Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vote Out Ebola Vote Out Obama Vote Out Democrats Pray for Leadership This is not simple politics Pentagon on the March DHS HHS CIA FBI NSA Alert Level Four Suits no Ebola

EBOLA VIRUS, killing 70% of people stricken.  The EBOLA VIRUS is traveling to the United States and just now, another victim of the EBOLA VIRUS detected in Texas, just now.  The Obama Administrative State DHS HHS leaves open all port of entries into the United States from Africa due to political reasons.  Over 4,300 people have died on the Dark Continent as the EBOLA VIRUS is now moving to America.  The CIA and the DOD are making plans to protect certain human subjects with the Obama Administration, not you.  EBOLA could infect millions of people with just a few months according to U.N. calculations. The CDC is at a loss. Obama, often confused stands still.  Expect Marshall Law Expect FEMA Camps holding EBOLA VIRUS victims.

Contact your representative now, right now.  Close the borders.  Close the borders today and use military force to control ports of entries, air, sea and land.  The EBOLA VIRUS can kill millions of Americans within 12 months.  It is thought that millions of people will die in Africa and millions more in Central and South America.  The rush to the American border will be historical, by the tens of millions they will travel to America and rush the border.  Barack Obama has no plans to protect you.  

The CDC has no idea what to do and they are changing their minds daily.  Hundreds of thousands could die in Texas within 90 days and there is already serious talk of internal travel restrictions inside America but no travel ban to and from Africa.  Serious implications becoming clearer by the minute.  Closed Texas borders, restriction of commerce including anything physical like fuel, food, manufactured goods and human beings.  The Border Patrol and National Guard is not ready and Obama is playing golf.  The Obama Administrative State just talks as thousands die and thousands more try to enter America today. 

Pray for America

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