Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Illegal Aliens DHS Barack Obama Cutting a Deal Millions of Illegal Aliens Wetback to be given American Citizenship Bought and Paid for, before the November Elections, Secret Oval Office White House Meeting Illegal Aliens Big Business Low Wages Slave Labor

The oval office inside the White House is apparently deserted as Barack Obama finished up his meeting with crooked C.E.O.'s that want more illegal aliens.   Insiders said that the now dark and silent oval office of the president held the atmosphere of gamblers, gangsters and crooks as promises were made to big business for big dollars in the future.  Many people don't fully realize that Barack Obama is selling access and American citizenship. 

Barack Obama also knows that the Negro population is out of control and they've caught on that Brown is In and Black is Out.  The billions in welfare benefits will now be split several ways between the blacks and the browns.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the CBC Black Caucus knows the future and the black power money is going to be thinned out.  Many notice that Ferguson Missouri gets no real attention as the Negro's are acting up again, with Communist support.  Barack Obama has deserted the Oval Office inside the White House as the earth shakes and thousands are being killed daily.  You can cut the head off an American and Obama still takes the day off.  The disgrace belongs to Barack Obama because 90% of citizens would destroy the ISIS by superior air power and ground troops in Iraq, Iran, Syria and other hot spots.  Many are convinced that Obama will get Americans killed, on American soil.  After President Obama grants free citizenship to millions of illegal aliens he fully expects open and serious civil unrest, it's his hope.  When America looks like Ferguson Obama will pull the trigger on Marshall Law, National Guard Troops and activate FEMA federal concentration camps.  Obama is going to get everything he wants plus the cash bribes from the upper class, the elite wealthy.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Joe Biden and of course President Barack Obama make sure the shutters are closed and the blinds are drawn over the people's eyes as Obama is going to cheat millions and millions of taxpayers by allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens.  Every illegal alien costs an American citizen a job or at least earns the honest and legal citizen a further reduction in wage or salary.

The Obama Administrative State - Administration has solicited ‘a list of asks for the tech sector’ and ‘provisions for low-skilled workers for industries, like construction’—including green cards and work authorizations—in order to ‘get them on board’ with the President’s planned executive amnesty. One lobbyist crowed that ‘nothing was off the table.’ A tech industry lobbyist said that if they get they want from the President, ‘we will support him 100 percent.’  The general public must push back hard and contact their representatives because Obama is going to burn them also.  Just like ObamaCare, the bastard will lie, cheat and steal, get what he wants and then blame everybody else.  The Democratic Party is over and the Democrats understand their future so their hiding from Obama, claiming no knowledge of big business in the White House but they still want part of the cash.  The American people are done with the tryrant, November is close. 

What happens to you, what happens to millions of people that are pushing back against the radical president Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, do you plan on a protest?  You can expect military grade equipment and special forces and SWAT teams to take over your town, to protect you, from the rioting crowds.  Obama will save you, enslave you and lock you up. 

Look at Ferguson today, national guard, race riots, white house statements, the perfect FEMA recipe for Marshall Law, Military Law and see the rules below; Agenda 21, Open Borders, FEMA Concentration Camps,  The civil unrest is a wanted event.  Obama is pushing you to make a mistake, make that one miss-step so make sure you don't.  No violence.  No planning of violence.  If Obama does in fact claim executive order amnesty for the illegal alien criminals a general nationwide strike must happen the same day.  The media won't show or tell you the truth.  Big business won't help you but they can be brought to their knees in a matter of months as millions of customers can pull back and stop doing business with radical companies.  Voting may not solve these overreach government problems, the White House is radical and lawless. 

As the document states, "for the U.S. Army, conducting civil disturbance missions within the United States will vary greatly when compared to conducting civil disturbance missions within a foreign country where the U.S. Army is conducting operations."  You are about to meet the full force of the radical Obama by using Federalized National Guard troops to keep what Obama will insist is peace and order. 

The response includes non-lethal weapons (NLW), lethal weapons, Military Working Dogs (MWD), Designated Marksmen (DM)--which are snipers--and aircraft for psychological impact.  We're talking real life centralized government planning to put a stop to you and your country. 

The ATP official government document sets forth the formation of a “We have now arrived at a crisis point in American politics.  The White House is meeting with the world’s largest corporations to discuss how executive actions on immigration could benefit them financially. 

The Obama Pelosi Reid Holder and Clinton Administration has solicited ‘a list of asks which means the bribes are already in motion.  You give us millions of slave type illegal cheap labor workers and big business will fill up trucks with cash money to the DNC and their operatives.  

The formation of a Graduated Response Matrix (GPM) as the means to control the timing/deployment of the various weapons/methods against demonstrators. It also provides a rough example of how a GPM unfolds in real time:

2-34: Individuals designated as non-lethal shooters must have the means to transition to lethal rounds, if lethal firing is required...These nonlethal shooters must be well-trained in transition from nonlethal to lethal firing, as well as weapons retention.

2-36: Commanders should not dispatch patrols with only NLW capabilities. They should plan patrols with [NLW] capabilities in addition to their lethal capabilities. Solders are never sent in harm's way without lethal protection.

2-37: Recovery, apprehension and distraction teams should be established before deployment. Team members should be equipped with personal protective equipment, a sidearm, nonlethal munitions and weapons, and disposable restraints. They should have some training in open-hand control, pain compliance, and handcuffing techniques.  This is what we're seeing in Ferguson Missouri today and you should expect tens of thousands of storm troopers to cast their net across America. 

2-38: Crowd control formations...should be well-trained and well rehearsed.

2-29: Lethal overwatch, in the form a designated Designated Marksman (DM), always covers the control force. During an engagement, the use of a DM provides confidence and safety to those facing a riot. The DM in an overwatch position scans the crowd to identify threats and designates personnel for recovery, as well as firing lethal rounds (if a lethal threat is presented). They are ideally suited for flank security and countersniper operations.

The ATP document contains a graph outlining Rules of Engagement (ROE) should the military be used in a riot situation. The graph shows that the "display [of'] force along with escalating the dispersal proclamation" is protocol against unarmed civilians, but the "demonstration of force" is not allowed. 

Civilians go from the category of "unarmed" to that of "armed" if they have "knives, clubs." At that point, the "display [of] force along with escalating the dispersal proclamation," highlighting of "the target pointer," and a "demonstration of sniper precision strike capabilities" falls within ROE.

The same group of CEOs who helped write the Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration bill in secret is now scheming with the White House to extract by executive fiat what was denied to them by the American people and Congress.  You should wonder if the C.E.O.'s even understand that if the general public riots and takes to the streets there is a plan, if needed, directed by government, go shoot to kill citizens if things get out of hand.  The C.E.O.'s are setting things in motion that cannot be stopped in civil unrest becomes widespread. 

even technology companies and a software association – all with interests in shaping the immigration debate now underway in Congress -- each spent more than $1 million on their federal lobbying efforts during the first three months of this year, new reports shows.
Their spending, totaling $13.8 million, swamps the $80,000 one longtime immigration advocate, the National Council of La Raza, spent on lobbying during the same time period. The spending is one part of the tech industry's new advocacy push to shape a leading Senate proposal that would dramatically expand the temporary visas and green cards given to foreign workers in the technology field.
Among the biggest increases: lobbying by Facebook, which soared to $2.45 million, up from $650,000 during the same period last year and $1.4 million during the last three months of 2012.
In a separate move from his company's official lobbying activity, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has assembled some of the Silicon Valley's wealthiest figures, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Google chairman Eric Schmidt, to underwrite, a non-profit group aimed at building public and congressional support for a large-scale rewrite of U.S. immigration policy.
To advance the cause, the Zuckerberg group also has launched two subsidiaries with vague, patriotic-sounding names -- Americans for a Conservative Direction and the Council for American Job Growth, designed to appeal to conservative and liberal and independent voters, respectively.
Americans for a Conservative Direction currently is running ads in six states that feature clips of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., one of eight lawmakers behind the Senate's leading immigration bill, touting the measure's border-security provisions. A separate ad backs South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, another Republican member of the Senate's "Gang of Eight."
Its sister group, meanwhile, is running ads in Alaska praising Sen. Mark Begich's economic record. Begich is not among the immigration bill's authors, but he is one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the Senate up for re-election in 2014. Neither the Graham nor Begich ads mention immigration.
The technology sector stands to make big gains under the Senate plan, which dramatically changes the way the federal government grants visas and green cards to future immigrants.
Currently, most green cards are issued based on family ties to U.S. citizens. In 2012, only 14% of immigrants – nearly 144,000 people -- were granted green cards tied to employment, according to data compiled by the Department of Homeland Security. Under the Senate plan, about 50% of future green cards would be employment-based.
Some family-based immigration would be curtailed.
The Senate bill would end the practice of allowing U.S. citizens to petition for green cards for their siblings 18 months after the measure becomes law. Nearly 60,000 siblings of U.S. citizens became permanent residents through that program in 2012, but the backlog for some countries is enormous. This month, the federal government started processing visas for siblings in the Philippines who first applied in August 1989.
The Senate bill also includes another measure long sought by the technology industry by increasing the annual cap on the number of temporary H1B visas from 85,000 to 205,000. These visas go primarily to college-educated foreigners in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
"The aim is to remake the immigration system so it has a much clearer economic focus," Graham said in a statement about the bill's goals. "Green cards should be viewed as economic engines for the country."
Technology groups say the suspension of the sibling program is the result of political compromise between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill -- not their lobbying efforts.
"We fully support family immigration to the United States," said Scott Corley, executive director of Compete America, a coalition of businesses and universities promoting high-skilled immigration. Its members include Facebook, Intel and Google. "Many people who started companies in this country came through the family immigration system."
"We don't go and talk about 'what can we take from other people in order to get our provisions in order to get our provisions done?' " he said.
The new lobbying reports show technology companies seeking to influence policy on a wide range of topics from cyber security and online privacy to tax policy. Companies do not have to report how much they spend on a particular issues, such as immigration.
Facebook officials said their lobbying expenses increased dramatically during the first quarter of this year because of a one-time compensation boost as restricted stock was transferred to some employees.
Even so, the company has increased its presence in Washington. Thirty-eight federal lobbyists represented the company in 2012, up from two lobbyists in 2009, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan group that monitors lobbying spending.
The tech industry "needs a modernized, high-skilled immigration system in order to keep growing ... and the Senate bill moves us in the right direction," Facebook spokeswoman Jodi Seth said in an e-mail. She said the company has not been involved in talks to end the sibling program.
Clarissa Martinez with the National Council of La Raza said the lack of a powerful lobby behind family unity in the U.S. visa system has made it difficult to defend. Programs that are cut in the Senate bill – including the ability of a U.S. citizen to petition for a sibling – have been under threat for years because it is difficult to muster a powerful coalition behind them.
"There's less defined, moneyed interest arguing for that," Martinez said. "Perhaps that's part of the reason some of these categories have always had a bull's-eye on their back."
Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice, a group that advocates for immigrants' rights, tech companies are not the impetus for Washington's sudden interest in immigration – six years after the Congress's last attempt to overhaul the system, he said. The 2012 elections – where Republican candidate Mitt Romney garnered only 27% of the Hispanic vote – are driving the GOP to get on board with a broad immigration bill, he added.
"Bill Gates has been coming to Washington for the last decade pounding the table and saying, 'We need high-skilled visas,' and he's been unsuccessful," Sharry said. "This is an issue that turns more on votes than on dollars."
But now that the entire immigration system is finally open for debate, Sharry said, Silicon Valley has been able to capitalize on the developments and potentially secure thousands of new work-related visas.

The men and women, the C.E.O.'s of big business gathered at the White House and Barack Obama flew back from his vacation in Martha's Vineyard to have his secret White House meeting.  The general public would never really know how many C.E.O.'s wanted more and more illegal aliens made legal. They had even written to the Republicans but the Tea Party would shoot them so some of them went right to the President.  Those big brands could earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year if the President would make the wetbacks legal.  
The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc. McDonald's Corporation The Wendy's Company The Walt Disney Company The Coca-Cola Company Johnson & Johnson, American Express Company 21st Century Fox Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others) Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Western Union Northwestern Mutual American Airlines Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. The Procter  Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands) Newell Rubbermaid Inc. AT&T Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Caterpillar Inc. The ADT Corporation Pfizer Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HP United Parcel Service, Inc. UPS General Electric Company GE,  Verizon Communications Inc.  Pay your phone bill (one dollar short) Marriott International, Inc.  Stay somewhere else Hilton Worldwide  Find another room Hyatt Hotels Corporation  Say no to Hyatt McCormick & Company, Inc.  Salt and Pepper Cisco Systems, Inc.  A billionaire doesn't need you anymore, let him sail off Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Eaton E.I. du Pont de Nemours; Company BNSF Railway Company Shell Oil Company General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands) Ingram Industries Inc. Kronos Incorporated Ingersoll Rand Company General Parts Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. United Technologies Corporation Harris Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Sears Holdings Corporation  There is a reason that Sears and K-Mart is going broke USG Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company  Destroy people that control your food Johnson Controls, Inc.  Lots of people make their stuff Ally Financial Inc. US Foods Univar, Inc. Kiewit Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.  Great company really bad leadership W.W. Grainger, Inc.  Too bad, no more money. Avery Dennison Corporation Humana Inc. Novelis, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. Avaya Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Honeywell International Inc. International Paper Company  All they do is cut down trees, cut your cash flow to them Dover Corporation Danaher Corporation TRW Automotive Analog Devices, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. Avnet, Inc. White Lodging Corporation Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Simon Property Group Daikin McQuay Americas Continental Grain Company MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Hospira, Inc. Cigna Corporation The ServiceMaster Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bloomin' Brands Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Carolinas HealthCare System SRA International Emerson Rockwell Automation, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporationm Saint-Gobain Corporation General Dynamics Corporation A. O. Smith Corporation Praxair, Inc. HCA Inc. Eastman Chemical Company ManpowerGroup Fifth Third Bank Pitney Bowes Inc. Express Scripts, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Aleris International, Inc. DTE Energy Company U.S. Steel Corporation Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Cargill, Incorporated Assurant, Inc. XL Global Services, Inc Texas Instruments Incorporated ATK WESCO International
The insiders tell the story it was just like a private gambling room in Las Vegas.  As Obama leaned over his desk he mostly listened until he heard what he wanted, millions of cash dollars promised if by executive order he made millions of wetback illegal aliens legal citizens before the November elections.
The big business C.E.O.'s moved the tide of cash chips to the Obama side of the table but he wanted more and more.  Obama wants big unions at the table and some communist and socialist friends had to be taken care of in the future, including Hillary Rodham Clinton of all people.
The illegal aliens were the pawns in the game and Obama could make them legal or kick them out.  Congress could be ebbed and flowed by presidential executive orders so Obama wanted more and more.
At the far end of the room another player said he would give the DNC $100 million dollars in cash money, spread out over hundreds of Democratic Progressive Socialists if Obama agreed to play the green game.  Another man, a big man wanted his railroads to haul oil and not be pumped through the keystone pipeline so he pushed some cash to the center of the table.  The piles of invisible cash chips was getting larger by the minute but the radical Barack Obama shoved back with his wish-must-have-list so the murmur of dissent started up and some of the players were getting angry.
Minimum wage at $15 an hour, even flipping hamburgers.  Unions allowed without a secret ballot.  Tax increases on gasoline and shale oil.  A safe nuclear energy program for Iran and get off Putin's back, the Crimea was his all along.
If the big business boys wanted to control the world through globalization utilizing wetback illegal aliens as work slaves they had to give a lot more than cash chips.
Obama looked around "who will cover my bet?"  and then leaned back in his chair and played with his secure cell phone.
"There you go!"  the big man was almost angry but not yet.
The big business man pushed back his chair from the table "What's the limit on this game Mr. President?"  "I want action Mr. President and the sky's the limit!"  The big man growled which startled some of the other big business players.
The big man strode angrily to the oval office door and slammed it behind him as three other men followed him out.  The leadership of the Chamber of Commerce was sick of the big business boys blowing up in meetings every time they were about to get some real action on illegal aliens.
The meeting started well but as luck would have it Ferguson Missouri was getting out of control as the Negro's were looting, burning and now shooting.
Obama has an eagerness to cut the deal and maybe he could get the whole $500 million dollar pot offered up for making illegal aliens citizens.  Barack Obama looked up in a threatening manner when he heard the door slam.
"I didn't drag the bastard in here!" the president stated,  Barack was being a dope and his pals Nancy, Harry and Eric announced that the meeting was over for the night.
Barack Obama has already decided to sign the executive order to make over 5 million illegal aliens American citizens, he just wanted the guarantee of payment first.
Barack was smiling for some reason.  The FBI's directors phone text message was short; "Rick Perry Indicted, Good Night Mr. President"  the dishonest President loved what he called his "workshops", those hundreds of secret little projects his Czars and operatives worked on 24 hours a day.

Barack liked to gamble, when he marked and dealt all the cards so behind closed doors he stopped spinning and was a cut throat bastard, always holding four kings. 

Americans Are Tired 
of the Tyrant 
Barack Obama

  77% of respondents said jobs should go to current US-born workers or legal immigrants already in the country – instead of bringing in new immigrants to fill those jobs
·         88% of conservatives, 78% of moderates, 78% of independents, 71% of democrats and 62% of liberals says current US workers should get jobs preference
·         80% of respondents said businesses should recruit the currently unemployed instead of expanding the labor supply with new workers from other countries
·         86% of black voters, 73% of white voters and 71% of Hispanic voters said companies should raise wages and improve working conditions instead of increasing immigration
·         76% of respondents said people who overstayed their visas should be encouraged to repatriate (side note here: as many as 4 in 10 people unlawfully present in the United States are actually visa overstays; the President’s DACA work permit program applies to visa overstays and his planned executive action does as well, while the Senate bill provides citizenship to people who fail to depart when their visa expires and also allows them to obtain work permits and green cards for their relatives overseas)
·         Three in four respondents oppose the President taking any kind of unilateral executive action
·         Three in four respondents wished to see substantial reductions in immigration rates

Some additional context:

The US currently provides green cards to an additional 1 million permanent residents each year (who are eventually able to attain citizenship) in addition to about 700,000 temporary guest workers and 200,000 relatives of those guest workers. The inflow of guest workers includes a large number of STEM workers that are displacing American STEM-trained college graduates and recent immigrants.  Since the year 2000, the US has issued nearly 30 million visas for permanent immigrants or temporary guest workers.  As reported by the Pew Research Center, the total number of immigrants in the U.S. has eclipsed a record 40 million. The share of the U.S. population that was born in another country, per the Census Bureau, has quadrupled.

According to Harvard labor economist Dr. George Borjas, high immigration rates during the last two decades of the 20th century reduced wages for lower-skilled U.S. workers by more than 7 percent. 

Consider, then, this fact: President Obama, every single Senate Democrat, and virtually every House Democrat has endorsed legislation to double the rate of permanent immigration into the United States and double the admission of temporary guest workers. Massively expanding the labor supply would, of course, mean yet lower wages and higher unemployment (as CBO confirmed) – including for immigrant workers living here today hoping to see their pay rise and their financial dreams realized. Yet President Obama wants to immediately add another 5 million illegal immigrants to the legal workforce through an executive action. (Click here to read Civil Rights Commission Member Peter Kirsanow’s letter to the President about how this executive amnesty would be disastrous for black workers in the United States.)

If Congress passes immigration reform legislation this year, it would dramatically add to what the Census Bureau is calling the “Second Great Wave” of immigration in U.S. history.

Opponents of the legislation have seized on the Census Bureau’s analysis of migration patterns to warn of an explosion of the foreign-born population over the next few decades.

“Once again, the country is approaching a percentage of foreign-born not seen since the late 1800s and early 1900s,” the Census Bureau wrote on its blog this week. “Will this proportion continue to increase, perhaps exceeding the high of nearly 15 percent achieved in both 1890 and 1910?”
The agency estimates that 40 million people living in the United States in 2010 were born elsewhere, approximately 12.9 percent of the population. That is the highest population of immigrants, percentagewise, since the 1920s, according to the Census Bureau.

Opponents of granting citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants and expanding legal immigration flows have pounced on the study.

“After 40 years of large-scale immigration, rising joblessness, failing schools and a growing welfare state, would not the sensible, conservative thing to do be to slow down for a bit, allow wages to rise, assimilation to occur and to help those struggling here today?” 

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said Thursday, when he delivered the keynote address to commemorate the Tea Party Patriots’ fifth anniversary.

An aide to Sessions estimated the number of foreign-born people living in the United States has now reached 45 million.

Sessions’s office estimates that number could swell by at least 30 million over the next decade if Congress passes the Senate immigration bill.

The legislation would expedite permanent legal status for an estimated 5 million people waiting for green cards and increase the number of green cards issued each year from 1 million to 1.5 million.

The Center for Immigration Studies, which opposes the Senate-passed reform legislation, estimates it would allow the foreign-born population to reach 17 percent or 65.2 million by 2033.

The foreign-born population was less than 20 million or 7.9 percent of the total population in 1990, according to the Census Bureau.

The bureau says the first “great wave” of immigration took place between 1880 and 1930, when the foreign-born population represented between 12 and 15 percent of the total population.

The immigrant population reached a low in 1970 when 9.6 million people — 4.7 percent of the total population — residing in the United States were born in another country.

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