Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Young people always like Socialism - Think of the Obama Clinton government and then compare it to the Soviet Union (Russia), North Korea and China.

Socialism kills people, entire cultures are killed off by using Socialism.  The argument is Socialism going to kill off the United States of America?  Yes, socialism kills culture and independence.  If you remove the independence of the people that means they must rely on groups, no individual results and activities.  

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are socialists but liked to be called progressive democrats.  People, most people, are confused about socialism because it sounds so  Everybody gets together and picks the corn and everybody eats.  

Well, it's not true. 

 Everybody is forced to the fields and forced to pick the corn and then all the corn goes to a central distribution point controlled by the government as you stand there waiting for your share.  Socialism is a lighter form of Communism and Liberalism is a lighter form of Communism called Socialism.  

Young people always like Socialism because on paper its always the fair thing to do, everybody wins, nobody is poorer than the next and everybody eats.  This is of course false, it's the lie about socialism.  The poor remain poor and the uber-rich control the world around you, they don't wait on their share of corn, money, communications, fuel, transportation, technology or anything else.  The leaders get the corn first.  The leaders get the wealth first.  The leaders always eat first, and the people get the leftovers.  Hillary Clinton is a progressive democrat.  She cannot say that she is a socialist because the history of socialists and millions of dead people don't paint a socialist as a good person.  

Socialism means no God.  

The state is your God.  

Socialism means no profits as the state takes everything.  Socialism means no private property as you won't need your own home or patch of ground, you share everything.  Socialism makes people feel better floating in the middle of the ocean because you're not alone.  

Socialism promises you a free college education but they never promise your prosperity.  

Socialism promises you the world except your voice and free expression.  Hillary Clinton wants to take wealth from the rich because she knows you're poor and want more.  She doesn't tell you that any tax wealth is held by the socialist government, just like the corn.  You're not going to get the cash, the elite progressive socialists in government has the checkbook.  Socialism takes and never gives back.  Socialism insidiously eats your wealth and future prosperity. 

A strong independent economy produces jobs because millions of tasks must be completed inside factories and offices.  A job is created, just like wealth is created by individual people doing things, building things, creating things that they can market and sell to other independent people, for a profit.  Profit is the paycheck.  You will never be a success with Socialism because remember, they take, and never give.  There are no great socialist factories or offices full of bright people doing hard things to create wealth.  

You stand there with millions of others, waiting for orders from the top.  You get a small apartment if you have no education.  If you have a college degree you get a two bedroom but if you're in charge you live in a mansion, just like Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Imagine pulling the plug from your bath tube and watching the water flow out.  That's socialism.  The entire nation is drained and it's drained very slowly, it's truly draining the swamp.  As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and thousands of others are truly socialist or communist they have been draining America for seven years now.  As more people are becoming poor as the middle class is being eliminated all these poor people will need government welfare support programs.  This was the plan.  When you have more poor people they gain political power and quite naturally they want and need more.

The average person with ObamaCare doesn't work and won't next year.  The average Islamic Radical Jihadist roaming America is on welfare.  The average protester for a $15 minimum wage works about 14 hours a week at McDonalds.  The average worker at Wal-Mart is on food stamps, lives in section eight housing and is enrolled in ObamaCare.

In the Clinton and Obama era of Socialist government the more you work the more you pay in taxes which means lazy people work less and get more from the government.  People working at McDonalds, Burger King, Wal-Mart are the lower level, lower educated, lower motivated workers that live inside all economies.  

They do not earn $15 an hour and great health care because they tend to be late, unproductive, troublesome and always complaining about others people wealth.  You can see where Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama beats the same drum all the time.  Tax the rich, give it to the poor.  Now, so you'll know they don't mean it they just want your voting power.  The rich, Clinton and Obama have no intention of giving up their wealth for a nut job flipping burgers.

The Clinton Obama economy is so bad that jobs are not being created and companies are not being created so therefore not enough fair taxes can be collected.  Obama borrows from China to pay the Islamic Radical welfare and Clinton promises more of the same.

How in the world did Hillary Clinton get two billion dollars inside their Clinton Foundation?  They make promises and do favors.  

You can expect a very poor economy to continue with Obama and Clinton or any other progressive socialist like Bernie Sanders.  They all belong in the Soviet Union (Russia) or maybe Greece that just keeps spending money, never creates jobs and if a couple of jobs are created they are from the government or low paying. 

Socialists also tell you to shut up.  You cannot argue with any ridiculous government official like Obama or Clinton because they could care less what you think, after you vote.  
The Negro in America lives in poverty because they continue to accept the democratic socialist lie, we'll give you what you need.  You see the same old song and dance.  All the schools, professors, grade school teachers and others live and work inside a socialist government today.  If you push back you can be arrested or kicked off Twitter or Facebook.

Think of the Obama Clinton government and then compare it to the Soviet Union (Russia), North Korea and China.

If you argue against the state, it become illegal.

Socialist and Communist leadership requires protection.

The government pumps out propaganda to keep you convinced.
5 % unemployment is a good example, people are starving but everybody has a job so lets allow millions of illegal aliens to remain inside America. 

Obama and Clinton love intimidation because they can push you around.

Climate Change is Socialist, scare millions and pocket the profits.

Socialist create a Tyrannical Government, they must control you or be killed.

Have you noticed that people argue all the time, it's Socialism.

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