Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, December 29, 2014

Cass Sunstein The Nudge Prince of King Obama Barack Obama, Jonathan Gruber, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, Bill De Blasio, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Van Jones and other evil men and women. Do you think IRS Lois Lerner The little bastard Barack Obama's Sunstein has done more harm to the United States than Putin, ISIS, Syria, Iran, illegal aliens, race riots and North Korea combined. The Harvard nut job communist Cass Sunstein wants to be the master of the little worthless people by his made up "nudge" programs which shoves Americans to the bottom to be ruled over by dictators like Barack Obama.

The little ruler bastard Barack Obama has an evil plan designed by Cass Sunstein (Harvard) and has done more harm to the United States than Putin, ISIS, Syria, Iran, illegal aliens, race riots and North Korea combined.    

The Harvard nut job communist Cass Sunstein wants to be the master of the little worthless people (you)  by making up "nudge" programs which shoves Americans to the bottom to be ruled over by dictators like Barack Obama.  

Sunstein and Gruber know that you're too stupid to understand life, let alone math so they write the rules and trick the people on behalf of our first American radical dictator Barack Obama.  The tyrant Obama loves Gruber and Sunstein and even Van Jones, the White House Negro Pet Communist that was outed and routed out of the government. 

Americans were warned about Cass Sunstein (Harvard) and the truth of him is based on tens of thousands of rules placed over a society to control everything that people think or do.  These rules are called "nudges".  Little tiny rules by the millions, covering you, your children, your business and every move a local, state or government official thinks about.

The nudge rules are like having a gun to your head,  like you would find North Korea's Kim-Jong-Un doing to some poor peasant that refuses to march to a communist drummer. You have no rights or even the right to think and do under Barack Obama, Jonathan Gruber, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, George Soros, Al Sharpton, Bill De Blasio, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Van Jones and other evil men and women.  Do you think IRS Lois Lerner cared anything about the law or simply made her own laws to destroy the Tea Party?  She was working silently in her office, nudging people, nudging and shoving people around using unseen and evil authority.  Cass Robert Sunstein will go down in history with people like Adolf Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Sadam Hussein, Pol-Pot, Castro and many other evil tyrants that believe in thought control, government and not people. The Irish born wife Samantha Power of Cass Sunstein works daily to destroy the U.S. Constitution inside the United Nations.  

The silent pistol that Sunstein likes to call "nudge" is a method of making rules to cover everything, everywhere inside and outside of America.  Sunstein's wife (Samantha) works at the United Nations this very day, working against the constitution, playing international games with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, John Kerry and others that try to tie up you and every other American by TREATY that is enforced with government force. 

Democracy is about freedom and liberty and Sunstein is about dictatorships and people control.  Despotism by nudge is about absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild nudges that push people around or you take them to jail and maybe prison.  Imagine Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Cuba and other government by death governments and you get the idea.  You will be told, or nudged to do what they say.  You don't have to buy an electric car by General Motors but gasoline costs $25 a quart.  You don't have to like wetbacks but if you hire ten Mexicans you get a free house.  Your government today is a organized criminal activity, using minorities on the front lines to take the bullets. 

These nudge rules by dictators are so little and hidden until needed that few understand that they're being nudged at all.  The nudge rules cover everything and everybody unless you're in the government elite where rules don't apply.  The citizens of the United States will hold evil people responsible for destroying the United States Constitution as revealed in November when Obama's power was removed.  Who said you cannot use the N-word that has been used for hundreds of years?  Nudge.  Who said all blacks need help and cash money from taxpayers? Nudge.  Who said that we need electric cars? Nudge.  You are being herded like cattle, slaves.

These nudge rules are complicated and hidden in plain view while being buried inside every law that Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and others enforce by force.  Every detail of your life is under rule, nothing about freedom and liberty.  These nudge rules remain unseen but very effective, do what you want, go to jail.  Political leaders, even Jeb Bush understand that hiding something in plain site is good business, more money, more power and influence.  Teachers decide what your child eats for lunch and even Michelle Obama (not elected) tells you what to do.  Tell Michelle Obama to go to hell and all of a sudden the FBI, CIA, DOD, DIA and Secret Service agents are parked in front of your home?  Nudge.  If you believe in liberty, act like it.  If you love your freedom plan on fighting for it again.  Removing local, state and federal representatives may not be easy.

Sunstein, has no intentions of talking about his time as the Kings rule maker at the White House. The bastards wife, (Samantha Power) who really doesn't like America, is still on the payroll and services John Kerry, not the American people, working within millions of nudge rules at the United Nations. 

Professor Jonathan Gruber did nothing wrong compared to the absolute evil workings of Cass Sunstein who had done everything to destroy you and your constitution. History is not done with the Sunstein nudge rule makers.

The founding fathers warned us about these little rules, the rules of a tyrant.

Don't spit on a sidewalk today.

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