Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Capitol Hill Blue 2/3/99 Daniel Harris Teresa Hampton ".In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, who was a law student at the college.."
Freeper DonMorgan 2/20/99 excerpts Daniel J. Harris, Teresa Hampton ". In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, who was a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident; .."
Original Sources 2/25/99 Dr. Bryce Buchanan "….In 1972, a Yale University coed told campus police that a law student named Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her... What if these women (and others) are all telling the truth about this man? Would you care at all?
London Evening Standard 3/1/99 Richard Holliday "…The Yale University allegations centre on an incident in 1972 - where Clinton had returned from Oxford to study. A 22-year-old woman student complained to campus police she had been sexually assaulted by him.The web-site claims police confirmed the report. Like the woman in England, the Yale victim was tracked down, but she too refused to give her married name or to discuss the allegations…"

Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations 10/26/98 Carl Limbacher ".The dark underside of the current sex scandal engulfing the Clinton administration has yet to receive much media attention...For forty minutes late one airborne night, Zercher sat frozen after Clinton awoke, plunked himself down next to her, and casually began caressing her breasts - as Mrs. Clinton slept all the while just feet away..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Former flight attendant on the Clinton '92 campaign plane, she sold a story to the Star describing his groping her with Hillary nearby. In 1994 after the White House learned that a Washington Post reporter was calling her, Zercher's house was burglarized. Only a diary and photos were taken. VULNERABILITY: Employee...."

Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Clinton set up a legal defense fund to solicit funds to cover his legal fees related to the Whitewater investigation and Paula Jones lawsuit
In his Supreme Court brief asking for a delay in the Paula Jones suit, Clinton sought protection under the Soldier and Sailor's Civil Relief Act of 1940 as commander in chief, on active duty
Steve Jones (Paula's husband) is prepared to fight what he says was an wrongful termination. He worked for Northwest Airlines. The major stockholder is former gubernatorial candidate from California, Al Checci. Steve was fired for reasons which would have never caused termination of another employee. In 16 years, he missed work less than 10 days and was late a total of 20 minutes in all that time. The company refuses to let him see his entire employee file.
Washington Times 10/28/98 Frank Murray ".President Clinton's lawyers secretly fought a losing four-month battle to subpoena files from Kenneth W. Starr's law firm in the expectation they would prove the independent counsel sided with Paula Jones in her sexual misconduct case. Mr. Starr's private law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, won the battle to keep its files private and overcame an interim ruling sending the subpoena fight to federal court in Arkansas.."
AP 11/13/98 ".President Clinton has agreed to pay Paula Jones $850,000 to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit, her lawyer said Friday. Lawyers for both sides signed a deal for a cash payment that includes no apology, said the lawyer, Bill McMillan. `Paula is very pleased that it's finally over,'' he said.."
Capitol Hill Blue 2/3/99 Daniel Harris Teresa Hampton ".Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex.."
Clinton paid to settle the suit although it had been thrown out months before (on appeal)
IRS Audit
Kendall hired private eye Terry Lenzner of Investigative Group International, who also dug dirt on Paula Jones, to do a thorough investigation of Lewinsky's past, according to the Washington Post.
7/24/98 AP "Paula Jones said Friday that letters written to her by her previous lawyers should not have been made public in her sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. The letters were released last month when U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright, who dissed the lawsuit, entered them into the public record. Mrs. Jones asked Wright to vacate her order that made the letters public, saying the letters were addressed to her, dealt with legal issues and included advice in the lawsuit. ``Therefore, on their face, these are attorney-client privileged communications,'' her motion said. ``Why these letters were in the possession of the court is unknown to Mrs. Jones.'' "
Washington Post Archives 3/28/98 Jones Lawyers Freeper randita ".19. Moreover, as demonstrated by Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein (the Declaration of T. Wesley Holmes identifying documentary material obtained in the factual investigation of this action concerning witness Phillip Yoakum) and Exhibit G attached hereto and incorporated herein (Sworn Declaration of Beverly Lambert), significant evidence suggests that Defendant Clinton and his agents have exerted great efforts to suppress and obstruct testimony by [name withheld] that Defendant Clinton in the past forcibly raped and sexually assaulted (within the definitions of Federal Rules of Evidence 413 and 415) her and then bribed and/or intimidated her and her family into remaining silent about this outrage. [name withheld] admitted to Plaintiff's investigator that [name withheld] had suffered a "horrible thing" at the hands of Bill Clinton that she did not want to relive; that Mr. Clinton was "too vicious" to be impacted by this lawsuit; and that, based on [name withheld]'s experience, she believes Paula ]ones is telling the truth in this lawsuit. Exhibit G. Mr. Yoakum's documents recount that Mr. Clinton would provide "a couple of big favors" to [name withheld]'s husband to serve as the purchase "price for silence." Exhibit F at 3.."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...After her name became linked to him as a willing participant, she filed suit and stubbornly fought him to the Supreme Court and back. She became the focus of a major dirt-digging effort by private investigator Terry Lenzner. The Clinton team spread allegations that she was a loose woman, although the Jones detectives checked out the leads and found them to be bogus. More recently, she spoke of concern about her safety. "Through this whole thing I've felt very scared," she told Larry King. "I don't drive crazy, so I won't run off the road; and I'm not suicidal. So if something happened to me, there's a reason." VULNERABILITY: She was a powerless clerk...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs seek to question Ms. Jones about her statements that she is fearful for her life, the threat she perceived from Clinton' s lawyer and Defendant in this case, Robert S. Bennett, and her stated belief that Clinton ordered the IRS tax audit initiated against her. On Larry King Live, Ms. Jones stated: KING: Paula, do you think you were audited because of who you are? JONES: Absolutely - Clinton ordered it. KING: Sarasota, Florida - Hello. CALLER: Yes, Paula thank you for your courage. And I'd like to ask you: Have you ever been threatened, or do you fear for your life? JONES Yes, I mean, through this whole thing I've felt very scared, and want to watch where I'm going all times, ne er really be alone. . . . Bennett threatened me himself. . . . KING: So you - are you actually - Linda Tripp said the other night that she - you actually feared for your health. JONES: Absolutely. . . . JONES: . . . I want to tell whole world . . . I don't drive crazy, so I won't run off the road; and I'm not suicidal, I love my life, I love my children and everything; so I'm not going kill myself. So we all got that clear on national TV that I would never do that. On April 16, 1999, Ms. Jones again stated her fears on Hannity and Colmes: HANNITY: You stated in the past that you at times, like Linda Tripp has stated as well, that you have feared for your life. You even went on to say that you want the whole world to know that you are not suicidal, that you love life, you love your children, you'd never kill yourself. And you wanted to say that to a national audience. Why? What did you fear? JONES: Well, I mean, there's been a lot of people that's come up dead in Arkansas. And I've had a lot of people ask me, 'Aren't you scared for your life?' And actually, I have been...."
Clinton Press Conference 10/14/99 ".....Q Mr. President, you've never commented on Judge Wright's decision that you intentionally lied in the Jones deposition. Do you accept her finding? And if not, why have you or your attorneys not challenged it? THE PRESIDENT: When I am out of office, I will have a lot to say about this. Until then, I'm going to honor my commitment to all of you, to go back to work. I haven't challenged anything, including things that I consider to be questionable, because I think it is wrong. The American people have been put through enough, and they need every hour, every day, every minute I can give them thinking about their business. And so until I leave here, as I understand it now, all this is finished and I don't have to comment on it; and unless there is some reason I legally have to, I'm not going to say anything else that doesn't relate to my responsibilities as President as regards that. When I'm done, then I can say what I want to say. ...." 10/11/00 Carl Limbacher "……. Abandoned by the Right, Paula Jones Sought Reward on the Left Those who were hoping for Paula Jones to "say it ain't so" this week were disappointed to see a statement on her brand new Web site,, confirming that she has posed nude for an upcoming issue of Penthouse magazine. ……. "I am not going to defend myself for making a personal choice, nor will I make excuses for my choice," Jones explained. "There is a big difference in what Clinton took unwillingly from me and a personal choice I made as an adult woman." ……. Just months ago, Jones told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" that she would never pose nude, despite the claims of Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione, who has now apparently made her an offer too generous to refuse. ….. "I've given six years of my life to a cause I did not ask for or want," Jones told her Web site visitors, "years of being called names, being made fun of, my personal life exposed and even threatened. ... I have been judged and condemned by people who do not even know me." ……"

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