Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The President accidentally gets into the line of fire as the bullets riddled the White House today as the FBI looks for the bad guys.

The President accidentally gets into the line of fire as the bullets riddled the White House today as the FBI looks for the bad guys.  The shooters are completely unknown at this time states the Secret Service.  A wrong minded citizen was wounded today as she tried to stop one of the assassins as agents did the dangerous work of returning gun fire today. 

The flood of bullets kept the Secret Service and the White House police pinned down for several minutes as the havoc continued for over ten minutes.  The assassins land-grabbed the White House lawn at 08:14 E.S.T. hours today as victims fell to the ground as rifle rounds could be heard breaking the morning silence.

Practically at the White House's front door the suspected terrorist gunmen planned to fill the obituary pages as shots filled the air but the failed alertness of the Secret Service made the entire matter a lot worse.   Evidenced by the years of Secret Service Scandals they were slow to respond and were not effective as trained.

The White House armed guards defended and defeated the killers, but the threat still remains as the shooters were not killed or captured.  Skillfully the assassins fired on the White House Guards and tried to enter the White House with the President in residence, however this reporter has been advised that the President is safe even though shaken by this morning's events.

The hand-picked Secret Service Agents with the best weapons claim that the shooters may have numbered five to ten as the investigative job is just getting started.  The new government regulations and gun controls not yet in place by executive order most likely saved the President of the United States.  The woman that first responded was a citizen on vacation that carried an authorized concealed pistol and while adjusting her aim on the run is said to have wounded at least two of the shooters. It's also reported that the woman spent over a year gaining her concealed weapon permit and had only been packing for the last month or so. 

One Secret Service agent was said to have used judo to defend the White House front door as he was not authorized to carry a loaded weapon or any other small arms because he had not completed the protection training by the White House.

First-aid was the first job of responders as the engraving of bullet shots put down several people but the White House will not release the numbers or names.

The White House is clearly aware that McKinley, Lincoln and Garfield were killed and the killer strangers were granted access to the White House lawn public areas as visiting foreign dignitaries wearing blue jeans and carrying backpacks. 

It's also reported that the so-called "golf bag shotgun" was used by the Secret Service as the assault raged.  The President's golf bag always has a shotgun hidden inside and was being loaded for the President's golf game later today.

Some are reporting that laid off factory workers may have gathered all night and simply created a mob of unemployed and armed shooters.  The crowd of forger's, thieves and swindlers inside the White House carelessly let the guard dogs lose which relentlessly and successfully chased many of the Secret Service agents to ground.

It might be noted that the Secretary of State is in Geneva today, which kept the President wide awake all night, releasing Iranian funds to the terrorist nation as the dedicated Islamic Extremists State complains about the money being transferred too slowly.

It's impossible to say who shot and why as the morning sun rises. 


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