Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Andy Ledger FBI Secret Service Agent Gunfight Islamic Radical Jihadist Hillary Clinton Small Arms Self-defense First Aid Judo Bazooka Blast Fire Death Street Battle Assassination Team Secret Service

There is a Secret Service School and qualified applicants seldom pass and move into the ranks of Secret Service Agents, but one man Andy Ledger passed the test.   Andy Leger started as a FBI agent working in California and he knew all about the physical stuff and the mental examinations that the Secret Service would throw his way.  What Andy didn't know he would be forced to spend a year following Hillary Clinton around guarding her from her supporters, an odd kind of duty.
Andy Ledger loved investigative police work and that kept him busy inside the FBI for many years and at the same time he finished law school and passed the bar exam.  He knew about police work, government regulations and was a crack shot with a 9 millimeter pistol with his left or favored right hand, he was surely qualified.
But nothing got him ready for Hillary Clinton roaming around the United States trying her best to become President of the United States.  Many men would die to keep her safe, she was the elected official, he was the hired help. 
Andy Leger was handpicked by the director of the FBI to take the Secret Service exam and he studied and passed every test.  With his new college degree in law and his credits and accomplishments in uncovering the biggest counterfeit money scam in San Francisco he was not only admired but appreciated inside the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation so the job inside the Secret Service assigned to the PAT Presidents Assassination Team was another big break.
He was skilled at self-defense, first-aid, small arms and even judo and he could tell the story about the assassination of Present McKinley in 1901 from heart.  The murdered list of Presidents, Lincoln, Garfiled and McKinley was the utmost lesson in protecting Barack Obama and even Hillary Rodham Clinton and required a lot of continued training.
Secret Service agents even learned about atomic, biological and chemical weapons so it was a lot more than carrying Hillary Clinton's bag down to the long black car like he was doing at this very minute.
Andy's engraved Secret Service Gold Badge shined in the morning sun as he carried two of Hillary's dozen or so bags down through the lobby and out to her waiting car, black and shiny.  Andy had that special aptitude for carrying bags because he always had to carry his own, day and night, rain or shine he was a great government paid porter with a gun.
As Andy walked he watched the strangers and people trying to get close to Hillary Clinton and made sure that even dignitaries didn't get too close and offend Hillary as she was pissed off this morning for some reason.
Donald Trump had won five primary states last night and Bernie Sanders refused to get out of the presidential race so Hillary was surrounded by staff members that just got their ass kicked by the boss, throwing a pair of heels into the trash can bring everything into focus.
The Secret Service had agents all along the route to the airport and agents on the hotel roof and a few more by the caravan of automobiles.
Hillary's food was inspected, the cars checked out and the public pushed back before she came outside to enter her car.  Every minute detail is double checked before Hillary Clinton walked into the sunshine and she was kept in close quarters as she walked and waved to supporters and ignored the media being held back behind rope lines.
Everything was okay until agents noticed that a little mob of people were leaving the toy shop across the street and walking fast approaching the Clinton caravan as Secret Service agents closed the cordon around her quickly. 
Relentlessly agents watch people and their actions to profile what they may do next and guarding Hillary Clinton was no easy task.  Fortunately Andy Ledger was dedicated but he didn't see the woman in the white coat bring up and aim the pump shotgun.
The automobile engineers had designed the car to take pistol, rifle and shotgun shots but it wasn't a pump shotgun after all, it was a shoulder fired missile launcher that looked like a World War II bazooka in some old movie.
The first missile launched must of killed several of the occupants in the caravan but Andy knew for sure that  several dozen pedestrians hanging around were murdered in front of his eyes.  The safety glass in the presidential S.U.V. did not hold even though it might have limited some damage and the serious actions to save Hillary were well in play as the agents pushed and pulled at her and pulled her behind a concrete wall.
Essential sniper fire was coming off the roof tops but it wasn't Secret Service Agents, this was a full blown fire fight and Andy Ledger knew that any sane man would run but he stood his ground only a dozen feet from Hillary Clinton ducking behind several agents.
You don't put on the brakes during a fire fight so Andy pulled his pistol and looked for muzzle  flash points so he didn't see the movement on his right.  Another imperfect killer was aiming a weapon and was aiming from the rear of a car and was urgently pulling the trigger.
The bullets surrounded Andy, the sound of skidding tires and another murderous missile was launched as the fire soaked pavement was growing soft from the heat.  There were too many visual obstructions to see everything so Andy was hugging the sidewalk and staying behind a concrete planter trying to stay out of the line of fire.
Another Secret Service agent was signaling for help, waving his right hand as his other arm was covered in blood as the archaic pistols fired at the attackers with no immediate effect.
The murderous attackers were yelling now as they were responsible for dozens injured and most likely killed dozens of innocent people as the sidewalk was now wet with red blood.
It would not take a genius to call for help as police cars started to arrive but they were fired on from many directions. 
There had been untold damage and the fight wasn't over but every other terrorist shot hit another human being.  A windshield blew up in front of Andy sufficient enough to blast broken glass in his face causing him to bleed badly.  At the same time Andy took his first shot but with his faulty vision he missed as his face was covered in blood melting his strength away second by second.  There was no doubt about the pain but the greatest danger was approaching right in front of him about fifty yards out as a least a dozen terrorist fighters were rushing their position.
Immediately he opened fire and emptied his clip, replacing it slowly with a new one with thoughtless aim he kept firing his weapon and proceeded to his third ammunition clip.
For some reason Andy was surrounded by heat, it was the bullet wound in his arm, he hadn't noticed the actual wound yet, just the heat.
Another agent approached Andy from behind and stuffed a waiters rag into Andy's wounded arm and at the same time was shouting instructions to Andy which he truly couldn't hear.  Andy noticed a schoolboy getting shot in half by one of the terrorists but it was like watching a movie and wasn't sure it was even real.
The secrets of jihadist warfare were well known but it seems that all the training was just an illusion.  The Islamic warriors had a lot of tricks and their stunts were working as Andy suddenly tried to withstand the pain crushing his body but not his resolve.
Another agent pulled Andy further back but Andy felt like he was laying on a bed of spikes as his flesh felt like it was on fire as the street battle continued.  There was no superhuman hero's like you see in the movies, the agents were behind cover protecting their official as the battle raged to some end not yet determined.
The secret of the success needed by the Secret Service agents was to kill more of the attackers and do it quickly. Andy knew to fire back at the jihadists but his brain was having trouble sending or receiving messaging.
The jihadist were like magicians, appearing  in one place firing their weapons and then another place seemingly at the same time.  With some great mental excitement they were yelling thanks to Allah as they killed more and more people as Andy watched a Jihadist man leaping from a burning building falling to his death.
Even the Secret Service Agent Andy Ledger didn't realize that the real invasion of Islamic Jihadist's had started years ago so this would be just one jolt of many as these nests of killers were everywhere.
On this clear day in America many people would die as the deadly snakes were striking against U.S. public officials all across the nation.  Andy was frightened but he was apathetic at this point as his blood was still flowing as the gun battle darkening.
The U.S. government had been handling these snakes with kid gloves for years now and the entire nation was in imminent danger.
Andy noticed the mysterious red pin point light on his chest dancing around as the Islamic sniper was several hundred yards away.
He felt like a jerk, he was afraid.
He could not hear the gunfire but the Islamic sniper had pulled the trigger a fraction of a second after Andy capsized flat on the sidewalk as his endless bleeding had ended.
He pistol dropped and the metal clanking of it was not heard by another human being, it was like they were both done for and gone.
Like a torpedo the snipers bullet smashed only inches from Andy's head and concrete dust filled the air like the surf over the sandy beach.

Suspecting the Muslim man was smart but the Government would have no part of it, including Hillary Clinton as bending over backwards for the Muslim Brotherhood was all political, about legal rights.
She would survive the day, but she would change her mind. 


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