Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton MARY JO JENKINS Phone records showed that from 1989 to 1991 Clinton had placed 59 calls to Jenkins's home or office. Women of the World Do Your Homework Impeach Obama Remove the Clinton Gang from the American Political Scene Mothers Working Mothers United Against Hillary Clinton Obama Supporters

The New York Observer 3/29/99 Christopher Hitchens "...Michael Isikoff was the guileless Candide of the Clinton scandal. Things kept happening to him. Alas: "In working on it, I had gotten in touch with Cuomo's staff to seek some backup material and ran across Cuomo's new press secretary, somebody I knew from an earlier incarnation. It was Karen Hinton, the woman who in 1994 had described to me the unpleasant sexual overture Clinton had once made to her 10 years earlier."..."
Washington Post 6/13/99 Bob Woodward Page A1 "...Robert S. Bennett, leaning close to his client in the private study off the Oval Office, announced his suspicion in an aggressive baritone. "Mr. President," he said, "I find your explanation about one of the women frankly unbelievable." ....Bennett believed, he had smoked out the real liability - Marilyn Jo Jenkins, a beautiful marketing executive whom Clinton had known for more than a decade. Jenkins was a longtime employee of the Arkansas Power and Light Co. Her name had been linked to Clinton in published reports, but only in vague references. She had met with Clinton in his basement office in the Arkansas governor's mansion four times in the less than three months between his election in 1992 and his inauguration in 1993. Three of the meetings took place about 5:15 a.m. or 5:30 a.m. Phone records showed that from 1989 to 1991 Clinton had placed 59 calls to Jenkins's home or office. Arkansas state trooper Danny Ferguson had brought gifts from Clinton to Jenkins. Clinton had denied to Bennett that he had a sexual relationship with Jenkins. Bennett was not buying it. He noticed that Clinton reacted differently when Jenkins's name came up. The president paused in a forlorn and wistful way. Bennett couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Clinton's manner seemed to be a definite tip-off....."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...As the Washington Post reporter who broke the news that banking regulators had referred the Whitewater inquiry for criminal prosecution, she was seen as media enemy No. 1. The first lady ordered the White House legal team to make a study, at taxpayer expense, of supposed bias in her reporting. The study found no such thing, said those who saw it, and press secretary Mike McCurry refused to make it public. Schmidt later co-wrote the piece breaking the Monica Lewinsky story. Yet at the height of the impeachment debate, she disappeared from daily news to write a book....."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...As Clinton's secretary, she was pressed into duty as an arranger for the relationship with Monica and even collected evidence from her and hid it under her bed. Clinton twice coached Currie on how he wanted her to testify. VULNERABILITY:She was an employee..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Former head of the Saline County Drug Task Force, she worked with a federal grand jury until she dug too deep, said John Brown, former detective for the Saline County Sheriff's Department. State officials began undercutting her, and tried to frame her with trumped up allegations that were thrown out of court. She has left the state and is teaching school in Texas. VULNERABILITY: She was outnumbered...."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Now serving a 31-year sentence for minor drug offense (selling a half ounce of marijuana and $100 worth of an amphetamine) at the women's prison at Tucker, Ark. She got to know then Gov. Clinton through brother Roger and attended toga parties where she said the governor used coke. She testified in 1990 to a grand jury that she had seen Bill Clinton using drugs, and when her testimony leaked out, she fled the state for fear of her life. She later returned, it is said for a family funeral, and was arrested for the drug crime, despite having been a top informant for drug enforcement. Sharlene was my best informant, said Jean Duffey, former head of the drug task force in Saline County. "They couldn't silence her, so they locked her up in jail and threw away the key. That's Arkansas for you." Her prosecutor, Dan Harmon, was also her ex-boyfriend. He is now in prison for drug-related crimes. VULNERABILITY: Wilson's record of illegal activities..." 7/27/99 Carl Limbacher "...An Arkansas parole board has recommended early prison release for Sharlene Wilson, the onetime Little Rock drug dealer who told a federal grand jury in 1990 that she witnessed then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton use cocaine on multiple occasions. ....Wilson has been incarcerated for most of the Clinton presidency as part of what many believe is a political vendetta by Clinton allies in his home state, who fear she knows too much about the Mena drug-running scandal. Wilson now resides at the Grimes-McPherson correctional facility in Newport, Arkansas. The federal drug probe witness testified that she began selling cocaine to Clinton's brother Roger as early as 1979. Wilson has told reporters that she sold two grams of cocaine to Clinton's brother at the Little Rock nightclub Le Bistro, then witnessed Bill Clinton consume the drug. "I watched Bill Clinton lean up against a brick wall," Wilson revealed to the London Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in 1995. "He must have had an adenoid problem because he casually stuck my tooter up his nose. He was so messed up that night, he slid down the wall into a garbage can and just sat there like a complete idiot." Wilson also described gatherings at Little Rock's Coachman's Inn between 1979 and 1981, where she saw Clinton using cocaine "quite avidly" with friends. An Arkansas Police video shows Roger Clinton telling one cocaine dealer, "Got to get some for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner."...."
Newsmax 11/8/99 Carl Limbacher ".... Despite Saturday news reports that Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had commuted the prison sentence of Sharline Wilson to time served, she remained in jail over the weekend and doesn't expect to get out anytime soon, a source close to Wilson told Monday afternoon. Speaking on condition of anonymity Wilson's friend revealed that an unexpected development has delayed her release. "We found out over the weekend here that Sharline has to go back before the parole board, which is really odd, seeing that she's already been approved, which is why the Governor made his own approval based, in part, on their recommendation. So, now they're saying that it may be another two months before she's out." ....."
ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE 11/6/99 ".... Gov. Mike Huckabee on Friday commuted the sentence of Sharlene Wilson, 45, former girlfriend of ex-prosecutor Dan Harmon. Wilson's 31-year sentence for two counts of delivery of a controlled substance was shortened to the time she already has served. Wilson was arrested in Hot Spring County in 1992 while Harmon was prosecutor for the 7th Judicial District, which included Saline, Grant and Hot Spring counties. Wilson was convicted in 1993....... "
Freeper HAL9000 11/6/99 adds "...In a related matter, Dan Harmon was disbarred from practicing law by the Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday. In a one-page order, Harmon was barred from practicing law on the recommendation of the Committee on Professional Conduct, which regulates the practices of lawyers in the state....."
Drudge Report 11/6/99 "….Sharlene Wilson -- the talkradio and underground video sensation who tells an incredible tale of using coke with Bill Clinton -- will finally be freed from her jailhouse shackles, it was reported on Saturday! Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has commuted Wilson's 31-year sentence for delivery of a controlled substance after having served nearly seven years behind bars -- spanning the entire Clinton White House years. The 45-year old AM and shortwave star has spent endless hours doing radio interviews from the solitude of her jail cell, and has also appeared in underground videos telling her amazing story of doing coke with Bill Clinton….." THE GEORGE PUTNAM SHOW 1/3/00 "….....SHARLINE WILSON, Arkansas Whistle Blower on Gov. Bill Clinton's Cocaine Use in Arkansas ...who was thus jailed to guarantee her at long last FREE. A friend of hers called into KIEV 870 AM's ( ) GEORGE PUTNAM SHOW share that a now Free SHARLINE WILSON had called him on Saturday to inform him that she had been held in Jail up to the very last day of 1999 and was then released. She is now resting with her Mother and 2 children...."
NY POST (Page Six) 1/9/00 "….SHARLINE Wilson, the drug dealer who told a federal grand jury she saw President Clintonsnort cocaine, was finally released from an Arkansas jail on New Year's Eve after serving six years of a 32-year sentence…. She claimed that then-Gov. Bill Clinton was not only present during one transaction, but that he snorted some of her coke and reeled backwards into a garbage can. Born-again while in jail, Wilson told she hopes to start a new life as a drug and alcohol counselor……"

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