Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Dick is bigger than your Dick. My Dictator Barack Obama is Bigger than your Dictator Kim Jong-Un of North Korea

The Dictators are playing poorly now, and we're not talking about golf.  The little dick communist dictator Kim-Jong-un of North Korea is mad at our bigger dick dictator Barack Obama and their letting their serfs fight it out on twitter, which has fully replaced The New York Times.  Kim-Jong-Un should realize, no matter what we fight about in America, Obama is ours and we shall overcome, over there and kick his little dick-tatorship in the dirt.  

It has been told that the Secret Service, CIA, FBI, DOD, DIA and other agencies were afraid to wake up the American King - Ruler - Dictator and tell him about all the Dictator Tweets roaming cyberspace. They say Hillary got a big kick out of the tweets but it pissed off Bill Clinton, knowing or at least thinking he was little dick. 

North Korea has blamed the United States for cutting the internet off in North Korea which really pissed off the midget dictator (little dick) Kim-Jong-Un (stupid name) so they've decided to call Barack Obama (big dick) or compare him to a monkey in a tropical forest. Its not nice to call names, even in the jungle. 

Kim thinks he can play with Americans like he plays with his slaves, starvation, lying, cheating, stealing and in other words playing the dictator.  Americans really enjoy getting rid of tyrants, we don't mind starting in North Korea.

Now its not nice to talk about an American president, only Americans can do that, so therefore, the little dick can kiss off and go play with his Chinese missiles and just limp along his way. 

American boys (over 14 years old) know why Kim-Jong-Un limps, so therefore we would call him a limp-dick but we would never call him a monkey and we would never use twitter to deliver such a message, we mostly use U.S. Marines. 

The North Koreans, suffering widespread internet outages claims that big dick Barack Obama is the chief culprit and forced the release of the silly movie "the Interview", a great movie about killing the little dick. 

Kim-Jong-Un claims Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest.  They need some help painting mental pictures because Barack Obama is a lot smarter than the average bear or monkey. Obama can play golf and kick the little dicks ass all the way over in North Korea.  The communists, Putin of Russia, has been giving these little bastards too much credit.  Putin is a super dick with no change in his pocket so he pushes the little dicks in the playground dirt.  Nobody in American cares about Castro, Kim-Jong-Un, Putin or other communist bastards so they should leave our elected dictator Barack Obama alone.  Obama only has a few more months in office then we'll kick him to the curb of his rented White House mansion and we'll go on our way to greatness. 

The little dick is now warning the big dick Obama that his failed political affairs will face inescapable deadly blows.  That's a silly statement because Obama already lived through the November elections and worries little about nuclear weapons in North Korea or Iran.  

The voters already took care of Obama and now we're deciding what to do about little dick-tator in North Korea.  So we play with him like a mouse.  A nice drone fly over would be fun but the DOD is afraid to tell Obama because he's at dinner with Michelle and the kids.  

The little dick dictator should fully realize that big dick dictator Barack Obama most likely had the NSA cripple his internet just for the hell of it.  Little dick should not play with Sony, or the big dick playing golf, not about the movie The Interview but with American's playstation internet games.  

Kim-Jong-Un cannot fully grasp that Americans don't like little dicks in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and other garden spots.  They should leave our dick alone.


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