Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The old fish Hillary Clinton was caught - waiting on Comey FBI to do the right thing, the legal thing and drag the old fish to the bank and start measuring her up for the frying pan

The old fish Hillary Clinton was caught months ago violating the security procedures of the federal government and in fact the fishing line is still wet as Hillary dangles above the water.  Hillary Clinton clearly conspired to break the federal law by setting up her own symphony of helpers to break the law.  Remember what Hillary Clinton said; I have never sent or received top secret documents....etc...  Well, she's set up her escape just like Bill Clinton did when he said.. I didn't have sex with that woman.

The Clinton's are Criminals
The Clinton's have been selling national secrets.
The Clinton's have billions of dollars.

shush and get to work

Imagine Hillary Clinton workers, private and government, slumped over their computers cutting contents and pasting email top secret SAP contents in brand new Hillary Clinton emails and sending them along without the required by law top secret markings.. the workers laughing at our nations secrets as Hillary tells them to shush and get to work.  

Move those secrets along girls, before my fu.king private email server crashes again...

Imagine a top secret SAP document coming to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to an official government computer with all the security software the government can afford.  

Well Hillary doesn't sit around the computer answering emails... she has a staff member sitting at the real computer, opening top secret documents, cutting and pasting the really good top secret stuff and sending it to Hillary without all the top secret notations.

You see, Hillary has never sent or received a top secret document.. she paid a person to stop the top secret email from the real system... copy and paste the contents into a new document and send it to her via her underground home-brewed once very secret private computer email server... She has been selling secrets for years.  The Clinton Foundation has billions of dollars and money leaves a trail.  The FBI smells the old fish but Lynch wants them to toss her back and take the hook out of her mouth.

The FBI knows she's guilty as hell.

The DOJ knows she's guilty as hell.

Barack Obama knows he had a criminal on his payroll for years..right under his nose.

The American people are waiting on Comey FBI to do the right thing, the legal thing and drag the old fish to the bank and start measuring her up for the frying pan.

DOJ Lynch won't let justice move forward...

Hillary knows a lot about the yellow skinned skeletons in Obama's closet...

The smell of the old fish Hillary Clinton and the wet ropes sitting on the bank is getting bad and the political waves keep slapping the honest voters around during this political cycle.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are sitting around drinking cold bitter coffee out of styrofoam cups waiting for that knock on the door, their going to prison.

Get away from them.


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