Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
NewsMax.Com 10/12/98 Carl Limbacher "…. Americans know about Gennifer Flowers' 12-year affair with President Clinton. But they aren't familiar with what Flowers says happened to her just before she went public with her story. "I was getting threats. I had some saying I was going to be beaten up. I had some saying that I would be killed," Flowers told a New York radio audience in July 1997. Flowers even fingered Clinton himself, whom she believes ordered agents to search her apartment for any evidence that could expose their relationship. Though portrayed by the media as a gold digger, Flowers' real reason for tape- recording her lover and then going public was self-preservation. "Some very scary things were going on," she said. "... I made those tapes for my own protection.". Loren Kirk had merely once shared an apartment with Gennifer Flowers, but that was enough for her to be chased down. San Francisco private eye Jack Palladino -- referred to as a "knee buster" by one Republican personally familiar with his 1992 work -- paid Kirk a visit that summer. And according to the American Spectator in April 1994, Palladino posed a chilling question to her. "Is Gennifer Flowers the sort of person who would commit suicide?" the enforcer wanted to know. Palladino was paid over $100,000 for his work as an alleged bimbo silencer. Dick Morris has questioned whether Palladino was paid from federal funds, which he rightly says would be a devastating development if proved. Morris, who's spent the last few months warning about the "Clinton secret police," is apparently unaware that the Clinton watchdog group Citizens United published a copy of the pertinent page from the Clinton campaign's 1992 Federal Election Commission disbursement report. It suggests that at least $17,000 worth of Palladino's expenses were paid with campaign monies that had federal matching funds mixed in. Another Flowers-related victim would be her Quapaw Towers neighbor, Gary Johnson, who says his videotape of Clinton standing outside her door was stolen by thugs who beat him to a pulp and left him for dead. ."
Citizens for Honest Government Pat Matrisciana 1995 New Clinton Chronicles ".LARRY NICHOLS: During the 1992 presidential campaign, I was getting bludgeoned by the media because Gennifer Flowers had come out of my lawsuit. A man called me on the phone on a Monday, his name was Gary Johnson. He was an attorney. He told me that he felt bad because I was being bludgeoned, and he wanted to talk to me about handling my case. Well, I was craving an attorney, any attorney to help me. GARY JOHNSON: You know, I saw Larry out there doing battles, so to speak, on his own, and I felt like he needed some help. LARRY NICHOLS: I met him on a Tuesday. He was a special attorney; I didn't even know it. You see, he lived next door to Gennifer Flowers. NARRATOR: For security purposes, Gary Johnson had installed a video camera near the front door of his Quapaw Tower Condominium. GARY JOHNSON: Looking at someone in front of my door, it got a perfect shot of them in front of Gennifer Flowers' condominium, and it wasn't my intention ever to take pictures of Bill Clinton going in to see Gennifer Flowers. I could care less who Bill Clinton goes to see. But it just so happened she lived next door to me and I mounted the camera there. LARRY NICHOLS: Guess what he caught on tape? Bill Clinton walking into Gennifer Flowers' apartment on numerous occasions--with a key. LARRY NICHOLS: We filed the request for the subpoenas on Thursday. Saturday morning we found Gary Johnson beaten and left for dead. And without getting into gory details, both elbows were dislocated, his collar bones were broken, his spleen and his bladder were ruptured with holes the size of half dollars in them. His nose, his sinus cavities were all crushed. He had been beaten by Clinton's people.."
Washington Weekly 10/3/98 Carl Limbacker "….FLOWERS: Yes, I had some saying I was going to get beaten up. I had some saying I was going to be killed. "Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!" ."
Washington Weekly 11/30/98 Marvin Lee ".In the 81 questions posed by Chairman Henry Hyde, President Clinton was given an opportunity to deny that he had hired private investigators to intimidate witnesses. In his responses, carefully worded by his lawyers and himself, Clinton did not deny the allegations. In fact, he admitted that he had hired Jack Palladino in 1992: QUESTION 74. Do you admit or deny having knowledge that Jack Palladino was contacted or employed to make contact with or gather information about witnesses or potential witnesses in any judicial proceeding related to any matter in which you are or could be involved? CLINTON: My understanding is that during the 1992 Presidential Campaign, Mr. Jack Palladino was retained to assist legal counsel for me and the Campaign on a variety of matters arising during the Campaign. See also response to No. 72. Jack Palladino is the private investigator and "bimbo eruptions fixer" who visited Gennifer Flowers' roommate, Loren Kirk, expressing concerns for the health and safety of Flowers. "Is Gennifer the type to commit suicide?", Palladino asked Kirk..."
Investors Business Daily 3/11/99 Paul Sperry "… Gennifer Flowers. Another Clinton mistress, Flowers worked for the state of Arkansas. In 1992, she revealed their affair - and had audio tapes to prove it. Then the trouble began, she claims. ''My home had been ransacked. I had received threats. My mother received threats. People were getting beaten. I was afraid for my life,'' she told CNN's Larry King in January 1998. She said her home had been broken into three times and ransacked the third. She told then-candidate Clinton about the burglaries. ''When I told Bill about it, he said, 'Do you think they were looking for something on us?' '' Flowers said. ''When he said it to me, there was just a tone in his voice. And I thought, you probably had this done to me.''…"
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...She was ridiculed as trash for cash for selling her story to the tabloid Star. Although she provided audio tapes in January of 1992 that had the governor urging her, a state employee, to lie, the news media were largely dismissive because of the tabloid connection. Soon afterwards, she said later, trouble began. She told Larry King in 1998: "My home had been ransacked. I had received threats. My mother received threats. People were getting beaten. I was afraid for my life." After a TV crew staked out Quapaw Tower in 1991, her mother (remarried and living in southern Mississippi.) received a phone call saying Gennifer would be better off dead In December, Flowers's apartment was burglarized, and someone had rifled several boxes of old photos. She told Clinton about it and the tone of his response led her to suspect he knew who had done it. Her former Quapaw Tower neighbor, attorney Gary Johnson, who had surveillance tapes showing Clinton arriving at Flowers's apartment, was beaten and left for dead. The assailants demanded the tapes. VULNERABILITY: Her singing career was going nowhere. She was given a state job for which she was no qualified...." 6/8/99 Inside Cover "... Last Friday, Judicial Watch put Bernard Nussbaum on the hot seat. Apparently, the years since his forced retirement as Clinton White House counsel have loosened his tongue a bit. Nussbaum revealed that after Gennifer Flowers went public with her story of a 12-year affair with Clinton, he was consulted by key campaign insiders on whether the Clintons ought to prosecute her for defamation. That would have been a neat trick -- considering Flowers had audiotapes featuring, among other things, Clinton chuckling after Gennifer complimented him on his oral sex technique. Then again, as lawyers like the Clintons well know, sometimes just the threat of a lawsuit can force a prospective legal target to lay low. And Flowers was standing almost alone against an army of Clinton-friendly journalists who'd have just as soon seen her drop dead as interview her....." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs seek to question Ms. Flowers about her testimony in the Jones case that Clinton instructed her not to testify truthfully in an Arkansas investigation of allegations that she obtained her state job because of an adulterous affair with Clinton. Plaintiffs also want to question her about repeated break-ins to her home, threats both she and her mother received, and the brutal beating of her neighbor who witnessed Clinton entering her apartment. In an interview published in The Washington Post in August 1998, Ms. Flowers stated that she met Clinton in 1977 when she worked for a Little Rock television station and he was Attorney General of Arkansas. A 12-year affair followed. The Post reported that the affair became public when she was identified in a lawsuit by a state employee alleging that Clinton was using state funds for adulterous affairs. Ms. Flowers testified in the Jones case that Clinton "instructed [her] not to be honest" in the state proceeding investigating that matter. This is further confirmed in her recorded telephone conversation with Clinton in October 1991 wherein he states "[i]f they ever asked [sic] if you'd talked to me about it [the state job], you can say no." Additionally, in January 23, 1998, Flowers was a guest on Larry King Live just after Clinton admitted an adulterous relationship with her during his deposition in the Jones case. Flowers stated on that broadcast that she was "very scared," because "[her] home had been ransacked, I had received threats. My mother received threats. People were getting beaten. I was afraid for my life basically." Flowers' testimony in the Jones case also indicates that these calls were "physically threatening." In fact, in the threatening call that her mother received the man said "[w]ell, I think she'd [Gennifer] be better off dead."..."
NEWSMAX.COM 8/2/99 "...Gennifer Flowers broke one of the most powerful of all media taboos Monday night when she unequivocally called her former lover, the President of the United States, a murderer. The most famous of all pre-presidential Clinton paramours also insisted that had she not protected herself by going public with her story of a twelve-year affair with the then-Arkansas Governor, she would have been killed. Appearing on CNBC's "Hardball" to discuss Hillary Clinton's bombshell Talk magazine interview about her husband's philandering, Flowers was asked by host Chris Matthews if she thought Mrs. Clinton's renewed victim status would help her win the New York Senate race. FLOWERS: Well, in the first place I hope that she does not succeed at becoming a United States Senator from New York. I think that would be a travesty. We've had enough of these people; these criminals, these liars, these murderers. We need to get them out of political office, please. MATTHEWS: Murderers? ....MATTHEWS: Do you believe that the President ordered the killing of anyone? FLOWERS: I believe that he did. And I believe that I wouldn't be sitting here talking with you today had I not become high profile as I did. Even though I didn't do it on purpose, it saved my life. .....Matthews challenged Flowers to cite "one hard case" of Clinton ordering a murder. Flowers named Luther "Jerry" Parks, the onetime chief of campaign security in 1992 who was gunned down execution style nine months after Clinton entered the White House..... Matthews continued to press Flowers for evidence: MATTHEWS: But you don't know if there's any connection [to Bill Clinton]. FLOWERS: I didn't hear Bill Clinton get on the phone and call and place the order to have this man killed. MATTHEWS: But, you know - you sort of need evidence like that to accuse even this guy, a guy you don't like perhaps, of murder, don't you? FLOWERS: Well, I think if it looks like a chicken and walks like a chicken - perhaps it's a chicken. I mean, c'mon. All of these things are just not a coincidence. MATTHEWS: Perhaps...."
Larry Klayman 8/3/99 "...Yesterday, Gennifer Flowers appeared on Chris Mathews' "Hardball," confirming claims by Judicial Watch client Dolly Kyle Browning that the President has a sexual addiction that cannot be controlled, and adding that she, like many others, believes some of the 58 plus deaths during the Clinton Administration may not be accidental, but instead are related to silencing witnesses. She added that persons on behalf of the President may be involved, even if Bill Clinton is not directly responsible. Indeed, on Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes" yesterday evening, Judicial Watch produced a video of the deposition of Linda Tripp, where she testifies that she was threatened on a number of occasions by the Clinton Administration, including through a list of deceased people which Monica Lewinsky left on her chair at the Pentagon. During a later interview on "Larry King Live," Tripp stated that she believed, based on discussions with Lewinsky, that Bill Clinton was behind death threats made to her. When confronted with Flowers' opinion that persons in and around the Clinton Administration were likely behind some of the deaths, Chris Mathews became very nervous and apologetic that Flowers had made these remarks on his program. In fact, The White House obviously views him as an adversary and thus Judicial Watch believes that the Clinton Administration is keeping a file about him. Indeed, Judicial Watch is aware that The White House keeps and maintains files on journalists. Chris Mathews should continue to speak out against Bill Clinton, and not be afraid to pursue factual allegations that he and/or his agents may be behind even greater crimes than can be imagined. In the real world, bad things do happen, and they can even happen in the United States. Gennifer Flowers, who has been proven correct on a number of fronts, should not be dismissed lightly. The hard fact is that the law of averages itself raises questions about the number of deaths in and around this Administration. This 'coincidence' needs to be investigated, not cast aside," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman and President Tom Fitton...." 8/6/99 "...Flowers gave her shocking account to Inside Cover during an exclusive appearance Friday afternoon on Sean Hannity's WABC talk radio show in New York, where the onetime Clinton confidante answered an array of probing questions on topics considered taboo in other news venues. INSIDE COVER: Ms. Flowers, (former Clinton girlfriend) Sally Perdue says that Bill Clinton used drugs in her presence, specifically cocaine. Did you ever see Bill Clinton use drugs in your presence? FLOWERS: Yes. He smoked marijuana in my presence and offered me the opportunity to snort cocaine if I wanted to. I wasn't into that. Bill clearly let me know that he did cocaine. And I know people that knew he did cocaine. He did tell me that when he would use a substantial amount of cocaine that his head would itch so badly that he would become self conscious at parties where he was doing this. Because all he wanted to do while people were talking to him is stand around and scratch his head. ...." 8/9/99 "...Gennifer Flowers, long-time girlfriend to Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, has reiterated that she believes the president is capable of murder and that she suspects he is responsible for at least some of the many mysterious deaths associated with him in recent years. New York's WABC radio talk show host Sean Hannity asked Flowers last Friday about her statements on Chris Matthews' CNBC "Hardball" program that implied she believed Clinton was behind the killings of some who threatened his political career. Specifically, Hannity asked Flowers if she believed the president was directly involved. "I believe that, that's very possible. ... I'm not saying that Bill necessarily picked up the phone and placed an order," she added. "He perhaps may have had a discussion with some of his operatives and made known his wishes. Perhaps by not even using the words but making it clear to them what he wanted accomplished. ... I think, knowing Bill the way I know Bill, that he generally has a pretty good handle on what's going on around him and who's doing what, and when they're doing it and why they're doing it." .....Hannity asked Flowers about a report that San Francisco private detective Jack Palladino, who was paid $110,000 by Clinton's 1992 campaign to suppress what then-Clinton Chief of Staff Betsey Wright described as "bimbo eruptions," had grilled her friend Loren Kirk on whether Flowers was "the type to commit suicide." "Yes, she told me about that," said Flowers. "Several people called me and told me that they had been approached by Palladino. And they gave me a run down of the things that he had said, the questions he had asked, his demeanor." "So it wasn't just Loren Kirk who relayed that question to you?" asked Hannity. "Oh, no," she said. "It was many, many people. That was a very common question that he asked of every one of them." "That's bizarre," said Hannity. ....."You know, I have been in fear for my life, I had been in fear for my safety before my story became public; a few months before and certainly since then," Flowers told Hannity. "And I think you would agree with me that all of the women that have come forth and told their story about whatever type of relationship they had with Bill Clinton, all have said that they have been threatened." Flowers said that just before her name became public in January 1992, her home was entered and ransacked. She added: "Whoever that was had a key to my home." Flowers also told Hannity that Clinton had offered her cocaine while serving as governor of Arkansas...." 8/12/99 Carl Limbacher "...The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz has been fully briefed on what Gennifer Flowers had to say Friday about President Clinton and cocaine. Inside Cover contacted Kurtz Wednesday morning to share Flowers' recorded account of Clinton's cocaine use, after the Post writer ignored the issue in a lengthy screed about completely unsubstantiated rumors that George W. Bush had used the drug. On Wednesday the Post writer seemed to be trying to legitimize the unsourced Bush rumors with a report headlined, "Drug Use: A Campaign Issue in the Making." Despite Kurtz's inability to produce a single account from anyone saying that they'd either seen or heard of Bush using cocaine, Post editors felt Kurtz' story was newsworthy enough to warrant primetime exposure on page A02. ....Though the topic has been in play for lttle more than a month, the press has now queried Bush directly on the as yet unfounded charge more frequently than President Clinton has been challenged on the "R" question..... The Washington Post, along with the rest of the mainstream media, has assiduously avoided asking Clinton the "C" question, despite published accounts from four people who claim to have either seen him use cocaine or report circumstances where Clinton's use of the drug was plainly obvious. A fifth, former Little Rock drug dealer Sharline Wilson, gave her sworn eyewitness account of Clinton's cocaine use to a federal grand jury in 1990.
Kurtz wrote, "An admission of having tried cocaine, the focus of major federal anti-drug initiatives and much inner-city violence, could be more problematic" than a confession about using marijuana. The President has admitted to illegal marijuana use in England after first telling reporters who asked about drugs, "I've never broken the laws of my country." After Clinton's classic marijuana obfuscation, mainstream reporters dropped further inquiries about Clinton's drug use. In a bit of unintended irony, the Post writer noted, "Questions about the personal lives of candidates.....are often triggered by specific allegations, such as when Gennifer Flowers charged in 1992 that she had a long-running affair with candidate Bill Clinton."
What about Flowers' specific allegation, just delivered on Friday, regarding Clinton's cocaine use? Hasn't that news reached the Washington Post yet? Inside Cover played the following tape recorded exchange into Mr. Kurtz answering machine Wednesday morning: INSIDE COVER: Ms. Flowers, Sally Perdue says that Bill Clinton used drugs in her presence, specifically cocaine. Did you ever see Bill Clinton use drugs in your presence? FLOWERS: Yes. He smoked marijuana in my presence and offered me the opportunity to snort cocaine if I wanted to. I wasn't into that. Bill clearly let me know that he did cocaine. And I know people that knew he did cocaine. He did tell me that when he would use a substantial amount of cocaine that his head would itch so badly that he would become self conscious at parties where he was doing this. Because all he wanted to do while people were talking to him is stand around and scratch his head...." 8/27/99 "…Hillary Clinton knew that her husband used cocaine and pressured him to quit, Gennifer Flowers told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity on Thursday. Appearing on Hannity's WABC New York radio show, Flowers also said she has specific knowledge of other women who claim they were sexually assaulted by the President and who may be ready to come forward. Mrs. Clinton, an all but announced candidate for one of New York's U.S. Senate seats, has yet to be hit with the cocaine question by reporters. But after a month-long media feeding frenzy over unsourced rumors that George W. Bush may have used the drug, the question may be unavoidable…..HANNITY: Do you have any knowledge that he's involved with any other women? FLOWERS: I do. Not that he is involved with someone at this point but that there are a couple of women who have had a problem with him that may come forward. HANNITY: In the Juanita Broaddrick sense? FLOWERS: Yes. HANNITY: There are other women out there alleging that he assaulted them? FLOWERS: Yes. HANNITY: And you think that we may be hearing from them in the near future? FLOWERS: I think it's possible. It's been my understanding that they are very scared. HANNITY: Have you ever spoken with any of these people? FLOWERS: I have not. HANNITY: Have you ever spoken to anybody who has spoken to them? FLOWERS: I have. HANNITY: And they've told you their stories? FLOWERS: Yes, they have…." 8/25/99 "…Gennifer Flowers, the woman with whom President Bill Clinton admitted having an affair in Arkansas, is disputing White House claims that Clinton has never used cocaine. "I know that Bill was using cocaine," said Flowers Wednesday in an interview on the Rush Limbaugh radio program. "He talked to me about that. I do know that Hillary Clinton knew, at a point, that Bill was doing cocaine. She demanded that he stop. I asked him what he was going to do and he said 'I'm gonna stop," said Flowers, who dated that particular incident to "around 1984, 1985." …."I am not surprised at any lie that Bill Clinton tells at this point," said Flowers of the White House denial of cocaine use by the president. She suggested that people "question his definition of 'using' cocaine, as he has an odd definition of 'having sex,'" said Flowers, who first met Clinton in the late 1970s when he was Arkansas attorney general…."

Washington Times 8/24/99 Andrew Cain "….President Clinton entered the cocaine fray yesterday -- albeit by proxy -- saying he has never used the drug. Gennifer Flowers, who had an affair with the president, told Fox News Channel on Aug. 18 that Mr. Clinton once told her he had used cocaine. "The president has never done cocaine," said Jim Kennedy, a spokesman for the White House counsel's office. "That applies to his entire life." As Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush tries to fend off questions about past drug use, Mr. Clinton addressed a rumor that has swirled about him for years. In Roger Morris' 1996 book "Partners in Power," a dual biography of the president and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mr. Morris quotes the president's younger half-brother on a 1983-84 surveillance film stating, "Got to get some [cocaine] for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner." ….As for Mr. Clinton, Miss Flowers said in an interview on the Fox program "Hannity & Colmes" that Mr. Clinton had smoked marijuana in her presence as attorney general and as governor. "He made it very clear that if I ever wanted to do cocaine, that he could provide that," she said. Miss Flowers said Mr. Clinton "also told me that there were times he did so much cocaine at parties that his head would itch." But in March 1992, Betsey Wright, a Clinton campaign aide, told the Los Angeles Times that Mr. Clinton, then the governor of Arkansas, had never used cocaine or knowingly been in its presence. "I asked him the following questions" she told the newspaper. " 'Bill, have you ever used cocaine?' He replied, 'No.' "I said, 'Bill, have you ever been in a room where you were aware there was cocaine?' " "He replied, 'No.' " During his 1992 presidential campaign Mr. Clinton denied that he had a 12-year affair with Miss Flowers. But he later testified under oath in the Monica Lewinsky affair that he had a sexual encounter with the former television reporter and cabaret singer. In November 1990, Mr. Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, pardoned Dan Lasater, a Little Rock bond trader and convicted cocaine distributor who had contributed to his campaign. Mr. Lasater once loaned $8,000 to Roger Clinton to pay a drug debt. Mr. Clinton said in 1994 that he barely knew Mr. Lasater, and that the bond trader had contributed to the campaigns of other Arkansas Democrats as well, including Sens. Dale Bumpers and David Pryor…."
GENNIFER FLOWERS: PASSION and BETRAYAL published by Emery Dalton Books G Flowers 8/23/99 "…Just about anything Bill did was okay with me. I wasn't about to criticize him for fear of creating distance between us. so when he casually put his hand in his pants pocket and puled out a joint one night, I was startled but kept silent. I thought how foolish it was of him to carry marijuana around, but it was typical of his bulletproof attitude. He felt comfortable enough to continue smoking marijuana occasionally when he was with me. I didn't object. By the way, he most certainly did inhale. I never saw him use cocaine, but he talked about it. He complained about how cocaine really had a bad effect on him. It didn't stop him from using it, though. He told me about a party he had been to, and said, "I got so f----- up on cocaine at that party." He said it made his scalp itch, and he felt conspicuous because he was talking with people who were not aware drugs were at the party, and all he wanted to do was scratch his head. He was afraid if he continued to walk around scratching his head, people would think something more serious than dandruff was going on with him….."
NewsMax.Com 8/22/99 "…For most of American's mainstream press,reporting on Gennifer Flowers' charge that President Clinton once offered her cocaine is strictly verboten.But in Britain,reporters know a bombshell when they see one--and they're not afraid to inform their public about it. Inside Cover was the very first to pose the Clinton coke question to Flowers during her August 6 appearance on Sean Hannity's New York radio show.This past Wednesday Hannity put Flowers on TV,where she repeated the charge on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes". While the American press continued to chase their tails over completely unsubstantiated rumors that George W.Bush may have used cocaine as a youth,the London Times noticed that a sitting U.S.President had been hit with a coke allegation from a witness whose credibility has been vindicated in spades. Headlining their report,"Former Lover Drags Clinton into Drug Row,"the Times reported on Saturday: "The Republican presidential contender George W.Bush was struggling to contain a fresh flood of questions over possible drug use in his youth yesterday as President Clinton was dragged into the dispute by allegations that he had taken cocaine.Gennifer Flowers,who had an affair with Mr.Clinton that he initially denied,said she saw him smoking marijuana when he was governor of Arkansas and that he had offered her to obtain cocaine for her." The London Times then quoted Flowers directly: "He made it very clear that,if I ever wanted to do cocaine,he could provide that,"Ms.Flowers told Fox News.'I clearly knew that Bill did cocaine,'she added." Speaking on condition of anonymity,one Fox on-air personality told Inside Cover,"It's scary the way Gennifer Flowers has been kept off the air." …"

The Michael Reagan Radio Program 8/20/99 "…Last Friday evening, Michael Reagan said on his radio show that The Washington Post,The Wall Street Journal and several other newspapers have interviewed over 140 people who knew Governor Bush throughout his life and said that they have never seen him use drugs. Michael also said that if his father, President Reagan were in politics today,(because of some things in his personal life)with the type of Republicans we have, he would not pass their litmus test! He said that President Reagan ,in today's Republican party would be a Moderate Republican. Some woman caller called in and mentioned about the abortion rumor, citing Drudge, Michael asked her was it suppose to have happened in his youth? The woman said yes. Michael said that "again,he should not be held accountable for something he did back in his youth[I'm sure Michael is implying that the Governor is sorry for whatever he may have done]. … " 9/15/99 "....Gennifer Flowers claims that during her affair with Bill Clinton, he once asked her to perform oral sex on him while he stood at a window in the Governor's mansion and waved to his wife Hillary who was outside the house. Such stories are not be dismissed, a recently retired Arkansas State trooper says in More than Sex: The Secrets of Bill & Hillary Clinton revealed! - an audio tape set published by - The trooper, Larry Patterson, has offered his story of backstairs with the Clintons during the six years he protected Bill and Hillary in Arkansas. Patterson alleges that Clinton's womanizing was not a personal matter, but a public issue that involved "an abuse of women, an abuse of people and abuse of power." Patterson, citing the Flowers case, said Clinton's affair with Flowers led to several abuses. Flowers was put on the state payroll and was given a position for which Charlotte Perry, a career civil service employee, had been passed over. Perry later sued the state. "That's an abuse of power; that's an abuse of state funds," Patterson said. Later, when Clinton's affair with Flowers began to surface, Clinton lied to the public about the relationship. Clinton first claimed he barely knew Flowers and never had a sexual relationship with her. During a deposition in the Paula Jones case, Clinton admitted he had one instance of sexual contact with Flowers. In fact, Patterson said he drove Clinton to Flower's Little Rock apartment dozens of times and that Flowers sometimes called Clinton several times a day...."
Newsmax - Inside Cover 9/13/99 Carl Limbacher "....In the rough and tumble world of daytime TV talk -- where lesbian nuns routinely compete with one-armed alligator wrestlers to deliver top shock value to the audience -- one would think that a relatively straightforward account of an extra-marital affair laced with some routine drug use might passed unnoticed. Not so, says Richard Bey -- who up until Oct. 8, 1996 hosted one of the most popular nationally syndicated daytime chat-fests on the air. What happened on that particular day? Bey decided to do a pre-election show featuring two guests in possession of some rather inconvenient information regarding the above topics and the President of the United States. "I kept reading in the trade papers about Gennifer Flowers being booked on one show or another -- and then when she shows up they tell her they don't need her.......On the broadcast Flowers' claimed that then-Governor Clinton had once put her in a family-way back in 1979, then paid her $200 in cash with the understanding she would abort his child. She also recounted how her home had been broken into three times. She suspected Clinton was responsible for the break-ins, Flowers told a national TV audience. Fearing for her physical safety, the former Clinton paramour revealed she now traveled with bodyguards. For his part, Tyrrell offered an update on the saga of Clinton's never-released medical records, in which he linked their secrecy to an alleged drug over-dose which some say culminated in a trip to a Little Rock emergency room. Bey also quizzed the American Spectator publisher about six witnesses who claimed to have knowledge of Clinton's cocaine use. Most of the explosive information had been available in books (both Flowers and Tyrrell had authored their own that year) and on the internet for some time. But, as with so many otherwise credible reports about Bill Clinton, most reporters, especially on television, had taken a pass. The next day, Richard Bey found out why. "The show got the highest ratings of the book and I had just started a new contract for alot of money," Bey told Inside Cover. "But the day after it airs, I'm called into the office and told that we're going out of production." ......As the TV host tells it, he asked directly, "Is this because of the Gennifer Flowers show?" Unable to reply, the unnamed network executive simply stared at his shoes. Then Bey protested, "But I have a contract." "You'll be paid off," came the response. ....." (Inside Cover) 11/18/99 "….Following in the footsteps of Paula Jones and Dolly Kyle Browning, Gennifer Flowers is about to thrust the Clinton White House into more legal hot water. She's suing longtime Clinton operatves James Carville and George Stephanopoulos for libel and slander, based on the falsehoods they've spread about her over the years. Flowers is being represented by Judicial Watch, which filed the suit on her behalf in a Nevada US District Court Thursday morning…… Flowers reacted to Clinton's "60 Minutes" appearance by releasing her now famous tapes to prove the relationship. But even the smoking gun recordings didn't stop Stephanopoulos and Carville, who charged that Flowers' tapes had been doctored. To back up the charge, the Clinton gang retained Los Angeles private detective Anthony Pellicano, who produced an audio analysis which Stephanopoulos and Carville touted as evidence that Flowers' tapes had been edited. The Clinton spin on Flowers' "doctored" tapes was widely circulated by the mainstream media. Pellicano came in handy again during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, when he unearthed Lewinsky's former boyfriend, Andy Blieler. In a nationally televised press conference, Blieler alleged that the intern had once told him she wanted to "go to Washington to earn my presidential kneepads." …..Flowers submitted her tapes for independent analysis by Truth Verification Labs, which found that they had not been tampered with in any way. Still, as late as February 1998, weeks after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, Stephanopoulos was still publicly claiming that Flowers' tapes had been doctored….."
Drudge Report 11/18/99 Judicial Watch "….Today, after years of being disparaged, vilified and defamed by the President and his men - in particular, James Carville and George Stephanopoulos - Gennifer Flowers has responded with a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. "Having been proved correct by the President's and Mrs. Clinton's own belated admissions, the time has now come for justice. If people like Carville and Stephanopoulos think they can walk away from the wreckage that they have caused in certain peoples' lives, particularly women like Gennifer Flowers, they are sadly mistaken," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman, who filed suit on Ms. Flowers' behalf. A copy of Ms. Flowers' complaint can be found on Judicial Watch's Internet site at ### Judicial Watch, Inc. 501 School Street, S.W.; Suite 725; Washington, D.C. 20024 …" 11/23/99 Carl Limbacher "….Onetime Clinton pit bull James Carville is suddenly walking on eggshells after Gennifer Flowers sued him and his old campaign buddy George Stephanopoulos for libel and slander last week. "I don't wish Gennifer Flowers any ill, (or) any such thing," the Ragin' Cajun told the Las Vegas Review-Jour The D.C. based legal watchdog group Judicial Watch filed suit in federal court on Flowers' behalf last Thursday. "Cover it like it's a serious story," added Carville, who then stipulated, "You're not getting a serious comment from me. No one takes this seriously." ….."
Las Vegas Review via WND 11/20/99 Carri Geer Andrew DeMillo "…James Carville, the mastermind of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, chuckled frequently Friday when questioned about the federal defamation lawsuit former Clinton paramour Gennifer Flowers has filed against him in Las Vegas. "Cover it like it's a serious story," Carville told a reporter. "You're not getting a serious comment from me." ….. It claims Carville appeared Jan. 21, 1998, on the Larry King show, and Stephanopoulos appeared Feb. 2, 1998. Both men made statements casting doubt on Flowers' account of the affair, according to the complaint. Carville did not deny making the statement attributed to him in the lawsuit, but he denied he defamed Flowers. "The lawsuit has no merit," he said……. In Washington, Larry Klayman is perhaps the sharpest thorn in the side of the White House. An outspoken and colorful conservative activist and attorney, he has sued the Clinton administration in more than 30 matters……Transcripts of depositions in which he relentlessly pursues his targets circulate as entertainment in the legal community and sometimes are excerpted in the Washington Post's legal gossip column. The president himself has criticized the attorney and his take-no-prisoners style. At a September news conference, Clinton decried "the Larry Klayman political press world in which what's true is not as important as whether you can be dragged around." ….Turley said he used to be a Klayman critic but has gained respect for what the attorney has done with his litigation. Klayman can't be dismissed as an extremist or a gadfly as quickly as he once was, Turley contends. "He has certainly proven he has the tenacity to succeed," he said….."
Associated Press 1/22/2000 Robert Macy "…. Hillary Rodham Clinton's lawyer is dismissing accusations that the first lady ran a "war room" to attack her husband's opponents in the 1992 presidential race. The accusations were levied by Gennifer Flowers, the woman who claimed to have a 12-year affair with President Clinton. "It is a publicity stunt and wholly without merit," Mrs. Clinton's Washington, D.C., lawyer, David Kendall, said Friday. "We'll move to dismiss it at the appropriate time." Flowers on Thursday amended a libel and slander lawsuit she filed in U.S. District Court last November to include Mrs. Clinton along with previously named administration figures James Carville and George Stephanopoulos….. A Judicial Watch statement said Mrs. Clinton was the "mastermind in a scheme to destroy or, in Hillary Rodham Clinton's words, 'crucify' Gennifer Flowers." ….. The amended lawsuit contends the "war room" was organized by Mrs. Clinton, with Carville and Stephanopoulos among those carrying out her orders…." >>>
Freeper Nick Danger 1/22/2000 observes " Notice how a story about a new development, about which the reader presumably knows nothing, opens with a statement dismissing the charges. The very first thing we find out here is that Hillary Clinton's lawyers are dismissing allegations that... What allegations? They haven't even told us yet, and already they're giving the White House version top billing. Who did that? Was it the reporter, or did somebody re-write this story after it was filed? Here's a clue:
Gennifer Flowers says first lady ran 'war room' against opponents
By Robert Macy, Associated Press Writer
Gennifer Flowers, the woman who claimed to have a 12-year affair with President Clinton, says in a lawsuit that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton ran a "war room" to attack her husband's opponents in the 1992 presidential race.
Flowers on Thursday amended a libel and slander lawsuit she filed in U.S. District Court last November to include Mrs. Clinton along with previously named administration figures James Carville and George Stephanopoulos……
This appears to be the original story as filed by Robert Macy. It at least tells us what the allegations are before giving us Kendall's response. You decide if it's been re-written since to favor the White House. But wait... it gets better. Try to find this story at all. It appears to have vanished from the AP wire. Check the AP politics coverage at Yahoo. Nada. Search the AP wire from Drudge's site. No such story. The Ministry of Truth never sleeps….."
Judicial Watch 1/20/2000 "….Today, Gennifer Flowers amended her complaint previously filed in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada, alleging libel and slander against James Carville and George Stephanopoulos. Because of newly discovered information that Hillary Rodham Clinton was the mastermind, who implemented and carried out a scheme to destroy, or in Hillary Rodham Clinton's words "crucify," Gennifer Flowers, Hillary Rodham Clinton was added to the complaint. Plaintiff anticipates that this lawsuit, which is not complicated, will proceed to trial quickly, and be held before a jury of Ms. Flowers' peers in Las Vegas. Mr. Carville, who has called Ms. Flowers, and nearly every other woman regrettably associated with the President, "trailer trash," will have to explain to jurors, many of whom are likely to live in trailers, exactly what he meant. In Judicial Watch's class-action Filegate lawsuit, Plaintiffs learned that Carville ran an information gathering operation on perceived adversaries to the Clintons and their Administration, called the Education Information Project, out of a chic townhouse which he owns and occupies with Mary Matalin on Capitol Hill. Recently, it was learned that Mrs. Clinton threatened to author Gail Sheehy that she would "crucify" Gennifer Flowers by digging up "dirt" with which to smear her. Author Christopher Anderson also has recently revealed that Mrs. Clinton "sicced" private investigators on Ms. Flowers….. A copy of the Amended Complaint will be posted on Judicial Watch's website at…."
Judicial Watch 4/14/00 ".......In an act of integrity, Clinton appointee, the Honorable David W. Hagen of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, has disqualified himself from sitting on a lawsuit filed by Gennifer Flowers against James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, and Hillary Rodham Clinton........ To avoid the appearance of impropriety, this action is submitted to Chief Judge Howard D. McKibben for reassignment. "Judicial Watch salutes Judge Hagen for doing the right thing by disqualifying himself from sitting on a case involving the President and Mrs. Clinton, and their allies. Few judges have taken such correct and bold steps to preserve the appearance of justice in the various lawsuits that have been filed against the Clintons," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman......."
AP 7/18/00 "……. President Clinton's former paramour appeared before a federal judge Tuesday to press a defamation lawsuit against Hillary Rodham Clinton and two former presidential advisers. Gennifer Flowers sued George Stephanopoulos and James Carville in November, then added the first lady to the lawsuit, which seeks more than $75,000 in damages. ……. Flowers accused the first lady of orchestrating burglaries of her home, defaming her and invading her privacy. The lawsuit also claims Carville and Stephanopoulos have libeled and slandered Flowers continuously since 1992. ……"Hillary Clinton said several years ago that she wanted ... to get me on the witness stand," Flowers said after leaving the courtroom. "Here's her chance." ……" 12/31/00 Carl Limbacher "..... Tapes of telephone calls between President Clinton and his former lover Gennifer Flowers will play a key evidentiary role in Clinton's probable indictment, the Houston Chronicle reported on Sunday, citing sources both on and off the record. ...........A former prosecutor with Starr's office, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was "strong sentiment" in 1998 to include the devastating audio tapes as part of the impeachment case against Clinton. ........"(Clinton) almost said word for word to Gennifer Flowers on those tapes what he said to Monica about covering up their affair," said the lawyer. "Mr. Starr decided it would be too explosive to use the Flowers tapes during the impeachment." ......"But if you were going to take Clinton to trial, it would be extremely potent evidence," the one-time Starr deputy added. ....." 12/31/00 Carl Limbacher ".....In an exclusive interview in October with, the key Clinton witness first revealed that the Office of Independent Counsel had contacted her and requested original recordings of coversations she had with Clinton in 1990 and 1991. Flowers, who did not speak to the Chronicle, told that neither Starr nor his investigators had ever contacted her, either for her tapes or any relevant testimony she might be able to supply. ....... She speculated that Ray's prosecutors wanted to test her original tapes for authenticity, since audio copies have been publicly available since 1993. Flowers herself had the recordings analyzed in 1992 by Truth Verification Labs, which certified that they had not been tampered with or doctored in any way. ..."
Accuracy In Media 3/20/92 Joe Goulden Audio Clip ".....Gennifer Flowers : "... have that happen because my mother would get very concerned and worrried, and so far, you know ..."
Bill Clinton : (inaudible)... "if they ever hit you with it, just say no, and go on. There's nothing they can do."
Bill Clinton : "Yeah, and if you get antsy, you know you call me anytime."
Gennifer Flowers : "Well, I don't, I don't want to bug you. I know you've got a lot on..."
Bill Clinton : "But when they... if somebody contacts you, I need to know. So I'm glad you told me that."
Gennifer Flowers : "Okay. Well, that's so far that's... you heard me say Dallas Morning News?"
Bill Clinton : "Yeah. But what did you say to them?"
Gennifer Flowers : "Uh, I uh, same thing. I say it's, no..."
Bill Clinton : (inaudible)
Gennifer Flowers : "That's not true. I want you to, you know, that I, I have nothing to say. Leave me alone."
Bill Clinton : "Good."
Gennifer Flowers : "I said, 'Don't waste your time."
Bill Clinton : "That's good."
Gennifer Flowers : "And I never heard another word from him."
Bill Clinton : "All you got to do is deny it."

Gennifer Flowers : "I think, you know, I think it they appreciate that. They don't want to waste their time either. But here's the thing, I think. My theory is, because I've been a news reporter, if it were me and I looked at that list, I would pick Gennifer Flowers out as being one of the most vulnerable, for, for a couple of reasons; one, is that I'm not married."......"

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