.  This journalist stayed boiling mad and wanted to take away the people's rights and centralize power with the elites. 
When America was younger the founders warned the people about the tiny few ruling over the many.  The skilled political professionals were the butchers of the Constitution.  The media carried their evil messages for cash money, power and influence so the people's response was crude, cruel and slow.
The centralized government was trying to kill off the people, herd them in to urban areas, restrict energy generation and consumption and even control food production and travel.
The centralized federal government was deadly and scientific.  They used so-called experts, commissions and bribes to get their way and the tortured the working men and women.
Their mission had been carried out so they just stood at the edge of the swamp water and watched for the last of the bubbles.
They would make the long walk home and looked forward to their slice of moldy bread and warm water.  There would be no electricity inside their cabins but freedom did not die today only the tyrant grew heavier in the water.
The stone floor of the cabin would be cool to the touch and they would lie down and wonder about the civil war brewing.
The elites had broken their word and lied about their promises and the constitution has been torn to pieces.  Laws had been replaced by government thugs and criminals and menacingly the people had become victims.

Andy would never forget the gurgles, gasps and the spasms as the talking man sank lower and lower in the water.  They didn't have guns anymore because the government took them years ago after registration but they had the snap of the hemp ropes and that single tool the government could never take away, they were free. 

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