Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Barack and Helen were caught and Michelle had not been the good loser and even her Negro complexion showed red as MSNBC quoted from the "Sweetheart Video Tapes" and all the money in the world could not save the devious Barack. Barack's panic was acute when the Secret Service advised him that one of their own had secretly taped the President of the United States and his latest girlfriend Helen Watkins getting high on drugs and having sex inside the Presidential limousine over the last several months.

She was a light in the room but Barack was beyond the light as he appeared at the door of the conference room.   He had received the call, that it appeared the prosecutors were interested in his activities as President.   He had intended to cause havoc but he thought he could control the events  as his executive orders were now commonplace.  He was now the de facto Dictator of America, simply by Executive Order, he had become King.

"I kept asking myself, should I do it?"  Barack spoke to the hand full of people that had been waiting for him in the West Wing conference room inside the White House.  "Was it my fate to become the leader of the world?"  you could hear the door latch and lock as he pushed the door closing it tightly.

"I raised the matter with the attorney general, and Eric said the suffering had to stop, and I should sign the executive order declaring Marshall Law and clean up Congress."  Barack moved to the small beverage table on his right and it struck others as sad because he looked so far away in thought only using the people in the room as library bookends.

"We'll reset Congress and in time even history will agree."  Barack poured his own coffee and noticed the hot water inside his cup melting the white crystal sugar as he stirred in the international cream.

"Michelle and I were both wrong, I know that now."  the uncertainty in his voice revealed some desolate place in his thinking because the America people were not so willing to give up their Congress. His enemies were calling for his immediate impeachment and Barack had always thought that it would one day come to that.  The critics were filling up millions of pages on the internet calling him "Sweetheart" as the secret tapes were released only days before he signed the executive orders.

Barack and Helen were caught and Michelle had not been the good loser and even her Negro complexion showed red as MSNBC quoted from the "Sweetheart Video  Tapes" and all the money in the world could not save the devious Barack.  Barack's panic was acute when the Secret Service advised him that one of their own had secretly taped the President of the United States and his latest girlfriend Helen Watkins getting high on drugs and having sex inside the Presidential limousine over the last several months.

At times, it was good to be king.

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