Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pentagon EBOLA VIRUS BOMB - Close Contact may affect tens of thousands of human beings. Texas National Guard - Internal Borders Closing - Hospital Nurses Walk Off Job - Texas Federal Reserve warns of currency and trade stoppage Obama Silent Pentagon Secret Meetings

EBOLA VIRUS,  Russia - Putin - Russia is expected to close their national border, including the Crimea in the Ukraine to assure that the EBOLA VIRUS cannot enter their domain.  National leaders ponder America's problem waiting for the EBOLA VIRUS BOMB to hit their own countries.  ISIS ISIL AL-QAEDA TALIBAN Muslim Warriors are expected to infect hundreds of their fighters and cross non-Muslim borders to infect their enemies.  

The Texas borders could be closed within the next few weeks, restricting all human traffic, ending commerce.  the EBOLA VIRUS may be airborne.  The Obama Administation's CDC Center for Disease Control is again lost for words and actions.  They expect hospitals to handle the EBOLA VIRUS PROBLEM.  You have the EBOLA VIRUS before you have the signs that can be detected. In other words, a body temperature does nothing as you are infected before your temperature rises.  All travel from the Dark Continent Africa must be stopped at once.  This is a national and international emergency.  Barack Obama learning that his CDC has no history or success with the EBOLA VIRUS.  Budget cuts have nothing to do with EBOLA VIRUS spreading, the spreading of the virus is being caused by political inaction and cowardly politicians and operatives in the White House.  

FEMA has been notified to make ready emergency hospitals and camps to house EBOLA VIRUS victims within 30 days or less.  National Guard Units and their leadership have been notified that they should plan to move and position troops in a few days.  Pentagon talking of Marshall Law to control all internal borders. 

National Nurses Unions are talking of walking off the job.  Civil Unrest very likely if the EBOLA VIRUS spreads beyond Texas.  One negro from Africa brought the deadly EBOLA VIRUS to America as thousands more enter our country daily.  The black radical president Barack Obama stands firm as EBOLA spreads. 

The DNC is promoting conflict and unrest by advertising that the GOP budget cuts during the Obama Administration cause the EBOLA VIRUS problem and future death tolls.  

The tobacco plant may save the world after decades of DNC Democratic Leaders trying to destroy the tobacco industry through ObamaCare and National Excessive Taxes.  It is planned to open tens of thousand of indoor - all weather - temperature controlled tobacco greenhouses to grow the specific tobacco plant required to produce the EBOLA serum and cure.

President Obama refuses to give the costs of his recent three day political fund raising campaign.  It should be noted that Barack Obama has spent more taxpayer money on his radical agenda to build and pay for 1,000 first class hospitals in Africa. 

The White House Secret Service reports that the White House door is now locked and secure. 

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