Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Looking into claims of espionage - Hillary Clinton Summoned? - Justice Department - Grand Jury Room - Secret - U.S. Courthouse New York City -

Justice Department - Grand Jury Room - Secret - U.S. Courthouse New York City, New York State, The DOJ Lynch Justice Department and the Barack Obama White House can no longer ignore the evidence compiled by FBI Director Comey concerning Hillary Clinton and SAP Top Secret Government Documents held on Hillary Clinton's home-brewed computer email server.

Several people have been summoned, some multiple times, to testify before the Secret Grand Jury by the Justice Department DOJ in New York City, sources say.  

It is said that the Grand Jury is looking into claims of espionage concerning the principles of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, namely Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The questions are being asked; how did Top Secret Documents, how did Top Secret SAP Documents arrive and depart the Clinton computer email server and who has seen some of the most secret documents held by the U.S. Government?  There are also questions about Mexican Drug Lord El Chapo and the Fast and Furious Weapon found upon his capture and the role Eric Holder and Barack Obama played in the cover up.  

It is now thought that operatives and agents of Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, Iraq and Syria are now in possession of Top Secret SAP Documents from the Clinton's server.

Under the law the witness must state the whole truth, nothing but the truth and avoid perjury charges and conviction of crimes therefore the prosecutors are drilling top government officials of the Barack Obama administration, which includes staff members of Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.

FBI investigators are sure that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Cheryl Mills and dozens of others will be summoned to the secret grand jury even as they admit they too are guessing.  Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton with Cheryl Mills are exhausting every legal remedy to stay away from these legal actions including using Loretta Lynch and Barack Obama to appeal the grand jury before they're called.

Hillary Clinton plans, with little emotion, to maintain her complete and total innocence as the investigation continues.  Investigators clearly state that Hillary Clinton is always innocent until she's not just like Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky hearings.

Hillary Clinton's new life behind federal prison bars could be anywhere from 5 to 30 years if she could survive her prison sentence favorably by living that long.  What is most likely going to happy is a probation sentence and a substantial dollar fine and restitution of hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is said that the federal detention center in Pennsylvania will be the guilty's new home while the final destination is being determined.  Hillary Clinton is being very quite right now but very generous at the same time, some see these actions as threats and friendly bribes to people in the know.

Successfully charming the voting public might lead her to the White House, but most agree that the trusted FBI Comey and his relationship with the truth cannot be bought or sold like Clinton emails.


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