Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Capitol Hill Blue 2/24/99 Doug Thompson "…Three women who earlier confirmed unwanted sexual encounters with Bill Clinton over the last 30 years are now refusing to discuss the matter further and at least one may have been threatened in an effort to keep her quiet. "I'm sorry I ever talked to you about this. Please don't call again," a teary Carolyn Moffet told Capitol Hill Blue Tuesday night…At least one phone call to the home of Carolyn Moffet, who is now married and no longer lives in Arkansas, was an anonymous warning to keep quiet. "Carolyn said she was threatened by a man who said she and her family could be hurt if they said any more," said Constance Harris, a neighbor. "She's real scared." …"

1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
Capitol Hill Blue 2/3/99 Daniel Harris Teresa Hampton ".In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law professor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse.."

1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Capitol Hill Blue 2/3/99 Daniel Harris Teresa Hampton ".From [1978 per Freeper VeritatisSplendor]-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor reported seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually.."

Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Associated Press 10/2/98 AP Freeper gocowboys ". BLUMENTHAL: ... And I said to the president, ``What have you done wrong?'' And he said, ``Nothing. I haven't done anything wrong.'' I said, ``Well, then, that's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.'' ... And it was at that point that he gave his account of what had happened to me and he said ... ``Monica Lewinsky came at me and made a sexual demand on me.'' He rebuffed her. He said, ``I've gone down that road before, I've caused pain for a lot of people, and I'm not going to do that again.'' She threatened him. She said that she would tell people they'd had an affair, that she was known as the stalker among her peers, and that she hated it and if she had an affair or said she had an affair then she wouldn't be the stalker anymore. And I repeated to the president that he really needed never to be near people who were troubled like this... And I said, ``You need to find some sure footing here, some solid ground.'' And he said, ``I feel like a character in a novel. I feel like somebody who is surrounded by an oppressive force that is creating a lie about me and I can't get the truth out. I feel like the character in the novel `Darkness at Noon.''' And I said to him, I said, ``When this happened with Monica Lewinsky, were you alone?'' He said, ``Well, I was within eyesight or earshot of someone.'' I said, ``You know, there are press reports that you made phone calls to her and that there's voice mail. Did you make phone calls to her?'' He said that he remembered calling her when Betty Currie's brother died and that he left a message on her voice machine that Betty's brother had died and he said she was close to Betty and had been very kind to Betty. ..."
NewsMax 2/2/99 Carl Limbacher ".While Blumenthal is almost a peripheral player compared to center-stage figures like Currie, Vernon Jordan, and Monica Lewinsky herself, House prosecutors may be able to use Blumenthal to connect the Lewinsky cover-up directly to what former presidential insider Dick Morris calls "The Clinton Secret Police". .Graham noted that immediately after Clinton imparted his own personal spin on Monica to Blumenthal, a flood of press accounts followed echoing the White House line... But the very hour before Clinton entered the well of the House to speak to Congress and the nation, Andy Bleiler took center stage 3,000 miles away. Bleiler's account of his five-year affair with a teenage Monica, delivered from his Oregon home in a full-blown, nationally broadcast press conference, was the Clinton attack machine's boldest foray into "nuts and sluts" territory.."
AP John Diamond 1/28/98 Little Rock Newspapers, Inc. ".While anonymous White House officials are portraying Monica Lewinsky as a flirtatious Valley girl with a crush on President Clinton, Pentagon colleagues describe her has a hard-working professional unintimidated by power. A part of the White House strategy is to raise questions about the veracity of the woman who is heard telling a friend on a secretly recorded tape that she had sexual relations with the president. The issue of whether these encounters were real or fantasy, and whether Clinton or his close friend Vernon Jordan pressured Ms. Lewinsky to deny the affair in a sworn affidavit, lies at the center of controversy.Last week when the scandal first broke, one White House official who did not work for the administration at the time Lewinsky served as a White House intern began a whispering campaign that Lewinsky was ''unstable,'' the product of a broken home. She battled a chronic weight problem, the official said, and was known in the West Wing as ''the stalker'' for the way she shadowed Clinton as he went about his daily business.."
New York Times 1/28/98 Maureen Dowd ".Inside the White House, the debate goes on about the best way to destroy That Woman, as the President called Monica Lewinsky. Should they paint her as a friendly fantasist or a malicious stalker? They hope it won't be necessary, of course. Maybe Kenneth Starr won't flip her. Maybe the Clintonites won't have to go out and maul a 24-year-old Valley Girl whose friends say she is "like, suicidal," a young woman who has already been traumatized by the creepy Starr and his marauding gang of F.B.I. agents. But the Animal House President has messed up big time again, and he must be dragged back from the precipice by the bimbo patrol.. "That poor child has serious emotional problems," Representative Charlie Rangel of New York said last night before the State of the Union. "She's fantasizing. And I haven't heard that she played with a full deck in her other experiences." ..At least some of the veteran Clinton shooters feel a little nauseated this time around, after smearing so many women who were probably telling the truth as trashy bimbos. It is a tricky matter, going after another young woman who really, like, loved the President, putting mushy valentines to him in the Washington Post personal ads, sending presents by messenger, paying $250 to get into a fund-raiser so she could follow him around like a high school kid waiting outside her boyfriend's biology class..."
National Review 2/9/99 Jonah Goldberg Freeper Marcellus ".Hitchens is being blackballed by his left-wing colleagues...Yesterday the Washington Post approvingly recounted how various friends must now turn on him for being an "informer." But what has he informed about? He has admitted something under oath which everybody in Washington already knew and which he had said to numerous people. Was he supposed to lie to Congress? Wasn't that Ollie North's pernicious crime? Blumenthal and his lawyer, Bill McDaniel, on numerous occasions publicly released any journalist who felt bound by the rules of journalistic confidentiality.... To me the real outrage is that journalists kept Blumenthal's actions secret.... The allegation that the White House mounted a concerted effort to defame its opponents, especially Monica Lewinsky, is serious. If the press has evidence of it and they choose not to run it, they are making a conscious decision to skew popular perceptions...."
Alamo-Girl note: Lewinsky made her immunity agreement at the height of journalistic discovery in the China scandal (7/28/98) – pause. News changed to all Monica, all the time – very little on Chinagate despite searing news by Gertz, et al.
Imus In The Morning 3/4/99 Don Imus Freeper Danno "…Imus in his opening comments on the MSNBC Imus in the Morning simulcast says, in the aftermath of the Monica Interview: "If nothing else this points to how abjectively evil this President is a grown man and the President at that..." "...low-rent repulsive, the whole thing...if not for the blue dress they would have crucified her..." …"
The Arizona Republic 3/4/99 Julie Amparano Freeper donna "…In the end, no one felt any sympathy for Monica Lewinsky. The seven people who gathered at The Arizona Republic's offices to watch ABC's Barbara Walters interview the former White House intern left completely revolted. "Everyone in the nation wanted to give her the benefit of a doubt," said Gwen Moreno of Phoenix. "I thought I would feel some sympathy for her or something after watching this. But I am totally disgusted with her . . . She seems happy about what she's done." …"
Washington Times 3/6/99 Freeper the Raven "…There were giggles aplenty as little Miss Monica recounted her adventures with The Big Creep. Of course there were a few crocodile tears too. But the overwhelming impression Miss Lewinsky gave of herself was neither of regret nor devastation. No, Monica is quite pleased with herself. She's the vixen who outsmarted the Secret Service! She's "a very passionate, loving woman"! She's the president's "sexual soul mate"!…"
Boston Herald 3/5/99 Beverly Beckham Freeper RR "…If we learned only one thing about Monica Lewinsky Wednesday night, it's that she's no victim. A viper, a vixen, a vamp, a vulture. Pick a ``v'' word - add vapid in there too - but victim is definitely not it…"
This Week with Sam and Cookie 3/7/99 Freeper braveheart reports "…The Monica episode would be just a small "last chapter" if Linda were to write a book about her time watching what has gone on in this White House. Linda admits having been mildly complicit in some of the shenanigans until she got so disgusted, afraid, and weary that she had to take care of herself…. She debunks the "horriible treatment of Monica by Ken Starr". How? SHE WAS THERE in the Pentagon City Ritz with Monica and the OIC Team UNTIL 4 PM. Monica was given every courtesy and ample opportunity to lawyer up…."
Scripes HowardNews Service 3/7/99 "…As if she didn't have enough trouble, now Monica Lewinsky has been sued by a knoxville man allenging 'acts of prostitution". On Thursday, Arthur J. Clemens Jr., and an organization called Citizens for Integrity in Government Service filed a two-page lawsuit against Lewinsky in U.S, District Court. The lawsuit aalenged that the former White House intern "performed acts of prostitution during her period of employment by the United States of America." It says that Lewinsky will be "greatly enriched" by these acts, and by talking about them publicly, and that she should be ordered to turn the money over to the United States…" 3/7/99 "…Linda Tripp today painted a picture of Monica Lewinsky as a liar who tried to cover up her relationship with the president in order to protect him. Tripp, appearing in an exclusive Sunday morning interview on This Week with Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts, said "the world according to Monica" was "fiction, fable, farce and fairy tale." Tripp repeated assertions that she only recorded her conversations with the former White House intern to protect herself after she, Tripp, was being threatened and asked to lie to cover up Lewinsky’s relationship with President Clinton…. Tripp said that "easily 98 percent" of their conversations had not been documented. If they had, she said, presidential confidant "Vernon Jordan would be facing legal consequences." …"
Augusta Chronicle 3/08/99 Editorial "…Israeli blackmail? A new book, if true, could rock Bill Clinton's presidency to its very foundations. This isn't in reference to a former White House intern's just-published opus or more ugly revelations about close encounters of the forcible kind that the Arkansas Lothario may have had in a motel room. No, this book, by respected author Gordon Thomas, is far more serious than ``just sex.'' But it does show how ``just sex'' may lead to blackmail that imperils -- in fact, still imperils -- our nation's national security. Gideon's Spies -- The Secret History of the Mossad alleges that Israel blackmailed Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy sex talks with Monica Lewinsky. The price Israel's Mossad spy agency demanded to keep the tapes secret was for the president to call off an FBI hunt for a top-level Israeli mole which Thomas claims works in the White House. ``The Israeli agent MEGA -- a much more important spy than the imprisoned agent Jonathan Pollard, and probably his controller -- is still in place at the White House,'' Thomas said the other day…."
Investors Business Daily 3/11/99 Paul Sperry "… Lewinsky, in a taped phone call, warned Tripp it was ''dangerous'' to talk to the press, and reminded her she had ''two children to think about.'' King interviewed her last month. ''You have a fear of your life?'' he asked. ''Oh, absolutely,'' she replied. Monica Lewinksy. Phone tapes record Lewinksy - at the time the White House was pressuring her to sign what turned out to be a false affidavit -intimating to Tripp: ''I would not cross those people for fear of my life.'' She also said: ''My mother's big fear is that he's (Clinton's) going to send someone out to kill me.'' Lewinsky, in an ABC interview earlier this month, said she wasn't being ''truthful'' when she made those remarks…."
Reuters 3/9/99 Paul Majendie "…Monica Lewinsky says she feels she has been more humiliated and damaged than Hillary Clinton by her affair with President Clinton that almost toppled the most powerful man on earth. ….``I was a lot more humiliated than Mrs. Clinton was,'' Lewinsky, on a media blitz around Britain publicizing her biography, told the Daily Telegraph. ``I don't want to characterize the reasons why she might feel humiliated but I think I have had so many different aspects of life exposed, much more than she has. And I think it has been more damaging to me too.'' …" 4/8/99 Michael Isikoff "...Reporter Michael Isikoff tells how and why he broke the story. Years from now, when we look back on the Clinton impeachment scandal, Michael Isikoff's name will be stamped on the story. What Newsweek reporter Isikoff knew and when he knew it affected the course of Ken Starr's investigation and had the White House on edge wondering what he would come up with next. Now Isikoff for the first time takes you inside the scandal as it was unfolding - inside Linda Tripp's house when Monica Lewinsky was still calling, still believing that Tripp was a friend she could trust. "I was now convinced Clinton was far more psychologically disturbed than the public ever imagined." Michael Isikoff: "Shortly after I walked in she gets a phone call. Suddenly she sort of snaps her fingers and motions me to come over. And I'm a bit bewildered, but she holds up the phone and there I hear this young woman." ..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Clinton and associates tried multiple efforts to keep her silent. Clinton urged her to hide the truth about their relationship. His friends sought jobs for her. And when that seemed to fail, the president attempted to start a rumor that she was entirely to blame and that he had not touched her by telling aide Blumenthal that Monica was known as a stalker. VULNERABILITY: She was a young, star-struck, low-level employee with a history of seeking sexual adventure...."
The Progressive Review 8/2/99 Sam Smith "... [And from a November 20,1997 tape in which Monica is talking about telling Clinton she wants to break up with him]: TRIPP: Well, let me put it to you this way. By hanging up and saying you're telling your parents and then hanging up the phone, you're saying a whole hell of a lot more than you could ever do in a 20 minute conversation. LEWINSKY: I know (tape skip) (inaudible) my mom will kill me if I don't tell him - make it clear at some point that I'm not going to hurt him, because - see, my mom's big fear is that he's going to send somebody out to kill me. TRIPP: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. LEWINSKY: So -- TRIPP: Shut up. LEWINSKY: Well, that's what she thinks. TRIPP: Oh, my God. Don't even say such an asinine thing. He's not that stupid. He's an arrogant....but he's not that stupid. LEWINSKY: Well, you know, accidents happen. ..." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs wish to question Ms. Lewinsky about statements she made on the now infamous tapes of telephone conversations between her and Linda Tripp. On one such tape made public by The New York Times last October, Ms. Lewinsky is reported to have stated: "I would not cross those people for fear of my life." Speaking of Clinton she also stated on the tapes that "my mother's big fear is that he's going to send someone out to kill me." Plaintiffs wish to probe these and other statements with Ms. Lewinsky to ascertain the basis for her fears of retaliation. Plaintiffs also wish to question her about the "death list" left on Linda Tripp's office chair, and her conversation with Clinton about Tripp being a "team player." Plaintiffs also want to question Ms. Lewinsky about Clinton's efforts to secure a job for her to ascertain whether those efforts were intended to influence her testimony in the Jones case and Independent Counsel investigation...." cover 10/4/99 Carl Limbacher "....Does President Clinton truly believe that oral sex isn't sex? That was the excuse he gave to save himself from Sexgate perjury charges. But if it's true, the President must not be reading his own executive orders very carefully. Three months before Clinton told a Washington grand jury that he and Monica Lewinsky did not have sex as he defined it, he issued an executive order that blatantly contradicted that definition. On August 17, 1998 Clinton testified that he had an "inappropriate relationship" with the then-24-year old White House intern. But the President denied he had perjured himself in his deposition to Paula Jones' lawyers when he swore he didn't have sex with Lewinsky. Clinton later claimed that the term did not cover Monica performing oral sex on him. Lewinsky testified that she did so 11 times in the course of her relationship with Clinton. But on May 27, 1998, Clinton issued Executive Order 13086 -- 1998: Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States; a modification of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Part of the amendment deals with sexual assault and contains sub-clauses that define the term "sexual act" as: " between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the vulva, or the mouth and the anus; the penetration, however slight, of the anal or genital opening of another by a hand or finger or by an object....." (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, June 1, 1998, Volume 34 -- Number 22, Page 985) ....."
Capitol Hill Blue 10/13/99 Doug Thompson ".... Seems Bernie was watching TV the other night when a character in the show Law & Order: Special Victims Unit referred to one person "doing a Lewinsky" on another (which was TV's clever way of saying one person was performing oral sex on another). Bernie wants an apology from NBC and from Dick Wolf, producer of the series. He says the comment held his daughter up to ridicule and defiled his family name. Sorry, Bernie. Your daughter held herself up to ridicule the first time she dropped to her knees and did a Lewinsky to the President of the United States. And you defiled your family name when, instead of acting like a father and demanding Bill Clinton's gonads on a platter, you gave TV interviews and talked about how much you respected the President and thought he was doing a good job for the country. Your daughter tried to parlay her oral talents into big money with a book, which bombed. We sure hope she was better at giving head than she is at storytelling because Monica's Story was a big bore. ...."

New York Post 10/15/99 Meredith Berkman "....WHEN a critic savagely reviewed a performance given by Harry Truman's daughter Margaret, an aspiring chanteuse, the outraged president threatened to punch the guy in the eye. Compare that honorable anecdote - which I've always found touching in a Freudian way - with the tragicomic behavior of Dr. Bernard Lewinsky, Monica's publicity-seeking dad. In Daily Variety, Lewinsky, a Los Angeles oncologist, railed against the NBC drama "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" for using his family name to mean oral sex on last week's episode. ...."

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