Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The federal government had penetrated every word and action of the people and they used propaganda that reached every human being on earth. The powerful NSA National Security Agency had more social and political power than the President some were saying. Every internet connection was monitored, every printing press was registered at the federal level, every utterance was recorded and stored, education K-12 was government controlled at the core level, every street corner had a neighborhood watchman, even Ben's workshop was forced to cooperate as every machinist had a federal craftsman number issued by the ATFE Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives Agency, every recreational activity had to be approved and with social justice there was no superiority. The President forced his transformation on the people and in order to destroy the middle class we lived and died under his ACA Affordable Care Act, the weaker people died, the hospitals including the V.A. Veterans Administration were smashed by the government and new massive regional medical facilities were constructed, some people being transported one hundred and fifty miles to get their annual checkup. The state was in every relationship.

Ben Holland sat in his office and the smell of machine oil and the sounds of drill presses and lathes filled the room.  His old and thin plywood office door didn't keep out the smell or the sounds of men working or their hard work and promised prosperity, he liked it that way.  He had been planning on re-painting his peeled green painted office and put up a better door but there was never enough time.  He didn't know a lot about Al-Qadea or the Taliban because the main stream broadcasters don't tell the people very much.  Ben did know that the President traded the Taliban Five (5) out of GITMO Guantanamo Bay Cuba for one male bitch by the name of Bergdahl which is most likely a traitor. He had learned about Lois Lerner of the IRS which had tried her best to use the government force of the IRS to shut down the Tea Party movement, breaking hundreds of laws and violating the U.S. Constitution but, SONASOFT had backups of the missing emails that Congress wanted but, then the corrupting emails are lost again. Ben Holland had his own small business problems, ObamaCare the neat name for the ACA Affordable Care Act and the forced buying of Health Care Insurance, he didn't have the money for that, not any more. 

Continually forgetting the time of day or night Ben rubbed his oil hands across his face and closed his eyes for a moment.  His machinist's not too long ago had been making pretty automobiles and electric refrigerators but Detroit had changed a lot in the last twenty years.  Ben's great-grandfather had started his machine shop business right before World War I and had been making long-barreled rifles ever since, in the exact same machine shop he stared at through the dirty shop window.  Looking through his office window, the same window that his great-grandfather had framed and set into the wall brought back many family stores.  His great-grandfather had been a hard working man and smarter than most.  His knowledge of firearms were well known among hunters and Army friends.  Every year he would travel to the Green Mountains of Pennsylvania to hunt wild game and live outdoors for several weeks at a time.  His hunting and fishing alone in the Pennsylvania woods gave his great-grand-father, an expert and master machinist, lot's of private time to fully design the perfect long range weapon for his day.  He never had a blueprint but when he got home he would build the perfect parts for his perfect weapon and in days would be taking the first shot. 

The Holland family had been hand making "Green Mountain Rifles" for decades and the GMR-76 was the weapon selected by the U.S. Army and Marines for their military snipers but they hadn't bought one in over six years.   Ben was proud of his family arms business and refused to give up no matter how many laws got changed that made it harder to manufacture and ship his long rifles.  The 2nd amendment of the Constitution gave every man the right to keep and bear arms but Washington D.C. didn't pay much attention to the dusty old document that saved the world.  Ben had his own copy, framed behind glass, hanging from his office wall inside his machine shop and his great-grandfather would of liked that.

Ben picked up the electric power bill laying on his desk and wondered where he would get the $1,804.00 to pay the bill that was already six days past due.  Ben had a lot of horse sense but he never had enough cash money for the nuclear power plant down the road splitting atoms to create his electricity.  

This same time of year, three years ago, his power bill had been $324.00 but that had been the rates using the coal fired power generation plant down by the river.  He often wondered what would Henry Ford do to the people that was ruining his business?  He wondered about FDR and all the socialist programs he started and wondered if he would be pleased?  He wondered if President Lyndon Johnson would be happy with his great society that had turned into some kind of welfare state?  Ben never wondered about Jimmy Carter.

 Ben knew everything was changing but it was changing too fast and the foxy old machinist was getting worried.  The governments EPA Environmental Protection Agency had ordered great restrictions on the coal industry and even the men that worked underground digging out the coal that America needed had lost their jobs, by the tens of thousands.  In time the Washington D.C. elites got most of the coal fired power generation plants shut down.  The Democrats loved solar power, wind power and water power but the technology wasn't there and production was very expensive.  The Detroit Power and Electric Cooperative went Nuclear and so did the prices.  G.M. General Motors built an electric car called the "Volt" and Ben had heard nobody would buy them, even with the government paying part of the price.  What would Henry Ford think?  Would Thomas Edison build a D.C. powered electric car?  Would Westinghouse shout back against the government? Ben already knew what this president would do.  Nothing.

Ben looked away from the shop window and looked across to a picture hanging on his wall showing a grim-faced, dirty, sweating  gunsmith-machinist holding a long-barreled rifle so deadly and so perfect that the man standing there, his great-grandfather, had received seven patents from the federal government during World War I.  

Ben had the same grim face tonight sitting at his great-grandfathers desk,  forgetting again to eat his ham sandwich squashed into the paper bag sitting on top of the yellowed legal pad.  At times Ben got lost in his thoughts, too much to think about, not enough money, too many taxes, and the government getting bigger and bigger by the day. 

His great-grandfather standing there in pose, his photograph priceless to his family was wearing his greasy shop pants, inside this very building,  holding the first ever Green Mountain Rifle GMR-17 finished on July 4th 1917 that was in time a gift and shipped to Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States. 

Ben's great-grandfather lived during the new Progressive era of Woodrow Wilson and the U.S. occupation of Haiti, the Pancho Villa expedition, World War I and even the first Red Scare from 1917-1920 and his Green Mountain Rifle GMR-17 went along and was slung across the backs of many good American soldiers. The Green Mountain Rifle had saved a lot of men and killed a lot of America's foes all across the world.  

Back then, there was a widespread fear of anarchism which was the radical left wing ideology that would include a violent revolution inside America.  The sense of paranoia came from the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and the alleged spread of Communism in the American labor movement and then the governments suppression of radical organizations. The Communists are still inside America and the CPUSA was always recruiting young men and women who discovered life was hard, you paid your taxes and then you died. 

 The federal government had gone nuts by then driven by fear and their exaggerated rhetoric brought about illegal searches, illegal seizures, unwarranted arrests, detentions without charges, deportations of people suspected of being radicals or anarchists. Ben also knew that the present day DOJ Department of Justice was doing the same things and not protecting the laws or the people.  He had learned about the guy named Bundy out West that got surrounded by guns from the BLM Bureau of Land Management because he didn't pay his cattle fee's to the government.  It reminded him of McArthur running off war veterans from the Washington Monument area years ago.  The government believed in force, no wonder people were afraid of their government today. 

Ben had wished that his great-grandfather could somehow talk to him today because the suspected radicals in the federal government had started again.  Big labor was striking all across the country, even minimum wage employees took to the streets and bombs had gone off in Philadelphia. 

The immigration out of the South had become a threat to America and the general explanation from the White House is that we needed to help people of color, and it didn't matter if they entered legally or not.

The political, financial and social stability of the United states was not in good order and many said revolution was coming, maybe the second Civil war.  After the crash of the Stock Markets people started to bury gold coins in their backyard and pack away food and ammunition as the manufacturing base imploded with nothing to build as the wholesalers and retailers had fewer and fewer customers.

The President only protected the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression if you agreed with the President.  

The big media companies like ABC, CBS and NBC were no longer in the news business, they just broadcasted the White House talking points, the newspapers were not much better. The FCC Federal Communications Commission had got their wish, the government shut down FOX news and A.M. political talk radio.  The people were voiceless as the Congress was just a one party political group following the motions of the Constitution but just supporting the President.

Interracial violence had exploded across the country, gay flags and banners, black churches burning, shots fired in the darkness, and effectively the radical President of the United States and his Attorney General had created a massive Administrative State and his own private army was in place. 

The federal government had penetrated every word and action of the people and they used propaganda that reached every human being on earth.  The powerful NSA National Security Agency had more social and political power than the President some were saying. Every internet connection was monitored, every printing press was registered at the federal level, every utterance was recorded and stored, education K-12 was government controlled at the core level, every street corner had a neighborhood watchman, even Ben's workshop was forced to cooperate as every machinist had a federal craftsman number issued by the ATFE Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives Agency, every recreational activity had to be approved and with social justice there was no superiority.  The President forced his transformation on the people and in order to destroy the middle class we lived and died under his ACA Affordable Care Act, the weaker people died, the hospitals including the V.A. Veterans Administration were smashed by the government and new massive regional medical facilities were constructed, some people being transported one hundred and fifty miles to get their annual checkup. The state was in every relationship.

The physical force of the federal government was noticed all across the country as regional and local police forces received the delivery of their free urban tanks and automatic machine guns.  The availability of such a tremendous and violent force inside every county across America was eminently corrupting.  The county commissioners and even small town Mayors showed their antisocial qualities and the hatred for their own taxpayers.  Taxes were suffocating the remainder of the free enterprise system and the struggle between the working man and the welfare man turned to physical violence. 

The revenge of the working man was first manifested as silence, and this tendency to struggle for freedom without any violence had been attempted through Congress and the one man one vote constitutional laws.  One day America woke up and Patriots were described as radicals and the DHS Department of Homeland Security kept lists of people that belonged to resistance groups like the old time Republicans.

Ben could also feel this oppression, instinctively good men knew that the government had turned evil like in North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and other places around the world.  The immoral Caliphate State of Islam had been constructed and liberty and freedom around the world was being oppressed by brutal force and military explosions in villages, in towns and in cities all across the world including America.

A Republican was now a rebel that had to be watched and converted into something else.  Liberty was a silly old word that didn't fit within the social justice laws that swept across America and was to replace the Bill of Rights found within the U.S. Constitution. 

The White House had a ferocity and hatred against the people and this same hatred sparked a movement of revenge against the U.S. federal government.  The spirit of the people shrank but they knew what had caused their pain.  The quite excitement was only whispered among close friends and relatives that you trusted because it would take a lot more than word-bombs to save America. The abyss of total government control was at hand and millions were now facing death as governments controlled food production, energy distribution, manufacturing, communications and even the flow of clean drinking water. 

The history books had been wiped clean or reconstructed to paint a different picture and they did not teach that President McKinley was shot at point-blank range one September day n 1901 but Ben had been taught the real history. Ben's fathers and grand-father made sure that Ben was taught the total truth, the good and the bad.

In 1902 a plan to hold a national general labor strike and overthrow the capitalist system was hatched but the police in Paterson NJ opened fire on the striking crowds.

They were attempts to murder King's and Queens but shots were missed and the Monarch's lived on.  The people tried to kill the King of Spain by throwing a bomb but only killed the horses and a few bystanders.  In Portugal 1908 the King and his son Prince Filipe were shot and killed. 

A bomber tried to throw a bomb in New York City's union square but a premature explosion voids the plan. In 1909 Argentina assassination attempts prompted the government to declare a state of siege and pass their new Social Defense Laws, which allowed freedom to be removed, deportations authorized and jails to be filled.  In 1911 the prime minister Stolypin at the Kiev opera house was shot and the shooter caught and hanged.  

The King of Greece was shot to death in 1913 and in 1914 a bomb prepared to be used at the home of John D. Rockefellers homes in New York explodes prematurely, killing the killers.  A man appears holding a gun in 1914 and is ready to shoot J.D. Rockefeller in front of the Standard Oil Building in Manhattan. In 1917 a bomb was left at a Catholic Church and taken to a police station where it blew up killing nine police officers but, in 1919 everything went wrong, mail bombs, a U.S. Senators servant had her hands blown off for a package meant for Senator Hardwick.  The U.S. Attorney General Palmer was saved when the bomb meant to kill him explodes prematurely, even as a night watchman named Boehner was killed by a bomb placed at a judge's house on June 3th 1917.

Yes, those were dangerous times for America and Ben knew if freedom was to survive and by the grace of God men would not die but liberty and freedom would live.  Ben knew that he had to stop the intent of violence.  There could be no harm but they had to be an honorable way to save America, without violence, without assassination attempts, without mail bombs, without car bombs and radical racial violence played out on the streets of Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles and more.  

So Ben sat there, wondering about the world, asking silently the questions about the IRS and their problems with computer backups.  He pondered about illegal aliens crossing the borders by the tens of thousands knowing that ISIS operatives would walk among them.  Ben didn't pretend what honest citizens should do  but he had a handle on all the hard questions but, they were questions that could not be asked in public any longer.

He wondered about his ham sandwich as he tossed the power bill into the trash.  Somebody had made coffee so that was one solution he could smell.

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.
2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.
4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.
5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.
8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.
9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.
10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.
13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.
16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.
17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.
18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).
20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer: It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.
22. An American Political Prisoner: The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.
23. Get rid of inconvenient IGs: Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.
24. Influence peddling: An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodman.

 These are the major brands that are pushing Congress to allow more and more foreign workers into the United States.  These Brand names want more and more cheap workers and most of them turn out to be illegal aliens.  Illegal aliens are taking jobs and cash money from honest born citizens.  These companies may prove dangerous to your health and prosperity.  Open borders = slave type cheap labor. 
The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc. McDonald's Corporation The Wendy's Company The Walt Disney Company The Coca-Cola Company Johnson & Johnson American Express Company 21st Century Fox Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others) Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Western Union Northwestern Mutual American Airlines Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. The Procter  Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands) Newell Rubbermaid Inc. AT&T Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Caterpillar Inc. The ADT Corporation Pfizer Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HP United Parcel Service, Inc. UPS General Electric Company GE Verizon Communications Inc.  Pay your phone bill (one dollar short) Marriott International, Inc.  Stay somewhere else Hilton Worldwide  Find another room Hyatt Hotels Corporation  Say no to Hyatt McCormick & Company, Inc.  Salt and Pepper Cisco Systems, Inc.  A billionaire doesn't need you anymore, let him sail off Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Eaton E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company BNSF Railway Company Shell Oil Company General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands) Ingram Industries Inc. Kronos Incorporated Ingersoll Rand Company General Parts Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. United Technologies Corporation Harris Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Sears Holdings Corporation  There is a reason that Sears and K-Mart is going broke USG Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company  Destroy people that control your food Johnson Controls, Inc.  Lots of people make their stuff Ally Financial Inc. US Foods Univar, Inc. Kiewit Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.  Great company really bad leadership W.W. Grainger, Inc.  Too bad, no more money. Avery Dennison Corporation Humana Inc. Novelis, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. Avaya Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Honeywell International Inc. International Paper Company  All they do is cut down trees, cut your cash flow to them Dover Corporation Danaher Corporation TRW Automotive Analog Devices, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. Avnet, Inc. White Lodging Corporation Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Simon Property Group Daikin McQuay Americas Continental Grain Company MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Hospira, Inc. Cigna Corporation The ServiceMaster Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bloomin' Brands Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Carolinas HealthCare System SRA International Emerson Rockwell Automation, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporationm Saint-Gobain Corporation General Dynamics Corporation A. O. Smith Corporation Praxair, Inc. HCA Inc. Eastman Chemical Company ManpowerGroup Fifth Third Bank Pitney Bowes Inc. Express Scripts, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Aleris International, Inc. DTE Energy Company U.S. Steel Corporation Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Cargill, Incorporated Assurant, Inc. XL Global Services, Inc Texas Instruments Incorporated ATK WESCO International

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