Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

South Pittsburg went Communist on December 9th 2014. The city council shuts down the constitution, South Pittsburg the new North Korea of the south -

South Pittsburg went Communist on December 9th 2014.  The city council shuts down the constitution, South Pittsburg the new North Korea of the south - South Pittsburg, on the banks of the Tennessee River, is a town of just over 3,100 people. At the town’s most recent monthly meeting on December 9, the city council approved a measure that would restrict any employee, elected official, contractor or person doing business with the city from posting negative comments about South Pittsburg on Facebook or Twitter.  contact Mayor Jane Dawkins, city attorney Billy Gouger and explain to the twins about the U.S. Constitution.  South Pittsburg, now the idle of North Korea.  Check their emails.  Mayor Jane Dawkins, should realize that people can say or write anything about anything, anytime they want.  If the North Korean style Mayor does not like comments on Facebook or Twitter, simply don't look.  What is the Mayor trying to avoid?  Trying to hide?  Why are the employees kept in a dark corner and now allowed to speak?  Barack Obama loves this kind of thing in America, lawless government.

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