Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, October 10, 2014

Local Shame The United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg PA is most likely waiting and watching as Barack Obama opens the flood gates to more money and more illegal aliens. “One is left breathless by the White House’s admission that it is timing its planned nullification of America’s immigration laws for after election day in the hope that it will spare Senate Democrats from the public’s wrath.

The United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg PA is most likely waiting and watching as Barack Obama opens the flood gates to more money and more illegal aliens. “One is left breathless by the White House’s admission that it is timing its planned nullification of America’s immigration laws for after election day in the hope that it will spare Senate Democrats from the public’s wrath. 

Instead of rebelling against executive amnesty, Senate Democrats have supported it every step of the way. They continue to put their loyalty to Leader Reid and the White House ahead of the interests of the struggling American workers they are supposed to represent. The United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania Cumberland County takes time to count the money they receive from Obama to hide, feed and even entertain the illegal aliens but won't talk to the community except wanting more and more money.  Mechanicsburg PA Illegal Gangsters MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang - Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Marco Rubio Jeb Bush Illegal Aliens Hiding Behind Your Money The United Methodist Home for Children Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania, The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is part of HHS, has placed children in every state in the U.S.,

America’s borders are not up for debate. Activist CEOs do not get to sit in a secret meeting at the White House, flanked by amnesty activists and Democrat consultants, and decide it’s time to scrub away our national boundaries. This would mean that the United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg PA supports such SECRET meetings as long as they get paid.  Some say The United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg PA may receive $7,000 per month per bed provided to illegal aliens transported around by Barack Obama's lawless government. 

We must not let this happen. We will not let this happen. The people of this country will not tolerate the decimation of their laws, borders, and wages.”


President Obama’s planned executive amnesty would provide work permits and “legal” status by administrative fiat to 5–6 million illegal immigrants, allowing them to compete for jobs against U.S. workers in all occupations. Simultaneously, President Obama is lobbying for the Senate immigration bill, which would double the number of new guest workers for corporations to fill jobs at lower wages.

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