Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Did somebody kill Loretta, the lady that somehow produced the birth certificate for Barack Obama, when another state official stated for the record that one could not be found? Who killed Loretta Fuddy? Obama operatives, well funded, briefcases full of cash money, could have paid off Loretta to produce the Obama birth certificate? How did Loretta get all that cash? Who paid Loretta?

Did somebody kill Loretta, the lady that somehow produced the birth certificate for Barack Obama, when another state official stated for the record that one could not be found?  Who killed Loretta Fuddy?  Obama operatives, well funded, briefcases full of cash money, could have paid off Loretta to produce the Obama birth certificate?  How did Loretta get all that cash?  Who paid Loretta? 

Could it be that Loretta Fuddy was paid for producing a "birth certificate" that never existed? reports:

Since her death, portions related to Loretta Fuddy in the sealed affidavit filed in U.S. Federal Court have been made public. Of particular interest are her financial reports detailing her income and expenses in 2011 and 2012. Each report is filed in January for the previous year.

According to Mr. Vogt, a large and as yet unanswered income disparity was found between the two reports. In short, during her first year as Hawaii's Director of Health, which is also the time she authenticated Obama's COLB, Ms. Fuddy's gross income was reportedly less than $100,000. Nonetheless, her financials show that she apparently paid down her mortgage and decreased her liabilities by at least $50,000 and perhaps as much as $75,000 more than what she grossed that year. Where did that money come from? While there may well be a legitimate explanation for this disparity, it was not disclosed on the financial forms she filed with the Hawaii State Ethics Commission.

If I understand this correctly, the woman made less than $100,000 yet managed to pay down her mortgage by well over $100,000 in a single year. For example, it sounds as if she could have made $90,000 and paid $140,000 toward her mortgage. How does that happen? That money came from somewhere. Could it be legitimate? Absolutely. But it doesn't look good.

The Mr. Vogt who is referenced above is Doug Vogt who brought some attention to Fuddy's financials in an interview just one week before her death. Just one week? That seems to be a little more than coincidental.
You may recall that Tim Adams, a Hawaii Elections official, submitted a sworn affidavit of his own in 2011. His claim is that no Hawaii birth certificate ever existed:
In a sworn affidavit dated and witnessed on January 20, 2011 Adams states, "Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government."
So let's summarize what we know to be true at this point:
A Hawaii government official swears that no Hawaii long-form birth certificate ever existed.
Loretta Fuddy issues a "certificate of live birth" (not to be confused with an official birth certificate which would include extras like foot prints).
Loretta Fuddy allegedly came into some extra money that she applied to her mortgage.
Doug Vogt revealed that Fuddy came into some extra money in a radio interview.
A week later Fuddy is dead and the media totally botches the story.
What conclusion are we supposed to come to?
Why is it that some people who appear to have vital information about Barack Obama end up dead?
Maybe it is just another one of those astounding coincidences that seem to happen over and over with big name politicians.   

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