Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, May 2, 2014

He wanted to stroll inside but out of habit he looked around first and turned away from the Pawn Shop window and the high powered AR-15 rifle that he wanted badly to see if anybody was following him. Curiously he saw the woman on the sidewalk standing only thirty feet away and he was sure she had been watching him. He wondered if she was FBI, CIA or even an NSA agent assigned to watch him.

Almost against the glass, the man pressed his nose as close to the window as he could and inside the Philadelphia Pawn Shop he spotted it.  His eyes were glued to the AR-15 rifle and that peculiar chunk of metal gleamed in his eyes. 
He wanted to stroll inside but out of habit he looked around first and turned away from the Pawn Shop window and the high powered AR-15 rifle that he wanted badly to see if anybody was following him.
Curiously he saw the woman on the sidewalk standing only thirty feet away and he was sure she had been watching him.  He wondered if she was FBI, CIA or even an NSA agent assigned to watch him. 
Being watched was the price he paid when he joined up with the Tea Party a few years ago.  He had built his professional career in the military and when he stepped off the Naval ship in San Francisco just a couple of years ago he was a free man but he knew the government was watching. 
They were always watching and listening and playing hide and seek as they continually tried to catch him with the missing blocks of gold.
The blocks of gold, gold coins, and coins of silver were in hiding in a little back room on Tremont Street in Boston Massachusetts along with his favorite pistol.  

He had three of the gold pieces in his pocket...he was going to buy the AR-15 and then off to Brooklyn New York.  He was bitten by the bug there was no doubt, he was a patriot and  it was a shrewd bunch.

Tea Party Community, Tea Party Revolution, NewWay 912 Project, One World Order, New World Government, ObamaCare, Iran, Benghazi, ObamaCare, Barack Hussein Obama, IRS, NSA, CIA, DOD, ATFE, FBI, DHS, RETRO, MYSTIC, DOJ, HHS, Affordable Care Act, Politics, Tea Party,Hillary Rodam Clinton, War, Revolution, Constitution, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Tea Party Community, Tea Party Revolution, Tea Party Patriots, History, Historical Documents, Shadow Government,Ar-15, Bundy Cattle Ranch, Benghazi, IRS Scandal, NSA Scandal, Putin, Crimea, Ukraine, Saudi Arabi, Oil, Nuclear, Iran, Islam, Muslim, Syria, Russia, Soviet Union, KGB, 

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