Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Oil Prices Bury White House Obama Plan - Saudi Arabia Ready To Drown Barack Obama and You - White House Shattered Economic News Cheap Oil Bad President and Race Riots never fix Stock Market Barack Obama's complete failure to understand math The uncanny ability to hold your job is about to be tested again as the Obama economic machine, funded by fake fiat money, is about to grind to a full stop. The economy has been running on fake fuel pumped into the system by the Federal Reserve fiat money machine with nothing to back it up. The great depression 1920-1943

Saudi Arabia Plans to Murder the United States, one cheap barrel of oil at a time. The uncanny ability to hold your job is about to be tested again as the Obama economic machine, funded by fake fiat money, is about to grind to a full stop.  

The economy has been running on fake fuel pumped into the system by the Federal Reserve fiat money machine with nothing to back it up.  The great depression 1920-1943 will look like a county carnival compared to what's about to happen to America.  Barack Obama, made it clear that he wanted total transformation of America and we already know he'll lie, cheat and steal to get what he wants.  Obama may be surprised to learn that Negro unemployment will hit about 74% in the next two years.  Welfare will move up with 63 million people on SNAP food stamps by the end of his term.  So, if you have a plan, write it down, take it to your private prepper survivalist shelter, you're going to need it.  

The radical Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and many others really don't understand the business cycles of bubbles and bust but we're all about to learn.  The drop in oil prices is the exact trigger to collapse the system, which is what Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and thousands of others really want.  As wheat rots in the fields of Canada the railroads haul oil south to America.  

Wall-Street is now shaken and the C.I.A. investigation with worldwide terrorism combined is more than the world can take.  Expect the stock market to deal a devastating blow to America which will cause riots and civil unrest, the firestorm Barack Obama needs to trigger Marshall Law and open up his FEMA re-education camps.  

The crash has already started.  Unemployment, due to Obamacare is about to jump to a government number of 25% which really means 45% in real numbers.  

Housing prices will falter. No jobs, no money, no housing, simple to understand. State and local governments will quickly run out of cash, the tax base being buried by unemployment and welfare conditions.  Your town, like hundreds of others will default.  Good luck with getting your trash hauled off.  

The commodity, oil, will drop to $40 a barrel and hold for 30 to 60 days and then plunge down to $8 to $10 a barrel and stay there.  Expect gold to be at $500 an ounce and silver to be given away in cracker jack boxes. 

Many will love gasoline at the expected $0.73 cents per gallon but the roller coaster is just getting started.  Our friends, will guard their borders but the U.S. will remain open.  The Dutch Tulip Bubble 1634, South Seas Bubble 1719, Great Depression 1920, Dot Com Bubble 1990 was just a warm up.  

Fort Knox is empty, the Federal Reserve is out of ink and Congress is corrupt.  If you want to survive the massive economic killing, dig a hole, cover up and stay there.

This uncanny ability to predict the most pivotal economic events comes from 30 years of groundbreaking research, during which he studied every major bubble of the last four centuries. From the Dutch tulip bubble (1634–1637), to the South Seas bubble (1719–1722), to the Roaring Twenties/Great Depression (1920–1943), to the Tech/Real Estate bubble (1990–2012), no one understands cycles and bubbles better than me.

His diligent research has uncovered four unavoidable, long-term economic forces that are about to deal a devastating blow to the market. These cyclical patterns collided only once before in the last 100 years — during the depths of the Great Depression, between 1930 and 1934.

That’s why there will be a shattering slowdown beginning this year and lasting into the 2020s.

But knowing that a crash is coming is the first step toward protecting yourself from its effects.

Here is what you can expect in the coming months:

• Unemployment will remain high.

• Housing prices will fall an additional 30% to 40%, despite the biggest stimulus plan in history and the lowest mortgage rates in 40 years.

• State and municipal governments will be forced into default, especially at the city and county level.

• Commodities will continue to fall, with gold dropping to $750 an ounce and oil plunging to $20 a barrel.

• China’s bubble will burst rather quickly.

• Europe will remain weak, especially as Germany careens off its own demographic cliff.

All of this will put the major equity indices on a volatile roller coaster ride that could end with the Dow losing as much as 70% by 2023.

So the time to prepare is now, dig that hole.

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