Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The first 24 hours will be fast and deadly as the mission is to cripple the power of the people to retaliate against the centralized socialist government. The Civil War Started in Congress The Armada Star Plan One World Order As Obama removes himself from the Constitution, making millions of illegal aliens sham citizens with full benefits the Congress is causing restless nights all over the country. The GOP has been surpassed by the radical negro agenda so you can expect the aging Constitution to be replaced and a quite different socialist government to control you and your family.

Preppers and Survivalist know they're not ready - Congress, The Toothless Shark doesn't bite - Do you consider Barack Obama a menace against the U.S. Constitution and do you believe that he has designed a total transformation of the United States?
From tens of thousands of private survivalist shelters, Preppers understand that the wildest fiction can become true, within 24 hours. When you consider that Barack Obama has round the world assets working within his evil design you might also consider how small you are in the agenda. The first 24 hours will be fast and deadly as the mission is to cripple the power of the people to retaliate against the centralized socialist government.

Preppers and Survialist are looking around this morning, counting their ammunition boxes, checking the food storage, water purification, communication devices, medical supplies and deep down in their hearts and souls, they truly know it isn't enough. 

As you watch Jonathan Gruber testify about ObamaCare you should wonder what Barack Obama is doing?  Gruber is the side show but the main tent show of Barack Obama goes on and on, now fully funded by the Republican spending bill.

You really don't hear from Hillary Clinton since she stopped trying to sell her doomed book? Israel is quite and is drawing inward getting ready for war?  Russia has placed submarines around the coastal United States and troops in Cuba?  Saudi Arabia continues to let the price of oil drop to the magic $40 per barrel price?  The Obama carnival continues to amaze some Americans, mostly under-educated, unemployed, welfare ridden minorities that voted for a radical transformation of America.  The real problem is that the Negro will receive what they voted for within Barack Obama, total government control, a police state, a taxpayer revolt and now a Republican Congress that starts the next civil war, once seated in 2015. 
Experts are confident that in time, not too long, that the people can charge Barack Obama with espionage against the United States. 

His fantastic lies of hope and change, have flattened the U.S. Economy and has destroyed millions of lives in the process. The black man doesn't work and the black man doesn't pay taxes but is always in line for welfare food, housing allowances, free phones, free medical care, government supported transportation but that isn't enough because what they don't know will in fact kill future generations.  

The government has killed over 16,000,000 (sixteen million) Negroes in the last forty years.  The Negro Plan, The Sanger Plan, The Planned Parenthood Plan, The Jonathan Gruber and Barack Obama plan is clear.  You can abort the Negro or house and feed them on welfare.  Planned Parenthood killed over 300,000 Negro's last year with direct support of taxpayers in the amount of $500 million dollars.  The half billion dollars, of taxpayer money, given to Planned Parenthood, didn't hire better teachers, build better schools, it didn't provide shelter, food or clothing it provided death to one particular race.  

Every small business in your area is about to fail and it's not due to the civil unrest of white and black, rich and poor it's because of a Obama centered socialist government, almost communism.   ObamaCare will be the nail that kills everything. ObamaCare was planned to kill private enterprise.  The American citizen was too stupid to understand health care (per Jonathan Gruber M.I.T. professor) and was lied to by their President Barack Obama and the chair is about to be kicked out from under you, hanging there, all alone, nobody really caring any more. 

 The government is out of control, or is it under Obama's control. The GOP is still making deals with the Obama White House, winning the election didn't change much, if anything.
At this point in time, Barack Obama may be too powerful to isolate and remove from office by impeachment.  The legal process to remove a president which is outside of the law is clear.  When a president becomes a dictator, no matter the color, he must be removed from office.  We don't have kings and queens or tyrants.  We don't allow rulers that point at the people and shout out their commands. 

As Obama has launched his socialist sneak attack on America he is on the verge on the total destruction of America. He calls is transformation.  What do you call it?

His plan even has a secret name that was exposed by a foreign government, it seems that they have spies too. The Obama plan is called "armada star" recently changed from Kenyan Star.  Everything in government has a name, every secret plan has a ledger in the White House basement, every spy has a handler.  Who is handling Barack Obama?  He's allowing the murder of Negro's by abortion.  He allowed the Syrian red line to be crossed hundreds of times, killing hundreds of thousands.  The menace ISIS, ISIL, AL-QAEDA, TALIBAN are growing and they capture girls and make them sex slaves, sex slave of color. Putin of Russian flies military bombers very close to American borders, his shock troops slept last night in the Ukraine and Iran is bombing inside Iraq with their warplanes.  What is really going on?  How do you get ready for something you don't understand?  Do you buy food or guns or do you buy both?  Do you take your family high in the mountains?  Do you hide your children in the basement?  
His menace to constitutional freedom, is based on several plans working at once which makes a massive defense almost impossible.  You cannot simply duck and cover to protect your family, home and other property.  The government can tax you, your business, take your children, cut off the internet, force you to live in urban areas, it's the United Nations U.N. Agenda 21 coming to life.  Israel has warned you.  They know the truth about the global conflict and the caliphate.  We know the CIA will torture people and we know that Obama will kill people by drone attach, we know a lot about the shadow government. 

You've noticed that Obama says one thing and then does another, the true mark of a progressive socialist. Obama has no honor.  Obama is a fraud.  Every Obama document has proved to be false, simply made up for display.  

Obama Say's anything to get everything and never stop is his moto. 

Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro did the exact same thing.  Promise the world to the people to gain power and then deliver the noose of communism or socialism.  This is not the first government that has failed.  The U.S. is in a fight for freedom and the people have spoken, "no more Obama".

Once government power is absolute, you're nothing but a state worker.  People, this is not a Hollywood movie, this is for keeps. We now know what many super stars think of Barack Obama, making fun of him, his character acting, nothing to see, a Democratic pet of the day to be discarded to history, tossed away. 
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Erich Holder, Hillary Clinton and thousands of others combined to create a centralized domination of the U.S. government outside of the Constitution.  The pretend Congress.  The pretend Supreme Court.  The pretend executive in the White House, it's all for show and the show is about power and money. 

Gold is moving up, oil is moving down and China will collapse and their military will be used to hold on to their power, just like Russia is doing today.  North Korea has been shipping Nuclear delivery components to Iran for years.  Russian troops are in Cuba and Russian communist subs sit off shore of America with their nuclear weapons but Obama worries about Ferguson MO, the one little gangster, shot by a cop.  

You have very little power now, if any.  You said no to five million illegal aliens but the Congress just said yes, they have Obama the cash, without the legal strings you demanded. It has been reported that there are over 43 million illegal aliens inside America.  You are outnumbered.  You are out gunned and you still don't see the truth.  

Liberal's will kill everything. Liberals are taking your wealth today. Record IRS tax revenues are reported but they keep spending even more.  You have an eighteen trillion dollar debt making everything worthless.  A Socialist Liberal will kill you by allowing people like Lois Lerner to run free outside the law.  

Remember WACO Texas?  Remember KENT State?  Remember GITMO?  You can be locked away and forgotten under Marshall Law and it's on the way. 
At any moment, Barack Obama plans to activate Marshall Law within the United States and open up the hundreds of FEMA concentration camps ready for citizens outside of compliance.  You can be re-educated through starvation.  You can be re-educated by working on a FEMA farm camp for five years.  The complete plan is to reduce population and return property back to nature.  You will comply.  

If you are homeless you go to FEMA.  If you are unemployed and receiving benefits you'll be transported to a FEMA camp.  If you have a criminal record your new address is your local FEMA camp.  These things are about to happen.  This happens all over the world now.  There are sex slaves.  There are executioners.  There are prison camps.  There are people chained to walls in cold dark basements and cellar.  
It is thought that there is now a handful of special operation units, (think super swat teams) disguised within the military, national guard and local police forces that are strategically placed around the country waiting for White House orders.  How does the DHS Department of Homeland Security send hundreds of special agents to Ferguson MO if those special agents do not exist?  Why was the National Guard held back and the Negro's allowed to burn down Ferguson MO?  
These internal shock troops have specific jobs to do at certain times: their job is to cripple the internet, control media content, stop wealth movement (close banks),  slow electrical power distribution, limit foodstuff distribution and control all modes of transportation within 24 hours of receiving the Marshall Law orders from President Barack Obama.  Marshall Law, legal, makes Barack Obama a dictator. 

Marshall Law is not a one day event.  Marshall Law, legal right now, already signed into law will last for decades.  Once the government pushes the go button on Marshall Law there is really nothing that can stop it.  All the power moves to the centralized government of Barack Obama.  He becomes the strong man.  He becomes the Sadam Hussein of America, the American Hitler opening work camps, work farms, closing schools, forcing young people into the fields, removing teachers and taking all the wealth. 
The first 24 hours will be fast and deadly as the mission is to cripple the power of the people to retaliate against the centralized socialist government.  The total confusion will cripple any response.  Your morning newspaper will not show up and you'll have no internet connection and your phone will not ring and the T.V. will not blink to life. 

Military vehicles will show up in every town, city and village with armed government troops to control your actions and movements.  These troops will have strict orders to restrict your movement, allowing no assembly, killing all looters, guarding power transmission points, removing all guns and ammunition.  You will be locked down inside your home or apartment.  

You're not going to grand-ma's house for Christmas. Your're not going to class.  The universities will be closed.  The grocery store will be looted and the dead looters will be laying on the streets, left as a message from the government. 

Shots will be fired, people will be killed and there will be no news coverage, no printing of newspapers, no internet, no phone and every store will be closed including gas stations, hospitals and everything else.

Everything closes at once to put the fear of the government inside every home. There will be no warnings.  There will be simple signs placed by the millions all over the country.  A soldier will be in your front yard or down the street.  You will remember the news that ISIS Islamic Muslim's beheaded four Christian children and you'll wonder what happened to GOD in America, America the beautiful.  Can it happen in your city, town or village?

The military will take control over all farms, cattle ranches, power plans, solar, wind, coal, nuclear, natural gas and the railroads will stop.  The trains and buses stops and the private movement or free movement is now illegal.  You cannot walk to your local park without a permit and they don't give permits.  Your pets will be killed, dogs and cats, because they consume food, meant for people.  The government abortion mills will be opened by the dozens in every county across the nation, it's estimated that 43,000 abortion clinics will be operated by the government, birthing a new human being is stopped. 

They control, you listen.  They point, you jump.  Your cold, they have the power to heat your home and light the night. People are being killed all across America, Patriots shoot with pistols but the Military fires back with automatic weapons and hand held rockets.  It only takes a few days before people are starting to starve. Dead bodies are left on hillsides and street corners, the older people die first, you are not allowed to bury the dead, it spoils the land. 
What is the secret weapon?  Very fast government actions.  Before you know what hit you, you're on the ground begging for help. A boot on your throat. There will be a very violent reaction from millions of people, guns blazing, cars running through barriers, officers shot, citizens killed, tear gas and military vehicles.  

Your town will be transformed into a government military camp and your mayor and police chief will be jailed within 24 hours.  Your local government is out of business, 

Marshall Law covers everything from the price of eggs to the chicken.  No fuel is pumped, no corn is picked, no light will shine without government approval but you won't know the whole story, if any of the story, the media will stop at once.  

No internet, no T.V., no whispering allowed to carry the news.  

The churches will burn and the minorities will riot and then the middle class whites will join in the food and fuel looting, again, shots fired, men and children down, the revolution has begun.  Our enemies take notice, and they too join in the attack and move physical troops to the United States.  It has been arranged it seems, Russia in Florida, Georgia and Alabama and they kill tens of thousands and no U.S. troops are seen.  

The centralized U.S. government has made some bargain, giving away portions of the nations.  China moves by military force into Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho and major cities are left to burn, citizens killed and starved, no U.S. troops fighting them. 

North Korean and Mexican military forces move into California, Arizona and Nevada and quickly slaughter hundreds of thousands of White citizens and again, no U.S. forces are even seen except for their leaving the states. 
The internet will be shut off within minutes to cut off all free speech, stop free press and to stop any attempt to gather groups of citizens.  The internet is expected to be off for at least 30 days and will only return when each citizen registers under Marshall Law.  The ML badges are being printed and encoded today and must be carried to do anything during Marshall Law.  It is expected that at least 65 million people will not receive their individual ML badges thus leaving them alone inside a society of Obama followers.
Top DOD NSA CIA FBI DIA planners have already developed their line of attack so if you're wondering today if this is a bluff you can just wait and see.  Obama has spent hundreds of billions of dollars in a massive buildup to Marshall Law.  Quietly your local, state and federal government has transformed into a one party or one idea government centered in Washington D.C. with actual plans for a massive expansion of government controls. You know that the CIA will torture people.  You know the government will drone kill American citizens.  What will happen to millions of Americans?  Can this really happen?  Is this all fiction and junk writing?  Does anybody care?
Your local television program will end with a suddenness that will strike fear in the majority of the population.  This mysterious plan or this nightmare plan has been growing in size for the last six years under Barack Obama.  Many people wonder why Obama doesn't care or doesn't listen to the voices of the people?  He has developed the power to become a dictator of all the people and this immense power prowls today inside your state looking for that one opportunity. The lights go out and they don't come back on.  The stores are burning now, emptied by rioters, many shot dead by troops, mothers and daughters running away, men hiding behind fences, stealing, killing and raping women because they can.  Homes are burning, emergency lights stop flashing, no fire truck is coming they have been disabled, let the town burn, that was the order. 
His vast array of government power has stalled the Republicans and it makes you wonder about voting. The GOP has defeated the DNC by your voting power but nothing changed and there is nothing binding the government to the people.
The lifelines of food stamps, medical care, free cell phones, subsidized housing, almost free transportation, free education and other Obama welfare programs will abruptly end unless you are enrolled within the Marshall Law government of Barack Obama.
You can also take a good hard look at your maps because new borders are already drawn.  Experts believe, two thirds of the United States will be sealed off for environmental reasons and four new nations of the united nations will be created.  This nightmare kills off the United Individual States, divides the lower 48 continental states into four separate nations of the United Nations.
With the government lifelines severed millions of people will starve to death reducing the overall population by design.  It will become illegal to have a child with or without a permit and a new population will be imported to replace the non-registered or non-recognized former citizens of the United States.
As Obama's reputation is sullied by disgrace experts expect that Barack Obama, ignoring all laws, could bring about Marshall Law virtually in a matter of days leaving all citizens in easy range of a centralized government force.
These ideas became plans and now the plans are components that are manned, ready and funded waiting for orders.
We have noticed the sharp drop in oil prices.  This dramatic shift was planned by Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States that will trigger deflation, urban riots, massive layoffs, crime, domestic terrorism, increased unemployment and welfare programs which is the planned triggers for Marshall law.  What happens to the world if oil was $10 a barrel?  The world goes back to the stone-age.  No money, no profit, no enterprise and a U.N. dream comes true, a one world government, a one man job, Barack Obama.  Other world leaders complain but do little.  Israel is attacked by the Nuclear Iran.  Iran sends one million men into Iraq and kills 14,000 American troops, you never hear about it.
Allied intelligence, receiving secret government reports from behind the doors of the White House have been warning high level patriots to expose the Obama strategy.
You have also noticed the grim reduction in military leadership inside the U.S. military and the continual removal of high level administrators by Barack Obama.  The people in charge of the military started to realize some of these important details and revolutionary plans and refused direct orders.
You should also notice that high level military officers, by the thousands, are being removed faster than they are being replaced leaving major gaps in leadership and experience.
The Obama plan is called "armada star" and is causing deep concern and a few are trying to keep close tabs on Obama and are recording his maneuvers.  But this is all fiction, we can only hope.  There are no centralized plans, we hope.  What if this story was true what would you do?  Is it possible?  Is there evil in the world?

There is something very puzzling about this whole thing, intelligence reports indicate that Barack Obama has been importing huge numbers of engineers, skilled manpower in all the trades which would essentially replace all the dead essential workers within certain business segments.
The DOD DIA NSA CIA FBI have suddenly become strangely quiet and some areas have come to a virtual halt.  It seems that the Presidential cabinet, through informed analysis, have turned their attention to radically new agenda's?  We also know that nuclear submarines now surround the United States as the Communist Russians (Putin) has placed at least 50,000 Russian troops in Cuba and can travel to the United States in a matter of hours with nothing to stop them. 
Meanwhile Saudi Arabia continues to let oil prices drop to the new expected level of $40 a barrel which will destroy the entire free enterprise systems of the Fortune 100 group inside America, perfecting the time table to Marshall Law.  Yes, this is a complex evil plan but you can also watch it unfold in thousands of bits and pieces.  Using ingenious executive orders, Barack Obama, has been staging the massive over throw of the United States in that MARSHALL LAW HAS ALREADY BEEN DECLARED by law he just needs to push the button.  It is expected that the Ferguson killing put Obama ahead of the game because of extreme Negro unrest around the country.
His simple and powerful plan is to save you and destroy America at the same time through Marshall Law provisions.
While no details are available, the government is a complex organization, funded by tax, that reaches around the world and eventually will strike out to protect its own power.
With unimaginable destruction the powerful U.S. Economy is now in the process of ending.  The drop in oil prices will flush out the free enterprise system and be replaced by hybrid communism called socialism.  You now see the federal government eating its own, example being the CIA report that questions the right to protect the citizens during war. 
Working from offshore hiding places the command structure is operational. There is no retaliatory power strong enough from the people to stop this massive government shift. You have been economically isolated and made weak, making it the time to strike you down like clay pigeons.  The greatest firing power in the world is money and you don't have any.  Millions are unemployed, under-employed and can only receive medical care by free government services and can only eat by government grant called food stamps.

These are hints, great secrets have been kept away from you and a restless power is about to strike.

God Bless the United States of America and the Free World


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