Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Militia Moves Against The White House Gates - Dreadful Night - Obama - White House- Crackling Story - Patriots - Battles A dreadful night came upon Obama and Washington D.C. which brought horror and destruction to the United States. This destruction, on a scale never witnessed before by any man as the god-fearing showed up at the gates. Simply known as the Atlantis Militia they never expected to make it to the White House gates but many small but intense battles had been fought and won.

A dreadful night came upon Obama and Washington D.C. which brought horror and destruction to the United States.  This destruction, on a scale never witnessed before by any man as the god-fearing showed up at the gates.  Simply known as the Atlantis Militia they never expected to make it to the White House gates but many small but intense battles had been fought and won.  President Obama was hidden below the earth as the White House Guards gathered around him, shoulder to shoulder they tried to save his life. 
The Atlantis militia had almost vanished several times but the patriots were determined at stopping Obama from destroying the entire United States.  They would have to save the bastard to save the nation.  The capitol was burning and the Russian tanks were blasting Washington D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami and Baltimore with no end in sight. 
Their incredible story was a fighting story crackling over the wires of short wave radios, free pressman printing out one page newspapers in their basements and telephones buzzing hourly with the news.  Every whisper carried the news, the phantom Obama paled at the thumping at the gates as he explored the basement escape routes guarded by the last few inside. 
It was Russia's Putin that started the expedition to locate the President and their large army was no longer shipboard as they landed in force only three months earlier.  The gruelling war with Russia had only started but the Atlantis militia was determined to save Obama, to save the nation.

In a single night, thousands of American's had been killed and some believed many more.  The devastating Russian landing of troops were met only with a few National Guard troops and local police.  The main U.S. military forces were still at war in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.  

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